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Math Portfolio

By:Gabriel Jericho P. Fenomeno

8-St Francis
Ms. Emana

Table Of Continents
1 Quarter
Special Products
1… Diagnostic Test
2…Crossword Puzzle activity
3…square of trinomial activity
5…Sum and difference of binomials activity


Rational Expressions

Special Products
Multiplication of Polynomials
1.multiply the first terms
2.add the products of the outer terms and the products of the
inner terms
3.multiply the last terms
=(2a2 b +5abc+ 3bc2)

Square of binomials
1.square first term
2.Double the product of 1st and 2nd term
3.square second term
=64a 2+ 30ab + 49b2

Sum and difference of a binomial

(11a2+12b2) (11a2-12b2)
1.square the first terms
2.square the second terms
=121a4 – 144b4

Cube of binomial
1.Cube the first terms
2.3 multiplied to the product of the square of a first term and
second term
3.3 multiplied to the product of the first term and the square
of the second term
=(x3 + 3x2 + 3x + 1)

Square of a trinomial
1.square the 1st,2nd,3rd term
2.2 multiplied to the product of the 1st and 2nd term
3.2 multiplied to the product of the 1st and 3rd term
4.2 multiplied to the product of the 2nd and 3rd term
=(16a2 +81 b2 + 256c2 +72ab +128ac+288bc)

Multiplying a binomial by a trinomial

1.Multiply the 1st term by the 1strd term of the trinomial
2.multiply the 2nd term by 3rd term of the trinomial
=(27a3 + 8b3)
(a+b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2
(a+b)(a-c) =( a2 – b2)
(a+b)3 = a3+ 3a2 b + 3ab2 + b3)
(a+b+c)2 = a2 + b2+ c 2+ 2ab + 2ac + 2bc
(a+b)(a2+ab+b2)=a 3+ b3

Common Monomial Factoring
4a+8 , 16a+64ab , 15a -12ab , 18a3+ 27a2
1.find Cmf
2.divide the polynomial by their cmf
=4(1a + 2) ,16a(1+4b) , 3a(5-4b) , 9a2(2a+3)
Factoring by grouping
1.Group like terms=(9a+15ab)(27a+45ab)
2.find their cmf= 3a(9a+15ab) 9a(27a+45ab)
3.Divide=3a(3+5b) 9a(3+5b)
3.group like terms-
=5b(45b2 + 40bc) 15a(135ab+120ac)
=5b(9b+8c) 15a(9b+8c)
=(15a+5b) (9b+8c)
Factoring the difference of 2 squares

Factoring special square trinomials

(100a2+21a-121)=Not PST
(7a-30ab-8b)=Not Pst

Factoring sum and difference of 2 cubes

(a3 – b3)=(a-b)(a2+ab+b2)
(a3 + b3)=(a+b)(a2-ab+b2)
Examples –

Factoring General Trinomials

Of the form (x2 + Bx + c) and (Ax2 + Bx + c)
Examples –
(x2+7x+12)= (x+4)(x+3)
Laws Of Exponents
1. am an=am+n
2. am/an = am-n
3. (am)n = amn
4. c-3/d-8 = d8|c3
5. w-3 z-2/1 = 1/w3 z2

Factoring Rational Expressions-

Multiplication of RAE

Reflective Journals
Diagnostic test:
I learned that I still need to improve especially on geometry,sets and other
lessons,I also need to always double check my work and not to rush when
doing a test,since this was diagnostic test which means that I didn’t listen
carefully to the teacher during grade 7 but I totally did, I just rushed the
diagnostic test because of my overconfidence which eventually led me to fail.
Crossword Puzzle:
I think I did well on this activity since I studied for it and red the
book,while I was doing that I learned how to multiply binomials but still
even though I studied I didn’t get a perfect score,which means I need to
study harder especially my mistakes in that activity,I must overcome my
mistakes so I can change because if I don’t I will making the same

Square of trinomials
I really messed up on this one since I rushed this one without thinking
properly you can say I was pressured,I was too pressured that I forgot the
formula which is ( a2 +b2+C 2+2ab + 2ac + 2bc) you can see clearly that I
forgot to multiply some digits by 2 so that was my biggest mistake in this

Special Products Quiz

I got A 16/20 on this one,so I did good but not yet perfect I did good on
the other special products exept for the multiplication of binomials using
FOIL I didnt multiply them properly especially the exponents and some
integers on 1 and 2,i studied for this though but it was still not enough
because I just skipped the FOIL one since I was overconfident and
thought it was too easy and that was the blunder I made.i learned that I
still need to improve.

Sum and difference of the binomial

I got a perfect score in this surprisingly I dint make a mistake well it
wouldn’t be possible if hadn’t studied and advance red for it,it was really
easy actually you just had to square the 1st and second term then bam you
got the amswer but still if I underestimate this in the future quizzes it
would be a horrible blunder I will make.

By:Gabriel Jericho P. Fenomeno

8-St Francis

Mam Zacharias

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