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Bullying is defined as a threat or physical use of force, aiming at the individual, another person,
a specific community or group which can result in injury, death, physical damage, some
development disorders or deficiency. The concept of bullying at school is not new, however it has
been increasing in recent years. Bullying in schools is an issue that continues to receive attention
from researchers, educators, parents, and students. Despite the common assumption that bullying
is a normal part of childhood and encompasses minor teasing and harassment, researchers
increasingly find that bullying is a problem that can be detrimental to student’s well-being.
Bullying can cause depression to the victims then it’s also commits to suicide, there are a lot of
terminology of bullying it’s either, cyber, social, physical, or emotional etc. Therefore, the
government of the Philippines made a law against bullying or the Republic Act 10627 or the Anti-
Bullying Act series of 2013. Different types of bullying may effect different groups of students,
occur in different types of schools, or affect student’s behavior in different ways. These
distinctions allow readers to differentiate between students who were either physically (directly),
or socially (indirectly) bullied, and also to identify those students who were bullied both physically
and socially. Bullying is psychological and pedagogical problem connected with public health. It
must be solved by various professionals immediately. Bullying occurs when an individual,or a
group of people repeatedly and intentionally cause harm, to another person or group of people,
who unable to avoid being targeted.

By the very nature of the imbalance of power that exists in bullying situations, students who
are bullied are unable to stop the bullying on their own. Students who are being bullied should tell
an adult at home, and one at school, to ensure that adult intervention will occur and the bullying
will stop.
II. Literature Review

Bullies are often people who have been bullied or abused themselves. Sometimes they are
experiencing life situations they cannot cope with, that leave them feeling helpless and out of
control (Tkt Tuder, 2000). This kind of people are depressed, because it provokes them to hurt
others or bully others so that, it release te depression that they feel.

Also people who are bully have such bigpride which makes them boastful and careless
towards others. Bullies can suffer long-term effects of bullying if their behavior is not
addressed. Sometimes a bully can actually hate the way they treat their victims but somehow
they feel justified in doing, so since they are abused by others as well.

Bullying and harassment are not new issues that students and schools face. In fact, over the
years it has been viewed as being so commonplace in schools that it has been overlooked as a
threat to students and reduce to a belief that bullying is a development stage that most youth
will experience then get over (Ross, 2002). High school is the last opportunity educators have
to work with students at building citizenship, building characters, and building self-
responsibility. For some students this may be the last opportunity for an interaction to change
behaviors and attitudes associated with bullying or victimization before they become adults in
the workplace, with a family and in the community at large. This research is a result of the
increase of school violence and the media coverage it has received. On one hand, the
sensationalism of school violence has very much been needed to wake up generations of
educators, parents, and students to saythe behaviors leading to his violence are not okay in our
school, they have a problem and we need to find a way to fix it.

The characteristics of aggresive bullies tend to be that they are stronger than average,
active, and impulse. They use threatening behaviors or postures, can be easily provoked, and
have an underlying positive attitude to violence. They often display uncontrolled emotions
such as temperoutburts. Because of their low self-esteemand eagerness for friends, they are
often loyal followers of the aggressive bullies. If the bullying behaviors are not intervened then
some of these children could continue into a life of violence and potentially crime.
The study also showed that they did not achieve as well academically or professionaly.
However, as stated above, before schools can affectively put a whole school plain into place
some groundwork must be securely laid down first. These clearly stated rules communicate to
all students and staff what the expectation is for behavior and they must be enforced without
exception. Specially, we aim to understand the roleof social emotional skills and their potential
influence on bullying.

Besides that, bullying is a widespread problem, it is also very costly, especially because
not only sufferers but also those who cause bullying suffer negative consequences throughout
life. By repeatingthis behavior several times, the oppressor can express emotional fraility and
high level of psychic suffering. If a bully is not stopped and treated then the chance of them
stopping and becoming a different and healthier person is very slim and their behavior will
continue into adulthood, affecting the type of life they lead.

The problem of bullying has become a topic of national conversation over the past decades.
To address this problem, numerous andti-bullying interventions have been developed and
implemented, and advocates have worked to pass state and local laws and policies on bullying.
Research has documented multiple negative outcomes associated with being a bully, being
bullied and being a bystander. A recent meta-analysis looked at the association between
bullying and psychosomatic problems and found that victimized children, bully victims, and
bullies were at increased risk of suffering psychosomatic problems compared to uninvolved
peers (OR=2.0,2.22, and 1.65 respectively; Gini and Pozzoli 2008).
III. Statement of the Problem

General Problem

This research aims to determine what are the reasons why ANHS students bully others.

Specific Questions

1. What are the reasons why students bully others?

2. What do they feel when they bully someones?
3. What kind of bullying do they to the victim?

Grade Level:______________________

Dear Respondents,

We are Grade 10 Camia students and we currently having our research study entitled,
“Bullying” in condition with this, we invite you to answer the question on the questionnaire as best
as you can. If you have any questions about this project, feel free to ask us.

Thank you for your participation.

Sincerely yours;

The Researchers
Grade Level:_____________

Directions: Please check the possible answer.

1. Why do you bully someone?

Because I’ve been bullied before
Because I’m lonely
Because I have a big ego
Because I like to impress
Because I have a problem at home
Others, please specify_______________________
2. What is/are your reasons why you bully someone?
Have a problem at home
Their teacher give them a lower grades
To take revenge
Abuse the person that have a disability
Others, please specify_______________________
3. What kind of bullying you do?
Physical Bullying Verbal Bullying Social Bullying Cyber Bullying
Hitting Name Calling Lying spreading humors Nasty Gossips
Kicking Insults Mimicking unkindly Deliberately excludin
Tripping Teasing Playing nasty jokes to g others online
Pinching Intimidation embarrass and humiliate Imitating others online
Pushing Homophobic Damaging someone’s Abusive or hurtful text
social reputation or social , emails, or posts, imag
acceptance e or videos
Others, please specify___________________
4. What kind of student do you usually bully?
Good of what they do
Intelligent, determined and creative
Few or no friends
Popular or well-liked
An illness or disability
Others, please specify______________________
IV. Scope and Limitation

The study will be focusing on the student who bully their fellow students. Therefore, this
will help to other student that, bullying is a bad thing.

However, issues on the victims are not included in the study.

V. Gantt Chart
ACTIVITIES Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb.
22 23 31 4 8 12 13 20

Making Statement
of the Problem
Completion of
Literature Review
Drafting of
Review of Related
Literature (RRL)
Completion of
VI. Research Methodology

A. Data Sources

The primary sources of data in this study will be 10 ramdomly selected student in Grade
7 to 12. Therefore each grade level will have 5 student to answer the questionnaire. In
additions, there will be a total number of every divided into six grade levels which simply
means that 100 respondents will come from each grade level.

B. Data Collection Methods & Research Instruments

This study will utilize method. “descriptive research in a purposive process of gathering,
analyzing, classifying and tabulating data about the perspective or experiences on the
specified topic or issue in the pre-determined arranged manners (Craig, 2000).

C. Ethical Issues

The identity and the research of the respondents both the student and others bullier will
be used solely in this research thus, will be treated with outmost confidentially.

D. Plan for Data Analysis

After the survey, the research will be analyze the result and to extract the needed answer
of the respondent and at the same time will get the weighted mean.
VII. Plans for Dissemination/Advocacy

The result of this study will be communicated to the Teachers, School Head, Parents and
Communicated especially the students. If everybody aware of bullying therefore we must
advocate the student to have a knowledge on how to stop bullying their fellow student. Thus,
making our school more safe and also a role model to other school by making our school as a
VIII. References

Ross, D. (2002). Bullying. In J. Sandoval (Ed,), Handbook of crisis counselling, intervention,

and prevention in the schools (electronic version) 2nd ed. (pp. 105-135): Mahwah, NJ:L
Erlbaum Associates

Gini, G. & Tiziana, P. (2008). Associate Between: Bullying and Psychosomatics. Problem, A
meta-analysis. Pediatrics 123 (1059-1065).

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