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repository.fue.edu.eg Neural networks and learning machines/Simon Haykin.

Simon S Haykin New York:

Prentice Hall,, 2009 Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America.
This publication is protected by Copyright and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to
any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission (s),
write to: Rights and Permissions Department. View at repository.fue.edu.eg [PDF] fue.edu.eg Cited by
6005 Related articles All 2 versions link.springer.com Assessing the potential of mathematics textbooks to
promote deep learning Malcolm Shield, Shelley Dole Educational Studies in Mathematics 82 (2), 183-199,
2013 Curriculum documents for mathematics emphasise the importance of promoting depth of knowledge
rather than shallow coverage of the curriculum. In this paper, we report on a study that explored the
analysis of junior secondary mathematics textbooks to assess their potential to assist in teaching and
learning aimed at building and applying deep mathematical knowledge. The method of analysis involved
the establishment of a set of specific curriculum goals and associated indicators, based on research into
the teaching and learning of a particular field within the mathematics curriculum, namely proportion and
proportional reasoning. Topic selection was due to its pervasive nature throughout the school
mathematics curriculum at this level. As a result of this study, it was found that the five textbook series
examined provided limited support for the development of multiplicative structures required for
proportional reasoning, and hence would not serve well the development of deep learning of
mathematics. The study demonstrated a method that could be applied to the analysis of junior secondary
mathematics in many parts of the world

Review of trends from mobile learning studies: A meta-analysis Wen-Hsiung Wu, Yen-Chun Jim Wu,
Chun-Yu Chen, Hao-Yun Kao, Che-Hung Lin, Sih-Han Huang Computers & Education 59 (2), 817-827,
2012 Two previous literature review-based studies have provided important insights into mobile learning,
but the issue still needs to be examined from other directions such as the distribution of research
purposes. This study takes a meta-analysis approach to systematically reviewing the literature, thus
providing a more comprehensive analysis and synthesis of 164 studies from 2003 to 2010. Major findings
include that most studies of mobile learning focus on effectiveness, followed by mobile learning system
design, and surveys and experiments were … View at sciencedirect.com [PDF] academia.edu Cited by
756 Related articles All 6 versions taylorfrancis.com Early childhood mathematics education research:
Learning trajectories for young children Julie Sarama, Douglas H Clements Routledge, 2009 Background
In 1998, we began a four-year project funded by the National Science Foundation. The purpose of
Building Blocks—Foundations for Mathematical Thinking, Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 2: Research-based
Materials Development was to create and evaluate mathematics curricula for young children based on a
theoretically sound research and development framework. More than a decade later, we are still finding
new opportunities for exciting research and development in early mathematics. Funding from the US
Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences (IES) has allowed us to work closely with
hundreds of teachers and thousands of children over the past 10 years. All these agencies and
individuals have contributed ideas to these books. In addition, these projects have increased our
confidence that our approach, based on learning trajectories and rigorous empirical testing at every step,
can in turn make a contribution to all educators in the field of early mathematics. The model for working

content.taylorfrancis.com Psychology of mathematics for instruction Lauren B Resnick, Wendy W Ford Routledge,
2012 This book is addressed to psychologists, educators, and mathematicians who are interested in the mental
processes involved in learning mathematics. The book traces the history of psychologists' efforts to inform
mathematics instruction, from the associationist work of Edward L. Thorndike to today's information-processing
studies of mathematical thinking—with consideration of Gestalt, Piagetian, and various branches of American
behavioral and cognitive psychology along the way. The book can thus be read as a history of psychologists' efforts
to discover and explicate the nature of learning and thought processes in mathematics. But it is meant to be more
than that. It is, above all, an effort to give shape and direction to an emerging branch of study concerned with how
expert thought in mathematics proceeds, how that expertise develops, and how instruction can enhance the process
of mathematics learning. For many decades mathematicians and educators committed to improving the intellectual
power of mathematics instruction were unable to find much of interest in the work of psychologists. This is not
surprising, for psychologists—if they attended to mathematics at all—generally were attempting to make
mathematical subject matter fit general laws of learning rather than trying to understand the processes of
mathematical thought in particular. This is now changing. An emerging psychology of mathematics is focusing
directly on the processes of mathematical thinking and on the ways in which people come to understand the
structures of mathematics. This new line of investigation joins cognitive psychology's concern for the processes of
thought with traditional learning psychology's interest in how new abilities are acquired. Increasingly it includes
explicit attention to the role of instruction in the development of mathematical thinking. The groundwork is thus
being laid for a theory of mathematics instruction rooted v

content.taylorfrancis.com Psychology of mathematics for instruction Lauren B Resnick, Wendy W Ford

Routledge, 2012 This book is addressed to psychologists, educators, and mathematicians who are
interested in the mental processes involved in learning mathematics. The book traces the history of
psychologists' efforts to inform mathematics instruction, from the associationist work of Edward L.
Thorndike to today's information-processing studies of mathematical thinking—with consideration of
Gestalt, Piagetian, and various branches of American behavioral and cognitive psychology along the way.
The book can thus be read as a history of psychologists' efforts to discover and explicate the nature of
learning and thought processes in mathematics. But it is meant to be more than that. It is, above all, an
effort to give shape and direction to an emerging branch of study concerned with how expert thought in
mathematics proceeds, how that expertise develops, and how instruction can enhance the process of
mathematics learning. For many decades mathematicians and educators committed to improving the
intellectual power of mathematics instruction were unable to find much of interest in the work of
psychologists. This is not surprising, for psychologists—if they attended to mathematics at all—generally
were attempting to make mathematical subject matter fit general laws of learning rather than trying to
understand the processes of mathematical thought in particular. This is now changing. An emerging
psychology of mathematics is focusing directly on the processes of mathematical thinking and on the
ways in which people come to understand the structures of mathematics. This new line of investigation
joins cognitive psychology's concern for the processes of thought with traditional learning psychology's
interest in how new abilities are acquired. Increasingly it includes explicit attention to the role of instruction
in the development of mathematical thinking. The groundwork is thus being laid for a theory of
mathematics instruction rooted v View at content.taylorfrancis.com Cited by 788 Related articles All 5
versions books.google.com Contexts of learning mathematics and science: Lessons learned from TIMSS
Sarah J Howie, Tjeerd Plomp Routledge, 2006 This book is the result of research from over fifteen
countries, asking which background and environmental factors influence achievement in mathematics
and science. This research is based on data from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study
(TIMSS), which was conducted under the auspices of the International Association for the Evaluation of
Educational Achievement (IEA) in 1995 and 1998. In many countries researchers have started secondary
analysis of the data in search for relationships between contextual factors and achievement. In these
analyses two different approaches can be distinguished, which can be characterised by the metaphors of
‘fishing’and ‘hunting’. In the ‘fishing’approach, researchers begin with an open mind, considering all
possible context variables as potentially influential. Applying analysis techniques such as regression
analysis, Lisrel, PLS, HLM, and MLN, they then identify important factors within their countries or across a
number of countries. In the ‘hunting’approach, researchers hypothesise certain context variables and
trace the effect of these variables on mathematics and/or science achievement.
Curriculum pacing: Some empirical data in mathematics Thomas L Good, Douglas A Grouws, Terrill M
Beckerman Journal of Curriculum Studies 10 (1), 75-83, 1978 In the past decade, several pieces of
research evidence have emerged to suggest that instructional pace is an important variable that
influences student achievement. Some of the best support for pacing has come from the theoretical
framework provided by two Swedish investigators. Dahloff and Lundgren have argued that teachers use
cues from students to determine when to end a topic. 1'2 More precisely they contend that the pace at
which a given class' moves through the curriculum and the amount of material that students are exposed
to is influenced by the'steering group'(students who are in the 10-25 percentile aptitude rank within the
classroom). Specifically, they argue that'steering'phenomena are controlled by three general factors:
instructional goals, sequence and complexity of content units, and total amount of instructional time
available. They contend that when teachers believe that their goal is to get as many pupils as possible to
cover as much material as possible, then teachers are especially likely to use the 10-25 percentile range
as the steering group.(When teachers have other goals their sequencing of instruction and pace may vary
as well as the composition of the steering group itself.) View at tandfonline.com Cited by 114 Related
articles All 2 versions books.google.com Contexts of learning mathematics and science: Lessons learned
from TIMSS Sarah J Howie, Tjeerd Plomp Routledge, 2006 This book is the result of research from over
fifteen countries, asking which background and environmental factors influence achievement in
mathematics and science. This research is based on data from the Third International Mathematics and
Science Study (TIMSS), which was conducted under the auspices of the International Association for the
Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) in 1995 and 1998. In many countries researchers have
started secondary analysis of the data in search for relationships between contextual factors and
achievement. In these analyses two different approaches can be distinguished, which can be
characterised by the metaphors of ‘fishing’and ‘hunting’. In the ‘fishing’approach, researchers begin with
an open mind, considering all possible context variables as potentially influential. Applying analysis
techniques such as regression analysis, Lisrel, PLS, HLM, and MLN, they then identify important factors
within their countries or across a number of countries. In the ‘hunting’approach, researchers hypothesise
certain context variables and trace the effect of these variables on mathematics and/or science
achievement. View at books.google.com Cited by 38 Related articles All 6 versions Chapter 2: alternative
perspectives on knowing mathematics in elementary schools Ralph T Putnam, Magdalene Lampert,
Penelope L Peterson Review of research in education 16 (1), 57-150, 1990 From all sides are coming
calls for changes in the amount and quality of mathematics instruction in American schools (National
Commission on Excellence in Education, 1983; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1980;
National Research Council, 1989). Critics of current practice posit that the mathematical achievement and
understanding of US students lag behind that of their peers in other industrialized countries (McKnight et
al., 1987; National Commission on Excellence in Education, 1983; National Science Board Commission
on Pre-College Education in Mathematics Science and Technology, 1983). Mathematics educators and
researchers argue that current mathematics instruction in elementary and secondary schools focuses too
much on efficient computation and not enough on mathematical understanding, problem solving, and
reasoning. Leaders in business and industry are claiming that public education must change to teach to
the new kinds of mathematical skills and problem-solving abilities that will be important for the worker of
the future (see, eg, Bernstein, 1988). Accompanying these criticisms of current practice are calls for
reform, for making lasting and fundamental
books.google.com Handbook of mathematical cognition Jamie ID Campbell Psychology Press, 2005 How
does the mind represent numbers and make mathematical calculations? What underlies the cognitive
development of numerical and mathematical abilities? What factors affect the learning of numerical
concepts and procedures? What are the biological bases of number knowledge? Do humans and other
animals share similar numerical representations and processes? What underlies numerical and
mathematical disabilities and disorders, and what is the prognosis for rehabilitation? These questions are
the domain of mathematical cognition, the field of research concerned with the cognitive and neurological
processes that underlie numerical and mathematical abilities. This research intersects a wide array of
disciplines including cognitive development, neurological development, computational science, cognitive
and educational psychology, animal cognition, cognitive and clinical neuropsychology, neuroscience, and
cognitive science. View at books.google.com [PDF] cmu.edu Cited by 278 Related articles All 11 versions
link.springer.com Framing students’ mathematics-related beliefs Peter Op’t Eynde, Erik De Corte, Lievan
Verschaffel Beliefs: A hidden variable in mathematics education?, 13-37, 2002 Despite the general
agreement among researchers today that students’ beliefs have an important influence on mathematical
problem solving there is still a lack of clarity from a conceptual viewpoint. In this chapter we present a
literature review of available categorizations or models of students’ beliefs related to mathematics
learning and problem solving. These reveal that although they all cover a broad spectrum of relevant
beliefs, there appears to be no consensus on the structure and the content of the relevant categories of
students’ beliefs, A philosophical and psychological analysis of the nature and the structure of beliefs
enables us to come to a deeper understanding of the development and the functioning of students’ beliefs
and to clarify the relation between beliefs and knowledge. The insights developed through this analysis
result in an elaborated and concrete definition of students’ mathematics-related beliefs and allow us to
develop a theoretical framework that coherently integrates the major components of prevalent models of
students’ beliefs. We differentiate between students’ beliefs about mathematics education, students’
beliefs about the self, and students’ beliefs about the social context, i.e., the class context.

Aerobic fitness and cognitive development: Event-related brain potential and task performance indices of
executive control in preadolescent children. Charles H Hillman, Sarah M Buck, Jason R Themanson,
Matthew B Pontifex, Darla M Castelli Developmental psychology 45 (1), 114, 2009 The relationship
between aerobic fitness and executive control was assessed in 38 higher-and lower-fit children (M age=
9.4 years), grouped according to their performance on a field test of aerobic capacity. Participants
performed a flanker task requiring variable amounts of executive control while event-related brain
potential responses and task performance were assessed. Results indicated that higher-fit children
performed more accurately across conditions of the flanker task and following commission errors when
compared to lower-fit children, whereas no group differences were observed for reaction time.
Neuroelectric data indicated that P3 amplitude was larger for higher-compared to lower-fit children across
conditions of the flanker task, and higher-fit children exhibited reduced error-related negativity amplitude
and increased error positivity amplitude compared to lower-fit children. The data suggest that fitness is
associated with better cognitive performance on an executive control task through increased cognitive
control, resulting in greater allocation of attentional resources during stimulus encoding and a subsequent
reduction in conflict during response selection. The findings differ from those observed in adult
populations by indicating a general rather than a selective relationship between aerobic fitness and
cognition.(PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved) Early childhood mathematics
Susan Sperry Smith, Susan S Smith
Pearson, 2009
THIS BOOK is intended as a preservice mathematics methods textbook for prospective teachers of
children ages 3 to 8 years old. It also gives in-service early childhood educators a helpful resource for
their classroom activities. The second edition of this textbook builds on the first set of standards published
by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1989, 1991, and 1995). The new Principles and
Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM, 2000) continues the organization's tradition of higher
expectations for student learning, an emphasis on understanding as well as memorization, and
communication about how students think about their answers. New to the Standards are different age-
specific bands of math benchmarks, including a PreK-2 age range. Early Childhood Mathematics, Second
Edition, includes these benchmarks, sample activities, and a description of the overall age-appropriate
mathematics under the key concepts. Also, the book has added listings of popular children's literature,
links to technology, and new ideas for toddlers, found under the Ready-Set-Math Section. This edition
should be more helpful to preservice and in-service teachers. The contents of this book encourage the
teacher to create an active learning environment that fosters curiosity, confidence, and persistence. The
knowledge of important mathematical relationships, number sense, and the ability to solve problems are
three key ingredients to successful acquisition of the discipline of mathematics in the early years.
A textbook that meets the needs of adult learners mu § t address their real fears and anxiety about
mathematics. These students bring their own past experiences to the college classroom or workshop
setting. Chapter 1 addresses these fears as well as myths about the study of mathematics perhaps
gleaned from their own educational background. Chapter 2 highlights the general relationship between
the English language and the language of math. It affords teachers of young children an overview of the
concepts developed during the critical language learning years, especially as they relate to mathematics.
The majority of this book (Chapters 3-11) addresses the way in which children develop knowledge about
specific mathematics content. Efforts were made to make the material interesting and accessible for
today's student, without sacrificing the need for a solid research base that serves as the foundation for
best practice. Most references are from current sources, although some older sources jn& still of
importance to our understanding of how children think about mathematical ideas. Each of these chapters
contains the following unique features: Designing professional development for teachers of science and
mathematics Susan Loucks-Horsley, Katherine E Stiles, Susan Mundry, Nancy Love, Peter W Hewson
Corwin Press, 2009 The classic guide for designing robust science and mathematics professional
development programs! This expanded edition of one of the most widely cited resources in the field of
professional development for mathematics and science educators demonstrates how to design
professional development experiences for teachers that lead to improved student learning. Presenting an
updated professional development (PD) planning framework, the third edition of the bestseller reflects
recent research on PD design, underscores how beliefs and local factors can influence PD design,
illustrates a wide range of PD strategies, and emphasizes the importance of: Continuous program
monitoring Combining strategies to address diverse needs Building cultures that sustain learning View at
books.google.com Cited by 3661 Related articles All 6 versions The effect of acute treadmill walking on
cognitive control and academic achievement in preadolescent children Charles H Hillman, Matthew B
Pontifex, Lauren B Raine, Darla M Castelli, Eric E Hall, Arthur F Kramer Neuroscience 159 (3), 1044-
1054, 2009 The effect of an acute bout of moderate treadmill walking on behavioral and neuroelectric
indexes of the cognitive control of attention and applied aspects of cognition involved in school-based
academic performance were assessed. A within-subjects design included 20 preadolescent participants
(age=9.5±0.5 years; eight female) to assess exercise-induced changes in performance during a modified
flanker task and the Wide Range Achievement Test 3. The resting session consisted of cognitive testing
followed by a cardiorespiratory fitness … View at sciencedirect.com [HTML] nih.gov Cited by 819 Related
articles All 26 versions taylorfrancis.com Early childhood mathematics education research: Learning
trajectories for young children Julie Sarama, Douglas H Clements Routledge, 2009 Background In 1998,
we began a four-year project funded by the National Science Foundation. The purpose of Building
Blocks—Foundations for Mathematical Thinking, Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 2: Research-based Materials
Development was to create and evaluate mathematics curricula for young children based on a
theoretically sound research and development framework. More than a decade later, we are still finding
new opportunities for exciting research and development in early mathematics. Funding from the US
Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences (IES) has allowed us to work closely with
hundreds of teachers and thousands of children over the past 10 years. All these agencies and
individuals have contributed ideas to these books. In addition, these projects have increased our
confidence that our approach, based on learning trajectories and rigorous empirical testing at every step,
can in turn make a contribution to all educators in the field of early mathematics. The model for working
with Benjamin D Schenkel Marietta College, 2009 Students have many different perceptions of
mathematics. Most business and athleticsleaders will talk about how the individual’s attitude directly
affects their performance in the office or on the field. This study looked at how students and teachers
attitudes impact the mathematics performance of the students in the classroom. One small private school
in Southeastern Ohio was the focus of this study. Students and teachers both were surveyed by the
researcher on their attitude towards mathematics Neural plasticity Peter R Huttenlocher Harvard
University Press, 2009 Neural plasticity--the brain's ability to change in response to normal developmental
processes, experience, and injury--is a critically important phenomenon for both neuroscience and
psychology. This book is a unique contribution to research and to the literature on clinical neuroscience.
View at books.google.com Cited by 679 Related articles All 6 versions academia.edu A systems-based
synthesis of research related to improving students’ academic performance W Huitt, M Huitt, D Monetti, J
Hummel 3rd International City Break Conference sponsored by the Athens Institute for Education and
Research (ATINER), October, 16-19, 2009 This paper addresses the issue of school improvement by
looking to research on both the variables that should be the focus of school improvement efforts as well
as factors that make it more likely that the organization will actually implement research findings. Issues
of transformational leadership, instructional leadership, and high functioning teams are addressed;
Hattie’s (2009) review of over 800 meta-analyses of variables related to school achievement is the
primary source of identifying classroom and school variables that can be addressed by educators. As
developed nations move out of the industrial age into the information/conceptual age, there is an ongoing
debate about how to best prepare children and youth for adult success in the twenty-first century (Huitt,
1999b, 2007). While there is a consensus that schools should play a major role in this process, there is
less agreement about exactly what that role should be. Some believe that the primary focus of schools
should be academic preparation of students (Hirsch, 1987, 1996; Tienken, & Wilson, 2001), that
classroom teachers are primarily responsible for student academic achievement (Darling-Hammond,
2000), and schools should efficiently and effectively organize themselves towards that task (Engelmann &
Carnine, 1991). These efforts to improve schooling might be labeled school reform in that they accept that
the desired outcome of schooling is academic achievement as measured by standardized tests of basic
skills and that the focus of change should be on the practice of classroom teachers and school
administrators. Others believe a more holistic approach should prevail (eg, Chickering & Reisser, 1993;
Huitt, 2006) and that efforts of schools should be integrated with other social institutions such as family
and community towards these more holistic ends (Benson, Galbraith, & Espeland, 1994). Efforts along
these lines might be labeled school revisioning in that there is an advocacy that schools focus on a much
wider range of desired outcomes (eg, cognitive processing skills, emotional and social awareness and
skills, moral character development). These approaches point to research reported by Gardner (1995)
and Goleman (1995) stating that intellectual ability and academic achievement account for only about
one-third of the variance related to adult success.

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