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Rita Katz and S.I.T.E. are set to release yet another

"aL-Qaeda" tape
Despite a massive manhunt by the world's intelligence agencies, BL seems to evade their combined efforts,
staying on the run. But he still has time to drop into his recording studio and cook up a fresh tape for the likes
of Rita Katz and her outfit called S.I.T.E. SITE is staffed by TWO people, Katz and a Josh Devon.

WASHINGTON (AFP) The head of the Al-Qaeda network Osama bin Laden is expected to release a taped message
on Iraq, a group monitoring extremist online forums said Thursday.
The 56-minute tape by the hunted militant is addressed to Iraq and an extremist organization based there, the Islamic
State of Iraq, said the US-based SITE monitoring institute, citing announcements on "jihadist forums."
It said the release was "impending" but did not say whether the message was an audio or video tape.

Despite a massive manhunt and a 25-million-dollar bounty on his head, he has evaded capture and has regularly
taunted the United States and its allies through warnings issued on video and audio cassettes.

Source: ME Times

Yes, despite a massive manhunt by the world's intelligence agencies, BL seems to evade their combined efforts,
staying on the run. But he still has time to drop into his recording studio and cook up a fresh tape for the likes of Rita
Katz and her outfit called S.I.T.E. SITE is staffed by TWO people, Katz and a Josh Devon.

Yet these two individuals manage to do what the ENTIRE combined assets of the world's Western intelligence can't:
Be the first to obtain fresh video and audio tapes from aL-Qaeda with Bin Laden making threats and issuing various
other comments.
If BL appears a bit "stiff" in the latest release, that's because he is real stiff, as in dead, as this January 2006 article
from one of the world's leading Zionists, Michael Ledeen shows:

And, according to Iranians I trust, Osama bin Laden finally departed this world in mid-December. The al
Qaeda leader died of kidney failure and was buried in Iran, where he had spent most of his time since the
destruction of al Qaeda in Afghanistan.

How is it that a Jewish owned group like S.I.T.E. can outperform the world's best and brightest in the intelligence field
and be the first to know that a group like al-Qaeda is getting ready to release another tape?

How is it possible that Rita Katz and S.I.T.E. can work this magic? Maybe looking at Katz's background will help:

Rita Katz is Director and co-founder of the SITE Institue. Born in Iraq, her father was tried and executed as an Israeli
spy, whereupon her family moved to Israel [the move has been described as both an escape and an emmigration in
different sources]. She received a degree from the Middle Eastern Studies program at Tel Aviv University, and is
fluent in Hebrew and Arabic. She emigrated to the US in 1997.

Katz was called as a witness in the trial, but the government didn't claim she was a terrorism expert. During the trial it
was discovered that Katz herself had worked in violation of her visa agreement when she first arrived in America in
1997. She also admitted to receiving more than $130,000 for her work as an FBI consultant on the case.

Source Watch
This whole charade is timed to influence the upcoming U.S. presidential primary elections to be held in Iowa.

The Zionist favorite, Rudy GHUOLiani, is lagging in the polls.

So, they scheme to release another phony "aL-Qaeda" tape in conjunction with Rudy's latest TV ad blitz that piles
togther scenes from World War II and 9/11.

GHOULiani has the nerve to compare his actions on 9/11 with the actions of the Marines at Iwo Jima.

Add in the latest fabrication from S.I.T.E. and Rudy's ads and presto chango, fear strikes again in the heartland.

Fear is what Rudy's Zionist advisors, Norman Podhoretz and Daniel Pipes, love to install in people. It keeps people
from clearly thinking and voting for American interests.

What the GHOULiani's and Pipes of the world want the U.S. to do is to vote for Israeli interests, not our own.

Stay tuned to see if Rita Katz's latest seance with Bin Laden from beyond takes credit for the death of Bhutto or
blames the death on Iran.

That would play right into the hands of the death dealers and war mongers that have taken control of the White

Posted in brainwashing Fixing Elections Lies propaganda Thought Control zionism Greg
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To Greg Bacon

I'm so tired of how these creeps get paid to lie. Sick little maggots.

Katz has now teamed up with fellow Zionist Jane Jew-cunt Harman to promote thought- crime legislation ("Violent
Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Act" -- H.R. 1955).

Most people must work for a living, but these Jew fuckers are PARASITES.

Still, if the American public is too stupid to recognize that, then it deserves what it gets.

Unfortunately, every time Katz lies, it causes more people to be murdered in the Middle East.

Abdul Alhazred | Fri, 2007-12-28 21:21


Stay tuned to see if Rita Katz's latest seance with Bin Laden from beyond takes credit for the death of Bhutto or
blames the death on Iran.

That pretty much sums it up Greg!

..to the lowest common denominator! WTF is next?
..is WTF ever the most_evil_lying_baztards conjure_up!

You've got to know the opportunazim would sacrifice one of their own for the survival of beasts created by the
wizard shaitan.

Here's an epiphany for ya, how many of us cynics would not have voted for Babylon? corrupt as she likely was,
she also seemed very intelligent and theoretically fair, upon interview.

So do we know who the French aristocrats that wanted BB dead are? Nobody likes competition you know!
You guys just wait until Hamza B_L gets control of the arsenal! (SiC)

AAZ knows they're just milking this because she's a woman, no less a thief.


Grim Reaper | Fri, 2007-12-28 21:53

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