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Case Study Of Pesticides Use In The Intensive Paddy Cultivation At Musi Rawas Regency, South

Sumatera Province
The average number of pesticides which
Results and Discusion used by farmers were 24 items. The used
pesticides were 11 items of insecticides
(45.83%), six items of herbicides (25.00%),
The most problem in the rice cultivation which decrease the four items of fungicides (16.67%), and
productivity is the attack from the plantpest organism (PPO). three items of rodenticides (12.50%). The
The Pesticide still becomes the mainstay of farmers to protect average doses and number of pesticide
m Districts Insekticide Herbicide Fungicide Rodenticide Amounts applied by farmers in Musi Rawas
the plants from PPO. The use of pesticides by farmers exceeds Regency have exceeded the
the recommended dosage of the packaging and generate the 1 Terawas (Tws) 7 7 5 3 22 recommended doses which listed on the
problems (Ardiwinata et al., 1999). The residue of pesticide 2 Tugumulyo (Tgm) 15 6 3 4 28 packaging label. The pests which attacked
the rice plans were dominated by brown
can damage the environment, both the economic 3 Purwodadi (Pwd) 12 6 4 2 24 planthopper. The high number of
environment, ecology, and social environment 4 Muara Beliti (Mbl) 5 5 4 2 16 planthopper positively correlated to the
high use of insecticides. The most active
5 Megang Sakti (Mgs) 16 6 4 4 30 ingredient used in the insecticides was
Amounts 55 30 20 15 120 fipronil (regent) which was a class of
phenyl pyrazole. The average doses were
Averege 11 6 4 3 24 4.3 mL/ L, which exceed the maximum
Material and Methods Persentage 45,83 25,00 16,67 12,50 100 recommended doses (1.0 mL/L) and given
The data was obtained by spreading the questionnaires to the 4-6 times in one growing season.
farmers. The data was the information of land age, types of Lately, the pests still became the main problem in the rice cultivation. In each season, there was certainly a pest
pesticide, the active ingredient of the pesticide, dosage of explosion in the process of rice cultivation. The main pests of rice plants were Rats, Rice stem borer, and Brown
planthopper. The other potential pests were Rice bug, Green leafhoppers, Black rice bug, Whiteback planthopper, and
pesticide, and application frequency. The sampling survey was Leaf caterpillar. According to research data and direct interview to 100 farmers, All the farmers used pesticides to
carried out using stratified sampling. Each survey point would control Plant-Pest Organisms (PPO) attacks. The farmers believed that the use of pesticide was the most effective and
represent each district which was the central areas of fast to control the PPO. The PPO attacks could reduce the agricultural product both quality and quantity even worse
technical irrigation rice cultivation with characteristics lead to the plant mortality (Kronmann et al., 2011). In the rice cultivation, the farmer was faced with fears about crops
planting twice a year. Based on Table 1, the number of failure so that preventive measures were taken to control the PPO (Ngowi et al., 2007; Cross and Jones, 2011). The
results showed that the farmers in Musi rawas regency had used pesticides by PPO. The pesticides were the
samples taken in this study was 288 respondents from 2,858 insecticide, herbicides, fungicides, and rodenticides which used to control insects, weeds, fungus, and rats,
farmers. The obtained data were tabulated, described, and respectively. By the government regulation of Republic of Indonesia number 6 of 1,995 about crops protection that
supported by literature which corresponding to this study. the use of appropriate pesticides was carried out by the invading organisms that attack the crops. However, the
application dosage of pesticide did not match the recommended dosage. It could be seen from the doses used by
farmers which had exceeded the recommended doses.

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