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ISSN 0001-4370, Oceanology, 2016, Vol. 56, No. 6, pp. 863–875. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2016.

Original Russian Text © M.S. Barash, 2016, published in Okeanologiya, 2016, Vol. 56, No. 6, pp. 946–958.


Causes of the Great Mass Extinction of Marine Organisms

in the Late Devonian
M. S. Barash
Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: barashms@yandex.ru
Received June 9, 2015

Abstract―The second of the five great mass extinctions of the Phanerozoic occurred in the Late Devonian.
The number of species decreased by 70–82%. Major crises occurred at the Frasnian–Famennian and Devo-
nian–Carboniferous boundary. The lithological and geochemical compositions of sediments, volcanic
deposits, impactites, carbon and oxygen isotope ratios, evidence of climate variability, and sea level changes
reflect the processes that led the critical conditions. Critical intervals are marked by layers of black shales,
which were deposited in euxinic or anoxic environments. These conditions were the main direct causes of the
extinctions. The Late Devonian mass extinction was determined by a combination of impact events and
extensive volcanism. They produced similar effects: emissions of harmful chemical compounds and aerosols
to cause greenhouse warming; darkening of the atmosphere, which prevented photosynthesis; and stagnation
of oceans and development of anoxia. Food chains collapsed and biological productivity decreased. As a
result, all vital processes were disturbed and a large portion of the biota became extinct.

DOI: 10.1134/S0001437016050015

The Devonian Period (419.2 ± 3.2‒358.9 ± event. In the Late Devonian, 31% of bivalves also
0.4 Ma ago) (from here on, the age of stratigraphic became extinct.
boundaries after [30]) was marked by the second of Rugose corals disappeared almost completely. At
five Phanerozoic great mass extinctions, when over the FFB, 97% of their shallow-water and 60% of deep-
75% of organisms became extinct in relatively short water species disappeared [48]. Tabulate corals, which
time intervals. For the Late Devonian, the reduction populated reefs, lost 80% of their genera during this
in marine organism diversity is estimated as 13‒38% crisis, although they survived the crisis at the Devo-
at the family level, 55‒60% at the generic level, and nian‒Carboniferous transition. Stromatoporoidea
70‒82% at the species level [42]. The terrestrial com- were main reef-building organisms in the Late Paleo-
munity suffered as well: 43‒53% of plant taxa disap- zoic forming the largest buildups in the Frasnian Age.
peared. Most extinctions of individual taxa of marine Nevertheless, 50% of their families disappeared by the
organisms in the Late Devonian correspond to crises end of this age and role of main reef-builders passed to
near the Frasnian–Famennian boundary (FFB, 372.2 calcareous algae. Among Stromatoporoidea, only
Ma ago) and the terminal Devonian near its boundary benthic communities composed of cold-resistant taxa
with Carboniferous Period (DCB, 358.9 Ma ago) continued existing. The end of the Frasnian Age was
(Fig. 1). The first of these crises (FFB) was stronger. marked by extinction of their last six families. Reef cal-
The latter is termed as the great mass extinction. careous algae also disappeared at that time.
During the FFB crisis, 33 families of Devonian For trilobites, the extinction at the end of the
brachiopods, which represented a diverse and abun- Famennian Age was catastrophic. Ostracods during
dant constituent of benthic communities, became the FFB crisis experienced strong ecological stress,
extinct; representatives of 30 of them were tropical which is evident from the disappearance of most spe-
dwellers. The extinction was most significant among cies (70%). This is particularly true of detritovore
brachiopods of the middle and outer parts of the shelf. ostracod taxa, while species capable of living in oxy-
In the Devonian, bryozoans represented a thriving gen-deficient environments and planktonic forms suf-
group that numbered over 1000 species. They became fered less. Ammonoids were also subjected to mass
extinct prior to the extinction of most other organisms, extinction: of 26 families, only one survived [29]. In
i.e., near the boundary between the Givetian and the Late Devonian, the crisis involved all Chordata
Frasnian stages: 43% of their families, 64% of genera, representatives except for sharks: the diversity of cono-
and 69% of species disappeared at that time [28]. Like donts was drastically reduced, 9 Agnatha families dis-
brachiopods, bryozoans survived the DCB extinction appeared, as well as 63 of 70 Arthrodira genera among


Pelagic organisms
Givetian Frasnian Famennian Tournaisian

Devonian Carboniferous







Benthic organisms



Rugose corals




Fig. 1. Variations in diversity of pelagic and benthic organisms in Late Devonian‒initial Carboniferous, after [27]; age of stage
boundaries, after [30].

Placoderms. Freshwater Placoderms taxa overcame [46]). The corresponding stratigraphic levels are
the crisis with less significant losses. marked by black shales, volcanogenic deposits,
impactites, carbon and oxygen isotopic excursions,
Paleontological evidence of the crises is synchro- and features reflecting climate changes, sea level fluc-
nous with lithological, geochemical, and isotopic tuations, and other events. The main reasons for
indicators of environmental changes (see review in extinction are considered tectonic movements, fluctu-

OCEANOLOGY Vol. 56 No. 6 2016


Panthalassa Sib Ocean

Rheic Ocean

Fig. 2. Late Devonian paleogeography, 370 Ma ago (after [53], modified). Plates: (Sib) Siberian, (La) Laurentia, (Bal) Baltica,
(Gond) Gondwana.

ations in climate and sea level, volcanism, the collision this process could represent the main factor responsi-
of Earth with cosmic bodies (impact events). These ble for the formation of two +3‰ δ13C excursions in
abiotic factors influenced the biota of the ocean the late Famennian Age. The main causes were evi-
through the hydrological structure and hydrothermal dently drops in sea level [13]. In the Late Devonian,
composition of water: its evolution, distribution areas black shales enriched in organic matter were deposited
and sizes of organisms, biodiversity, and bioproductiv- due to the high influx of organic matter into sediments
ity. Unfavorable combinations of these factors resulted and favorable oxygen-deficient conditions for its pres-
in the mass extinction of organisms. ervation at the water‒bottom interface.
The mass extinction occurred against the back- The main impulse of extinction in Upper Devonian
ground of Gondwana’s position near the South Pole sections near the FBB is termed the Kellwasser Event,
and development of the main Acadian‒Eovariscan which is reflected in the presence of two black shale
fold belt (Fig. 2). Injurious environmental distur- members. Both Kellwasser members have been
bances could be determined by intensified silicate recorded in Laurentia, Gondwana, Siberia, and
weathering on elevated land domains and decreased southern China. Organic-molecular indicators from
greenhouse CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. marine sedimentary sequences of Belgium in the FFB
They could have also resulted from intense develop- interval point to a wide distribution of forest fires, soil
ment of terrestrial vegetation and mass burial of erosion, and oceanic hypoxia, which was responsible
organic carbon. It is believed that primary production for the mass extinction of marine organisms. The
increased due to the intensified influx of nutrients magnetic susceptibility data imply the prevalence of an
from continents. arid climate, which stimulated forest fires [33].
The repeated global development of black shale According to isotopic investigations of sulfur, the
facies, enrichment of sediments with trace elements, FFB interval in southern China and Poland is charac-
increase in δ34S of pyrite, positive shifts of δ13C, and terized by frequent disturbances in its cycle [15]. The
dominant development of benthic species tolerant to authors explain this phenomenon by sea level and cli-
oxygen deficiency in water represent the characteristic mate fluctuations, which were responsible for changes
features of the extremely unfavorable conditions that in the nutrient influx from continents, primary pro-
existed during the last two Late Devonian extinctions duction volumes, and organic matter burial. The
(FFB and CDB). Two models are used to explain the increase in nutrient influx during the a drop in sea
elevated burial of organic carbon in sediments: better level could significantly increase bacterial sulfate
preservation of organic matter in stagnant oceans and reduction. During a rapid rise sea level at the begin-
increase in primary production, which resulted in its ning of the Famennian Age, this was followed by the
intensified influx to sediments. The latter model formation of long-term euxinic environments. The
implies increased transport of biogenic elements from temporal coincidence of two extinction phases with
land during regressions. According to calculations, geochemical reorganizations and euxinization of the

OCEANOLOGY Vol. 56 No. 6 2016


photic zone confirms the assumption that these events tions, and the development of anoxia and probably
played an important role in the biotic crisis. hypercapnia. The DCB readily correlates at the sub-
The Kellwasser Event affected mostly shallow- global scale owing to the positive δ13C peak [16, 35, 46]
water thermophilic organisms (systems of coral reefs, (Fig. 3). This peak is considered synchronous with the
brachiopods, trilobites, ammonites, conodonts, Hangenberg black shale member.
acritarchs, etc.). The FFB interval in two significantly The hydrochemical changes in the ocean during the
remote areas (Belgium and China) exhibits positive Devonian‒Carboniferous transition from euxinic to
shifts and high δ13Ccarb values. Some organic matter aerobic conditions was able to be determined by
components near the FBB in both sections demon- replacement of vertical haline circulation with thermo-
strate similar peaks. These data indicate the global dis- haline circulation. In the Devonian, deep parts of the
tribution of anoxic or euxinic environments, which ocean were filled with transformed dense hypersaline
should have affected the biota [57]. water that formed in epicontinental and shelf seas at low
The difference in the geochemical characteristics latitudes, while cooling resulted in its formation at high
of two Kellwasser black shale members in the Harz latitudes from the sinking of cold, well-aerated water.
Mountains (Germany) gave grounds to assume of Another probable cause of these changes could be a low
their different depositional environments [51]. The oxygen concentration in the Devonian atmosphere and
formation of the lower member resulted from an an increase in it by the end of this period [5].
increased influx of nutrients from land, increased pri- Unlike in most DCB sections represented by black
mary production, and development of anoxia on sub- shales with high concentrations of organic matter, the
merged platforms. The upper member formed due to section located in the eastern Alps (Austria) is com-
the development of oxygen-deficient water in deep posed of carbonate facies. The last section was sub-
parts of the ocean from intermittent stratification of jected to high-resolution geochemical studies [11].
the water column during the maximum of the Fras-
The concentrations of organic matter and δ13C, δ18O,
nian transgression. Oxygen-deficient water could have
spread over shoals during this transgression. δ34S isotopes reveal a shift to higher values, which
reflects cooling, intensification of oceanic circulation,
An insufficient oxygen content in water was not and elevated bioproductivity.
widely considered responsible for the disappearance of
reefs due to unavailability of data on the shallowest The Hangenberg black shales that accumulated on
Kellwasser facies. The intermittent occurrence of the Late Devonian shelf in its Poland part are evidence
anoxic conditions on the very shallow-water carbonate that they were deposited under alternatively varying
platform during the Upper Kellwasser Event was (anoxic to well-aerated) conditions in the bottom
proved by a geochemical study in Alberta, Canada water layer. U/Th values exceeding 1.25, Ni/Co values
[12]. In the Late Devonian, this area was located in the exceeding 7, a total content of organic matter above
equatorial zone. Transgressions were accompanied 10%, and other geochemical features in the lower part
there by distribution of euxinic or anoxic waters, of the Hangenberg member indicate anoxic or euxinic
which is evident from the enrichment of sediments in environments. The formation of the upper part of the
organic carbon and uranium. black shale member was also accompanied by inter-
In China, the Upper Devonian Hongguleleng For- mittently occurring anoxic conditions. All the exam-
mation includes the Upper Kellwasser Member [14]. ined samples contained small pyrite framboids and
Unlike previous researchers who argued that this event biomarkers confirming euxinic conditions in the pho-
was characteristic of shallow-water marginal epiconti- tic zone [41]. The middle part of the Hangenberg shale
nental basins of the closing Rheic Ocean, the authors member in the same section encloses a bed of volcano-
of [14] show that the latter is also reflected on the genic sediments with geochemical characteristics typ-
shoals of the open part of Paleotethys Ocean. ical of oceanic basalts. Proceeding from these data, the
authors believe that volcanism could have resulted in a
The terminal extinction pulse recorded immedi- reduction in biodiversity.
ately below the DCB is also reflected in the lithology
as Hangenberg black shales, which have been docu- The Kellwasser and Hangenberg black shale mem-
mented in Europe, North Africa, North America, and bers enclose bacterial mats similar to their counter-
China [45]. Their accumulation coincided with the parts formed by recent cyanobacteria [36]. Cyanobac-
mass extinction and glacioeustatic sea level fluctua- teria are tolerant to low-sulfide conditions. They char-
tions. The accurate U‒Pb zircon dates obtained for acterize conditions in Late Devonian epicontinental
volcanic ash beds which bound this black shale mem- seas as euxinic and enriched in H2S, i.e., unfavorable
ber made it possible to specify the age of this event to most benthic organisms. It is conceivable that bot-
(from 358.97 ± 0.11 to 358.89 ± 0.20 Ma ago) and its tom conditions during the Late Devonian varied from
duration (~50–100 ka). The glacioeustatic climate well-aerated to anoxic depending on the rates of oxy-
fluctuations likely reflect Milankovitch cycles. The gen production by cyanobacteria, intensity of H2S
terminal Devonian extinction is synchronous with emission from decomposed mats, and plankton pro-
volcanic eruptions, climate changes, sea level fluctua- duction rates.

OCEANOLOGY Vol. 56 No. 6 2016

Temperature, °С δ13C, ‰ Impact events Volcanism Extinction
20 25 30 2 4

Viluy trap

Charlevoix Flinn Creek
Aorounga event”

Vol. 56

No. 6



FFB “Kellwaasser

Late Devonian


1 2 3
– +
Sea level

Mid. Devonian
Fig. 3. Correlation between abiotic factors and mass extinctions of organisms in Late Devonian. Environmental conditions: surface water temperature in low latitudes, after [31];

Frasnian‒Famennian boundary (FFB); sea level: (“+”) transgression, (“‒“ regression, after [32]; carbon isotope ratio δ13C, after [13]; impact events, crater diameters:
(1) >100 km, (2) 100‒10 km, (3) <10 km; volcanism of Viluy trap province (periods of intensification are indicated). Rectangles show stratigraphic position of black shale mem-
bers and Kellwaasser and Hangenberg mass extinction events. Dashed lines show assumed intervals of age estimates.

D/C extinction

Famennian Stage

F/F extinction

Alamo impact event

Transgression Regression

Fig. 4. Extinctions of marine organisms and sea level fluctuations in Late Devonian (after [52], modified). The position of the
Alamo impact event and glacioeustatic rise in sea levels during the Famennian interglacial are indicated.

The Frasnian Age was marked by a global rise in sea and strengthened the injurious effect of the sea level
level (Fig. 4). Mass extinction occurred against the fall at the end of Frasnian Age marked by mass extinc-
background of its sharp drop at the Franian/Famen- tion.
nian transition due to the onset of glaciation in the Climate changes such as both warming and cooling
Southern Hemisphere. These processes resulted in are also considered as being responsible for mass
reduction in the main ecological niche for marine extinction. Warmings associate with emanation of
organisms and was accompanied by accumulation of greenhouse gases during volcanic eruptions and sub-
Kellwasser black shales. The Famennian Age was sequent development of anoxia [10, 23, and others].
characterized by a global drop in sea level, which was Coolings associate with glaciation in the Southern
interrupted by its several glacioeustatic rises and cul- Hemisphere and drop in sea level. The Devonian
minated in the less significant Hangenberg mass cooling could be caused by outburst of terrestrial
extinction during another sharp drop in sea level, plants, which consumed carbon dioxide from the
which was, in turn, determined by the maximum gla- atmosphere, intensified weathering, anoxia develop-
ciation on Gondwana [52]. ment, and burial of organic carbon [4].
The authors of [52] believe that catastrophic Cooling at the Frasnian‒Famennian transition is
eustatic rises in sea level and subsequent mass extinc- substantiated by the dominant extinction of reef-
tion in the late Frasnian are most likely explained by a dwelling and other low-latitudinal organisms, survival
series of comet showers. They substantiate this of cold-resistant organisms during and after crisis
assumption by many known and presumable impacts, periods, evidence of Gondwana glaciation, and rapid
such as the Siljan and Flinn Creek events. The major sea level fluctuations. Cooling in the low-latitude
rise in sea level after the Alamo impact event is consid- zone could have resulted from the convergence
ered as an argument in favor of relations between cat- between the Gondwana and Laurentia plates in the
astrophic rise in sea levels and comet showers. The rise Frasnian Age, blocked equatorial circulation, and
in sea levels induced by the Alamo impact event and deviation of cold high-latitude currents to the tropical
subsequent comet showers weakened the ecosystem zone [18].

OCEANOLOGY Vol. 56 No. 6 2016


Number of conodont Sea level

δ13Ccarb, ‰ PDB Δ13C species – +
0 1 2 3 4 12


–2 Kellwasser




Fig. 5. Correlation between variations in carbon isotope ratio, evolution of conodonts, and sea level fluctuations near FBB in
Upper Devonian section of southern China (after [56], modified).

Available publications contain many paleontologi- Frasnian‒Famennian transition; (2) mass burial of
cal and lithological data on the terminal Frasnian organic carbon (Kellwasser Event) in semiclosed
cooling related to Gondwana glaciation and indicating basins due to the reduction in equatorial interoceanic
that the latter marked the onset of the Late Paleozoic connections between the Panthalassa and Paleotethys
glacial epoch [43]. Its first and second impulses took oceans. It is also assumed that primary production
place approximately 376 Ma ago (lower Kellwasser) increased owing to the elevated influx of nutrients
and 375 Ma ago (upper Kellwasser), respectively. Both from continents.
impulses are reflected in the reduction in biodiversity.
The second stage of the Late Paleozoic glacial epoch The sea level changes documented in deep-sea sec-
corresponded to the Famennian cooling event. Glaci- tions, on submarine rises, slopes, outer and inner parts
ation in Gondwana reached its maximum at that time. of the shelf [52], as well as the global positive δ13Ccarb
Coastal sections (Kentucky, United States) contain excursion, confirm the correlation of the mass extinc-
glacial detritus including boulders. The minimum size tion near the FBB with the drop in sea level and
of the Famennian ice sheet in western Gondwana at changes in the carbon cycle [56].
the second stage is estimated as 16 × 106 km2. To determine CO2 concentrations, Δ δ13C (= δ13Ccarb ‒
Many continents yield evidence of a rapid eustatic δ org) is used [20], since the difference between the

drop in sea levels in the Late Devonian: carstification carbonate and organic components is determined by
and brecciation of Frasnian and Famennian carbonate fractionation during photosynthesis, which depends
rocks determined by their subaerial exposition, strati- partly on the CO2 concentrations in seawater. In order
graphic hiatuses, evaporitic and black shale formations. to reveal correlations between variations in CO2 con-
Cooling and Famennian glaciations in southern centrations in the atmosphere and extinctions in the
Gondwana can also be explained by tectonic factors FFB interval, paired analyses of inorganic (δ13Ccarb)
[7]. The simultaneous formation of the main Aca- and organic (δ13Corg) carbon isotopes were performed
dian‒Eovariscan fold belt gives reasons to explain for two Upper Devonian sections in southern China
relations between environmental perturbations and [56] (Fig. 5). A more significant fall in the share of
intense continental rise through two mechanisms organic isotope as compared with its carbonate coun-
responsible for the decrease of CO2 concentrations in terpart indicates increased CO2 concentration in the
the atmosphere: (1) intensification of silicate weather- atmosphere. This decrease was preceded by regres-
ing on continents, which is evident from the signifi- sion, which corresponded to the beginning of mass
cant increase in the 87Sr/86Sr value of seawater at the conodont extinction. The drop in temperature deter-

OCEANOLOGY Vol. 56 No. 6 2016


mined by the decreased greenhouse effect of atmo- isotopes. According to the developed age model,
spheric CO2 could have contributed to the mass events accompanied by accumulation of lower and
extinction. upper Kellwasser black shales are separated by a period
According to [16], which investigated marine sec- of 800 ka. The pyrite distribution and Th/U dates
showed that during the late Kellwasser Event, the oxy-
tions in the United States (Illinois), the δ13Ccarb values gen content remained low during 400 kyr. According
increased from ‒1.0 to +5.0‒7.0‰ (Hangenberg to δ13Corg measurements, the carbon cycle after its shift
excursion) at the Famennian‒Tournaisian transition,
indicating that the greenhouse climate was replaced by by +3‰ became stable 600 kyr later.
a glacial one [16]. High-resolution investigations of The Famennian‒Tournaisian (DCB) interval
changes in depositional environments in the DCB demonstrates lithological variations corresponding to
interval carried out in eastern Anti-Atlas (Morocco) 100-ka-long astronomical cycles. In the opinion of the
[34] revealed high-frequency sea level fluctuations, above-mentioned authors [21], black shale members
including two global transgressive and anoxic events including that reflecting the Hangenberg Event accu-
corresponding the accumulation of Hangenberg mulated during the transgression, when the extremely
(DCB) and Lower Alum black shales (Tournaisian high eccentricity stimulated destruction of small con-
Stage of the Lower Carboniferous). In this region, both tinental ice sheets in southern latitudes of western
events coincide with mass extinctions. Correlation with Gondwana.
glacial phases in southern Gondwana implies the gla- Volcanic eruptions, including the eruption of Viluy
cioeustatic factor as responsible for sea level fluctua- traps, which was the largest in the Devonian,
tions and an overall drop by approximately 100 m, cor- undoubtedly had a significant influence on the extinc-
responding to the main regressive phase of the Han- tions. The Viluy (Yakutsk) trap province developed in
genberg Event. These results are consistent with the Lena, Markha, and Viluy river valleys along rifto-
assumptions of a mild humid climate for the terminal genic normal faults and on slopes of the Anabar and
Devonian, which stimulated expansion of glaciation in Aldan shields. Intrusive rocks are represented by dikes,
high latitudes and elevated accumulation of detrital sills, and bedded basaltic breccias. Basalts are interca-
sediments in the middle latitudes of Northwest Africa. lated by ashes and tuffs. The Late Devonian‒Early
Apatite of conodonts abundant in Paleozoic sections Carboniferous volcanics and sediments rest upon Pro-
was used for quantitative reconstruction of Devonian terozoic and Lower Paleozoic rocks. The Viluy aula-
paleotemperatures [31]. The oxygen isotope ratio was cogen extends northeast for 600 km to dip under the
measured in 639 samples from sections of North Amer- Verkhoyansk fold belt. The largest part of the Viluy
ica, Europe, and Australia. In the tropical belt, paleo- trap province is eroded, and its western part is overlain
temperatures were as high as 30‒32°C in the Early by Siberian Permian‒Triassic traps. At the same time,
Devonian; in the Middle Devonian (397‒385 Ma ago) only the aulacogen proper contains approximately
they decreased to 22‒25°C; in the Frasnian Age, they 300000 km3 of igneous rocks [39].
increased again to reach maximal values (30‒32°C) at Eruptions represented a multistage process. The
the Frasnian‒Famennian transition. These recon- thickness of the sedimentary sequence is 3‒7 km in the
structed paleotemperatures indicate that coral‒stro- western part of the rift. The total volume of igneous
matoporoidea reefs developed under relatively mild cli- rocks in the Viluy rift is estimated to be 1000000 km3.
mate conditions, while reefs formed by microbial com- The 40Ar/39Ar age averaged for several samples is
munities were characteristic of very warm environments 373.4 ± 0.7 Ma, which corresponds to the FFB age,
of the Early and Late Devonian. In the middle‒late accepted as 372.2 ± 1.6 Ma [19]. Other dates obtained
Famennian, moderate cooling was crowned by brief for samples from the Viluy rift constitute two clusters
glaciation at the Devonian‒Carboniferous transition, with mean weighted values of 364.4 ± 1.7 and 376.7 ±
which is reflected in the positive δ18O shift in apatite of 1.7 Ma. The first value is close to the DCB age, some
conodonts. Judging from these paleoreconstructions, ahead of it. The authors believe that these data support
two Devonian extinction events (at the Give- the hypothesis on relationships between extinctions
tian‒Frasnian and, in particular, Frasnian‒Famen- and volcanism [50]. The application of the new
nian transitions) corresponded to temperature growth 40Ar/39Ar technique for dating basaltic eruptions tak-
episodes. ing into account their alteration during weathering
The Kowala section in Poland reflects climatic allowed the author of [8] to draw a conclusion on the
fluctuations determined by astronomical rhythms sufficient dating accuracy and argue that eruption of
[21]. Sediments of its lower part were deposited under Viluy traps corresponds in age to the FBB, i.e., the
conditions of a hot greenhouse climate, while overly- main mass extinction of the Late Devonian.
ing sediments imply transition to glacial environ- There are also other large regions of Late Devonian
ments. The lithological variations in the Fras- magmatism in addition to the Vilyui trap province.
nian‒Famennian section correspond to eccentricity Two stages of basaltic magmatism are recorded in the
rhythms lasting 405 and 100 ka. This interpretation is South Urals: in the last third of the Frasnian Age and
confirmed by high-resolution measurements of stable more powerful corresponding to the FBB [54]. A large

OCEANOLOGY Vol. 56 No. 6 2016


region of alkaline magmatism 100000 km2 in size, same formation mechanism [3]. Glassy spherules with
which includes 25 magmatic centers, is known in the morphological and chemical properties similar to the
East European Platform [55]. The Pripyat–Dnieper– properties of tectites and microtectites have been
Donets rift zone extends for over 800 km [38]. The found at the stratigraphic level of the FFB in sections
volcanic zone in northern Iran was likely a constituent of Belgium [17]. It is assumed that these spherules rep-
of the large Late Devonian volcanic province in the resent products of ejection during the impact event,
peripheral part of Paleotethys [24]. Reflections of Late most likely related to the formation of the Siljan crater.
Devonian magmatic processes are also known in The Flinn Ceek crater is in Tennessee (United
northern and southern China. The impact of eruptions States) (36°17′ N, 85°40′ W; diameter 3.6 km). It is
on the biota includes several probable mechanisms: estimated as 360.0 ± 20.0 Ma old [22, 44]. This struc-
ejections of large volumes of CO2 and SO2 into the ture resulted from an asteroid hitting Ordovician car-
atmosphere, global darkening, acid rains, warming, bonate deposits. The crater is filled with basal breccia
rise in sea level, formation of high-saline deep water, and Upper Devonian black shales.
relatively strong vertical stratification, and develop-
ment of anoxia in the ocean. The ratios between REE, The Aorounga impact crater (19°06′ N, 19°15′ E),
Fe, Mn, Al, and other elements in limestones of south- discovered in northern Chad (Africa) in 1992, is 12.5–
ern China indicate the development of hydrothermal 18.0 km across (according to different estimates) and
processes at that time, which could have influenced less than 345 Ma old. The crater is deeply eroded. Its
oxidation of seawater, its pollution by heavy metals, structure is represented by two ring swells approxi-
and eutrophication, and could have resulted in distur- mately 100 m high located up to 7 and 11 km from the
bance of the neritic ecosystem [58]. center. The swells are separated by a ring depression
with a hummocky area in the central part approxi-
Upper Devonian sections demonstrate reflections mately 1.5 km wide. The section includes fine-grained
of intense bombardment of the Earth by cosmic bodies breccia composed of particles with fluidal texture [9].
(asteroids and/or comets), which should have injuri- The maximum age estimate of the impact derived
ously affected biodiversity. They are represented by from target rocks corresponds to the Late Devonian.
craters and areas with elevated iridium concentrations, Subsequently, the sizes of the structure and its ele-
shocked quartz, and microspherules. (Estimates of ments were specified and new mineralogical features
ages of impact events obtained by different methods indicating its impact nature were found [37]. In recent
are characterized by the significant scatter.) One such catalogs, the age of the impact event is indicated as
manifestation, the Woodleigh crater, is near the west- <345 Ma, i.e., Carboniferous. Subsequently, a chain
ern coast of Australia (26°03′ S, 114°40′ E). The crater of four craters was established (10.9–12.0 km across
is estimated to be Late Devonian in age: 364 ± 8 Ma and located 14‒20 km from each other), which
after [22] and 369 ± 4 Ma after [44]. Its diameter is extends northeast. The age of three of them was deter-
120 km (probably, up to 160 km). This crater is fourth mined as ~360 Ma; i.e., this impact event occurred
in size among similar known structures over all the immediately prior to the Devonian‒Carboniferous
Earth. It is overlain by sediments; nevertheless, its transition.
structure has been revealed by gravimetric measure- The giant Alamo structure (37°30′ N, 116°30′ W;
ments, and that of oceanic rocks, by drilling. The cra- diameter up to 190 km) is described in North America
ter bears distinct features of an astrobleme. The central (Nevada and neighboring states). Its age is estimated
uplift of the granitoid basement is approximately as 367 Ma (some authors consider it to be 382.1 ±
20‒25 km across. It is located at a depth of 171 m, i.e., 3.0 Ma old [44]). This region, ~25000 km2 in size,
1800 m above the regional basement. The uplift is sur- hosts Alamo impact breccia, representing a member of
rounded by a ring trough. The sediments contain shallow-water marine limestone 50‒100 m thick that
shocked quartz and other mineralogical indicators of disintegrated into large blocks and was deformed.
the impact crater. The size of the impact body (aster- There are geological, petrographical, and geochemical
oid, comet) is estimated to have been 5‒12 km across. features indicating that the Alamo Event reflects the
The Siljan crater is located in central Sweden impact of a large cosmic body (~5 km across) hitting a
(61°2′ N, 14°52′ E; diameter 50‒60 km). Its age is relatively deep-sea area beyond the carbonate plat-
estimated as either 361.0 ± 1.1 or 368 ± 1 Ma [44] (in form on the tectonically active margin of the Pan-
any case, Late Devonian). This impact structure thalassa Ocean or on the shelf margin. The differenti-
resulted from a granite massif 1700 Ma old being ated crater, 50–75 km in diameter, buried under sedi-
struck by a cosmic body, which stimulated the forma- ments is located at a water depth of 1.5 km [47].
tion of a melted granite layer ~200 m thick, overheated Over 20 mountainous areas surrounding the crater
to 2000‒2200°C, and a spacious system of fractures in exhibit outcrops of allochthonous and semiautoch-
the granite massif extending to a depth of 5‒6 km. thonous breccias, impact ejection products, and seis-
Several structures (Khibiny, Lovozero, and Kontoz- mically disturbed layers. The lower part of the breccia
ero) are confined to a single NE-trending line with the sequence contains sediments deposited several sec-
undoubted Siljan astrobleme, which likely implies the onds after the impact, as well as tsunamites and fine-

OCEANOLOGY Vol. 56 No. 6 2016


Tectonics Mantle plumes Asteroids Comets

Volcanism Impact events

Climate Emission of CO2, SO2, Cl, F, CH4 Ash, aerosols

Darkening of atmosphere,
Greenhouse effect
reduction in UV radiation

Reduction of photosynthesis

Stagnation of the ocean

Sea level

and bioproductivity

Anoxia Destruction of food chains

Mass extinction

Fig. 6. Schematic model of abiotic factors responsible for great mass extinction event in Late Devonian.

grained sediments deposited subsequently over sev- anomaly in question may be related to other processes,
eral hours or a longer period. An iridium anomaly not an impact event.
(~70 ppt), grains of shocked quartz, carbonate accre- A special investigation aimed at discovering the
tionary lapillis, products of impact-induced meta- features indicating impact events that could have been
morphism, and different ejection products, including responsible for the biotic crisis were undertaken in the
glassy spherical grains, confirm the impact nature of FFB stratotype of southern France [26]. In contrast to
this structure. Alamo breccias are found at a distance previous investigations of the same section, no high Ir
of at least 100 km away from the intended point of concentrations, Ni spinel, or microtectites were found
impact, and distal quartz grains emissions, at dis- by these authors. A twofold excess of Ir concentration
tances up to 250 km. found in some samples is explained by these authors as
the accumulation of common cosmic dust during
Several other astroblemes are also attributed to the
periods of low sedimentation rates. Nevertheless,
Late Devonian: Charlevoix (Quebec, Canada, 47°32′ N,
there is convincing evidence that Late Devonian
70°18′ W, diameter 54 km), Ilyinets (Ukraine, 49°08′ N,
extinctions correspond to many (including major)
29°11′ E, diameter 4.5 km), Kaluga (Russia, 54°30′ N,
impact events, which should have been responsible for
36°15′ E, diameter 15 km), Elbow (Canada, 50°59′ N,
environmental deteriorations.
106°43′ W, diameter 8 km). Figure 3 presents assumed
ages of these events. All of this indicates that mass extinction in the Late
Devonian was determined by a combination of impact
In southern China, uppermost Frasnian sediments events and extensive volcanism. They could have acted
contain microspherules of presumably impact origin during a continuous (longer or shorter) time interval,
[40] and peak iridium concentration at the FBB, as has been noted for almost all great mass extinctions
which is interpreted by different researchers as either [2]. Their joint action was the most catastrophic. Vol-
reflecting the impact event or resulting from reducing canism and an impact event result in similar conse-
processes. The moderate iridium anomaly exceeding quences for environments (Fig. 6): ejection of harmful
its background values approximately 20 times was dis- chemical elements and aerosols into the atmosphere,
covered near the FBB in Western Australia [49]. This the greenhouse effect, warming, darkening of the
anomaly may be related to development of the stro- atmosphere preventing penetration of ultraviolet light
matolite layer with cyanobacterium Frutexites, fibers and photosynthesis, stagnation of oceans, and devel-
of which concentrate some elements such as Ir, Pt, opment of anoxia. These processes are accompanied
Co, As, Mn, Fe, and others exceeding their back- by a reduction in bioproductivity and destruction of
ground values by two to five times. Thus, the iridium food chains. Mass extinctions are confined to time

OCEANOLOGY Vol. 56 No. 6 2016


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