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Key to mock test dated 10 February 2013

1. Explanation
Answers B and C might be a way to evaluate the values presented, but it may not
provide any meaning to the search. Answer D indicates how many principal
components there might be. However, the question asks for the “principal component”. In
Minitab, the eigenvalue of the principal components would be an indicator of importance.
Hopefully, the first column contains the highest valued principal component (PC). The
eigenvalue for the first PC will be divided by the total sum of the eigenvalues to provide a
proportion. This should be the PC that has the most impact on the case study. All of the
other PCs will be lower in value.
Answer A is correct. Reference : CSSBB Primer, Section VIII – 17/18.

2. Explanation
Answer B relates to a straight line, which is not used for logistic regression. Answer C
is used for logit analysis. Answer D is another form of answer C (logit analysis).
Answer A is correct. Reference : CSSBB Primer, Section VIII – 38

3. Explanation : This is false as the t-test is suitable for smaller samples. Z would be
more appropriate.

Correct: c

4. Explanation
This question requires a determination of the DF and critical value for a two mean t test.

Answer B is correct. Reference : CSSBB Primer, Section VIII – 73. This question has
been modified from a published 19 84 CQE examination

5. Explanation
The first conclusion reached is that the experimenter is probably confused. Assuming
that the statement was correct, then:
1-alpha risk = level of confidence
1-level of confidence = alpha risk

Answer A is correct. Reference : CSSBB Primer, Section VIII – 48/49

6. Explanation
For the population distribution, 3.92 σ not 4 σ = 8.5 - 6.5. Therefore, answer D is
incorrect. The 95% confidence interval is for, not X or X-bar.

Answer C is correct. Reference : CSSBB Primer, Section VIII – 55/56.

7. Explanation : Calculate cost of poor quality by product of defects x no of defects.
Select highest cost.
Answer A is correct.

8. Explanation
This question requires a chi square calculation and a comparison with the answers.

Answer B is correct. Reference : CSSBB Primer, Section VIII – 96/98 and Section XII -
Table VI. This question has been modified from a published 1972 CQE examination.

9. Explanation
The null hypothesis states that new process is the

Normally, the level of confidence is determined in advance. In this case, the critical value
for 90% confidence is 1.753 and for 95% confidence is 2.131.
Answer B is correct. Reference : CSSBB Primer, Section VIII – 61/64.

10. Explanation
This question requires a determination of an interaction DF for a two-way mean analysis
and a comparison to the answers.
The degrees of freedom for an interaction in a two-way analysis of variance, regardless
of the number of replications is always (r - 1)(c - 1).
The number of replications is used in the determination of the sum of squares of the
interaction not in the degrees of freedom.
Answer B is correct. Reference : CSSBB Primer, Section VIII – 89. This question has
been modified from a 1984 published CQE examination.

11. Explanation
In all likelihood, the null hypothesis would fail to be rejected. This is called a 1-alpha
correct decision. Even if the sample size were sufficiently large, the 1-alpha correct
decision would be made.
Answer B is correct. Reference : CSSBB Primer, Section VIII – 48 (and logic)

12. Explanation
Only Levene's test uses calculated and critical t values.
Answer B is correct. Reference : CSSBB Primer, Section VIII – 111 and 114/115.

13. Explanation
This question requires a calculation of the DF for the error variance and a comparison to
the answers. The word "fixed"means that the three machines (A, B, & C) are the only
ones of concern. When the three machines are looked upon as treatments, the following
determination is true:

Answer C is correct. Reference : CSSBB Primer, Section VIII – 81 and 89. This
question has been modified from a published 1972 CQE examination

14. Explanation
The logit is calculated by using the following equation:

Answers B and C are the odds, of which answer B is not reduced to a final form.
Answer D is the probability given in the question.
Answer A is correct. Reference : CSSBB Primer, Section VIII – 41.

15. Explanation
In ANOVA, total SS = SST + SSE. Therefore, SSE = total SS - SST.
Answer B is correct. Reference : CSSBB Primer, Section VIII – 81.

16. Explanation
The error interval is calculated below. The Z value for 95% confidence is 1.96.

Answer C is correct. Reference : CSSBB Primer, Section VIII – 56.

17. Explanation: The null hypothesis is:

The alternate hypothesis is:

Incidentally, the critical value for 95% confidence is 13.85 and the null hypothesis would
fail to be rejected.
Answer C is correct.
Reference: CSSBB Primer , Section VIII - 66/67.

18. Explanation
When constructing a power curve, 1-β is plotted against alternate values of µ. Answer A
doesn't make sense in this context. In general, as αincreases, β decreases and the
power of 1-β increases. Increasing the sample size decreases both alpha and beta risks
and increases the power of the 1-β test.
Answers C and D are distracter choices.
Answer B is correct. Reference: CSSBB Primer , Section VIII - 52/53

19. Explanation: There are mathematical solutions to solve this problem. A visual one is
presented. A positive value for r indicates a correlation line that slopes upward. The
input factor will be the car's speed and the output factor will be gasoline mileage. The
correlation chart (scatter diagram) might look like so:

If mileage readings were found 5 miles per hour too fast, the new char would look like so:

The r would remain same, since the sign of r tracks the slope of the line, the real r value
in this case would be –ve (speed has n –ve effect on gas mileage) but this is not what we
are to assume from the questions.

Answer B is correct Reference: CSBB primer Section VIII – 13/15 (and logic)

20. Ans: b

21. Ans: d

22. Correct: d

Standard Deviation of the statistic is called the standard error.

23. Ans: d
 0.12 x 0.88   500 − 50 
24. Ans: A 0.12 ±  1.96 x x 
 50   500 − 1 

Where 500 − 50 is finite population multiplyer. Finite population multiplyer is used

500 − 1
when poplation is finite. In this case polation is 500.

25. Ans: A

26. Ans: A

27. Ans: C

28. Ans: A

29. Ans :D

30. Ans: D

31. Ans: C

32. Ans: B

33. Ans: A

34. Ans: D

35. Ans: C

36. Ans: B

37. Ans: C

38. Ans: A

39. Ans: D

40. Explanation
The slack time, S, for an event is the latest date an event can take place without
extending the project, TL, minus the earliest date an event can take place, T E. Slack
time, S, is given by S = T L - T E. For this question, S = 51 - 45 = 6 weeks.
Answer C is correct. References : CSSBB Primer Section V - 43. Kerzner, H. (1995).
Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling, 3rd

41. Explanation
This question can be solved by use of the additive law of probability.

Answer A is correct. References CSSBB Primer, Section VII – 29

42. Explanation
The standard deviation of the average of a sample of 10 is equal to the standard
deviation of the individuals divided by the square root of the sample size. In this case,
the standard deviation of the average, with a sample of 10, is 2.53. Using the equation
below, this can be transformed to standard normal (mean = 0 and standard deviation =

The standard normal deviate is z = (77-75)/2.53 = 0.7906. The area under the standard
normal curve to the right of 0.7906 is 0.2146.
Answer C is correct.

43. Explanation
This question requires a review of the relationship between standard deviation and
variance and a comparison to the answers.

Answer A is correct. References CSSBB Primer, Section VII –8. Grant, E. L. &
Leavenworth, R. S. (1988). Statistical Quality Control, page 352.

44. Explanation
Ppk is defined as the ratio giving the lowest answer between:

In this case, the concern is on the lower Ppk because the average is closer to the lower
specification limit. Therefore,

Answer A is correct. References CSSBB Primer, Section VII – 65

45. Explanation
Cpk is defined as the ratio giving the lowest answer between:

In this case, the average is shifted towards the upper specification, so this becomes the
calculation of interest. Note that the process spread of 10 units is assumed to be 6
sigma. Thus, 3 sigma in the calculation is 5.

Answer B is correct. References CSSBB Primer, Sections VII- 64

46. Explanation: The mean and variance are equal for the Poisson distribution

47. Explanation
The upper and lower control limits represent ± 3 standard deviations from the mean. A
normally distributed process about the mean will have 99.73% of its expected values fall
within three standard deviations (the control limits). That is, 9,973 out of 10,000 points.
By subtraction, one finds that this process expects 27 out of 10,000 points to exceed
those limits (answer C ). If the control limits were set at ± 2 standard deviations, one
would expect 456 out of 10,000 points to fall outside the control limits (answer A ).

Answer C is correct. Reference: CSSBB Primer , Section X – 32 (and logic).

48. Explanation: A tree diagram helps to see relationships between events and goals.
The tool is also referred to as effect-and cause diagram.
Correct: b

49. Explanation
Use the formula for either the upper or lower control limit for an X-bar and R chart.

Answer C is correct. Reference: CSSBB Primer , Section X - 10/11.

50. Answer B is correct

51. Explanation
A two step calculation is required:

Answer C is correct. Reference: CSSBB Primer , Section X - 45.

52. Ans A, 5C2 = 10

53. Answer D is correct.

Rationale: When using 3σ limits, the 2σ limits are often referred to as the "warning
Reference: Montgomery, D.C. Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 5 sub ed.
Hoboken: Wiley, 2004. P1138

54. Answer C is correct.

Rationale: This is a key concept in Robust Design.
Reference: Wadsworth, H. M., K. S. Stephens, & A. B. Godfrey, Modern Methods for
Quality Control and Improvement, 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2003.

55. Answer D is correct

Rationale: A time-keeper would not coordinate with outside teams, a team leader would.
Reference: Orsburn, J. D., L. Morgan, E. Musselwhite & J. H. Zenger. Self Directed Work
Teams: The New American Challenge New York: McGraw-Hill, 1990
56. Answer D is correct.
Rationale: This question tests for the best answer. While this answer may be done at the
end of the project, the larger intent of the final phase is more accurately described by
verifying design performance and its ability to meet customer needs.
Reference: Breyfogle, F. Implementing Six Sigma: Smarter Solutions Using Statistical
Methods, 2nd ed. Hoboken: Wiley, 2003. P994

57. Answer A is correct.

Rationale: This is the philosophy behind Lean.
Reference: Schroeder, R. & M. Harry Six Sigma: The Breakthrough Management
Strategy Revolutionizing the World's Top Corporations, Currency, 2000.

58. Answer D is correct.

Rationale: While having the functionality such as described for a component within a
larger system would be useful for maintainability, especially if diagnostic functions were
available, the better answer is design for test, as even in the maintainability
enhancement benefit the benefit comes from testing processes.
Reference: Breyfogle, F. Implementing Six Sigma: Smarter Solutions Using Statistical
Methods, 2nd ed. Hoboken: Wiley, 2003. P994

59. Explanation: An underlying assumption in any analysis of variance of means is that

homogeneity of variance applies to the variation within each factor (treatment).
Statistical tests exist to test this homogeneity, but in ANOVA, the assumption is that
the natural variation within each factor is the same.

Answer A is correct.
Reference: CSSBB Primer , Section VII - 58/59.

60. Answer D is correct.

Rationale: Consistent with the definition. Significance is measured as distance below the
Reference: Berger, R.W., D.W. Benbow, A.K. Elshennawy & H.F. Walker. Certified
Quality Engineer Handbook, 2nd ed. Milwaukee: ASQ Quality Press, 2006. H1291

61. Answer D is correct.

Rationale: Although these charts may be used to maintain the quality of a process, they
are not called maintenance charts. In particular, these are attribute charts.
Reference: Grant & Leavenworth Statistical Quality Control, 7th ed. New York: McGraw-
Hill Science/Engineering/Math, 1996.

62. Explanation
Depicted below are comparisons of full and fractional factorial designs for three factors at
two levels:

A one-way experiment involves one factor. Latin square experiments are fractional
factorials. Therefore, answer C must be selected.
Answer C is correct.
Reference: CSSBB Primer , Sections IX – 6. Juran, J.M. (1999). Quality Handbook, 5th
ed. This question has been modified from a published 1984 CQE examination.

63. Explanation
Note that a negative response is requested. System optimization cannot be the sum of
optimum steps since sub-processes in a system are interdependent. All other answers
are TOC (theory of constraints) principles.
Answer B is the correct incorrect answer

64. Answer C is correct

Rationale: The moving range is a range. Hence, it is larger number minus the smaller.
The first moving range takes the first two measurements and calculates the larger minus
the smaller, 218 - 212 = 6.
Reference: Western Electric & AT&T Statistical Quality Control Handbook Omaha: Mack
Printing Company, 1958.

65. Answer A is correct

Rationale: Your selection shows responses, not a treatment.
Reference: Juran, J.M., A.B. Godfrey. Juran's Quality Handbook, Fifth ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 2000. P660

66. Answer A is correct.

67. Answer D is correct.

Rationale: UCL( X ) = X + A2R
Reference: Grant & Leavenworth Statistical Quality Control, 7th ed. New York: McGraw-
Hill Science/Engineering/Math, 1996.

68. Answer C is correct.

Rationale: To find the answer, first you need to find the process spec limit by using the
formula Cpk = spec limit - process average / 3σ and then use this value to calculate the z
Reference: Griffith, G.K., Quality Technicians Handbook, 5th ed. Upper Saddle River:
Prentice Hall, 2002.

69. Answer A is correct.

Sxx = Σx2 – (Σ
Σx)2 /n

Sxx = 2192 –((144x45)/5)) = 896

70. Explanation
Sometimes FMEAs are tedious, but they can still be of tremendous value (A ). Auditors
must verify that FMEAs are completed and are in compliance (B ). Answer C is
partially correct in that the bottom line might be improved. However, the best answer
choice is D . FMEAs are used by companies and institutions to manage risk. The risk
involves having failures and their effects. A FMEA should be an initial event; certainly not
an after-the-fact exercise.

Answer is D

71. Explanation There is no mechanism for the transition state in this methodology.

Correct: a

72. Explanation:
This question requires knowledge of control chart limits and a review of the answers.
Answers B and C are distracter choices. The D4 factor is a multiplier which establishes
the distance between the mean and the upper control limit of a range chart.
Answer A is correct.
Reference: CSSBB Primer , Section X - 10. d\qc
73. Explanation

Answer C is correct.
Reference: CSSBB Primer , Section X – 44.

74. Explanation
Using the equation for variable data, the sample size is calculated below. Statistical
purists round the sample size up to the next integer.

Answer D is correct.
Reference : CSSBB Primer, Section VIII – 54.

75. Correct Answer: B

Rationale: That is the exact problem for which it is designed since ratios are treatable as
interval data.

76. Explanation
Note that the question is only requesting the F table critical value.

The critical value would be 3.39

Answer C is correct.
Reference : CSSBB Primer, Section VIII – 76/77.

77. Explanation:
The expression below is used to construct a confidence interval for the variance of a sample
taken from a normally distributed population, where n is the sample size and s is the sample
standard deviation. The chi-square values have n -1 degrees of freedom.

For this problem, the sample standard deviation is 4.278, n is 6, the chi-square value at 0.05
and 5 degrees of freedom is 11.07, and the chi-square value at 0.95 and 5 degrees of freedom
is 1.1455, giving a confidence interval of 8.265 - 79.88.
Answer C is correct.
Reference : CSSBB Primer , Section VII - 30.

78. Explanation:
The term “Between” in the source table refers to the treatments; while the term “Within”
refers to the error term. The Within term describes the variation present among the
runners. The total number of subjects would be 1 more than the total degrees of
freedom (df). Total degrees of freedom = N-1. Total df = 18, therefore, N = 19.
Answer B is correct.
Reference: CSSBB Primer , Section VII - 59.

79. Explanation
This problem can be solved using the additive law of probability, which applies to the
union of events. The probability that Steve passes either math or history is the union of
the 2 events (Steve passes math and Steve passes history). The probability of 2 events,
A and B, occurring is given by the addition rule, which is:

Answer D is correct. References CSSBB Primer, Section VII –29

80. Explanation: The P-Value is less than the alpha of .05, therefore it is significant.
Correct: b

81. Explanation:
This question requires the use of the additive law of variances and a comparison to
the answer. Note that σ 2 represents the sigma of the error measurement.


σ 1= Standard deviation of the total measurement

σ 2= Standard deviation of the error measurement

Answer A is correct
References: CSSBB Primer , Section VI - 109

82. Correct Answer: B

Rationale: To solve this problem use the formula: 6σ = T (1-k) / Cpk where k = tolerance
center - process average divided by the T/2 and T = the total tolerance.
Reference: Cartin, T.J. Principles and Practices of TQM, Milwaukee: ASQ Quality Press,

83. Correct Answer: C

Rationale: This is arrived at by dividing 80 by 2 (shifts). To get takt time use the demand
for the product (units) divided by the available resources (hours).
Reference: Keller, P.A. Six Sigma Demystified: A Self Teaching Guide, New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2004.

84. Explanation: The level of significance (alpha risk) is the probability of rejecting a
null hypothesis when it is true. In sampling, this is called the producer's risk.
Answer A is correct.
Reference:CSSBB Primer , Section VII - 22.

85. Explanation: Residual error or experimental error is the variation in the experimental
response under identical test conditions.

Correct: c

86. Explanation:

The null hypothesis is

The alternate hypothesis is

The critical value for 95% is 13.85. In this case null hypothesis should be fail to be
Answer B is correct.
Reference: CSSBB Primer , Section VII-21

87. Correct Answer: A

Explanation: Prepare a table
A B Yield Interaction
Ax B
+ + 1 +
- - 2 +
+ - 3 -
- + 1 -

Interaction : A x B = ((1+ 2 ) / 2) – ((3+1) / 2 ) = -1/2

88. Correct: c

Reference: Benbow, D. W. & T.M Kubiak. The Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook,
Milwaukee: ASQ Quality Press, 2005.

Variables need to be established before collecting data.

89. Explanation
Gupta states that training is the most critical element. Education teaches a general
understanding in selected subject areas. It is assumed that documentation (which could
include work procedures) has already taken place.

Answer A is correct.
Reference: CSSBB Primer , Section X – 60/61. Gupta, P. (2004). The Six Sigma
Performance Handbook New York: McGraw-Hill.

90. Explanation
Note that a negative response is requested. The odd choice out is answer B.
Identification of the key business customers is done by means other than a SIPOC
model. The other answers are valid SIPOC benefits.

Answer B is correct, incorrect choice.

References : CSSBB Primer, Section III – 4/ 5

91. Explanation
Variables that are linear combinations of one another are collinear. This creates high
correlation among the variables making analysis very suspect.
Answer C is correct.
Reference: CSSBB Primer , Sections IX – 4.

92. Explanation
The matrix organization is an attempt to create a hybrid product/project approach. As
such, there is a sharing of functional specialists. This approach can lower costs, but can
also create competing priorities.
Answer B is correct .
References: CSSBB Primer Section II – 48

93. Explanation
Cause-and-effect matrices can be used to evaluate and document relationships between
input and output variables.
Answer A is correct.
Reference: CSSBB Primer , Section VI – 5

94. Explanation
A diamond represents a decision point ( B ). Flow charting is used so much that there
are American National Standard Institute (ANSI) standards for flow charting symbols.
The rectangle represents a process step. A hexagon represents a set up or preparation
activity. A circle indicates that the flow chart is continued on another flow chart or page.

Answer B is correct. Reference:

CSSBB Primer , Section VI – 28/29

95. Explanation
Vendor certification of compliance is a document indicating that requirements have been
met. It is not a defect elimination and detection technique. All other techniques detect or
reduce defects.

Answer A is the correct, incorrect choice.

Reference: CSSBB Primer , Sections IX – 41/43.

96. Answer C is correct.

Rationale: Variable is a continuous type data or measured data. Attribute data however
is when the characteristics being studies have only a few values.
Reference: Juran, J.M., A.B. Godfrey. Juran's Quality Handbook, Fifth ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 2000. P660

97. Explanation
Common cause problems (85% of total) are those that only management intervention,
such as machine or system changes, can correct. Special causes are problems that are
exceptional to the process and can often be handled by the operators. \par\par
Management tends to confuse common cause problems with special causes (answer A
) and demands corrective action without investigation or understanding. Answer B is a
filler. It takes time to correct common cause problems (answer C ). Special cause
problems can be diagnosed as common cause problems (answer D), but this is not as
likely as answer A.
Answer A is correct.
References: CSSBB Primer Section II – 6, 10, 18 (and logic)

98. Explanation
Answers A, B, and D are incorrect. Standardization reduces the number of
characteristics or features of a system. Capability is the long-term performance level
after a process has attained statistical control. Conformance is an affirmative indication
that a product or service has met the requirements. Traceability is the accuracy of a
measuring instrument linked to the U.S. National Standards.
Answer C is correct.
Reference: CSSBB Primer , Section VI – 87/88

99. Explanation:
In multi-vari charting, time (or sample number in time sequence) is displayed on the
horizontal scale and an actual variable measurement is shown on the vertical scale.
In most cases, there is some locational identification of the measurement.
Answer C is correct.
Reference: CSSBB Primer, Section VII-2/5.

100. Answer C is correct.

Rationale: Overoptimistic start date estimates may in fact lead to later-than-planned start
Reference: Breyfogle, F. Implementing Six Sigma: Smarter Solutions Using Statistical
Methods, 2nd ed. Hoboken: Wiley, 2003. P994

101. Answer B is correct.

Rationale: Inexpensive tickets are a "more is better" need.
Reference: Brassard, M. & D. Ritter. The Memory Jogger II, Salem: GOAL/QPC, 2002.

102. Answer C is correct.

Rationale: This is the Mean.
Reference: Juran, J.M., A.B. Godfrey. Juran's Quality Handbook, Fifth ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 2000. P660

103. Explanation
5S is called a visual factory concept, and is widely used as a management tool.
Answer B is correct. Reference: CSSBB Primer , Section IX – 38/43 and 47.

104. Explanation : A SWOT analysis is a review of an organization’s internal strengths

and weaknesses, and external opportunities and threats, and is in the analysis phase
of strategic planning.
Quality function deployment is a structured method in which customer requirements are
translated into technical requirements for product development and production.
Correct: d

105. Explanation
The main concept behind continuous flow operation is that material should always be
moved one piece at a time (at a rate determined by the needs of the customer).
Answer C is correct. Reference: CSSBB Primer , Sections IX – 55.
106. Explanation
All of the answer choices are noble corporate objectives. However, answers B, C, and D
would typically fall into the cost of quality (COQ) improvement category. Meeting
technical requirements is certainly a CTQ concern.

Answer A is correct. References : CSSBB Primer, Section III - 11

107. Explanation
When one fails to reject the null hypothesis when it is false, then a type II error has been
made. 1-alpha and 1-beta errors are correct decisions which is not the case in this

Answer A is correct
References : CSSBB Primer, Section VIII - 47/48.

108. Explanation
This question requires an understanding of measurement terminology. Answer A is
incorrect since sensitivity is the ability to detect differences in measurement. Answer B is
incorrect because accuracy is an unbiased true value. Answer C is incorrect since
precision is getting consistent results repeatedly. Answer D, the reproducibility of a gage,
is checked by comparing the results of different operators taken at different times.

Answer D is correct.
Reference: CSSBB Primer , Section VI - 70/74.

109. Explanation
The question statement is indicative of the use of a critical-to-quality tree, where
customer needs translate into critical drivers, and in turn to more defined critical-to-
quality elements.

Answer C is correct.
References : CSSBB Primer Section V-21/ 22.

110. Explanation
Value stream mapping is more than flow charts and process steps. Answer D can
include answers A, B, and C.

Answer D is correct.
Reference: CSSBB Primer , Section VI – 20/26 (and logic)

111. Answer D is correct.

Rationale: A dominating participant is considered a team problem related to participant's
Reference: Breyfogle, F. Implementing Six Sigma: Smarter Solutions Using Statistical
Methods, 2nd ed. Hoboken: Wiley, 2003. P994

112. Explanation
Using a PDCA process to design a customer survey, while implementing a customer
feedback and improvement process, is an example of a PDCA process within a bigger
PDCA process.
Answer C is the correct.
References: CSSBB Primer, Section IV – 49/50 (and logic)

113. Explanation
The use of QFD will allow the charting of customer wants and technical "hows," which
will provide for a better understanding of design relationships. A competitive analysis is
also possible. However, the charting of all of these capabilities will enable people to think
and act together.

Answer A is correct.
References : CSSBB Primer Section V – 24/26

114. Answer B is correct.

Rationale: X = 20/200 = 0.10. The upper control limit on p is:

Reference: Grant & Leavenworth Statistical Quality Control, 7th ed. New York: McGraw-
Hill Science/Engineering/Math, 1996.

115. Explanation
This is a basic definition question. The project scope defines the boundaries of the

Answer B is correct.
References : CSSBB Primer Section V- 32

116. Explanation
The following formula must be used:

Answer A is correct.
Reference: CSSBB Primer , Section VI – 18/19

117. Answer C is correct.

Rationale: Main factors are the focus of the study.
Reference: ASQ Statistics Division Glossary and Tables for Statistical Quality Control,
Fourth Ed. Milwaukee: Quality Press, 2004.

118. Answer D is correct.

Rationale: A parameter refers to a value obtained from the population.
Reference: Berger, R.W., D.W. Benbow, A.K. Elshennawy & H.F. Walker. Certified
Quality Engineer Handbook, 2nd ed. Milwaukee: ASQ Quality Press, 2006. H1291

119. Answer A is correct.

Rationale: 100 people surveyed 3100 people is the average debt with a standard
deviation of 500.
N=100, S=500 xbar=3100 z is the test statistic since the sample size is greater than 30
and based on the z table at 95% confidence with an alpha of 5% (100%-95%) we have a
value of 1.96
Lower Confidence interval is 3100-(1.96) (500/sqrt(100)) =3100-99 =3001 (Note
(500/sqrt(100) is the calculation for the standard error, 500 is the standard deviation and
100 is the sample size (sqrt means square root))
Upper Confidence interval is 3100 +99 =3199
Thus the confidence interval (3001, 3199)

The problem is testing if $2990 is within the interval, since it is not in the interval of
(3001, 3199)

Reference: Berger, R.W., D.W. Benbow, A.K. Elshennawy & H.F. Walker. Certified
Quality Engineer Handbook, 2nd ed. Milwaukee: ASQ Quality Press, 2006.

120. Explanation
This question requires an understanding of measuring instrument precision. Precision is
getting consistent results repeatedly and is not affected by calibration. Therefore, answer
C is the best selection.

Answer C is correct.
Reference: CSSBB Primer , Section VI – 70

121. Explanation
Internal coordination in the operations of the company are important to meet a
customer's needs. Kaoru Ishikawa noticed a lack in this area early in his career.
Improved cooperation would lead to better quality and process efficiency. "Do it right"
(answer A), "zero defects" (answer C) and answer D are all parts of the total picture.
Answer B more closely reflects Ishikawa's internal customer idea.

Answer B is correct.
References : CSSBB Primer Section V- 5 and II- 43 Ishikawa, K. (1985). What is Total
Quality Control? The Japanese Way. p.107-109. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.

122. Explanation
This question should be easy for the CSSBB student. The question describes the
construction of a matrix to look for a large number of defect/customer occurrences.

Answer A is correct.
References CSSBB Primer, Section IV - 64

123. Explanation
The affinity diagram is used for unfamiliar, new, or complex problems by discovering or
organizing patterns of thought. Structural problems, mathematical problems, and project
flows are not included.

Answer A is correct.
References: CSSBB Primer, Section IV – 56/57

124. Answer C is correct.

Rationale: The foundation contains target values. The right side of the house contains
customer priorities, the foundation contains target values and the roof contains a matrix
that describes relationships.

125. Explanation
This question requires some familiarity with the four basic measurement scales. The
data is high level variable data. There is an inherent zero starting point. Both differences
and ratios are meaningful.

Answer D is correct.
Reference: CSSBB Primer , Section VI – 39/40

126. Explanation
The term "kaizen" is associated with small incremental changes. Although a "kaizen blitz"
or "kaizen blast" can speed things up a great deal. Kanban is a process flow control
mechanism, 5S deals with workplace organization, and poka-yoke means to mistake
proof a process.
Answer A is correct.
Reference: CSSBB Primer , Sections IX – 63/64
127. Explanation
Note that a negative response is requested. The tests in answers A , C, and D all
require a X 2 test. The Spearman rank correlation coefficient requires the determination
of a rs value.

Answer B is the correct, incorrect choice.

Reference : CSSBB Primer, Section VIII – 100/115.

128. Explanation
Refer to the following equation:

Answer B is correct.
Reference : CSSBB Primer, Section VIII – 82. This question has been modified from a
published 1984 CQE examination

129. Explanation
The honor belongs to Dr. Walter Shewhart. In fact, some quality professionals still refer
to them as Shewhart control charts.

Answer B is correct .
References: CSSBB Primer Section II – 6, 18 & 19

130. Answer A is correct.

Rationale: These can be internal failure costs.
Reference: Learn About Quality: COQ Overview

131. Explanation
The probability of occurrence of an event of interest with n trials and f failures follows a
binomial distribution.

Answer B is correct.
References CSSBB Primer, Section VII - 34/35. CRE Primer, Section III. Juran, J.M.
(1999). Quality Handbook, 5th ed., Section 23. This question has been modified from a
published 1980 CRE examination.

132. Explanation
Answer A can be false. A batch might not be the object of interest. Answer B can be
false. The variation across width might be important, not top-to-bottom. Answer D can
be false. The object might not be a cylinder.

Answer C is correct.
Reference : CSSBB Primer, Section VIII – 31/36 (and logic).

133. Explanation
This is basically a definition question. The question frames Deming's chain reaction
Answer A is correct . References: CSSBB Primer Section II – 11

134. Explanation
The question is a definition of margin. From an organization’s margin, expenses are met
and profit is derived.

Answer B is correct.
References : CSSBB Primer, Section III – 20 / 21 (limited coverage). Merriam Webster’s
Online Dictionary

135. Explanation
The communications plan will identify the level of resistance of the stakeholders. A plan
will then be developed to move or change the stakeholders' positions where necessary.
The PERT chart and Gantt charts are not applicable answers to this question.

Answer A is correct.
References : CSSBB Primer Section V- 2 (and other locations)

136. Explanation
This question requires a definition of RPN. The risk priority number is a combination of
three terms, the probability that the failure mode will occur, the severity of the effect of
the failure, and a measure of the effectiveness of the current controls to detect the
problem. These terms are multiplied to form the risk priority number, RPN, for the FMEA.
Higher numbers mean the identified effect has a higher risk.

Answer C is correct.
Reference : CSSBB Primer, Section VIII – 117/118.

137. Explanation
A control plan should include what to do when things go wrong (such as a variable going
out-of-control). According to APQP (2000), the actions in a reaction plan should be the
responsibility of the people closest to the process. Answers C and D describe other
control plan elements. Answer B could indicate a possible action to take, and thus, could
be part of a reaction plan. However, it does not describe why it is important.

Answer A is correct.
Reference: CSSBB Primer , Section X – 56/59.

138. Explanation
The theory of constraints concentrates on removing constraints or bottlenecks in a
process to increase the throughput. Achieving on-time goals may not increase

Answer D is correct.
Reference: CSSBB Primer , Section IX - 65/69.

139. Answer B is correct.

Rationale: Discussion can reduce the effectiveness. Discussion can come later.
Reference: Scholtes, P.R., B.J. Streibel, B.L. Joiner. The Team Handbook, Madison:
Joiner/Oriel, Inc., 2003. P1030

140. Explanation
Certainly a company or improvement team can insure against property damage. The
other answers are project and business risks that are unlikely to be insurable.

Answer B is correct.
References : CSSBB Primer Section V- 39

141. Explanation
Note that a negative response is requested. A value stream map provides data on
changeover time, work in process inventory, and cycle time. The value stream map does
not usually provide data on supplier's finished goods inventory. Information on internal
inventories can be displayed.

Answer D is the correct, incorrect choice.

Reference: CSSBB Primer , Sections VI - 20/26 and IX - 48/55.

142. Explanation
Answers A, B, and C are all material flow (kanban) concepts. Inventory storage is not

Answer D is correct, incorrect choice.

Reference: CSSBB Primer , Sections IX –46/47.

143. Explanation
Quality, costs, and features are normally considered at the process and operational
levels. This eliminates answers A and C. Throughput and costs could be at either the
operational or business level.

Answer D is correct.
References: CSSBB Primer, Section III –17 (and logic)

144. Explanation
The question content describes a project budget. A forecast is the predicted total
revenues and costs adjusted to include actual information at some point during a project.
A variance is the difference between budgeted and actual revenues and costs.

Answer A is correct.
References : CSSBB Primer Section V-38

145. Explanation
Answer B is correct. Moderate interactions occur quite often in experimentation. Most
of the CSSBB Primer examples deal with main effects, but variation reduction
experimentation also yields interactions. (answer A is not true). Many randomized block
designs (answer C) and screening experiments (possible with answer D) can't analyze

Answer B is correct.
Reference: CSSBB Primer , Sections IX – 7 (and logic).

146. Correct: A

Throughput yield only measures the defects per opportunity at a specific step in the
process and not all the steps in the process.

147. Answer B is correct.

Rationale: The dashed arrow indicates dummy activities; the parallel activity boxes are
not connected to one another.
Reference: Breyfogle, F. Implementing Six Sigma: Smarter Solutions Using Statistical
Methods, 2nd ed. Hoboken: Wiley, 2003. P994

148. Explanation
Note that a negative response is requested. Hamel (2000) states that strategic
development by top management alone leads to myopic thinking. The top group is
"inbred" and occupied by one type of people, and that thinking may lead down the wrong
path. SWOT analysis should include inputs from all levels of the organization.

Answer D is the correct, incorrect choice.

Reference: CSSBB Primer , Sections IX – 71/74. Hamel, G. (2000). Leading the
Revolution\plain\f0\fs24 . Boston: Harvard Business School Press.

149. Explanation
Note that a negative response is requested. Most questionnaires and surveys can
measure degrees of customer satisfaction (answer A), customer service by the company
(answer B), and product quality (answer D). Satisfied customers are not necessarily loyal
(answer C).

Answer C is correct, incorrect choice.

References : CSSBB Primer Section V – 13/14 (and logic)

150. Ans: a


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