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Nama : Melda Kamila

Prodi : DIII Analis Kesehatan

Instrument laboratory
No Name and Picture Function
1 Hot Plate Used to heat the substances

2 Filter Paper Used to separate solids from liquids

3 Ring Clamp Used with ring stand to hold a glass

4 Wire Gauze Used to support a container during heating

5 Rubber Stopper Used to cover ends of test tubes and flasks

6 Test Tube Clamp Used to clamp hot test tube

7 Watch Glass Used to hold solids while being weighed or as a

cover a beaker

8 Balance Used to determining weight

9 Waterbath to incubate the sample in water at a constant

temperature for a long period of time

10 Moisture Balance used to measure humidity, measure moisture

content, measure the degree of dry matter

Source : https://quizlet.com/13633713/lab-equipment-names-and-pictures-flash-cards/
Nama : Melda Kamila
Program studi : DIII Analis Kesehatan

The advantage of Pisang Mas (gold banana)

Banana is a kind of fruit that is very easy to be found in Indonesia. There are 230
genus of it.
One of them is Pisang Mas. In some region of indonesia it also called as Pisang
Muli. This fruit is not big. It is clogged but it is solid. The color of its fleshis yello
reddish, it tastes sweet and it is sticky. Besides that, this fruit contains good advantage
for heath, this makes this fruit becomes favourite desert in every food stall.
The advantages of Pisang Mas (gold banana) are as follows:

1. preventing and curing Anemia

The content of iron, vitamin and mineral of the Pisang mas is high enough, so it can
prevent anemia that makes body becomes pale and weak. Besides that, this kind of
banana also contains folic acidthat is very advantageous fornutrient of baby in
pregnancy. Folic acid functions to reduce dissable risk of baby.

2. become source of energy

Pisang mas (gold banana) is sweet. It also becomes energy source because of the
calory that is easy tobe absorbed by body. In the research shows that long ago people
consumed this banana to be more powerful.

3. cleaning face, making skin healthy

Dont throw banana peel ! because the peelof banana has also the advantage. The kulit
of gold banana (pisang mas) can remove dead skin cell.Just shake the inside peelof
banana, let it till 45-60 minutes. To get maximum result, do it 2 times a day till your
skin becomes bright.
Thats all some great advantages of Pisang mas (gold banana). It is not only tasty but
also advantageous.

Source : http://tresnoenglish.blogspot.co.id/2015/12/artikel-bahasa-inggris-tentang-manfaat_16.html

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