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Solid waste management has become one of a major concern in environmental issues (Mazzanti & Zoboli,
2008). This is particularly true to urban areas where population is rapidly growing and amount of waste
generated is increasing like never before (Kathiravale & Mohd Yunus, 2008). Current earth’s population is
6.8 billion and it is estimated that almost half of this population lives in urban areas (Population Division
of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, 2009). Waste
generation increase proportionally to this population number and income, creating the needs of effective
management (Mazzanti & Zoboli, 2008). Urbanization and industrialization leads to new lifestyles and
behavior which also affects waste composition from mainly organic to synthetic material that last longer
such as plastics and other packaging material (Idris et al., 2004). E-waste that barely existed before was
generated as much as 20-50 metric tons a year (UNEP, 2006).
The management of waste become complex and the facilities provided cannot cope with the increasing
demand and needs. Therefore, best approach need to be implemented immediately while considering
environmental, social and economic aspects (Aye & Widjaya, 2006). The drivers of sustainable waste
management were clarified by Agamuthu et al. (2009), which include human, economic, institutional and
environment aspect. The study suggests that each driving group should be considered in local context as
managing solid waste for a particular society may differ from the others.

In technical note, the term ‘solid waste’ is used to include all non-liquid wastes generated by human
activity and a range of solid waste material resulting from the disaster, such as general domestic garbage
such as food waste, ash and packaging materials; human faeces disposed of in garbage; emergency waste
such as plastic water bottles and packaging from other emergency supplies; rubble resulting from the
disaster; mud and slurry deposited by the natural disaster; and allen trees and rocks obstructing transport
and communications. Other specialist wastes, such as medical waste from hospitals and toxic waste from
industry, will also need to be dealt with urgently, but they are not covered by this technical note (World
Health Organization, 2011).

Solid waste management is defined as the direct generation, collection, storage, transport, source
separation, processing, treatment, recovery and disposal of solid waste. It is a polite term for garbage
management. It is the response to the world’s stinking and escalating problem on the garbage. Mounting
waste problem has been the core foundation of hazardous illness and land depletion, not to mention is
negative upshot to the and gasification fall on the same category. Despite the years of attempting to
resolve the mounting waste problem environment. The system of handling trash, be it municipal waste
collection, recycling programs, open dumping, incineration, the problem still persist (Enriquez, 2011)

As reported by Guzman et al., (2010), solid waste management is one of the most critical environmental
problems today. In metro Manila alone, approximately 0.6 kilogram per person of garbage is produced
with a total amount of about 6000 to 7000 tons per day. Despite the fact that not all of these collection
system people seem to be unconcerned with the amount of solid and semisolid waste they produce.Proper
collection is a solution to the country’s waste problem. Unfortunately, disposal would not be the most and
sole answer to this concern (Guzman et al., 2010). Until recently, the disposal of municipal solid waste
does not attract much public attention. From prehistory through the present day, the favored means of
disposal was simply to dump solid waste outside the city and village limits (Enger & Smith, 2006).

Schroeder (2007) explains operations management is a part of business that is concerned with
the production of goods and services, and employs the task of ensuring that business operations
are efficient and effective. It is also concerned with the management of resources and the
distribution of goods and services to customers. Naylor (2002) says that operations management
is the study that focuses on the effective planning, scheduling, employing, and controlling of a
manufacturing or service organisation with the help of concepts from quality management,
production management, inventory management, accounting, and other functional areas as they
affect the organisation. The organization is basically a fast food restaurant and it is not possible
to completely eradicate the waste, but lot of waste is a problem. Minimisation is the best and most
cost-effective solution by changing operational activities in the organization. The organization is
basically a fast food restaurant and it is not possible to completely eradicate the waste, but lot of
waste is a problem. Minimisation is the best and most cost-effective solution by changing
operational activities in the organization. According to Dr Jones, an anthropologist at the
University of Arizona’s Bureau for Applied Research in Anthropology:

Generation of solid waste is considered natural outputs of human life and to get rid of this solid waste will
improve the quality of life (Ashok, 2009). Increasing of solid waste generated in its both quantity and
variety attributed by many factors such as, increasing of population, urbanization and enhancing living’s
standards due to new technology (Asokan et al., 2007). In the modern life the municipal solid waste (MSW)
is rising throughout the time in its volume, whereas a food scraps consider as part of solid waste stream
(NEA, 2009).

6. According to World Health Organization (2011) the solid waste management In technicalnote, the term
‘solid waste’ is used to include all non-liquid wastes generated by human activityand a range of solid
waste material resulting from the disaster, such as general domestic garbages u c h a s f o o d w a s t e ,
a s h a n d p a c k a g i n g m a t e r i a l s ; h u m a n f e c e s d i s p o s e d o f i n g a r b a g e ; emergency waste
such as plastic water bottles and packaging from other emergency supplies;rubble resulting from
the disaster; mud and slurry deposited by the natural disaster; and allentrees and rocks
obstructing transport and communications. Other specialist wastes, such asmedical waste
from hospitals and toxic waste from industry, will also need to be dealt withurgently, but they are
not covered by this technical note.Healey (2010) stated that Australia may be a large country, but they live
in a throw-away society that is rapidly filling it with their waste. Their insatiable desire to constantly
upgrade disposable technology and consume over-packaged products has continued unabated for decades.
7. According to UNEP (2012) there is a dire need of creating environmental education and awareness,
practices, and knowledge in high schools with aim of enhancing environmental monitoring and
management in the country for both present and future periods. This will go a long way in enhancing
education on environment in an attempt to reorienting education so as to restore environmental
competence owing to its basic aim of attaining personal and social competence (Shobeiri et al., 2007).
This will augur well by establishing the difference between knowledge/ awareness and practices in
managing the environment on one hand, and students‟ attitude and level of education on the other hand

8. According to Crompton and Kasser (2009), environmental education encourages the development
articulation of literacy in the citizens whose own environmental concerns are shared regarding their own
benefit and the good of those to come in the future generations. There is a striking connection between
the learners‟ level of education and the environment management, of which its establishment will resolve
the complicated problems of the environment by integrating Environmental Education at all levels.
Ultimately this education will impose a positive change in behavior and attitude which is required for
effective participation in managing the environment. However, it will call for considerable efforts on the
part of both the government and school management in their bid to arrange for students‟, teachers‟ and
administrators‟ workshops and seminars that will facilitate efficient sensitization on the problems
associated with environment alongside their consequences (Li, 2016).

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