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Course Syllabus

8-28 Introduction & Science of Biology Ch. 1

9-4 Origins of Life, Taxonomy Ch. 1, 16 (p. 344-47)
9-9 Taxonomy, Evolution Ch. 15, 14

9-11 Evolution, Chemistry Ch. 2,

9-16 Chemistry, Macromolecules Ch. 3
9-18 Macromolecules IA 1 Ch. 3
9-23 Macromolecules, Cells Ch. 4
9-25 Cells Ch. 4
9-30 EXAM I
10-2 Cells Ch. 4
10-7 Cell Membrane and Transport Ch. 4
10-9 Energy and Cell Respiration Ch. 5
10-14 Cell Respiration Ch. 7
10-16 Cell Respiration Ch. 7
10-21 Cell Respiration, Photosynthesis IA 2 Ch. 7, 6
10-23 Mitosis Ch. 8
10-28 Mitosis Ch. 8
10-30 Meiosis Ch. 9
11-4 EXAM II
11-6 Foundations of Genetics Ch. 10
11-11 Foundations of Genetics Ch. 10
11-13 Foundations of Genetics IA3 Ch. 10
11-18 DNA: The Genetic Material Ch. 11
11-20 DNA: The Genetic Material Ch. 11
11-25 DNA: The Genetic Material Ch. 11

11-27 How Genes Work Ch. 12

12-2 How Genes Work IA 4 Ch. 12
12-4 DNA Technology Ch. 13

12-19 FINAL EXAM 10:30 -12:30

*Syllabus is subject to change.


The study of biology is the study of living organisms. During this semester, we will look at whole organisms, cells,
the components of cells and the specific, critical functions of cells that allow organisms to live and reproduce. This
course is designed as the biology prerequisite to several allied health courses and also serves to fulfill the GEP
science requirement for the completion of the UMBC degree. Students who are Biology majors must take Biol 141
as their introductory biology course.

Please read the rest of this page. It outlines course requirements and procedures. These procedures will be
strictly adhered to, and every student is expected to be familiar with them.

The required textbook for the course is The Living World (9th edition), by George Johnson. We are adopting an
electronic version of the textbook through the CMI initiative at UMBC. The book has many supplementary
materials and there are many resources on line as well.

The course grade will be determined by your performance on: the BEST 3 of 4 interim assessments (IAs), HW
assignments 3 exams, a project and comprehensive final exam. Grades are determined as follows:

3 out of 4 IAs 20%

3 Exams 45%
HW (drop 2) 10%
Project 10%
Final Exam 15%

Homework assignments are given using the electronic CONNECT component of the textbook. A missed HW
counts as a 0. It is not possible to make up a missed HW. IAs will cover smaller chunks of material than exams,
but will still be detail oriented. Each of the three lecture exams will cover the material since the previous exam.
The final exam will be cumulative over the whole semester. Makeup quizzes and exams may be available on a
case-by-case basis for students with legitimate, documented excuses (e.g., a note from a doctor verifying an illness).
If for some reason, you become aware in advance that you will be absent during a scheduled quiz or exam, bring it
to the attention of the instructor before the exam. Makeup exams may be largely essay questions and will be
arranged individually.


"By enrolling in this course, each student assumes the responsibilities of an active participant in UMBC's scholarly
community in which everyone's academic work and behavior are held to the highest standards of honesty.
Cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, and helping others to commit these acts are all forms of academic dishonesty,
and they are wrong. Academic misconduct could result in disciplinary action that may include, but is not limited
to, suspension or dismissal. To read the full Student Academic Conduct Policy, consult the UMBC Student
Handbook, the Faculty Handbook, or the UMBC Policies section of the UMBC Directory . . ."

Teaching Assistants are available for help with both lecture and laboratory material.

Lecturer: Esther Fleischmann, Ph.D. Biological Sciences Bldg., Rm. 457

410-455 3448 fleischm@umbc.edu (the best way to reach me)

OFFICE HOURS: Thursday: 2:30-4:00 or by appt.

TA: Madison McCain madison4@umbc.edu

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