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S1 Thesis

Submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirement to obtain Sarjana

Pendidikan degree at English Education Program of
PurworejoMuhammadiyah University







“If in doubt in doing something, you should ask yourself, what we want tomorrow

from what we have done before”

(John Lubbock)

“There is courage involved if you want to be right”

(Jallaludin Rami)

“Life isn’t about finding yourself, but life is creating yourself”



With gratitude and love, I would like to dedicate this thesis to:

1. My infinite gratitude to my dad “Bp. Sutarmanto” and my mom “Ibu Nining

Sulastri” for giving love and support. Hopefully this is the first step to be able

to make mom and dad be happy. You are my motivation and my energy to

immediately realize my dream.

2. For my brothers and sister, Ibnu Ari Wibowo, Fendi Dwi Prabowo and Rury

Purnamawati. Thanks for your advice that makes me more excited to

complete my study, and for my nephew Erza Maheera, your little scream

makes me want to finish my thesis immediately. But I love you more.

3. For Anik Risky, Nuraeny, Yulian Aristya, Alvian Wicaksono, thanks for our

togetherness, hopefully our friendship will not end.

4. My classmate Class D in academic year 2013. Thanks for the sweet memories

and thanks for being attractive friends.


Praise to Allah SWT, the Almighty, the creator of Universe, just because

of His mercy, the researcher is being able to finish his thesis entitled “The Analsis

of Word Formation Found in Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation Movie Script

and Its Application To Teach Vocabulary at Senior High School” as a partial

requirement for getting Sarjana Pendidikan Degree of English Education Program

of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. She would like to express her

deepest gratitude to:

1. Drs. H. Supriyono, M.Pd., the Rector of Purworejo Muhammadiyah


2. Yuli Widiyono, M.Pd., as the Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and

Education of Purworejo Muhammadiyah University.

3. Sri Widodo, S.S. M.Hum., as the Head of English Education Program also

as her second consultant, thank you for great motivation, advice, patience,

and sincerity in guiding her to carry out this work from beginning to the


4. Dr. Sudar, M.Pd., as her first consultant, who has given suggestions and

guidance and also her mind, time, and energy for the sake of the

researcher’s thesis.

5. All the lecturers of English Education Program, who have given the

motivation to finish this thesis.

The researcher knows that this thesis is far from being perfect, she invites

critics and comments for this thesis. However, there is a little hope that this thesis


Fajar Kerina Novianty. The Analysis of Word Formation Found in Mission:

Impossible – Rogue Nation Movie Script and Its Application to Teach Vocabulary
at Senior High School. S1 Thesis. English Education Program. Teacher Training
and Education Faculty. Purworejo Muhammadiyah University. 2017

Movie is not only used as entertainment but also as media of learning

process. There are many types of word that can be learned. The students can learn
many types through a movie to make easier in learning vocabulary. This research
is aimed to find out the types of word formation found in Mission: Impossible –
Rogue Nation script movie. The second aim is to describe the implementation of
Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation movie in teaching vocabulary. This study
uses descriptive qualitative research to analyze the data. In collecting data, the
researcher does some steps. Those are 1) Watching the movie, 2) Downloading
the script, 3) Identifying the types of word formation on the script movie. While,
in analyzing the data, the researcher has some following steps: 1) Identifying the
script movie collected, 2) Clarifying the collected data related to Word Formation
Process, 3) Applying the finding to teach vocabulary, 4) Drawing conclusion and
suggestion. The result of the reserach shows that the total of words is 129, there
are 17 word formations of Etymology (13.2 %), 21 word formations of
Borrowing (16.3 %), 27 word formations of Compounding (21 %), 9 word
formations of Clipping (7 %), 12 word formations of Backformation (9.3 %), 6
word formations of Conversion (4.6 %), 9 word formations of Acronyms (7 %),
and 28 word formations of Derivation (21.6 %). The finding of the research can
be implemented in teaching vocabulary.

Keywords: word formation, script movie, teaching vocabulary


TITLE...................................................................................................................... i
APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................. ii
RATIFICATION SHEET ..................................................................................... iii
MOTTO ................................................................................................................ iv
DEDICATION.. .................................................................................................... v
STATEMENTS...................................................................................................... vi
ACKNOLEDGEMENTS...................................................................................... vii
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... x
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... xii
LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................... xiii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .................................................................... 1
A. Background of the Study..................................................... 1
B...Identification of the Problem .............................................. 4
C...Limitation of the Problem .................................................... 6
D...Statement of the Problem ..................................................... 6
E... Objectives of the Study......................................................... 6
F... Significance of the Study ..................................................... 7
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ................................. 9
A...Theoretical Review .............................................................. 9
1....General Concepts of Word Formation.......................... 9
2....General Concepts of Vocabulary.................................. 16
3....General Concepts of Movie.......................................... 21
4....Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation Movie................... 28
B...Previous Study ................................................................... 29
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS ......................................................... 32
A...Research Design ................................................................ 32
B...Source Data......................................................................... 33
C...Unit of Analysis.................................................................. 34

D...Instrument of the Research ................................................. 34
E... Technique of Collecting the Data ..................................... 35
F... Technique of Analyzing Data ............................................ 36
A...Research Finding ................................................................ 37
B...Discussion........................................................................... 38
1....Types of Word Formation Process............................... 38
2....The Application of Word Formation to
Teach Vocabulary......................................................... 76
CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ................................ 82
A...CONCLUSIONS ................................................................ 82
B...SUGGESTIONS ................................................................ 83


Table 1. Number and Precentage of Word Formation............................... 37


Appendix 1. Surat Keputusan Penetapan Dosen Pembimbing.............

Appendix 2. Silabus...................................................................................
Appendix 3. Script Movie..........................................................................
Appendix 4. Consultan Log.......................................................................


A. Background of the Study

English is one of the International languages, which is used in

througout the world. English as a languages in international

communication is clearly needed by many learners to deliver thought

and interact with each other. In Indonesia, English as a foreign language

is taught in schools. It is learned started from primary school up to


Teaching is more than passing on knowledge. Teachers need to

understand how to make the classroom as a fun place in the learning

process and not merely a classroom for the students to learn with

monotonic methods during the teaching process. Teachers should make

various activities and attractive materials. Moreover, in teaching-

learning process, it is important to improve students participation in the

classroom, arise students curiosity and focus on students attention to the

problem faced by them. Thus, students would be interested and enjoy

the learning process.

In the learning process, one of the important parts in creating

and understanding the language is vocabulary mastery. People cannot

express their opinion and ideas in English without knowing their

vocabulary. Low vocabulary mastery also makes them unable to

express the opinion properly.


Vocabulary is the basic competence that must be mastered by

students to get language skill like reading, writing, speaking, and

listening. Students will find difficulties in expressing their language

because of having limited vocabularies. In this case some says that

vocabulary becomes the first target in English language teaching, but

most of them have difficulties in vocabulary. They have difficult in

choosing the appropriate meaning of the words and also are still

confused in using the word based on the context. To make students

motivated and enjoyable in learning vocabulary, teachers should be

creative in delivering material.

Many parts we can learn in learning vocabulary, that is

pragmatic, syntax, semantic, collocation, morphology, and etc. On

pragmatics often encounter the speech act, and on linguistic learn

syntax. Besides on semantic learning about used of language in social

contexts and the ways in which people produce and comprehend

meanings. In collocation is merging between two words to form a

continuous meaning and when replaced in other words will created an

unusual meaning even though the word has the same meaning. In

morphology, learning about derivational morphemes and one of them is

word formation. All of them, often encounter in learning vocabulary.

Word formation is a process which produces a new word with

different meaning. It can add a thousand of English vocabularies. Word

formation can create new words and also can enrich the vocabulary of

the language that people used. It is very important in learning word

formation because each student will have many new vocabulary with

different meaning, so that students will not have difficulty in expressing

their opinion and ideas. Besides the selection of materials above, the

learning process will be better when teachers convey in different ways,

in hope that students can receive the lessons with maximum result.

Using media in teaching and learning nowadays is not

unfamiliar. Even the use of media is widely used by teachers in order to

improve the quality of their learning. Intructional media includes tools

that are physically used to convey the content of teaching materials

consisting of books, tape recorders, tapes, video cameras, video

recorders, movies, photographs, and computers. In other words,

according to Arsyad (2012: 4) media is a component of a learning

resources or physical vehicle that contains instructional material in

students environment that can stimulate students to learn.

The use of media in teaching-learning process is one method to

attract students’ attention from a method that is always monotonous. In

other, the use of this media greatly affect students interest in learning.

From some of the media above, the use of dominant movie media is in

great demand by many students because in addition to creating a movie

sound also displays the image has more interesting impression from

other media.

Movie is a travesty or tragedy of life that comes from a true

story or not real story, played by an actor or actress in a show. Movie is

an audio visual communication that can include various messages such

as education, information and intertainment. There are also many kinds

of movies include horror, comedy, romantic, action, and another. Movie

can entertain most of people, it becomes the favorable most people.

Moreover, movie can give good education or not depending on people

taking the good or bad side.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher is interested in

conducting a research about analyzing word formation used in movie

script. The researcher focuses in word formation because word

formation is part of a very interesting morphology to analyze. In

addition, by focusing on word formation, the researcher hopes this

research can stimulate students to understand the process of word

formation and also can to improve student’s vocabulary mastery.

B. Identification of the Problem

The researcher states that the problem in vocabulary is the lack

of the subject makes students not mastering many words. It seems that

it is difficult for them to memorize words. In other, students do not

familiar with the root of words. Actually still many students difficult to

arrange the sentences. It because few factor, it can be from the teachers

do not master on the material or students still unfamiliar and lack of


The lack of vocabulary makes students not mastering many

words. Therefore, they are difficult to memorize words. The cause is

probably by the lack of attention of teachers in delivering the material.

Teachers only deliver material regardless of what students get in the

learning process. Therefore the use of media is also very important and

very influential on students interest in learning. Most of students feel

bored without any variation technique in teaching process. The other

problems is the lack of teachers’ ability in mastering material, their low

voice, and the less communicative character.

Some problems also derive from students and some other

problem comes from outside students. The problems derive from

students are about different intelligence among students and about their

low motivation. They do not show interest to take part in the classroom

activities. They are passive in teaching and learning process.

The apropriate method is needed in teaching English to attract

students’ interest in learning activity. In teaching vocabulary exactly,

teachers should use intersting method that can help students to be more

understand about word formation by using movie script.


C. Limitation of the Problem

In this part, the researcher wants to limit the scope. The scope of

this research is an analysis of word formation on movie. There are

many parts of morphemes, such as: multiple affixation, inflectional and

derivational morphemes, compounding, morphological typology, word

formation and etc. Because of the limitation of the time and in order to

focus on the study, the researcher just limits the study on analysis of

word formation, so from the statement above, the researcher will only

focus on discussing word formation and its application to teach


D. Statement of the Problem

Based on the background of the study above, the issues to be

examined in these study are as follows :

1. What are the process of word formation found in Mission:

Impossible - Rogue Nation movie script?

2. How is the application of word formation found in Mission:

Impossible - Rogue Nation movie script in teaching Vocabulary?

E. Objectives of the Study

Based on statements of the problem, the objectives of the study

are the followings :


1. To identify the process of word formation found in Mission:

Impossible - Rogue Nation movie script.

2. To describe application of word formation found in Mission:

Impossible - Rogue Nation movie script in teaching Vocabulary.

F. Significance of the Study

The result of this study will be hoped to be useful for many

people, especially for those who are closely related to English education.

1. For students

The result of this research may give contribution in how to

learn word formation. By knowing word formation, students can be

more easily in learning vocabulary because they will know new

words with different meaning. They can learn word formation and

the meaning of every words in movie. Students can also guess

unfamiliar word found in some script.

2. For teachers

The result of this thesis can escalate their quality of

teaching used movie as a learning media. Moreover, by using word

formation, teachers can use it to teach vocabulary by analyzing new

words with different meaning.

3. For readers

The result of this research may increase readers’

knowledge in linguistic especially in morphology. Furthermore, the

readers will know that movie can be used as a medium of learning.

4. For next researchers

The researcher hopes that the result of this study can be

used as a reference to conduct a similar research in deeper

investigation and give inspiration in their research.


In this chapter the reseacher discuss about theoritical review, and

previous study.

A. Theoretical Review

1. General Concepts of Word Formation

a. Definition of Word Formation

According to Stekauer and Lieber (2005: 341), in rule-

based theories of word formation such as Aronoff (1976),

where a rule of word formation is conceived of as a function

that takes a base as its input and transforms it into a more

complex word as its output, restrictions are normally defined

over the input, thus narrowing the domain of application of the

rule. In theories, such as Lieber (1981), where affixes are given

lexical entries just like words and stems, their combinatorial

potential is encoded in subcategorisation frames.

Furthermore, Lieb (2013: 10) says that there are just

three basic word-formation processes in an idiolect system S

(rather than a language, to account for language variability): the

compounding process, the derivation process, and the

conversion process in S. These are directly given in a

component of the system, its word-formation base.


Based on definitions above, the researcher may

conclude that word formation is the process of formulating a

word into a more complex word. By adding a affix to a word

and forming a word with different meaning.

b. Word-Formation Processes

Word-formation has a great role in maintaining the

existence of language especially English language. According to

Yule (2006: 53), classification of word-formation procesess can

be divided into thirteen categories. The twelve categories are as


1) Etymology

Etymology is the study of the origin and history of a word.

A term which, like many of our technical words, comes to

us through Latin, but has its origins in Greek (´etymon

‘original form’ + logia ‘study of’), and is not to be confused

with entomology, also from Greek (´entomon ‘insect’).

2) Coinage

One of the least common processes of word formation in

English is coinage, that is, the invention of totally new

terms. The most typical sources are invented trade names

for commercial products that become general terms (usually

without capital letters) for any version of that product.



- Aspirin, - Kleenex
- Nylon - Teflon
- Vaseline - Tylenol
- Zipper - Xerox

3) Borrowing

Borrowing is the taking over of words from other

languages. Throughout its history, the English language has

adopted a vast number of words from other languages.


- croissant (French) - sofa (Arabic)

- dope (Dutch) - tattoo (Tahitian)
- lilac (Persian) - tycoon (Japanese)
- piano (Italian) - yogurt (Turkish)
- pretzel (German) - zebra (Bantu)

4) Compounding

Compounding is very common in languages such as

German and English, but much less common in languages

such as French and Spanish. In some of those examples we

have just considered, there is a joining of two separate

words to produce a single form. Thus, Lehn and Wort are

combined to produce Lehnwort in German.



- Bookcase - Textbook
- Doorknob - Wallpaper
- Fingerprint - Wastebaske
- Sunburn - Waterbed

Compounds Adjectives

- Good- looking
- Low-paid

Compound of Adjective

- Fast +(n) food as in a fast-food restaurant

or a full-time job

5) Blending

Blending is the combination of two separate forms to

produce a single new term is also present in the process.

However, blending is typically accomplished by taking only

the beginning of one word and joining it to the end of the

otherword. In some parts of the USA, there’s a product that

is used like gasoline, but is made from alcohol, so the

‘blended’ word for referring to this product is gasohol.


- bit : (binary + digit)

- brunch : (breakfast + lunch)
- motel : (motor + hotel)
- telecast : (television + broadcast)
- Chunnel : (Channel + tunnel)

6) Clipping

The element of reduction that is noticeable in blending is

even more apparent in the process described as clipping.

This occurs when a word of more than one syllable


(facsimile) is reduced to a shorter form (fax), usually

beginning in casual speech.


- ad (advertisement) - fan (fanatic)

- bra (brassiere) - flu (influenza)
- cab (cabriolet)
- condo (condominium)

7) Backformation

Backformation is a word of one type (usually a noun) is

reduced to form a word of another type (usually a verb).


- donate (from ‘donation’)

- Emote (from ‘emotion’)
- enthuse (from ‘enthusiasm’)
- liaise (from ‘liaison’)
- babysit (from ‘babysitter’)

8) Conversion

Conversion is a change in the function of a word, as for

example when a noun comes to be used as a verb (without

any reduction). Other labels for this very common process

are ‘category change’ and ‘functional shift’.


- Bottle →We bottled the home-brew last night.

- Butter →Have you buttered the toast?
- Chair →Someone has to chair the meeting.
- Vacation →They’re vacationing in Florida.

9) Acronyms

Acronym are new words formed from the initial letters of a

set of other words.


- CD (‘compact disk’)
- VCR (‘video cassette recorder’)
- laser (‘light amplification by stimulated emission
of radiation’)
- radar (‘radio detecting and ranging’)
- scuba (‘selfcontained underwater breathing
- zip (‘zone improvement plan’)
- MADD ( ‘mothers against drunk driving’)
- WAR ( ‘women against rape’)
- ATM (‘automatic teller machine’)
- PIN (‘personal identification number’)

10) Derivation

This process is called derivation and it is accomplished by

means of a large number of small ‘bits’ of the English

language which are not usually given separate listings in

dictionaries. These small ‘bits’ are generally described as

affixes. Some affixes have to be added to the beginning of

the word (e.g. un-). These are called prefixes. Other affixes

have to be added to the end of the word (e.g. -ish) and are

called suffixes. All English words formed by this

derivational process have either prefixes or suffixes, or both.


- un- → unhappy
- mis- → misrepresent
- pre- → prejudge
- -ful → joyful
- -less → careless
- -ish → boyish
- -ism → terrorism
- -ness → sadness
- mislead → has a prefix
- disrespectful → has both a prefix and a suffix
- foolishness → has two suffixes

11) Infixes

This is called an infix and, as the termsuggests, it is an affix

that is incorporated inside another word. It is possible to

see the general principle at work in certain expressions,

occasionally used in fortuitous or aggravating

circumstances by emotionally aroused English.


Verb Noun
- (‘to drill’) See Srnee - (‘a drill’)
- (‘to chisel’) Toh Trnoh - (‘a chisel’)
- (‘to eat with Hiip Hrniip - (‘a spoon’)
- (‘to tie’) Hoom Hrnoom - (‘to tie’)

From these examples, we can see that there is a regular

pattern whereby the infix -rn- is added to verbs to form

corresponding nouns.

12) Multiple Processes

Multiple Processes is possible to trace the operation of

more than one process at work in the creation of a particular

word. For example, the term deli seems to have become a

common American English expression via a process of first

borrowing delicatessen (from German) and then clipping

that borrowed form.

2. General Concepts of Vocabulary

a. Definition of Vocabulary

Penny (2009: 60) says that vocabulary can be defined,

roughly, as the words we teach in the foreign language.

However, a new item of vocabulary may be more than a single

word: for example, post office and mother-in-law, which are

made up of two or three words but express a single idea. There

are also multi-word idioms such as call a day, where the

meaning of the phrase cannot be deduced from an analysis of

the component words. A useful convention is to cover all such

cases by talking about vocabulary ‘items’ rather than ‘words’.

In addition, Hiebert and Kamil (2005: 3) states that

vocabulary is the knowledge of meanings of words. What

complicates this definition is the fact that words come in at

least two forms: oral and print. Knowledge of words also

comes in at least two forms, receptive—that which we can


understand or recognize—and productive—the vocabulary we

use when we write or speak. Oral vocabulary is the set of

words for which we know the meanings when we speak or

read orally. Print vocabulary consists of those words for which

the meaning is known when we write or read silently. These

are important distinctions because the set of words that

beginning readers know are mainly oral representations.

From the definitions above, the researcher can

conlcude that vocabulary is teaching meanings of words in

the foreign language. Stock of words used by person, class of

people, profession, etc. Vocabulary refers to the collection of

words or phrases usually arranged in a sequence and translated.

b. Teaching Vocabulary

Cameron (2001: 75) says that teaching vocabulary

can help learners to build up knowledge of words in any way

that will enable them to use the language efficiently and

successfully. For beginning class, there is a need to limit the

vocabulary that is introduced; if too much is introduced,

students will be impeded by the need to absorb too many

words. Teacher can not expect a class to learn too many new

words in one lesson. Children of 8/9 years may learn 4-5 new

words for one lesson, while 10/11 years learn 7-8 new words in

one lesson.

Moreover, according to Searfoss and Readance (2005:

61) that vocabulary is generally acquired in three ways, there


1) Vocabulary may be learned through first-hand experience

by interacting directly with the concept to be acquired. For

example, students can learn the concept of ‘subtraction’ by

manipulating much type of counters such as straws or

poker chips.

2) Words may be learned through the use of film, filmstrips,

television, pictures, maps and other associated audiovisual

media. For instance, the difficulty of living in Antarctica

may be learned through viewing a film or television

program on the subject.

3) Vocabulary may be acquired through the symbolic

experience of a reader interacting with a text.

The writer concludes that teaching and learning

vocabulary is a guiding and helping someone how to learn

about the meaning of words, how to do something in the

condition for learning vocabulary so they will be able to do it

by themselves. Thus, teaching is an activity to make a change

for someone who knows to understand about something.


c. Technique in Teaching Vocabulary

Based on Harmer and Jeremy (2001: 155), techniques

for teaching vocabulary are:

1) Demonstration

The teacher demonstrates the language from where the

teacher wants the students to study by offering them which

is shown the language in action.

2) Explanation

The teacher explains the construction of language in

diagram usingboard or OHP.

3) Discovery

The students can be encouraged to understand new word

forms by discovering them in a test or by looking at

grammatical evidence in order to work out a grammar rule.

4) Check question

The teacher can check questions to see if the students

have understood the meaning and use.

5) Presentation

The teacher shows the thing and does not present the word

to the students. For example: pictures, video, realia and

use the mime, action and gesture to presentations to the


According to Coombe, Folse, &Hubley (2007: 113),

there are some advantages of using this technique in teaching

vocabulary. They are as follows:

1) The context of the sentence will help the students figure

out the meanings and the usage of the words.

2) The use of context may ease the students to memorize the

words because they will know well what is the meaning

and in what context the words are used in the foreign

language situation they learn.

3) The students will also learn the grammar through the

exercise. It is possible for them to be aware of some

grammar points, such as such as whether a verb is

transitive or intransitive, whether a verb is followed by a

gerund or infinitive, if a noun is count or non-count, and

what prepositions generally accompany the word.

4) The use of this exercise will enable the students to be able

to memorize many vocabularies in context because by the

use of this exercise does not treat the words as the word in

isolation, but the words can be treated in the context of

phrase, lexical chunks, or collocation.

5) The students will not depend too much on the use of


From explanation above, its mean that techniques in

teaching learning is very importance and the teacher should

use appropriate technique to teach vocabulary, in order to

motivate and help the students in learning process with more

pleasant technique.

3. General Concepts of Movie

a. Definition of Movie

According to Pauly (2011: 12) movie is a specific kind

of cinematograph recording that usually fulfills certain

conventions of length, narrative form, commercial production,

and audience expectation of entertainment. Movies are so

much a part of our lives that it’s hard to imagine a world

without them. They usually shown in theaters, at home, in

offices and etc. movies communicate information and ideas,

and they show us places and ways of life we might not

otherwise know. Important as these benefits are, though,

something more is at stake. They through Experiences, it are

often driven by stories, with characters and also develop an

idea or explore visual qualities or sound textures.

Furthermore, Movie or film is a visual medium that

dramatizes a basic story line; it deals in pictures, images, bits

and pieces of film: We see a clock ticking, a window opening,

a person in the distance leaning over a balcony, smoking; in


the background we hear a phone ringing, a baby crying, a dog

barking as we see two people laughing as their car pulls away

from the curb, Field (2005: 20).

Based on definitions above, the researcher can

conclude movie is a series of moving pictures recorded with

sound that tell a story that can develop an idea or explore

visual qualities or sound textures.

b. Genres of movie

There are so many different genres of movies. These

are the most common identifiable movies genre categories:

1) Action (Disaster)

Action films usually include high energy, big-budget

physical stunts and chases, possibly with rescues, battles,

fights, escapes, destructive crises (floods, explosions,

natural disasters, fires, etc.), non-stop motion, spectacular

rhythm and pacing, and adventurous, often two-

dimensional 'good-guy' heroes (or recently, heroines)

battling 'bad guys' - all designed for pure audience


Example: Return of the Jedi, Speed, Titanic, The

Terminator, True Lies, and Twister.


2) Adventure

Adventure films are usually exciting stories, with new

experiences or exotic locales, very similar to or often

paired with the action film genre. They can include

traditional swashbucklers, serialized films, and historical

spectacles (similar to the epics film genre), searches or

expeditions for lost continents, "jungle" and "desert" epics,

treasure hunts, disaster films, or searches for the unknown.

Example: Apollo13, Rain Man, The Deep Get Shorty,

Water World, and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

3) Comedy

Comedies are light-hearted plots consistently and

deliberately designed to amuse and provoke laughter (with

one-liners, jokes, etc.) by exaggerating the situation, the

language, action, relationships and characters. This section

describes various forms of comedy through cinematic


including slapstick, screwball, spoofs and parodies, rom

antic comedies, black comedy (dark satirical comedy), and


Example: Ace Ventura, Pet Detective, My Best Friend’s

Wedding, Nine to Five, and Shakespeare in Love.


4) Crime & Gangster

Crime (gangster) films are developed around the sinister

actions of criminals or mobsters, particularly bankrobbers,

underworld figures, or ruthless hoodlums who operate

outside the law, stealing and murdering their way through

life. Criminal and gangster films are often categorized

as film noir or detective-mystery films - because of

underlying similarities between these cinematic forms.

This category includes a description of various 'serial

killer' films.

Example: 48 Hours, L.A.Confidential, Patriot Games,

Pulp Fiction, The Sting, and The Untouchables.

5) Drama

Dramas are serious, plot-driven presentations, portraying

realistic characters, settings, life situations, and stories

involving intense character development and interaction.

Usually, they are not focused on special-effects, comedy,

or action, Dramatic films are probably the largest film

genre, with many subsets.

Example: My Brilliant Career, The Paper Chase, Pretty In

Pink, and Shakespeare in Love.


6) Epics / Historical

Epics include costume dramas,

historical dramas, war films, medieval romps, or 'period

pictures' that often cover a large expanse of time set

against a vast, panoramic backdrop. Epics often share

elements of the elaborate adventure films genre. Epics

take an historical or imagined event, mythic, legendary, or

heroic figure, and add an extravagant setting and lavish

costumes, accompanied by grandeur and spectacle,

dramatic scope, high production values, and a sweeping

musical score. Epics are often a more spectacular, lavish

version of a biopic film.

Example: The Godfather, Gone With the Wind, The

Grapes of Wrath, Lawrence of Arabia, and Star Wars.

7) Horror

Horror films are designed to frighten and to invoke our

hidden worst fears, often in a terrifying, shocking finale,

while captivating and entertaining us at the same time in a

cathartic experience. The fantasy and supernatural film

genres are not usually synonymous with the horror genre.

There are many sub-genres of horror: slasher, teen terror,

serial killers, zombies, Satanic, Dracula, Frankenstein, etc.


Example: Alien, The Blair Witch Project, Friday the

Thirteenth, Halloween, and I Know What You Did Last


8) Musicals / Dance

Musical/dance films are cinematic forms that emphasize

full-scale scores or song and dance routines in a

significant way (usually with a musical or dance

performance integrated as part of the film narrative), or

they are films that are centered on combinations of music,

dance, song or choreography.

Example: High School Musical, Cinderella, and Pitch


9) Science Fiction

Sci-fi films are often quasi-scientific, visionary and

imaginative - complete with heroes, aliens, distant planets,

impossible quests, improbable settings, fantastic places,

great dark and shadowy villains, futuristic technology,

unknown and unknowable forces, and extraordinary

monsters ('things or creatures from space'), either created

by mad scientists or by nuclear havoc.

Example: 2001 A Space Odyssey, Back to the Future,

Blade Runner , ET: The Extra Terrestrial, and The Fifth


10) War

War (and anti-war) films acknowledge the horror and

heartbreak of war, letting the actual combat fighting

(against nations or humankind) on land, sea, or in the air

provide the primary plot or background for the action of

the film. War films are often paired with other genres,

such as action, adventure, drama, romance,

comedy (black), suspense, and even epics and westerns,

and they often take a denunciatory approach toward


Example: Red Line, Green Zone, Black Hawk Down, and

Pearl Harbour.

11) Westerns

Westerns are the major defining genre of the American

film industry - a eulogy to the early days of the expansive

American frontier. They are one of the oldest, most

enduring genres with very recognizable plots, elements,

and characters (six-guns, horses, dusty towns and trails,

cowboys, Indians, etc.). Over time, westerns have been re-

defined, re-invented and expanded, dismissed, re-

discovered, and spoofed.

Example: The Cowboys, Dances with Wolves, and



That all about definition, genres and example about

movie. From the explanation above the researcher used movie

to be analyzes. The researcher choose Mission: Impossible –

Rogue Nation movie to be analyzed. Mission: Impossible –

Rogue Nation movie includes in a action movie.

4. Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation Movie

Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation movie is a 2015

American action spy film co-written and directed by Christopher

McQuarrie. It is the fifth installment in the Mission:

Impossible film series. The film stars Tom Cruise, Jeremy

Renner, Simon Pegg, Rebecca Ferguson, Ving Rhames, Sean

Harris, and Alec Baldwin with Cruise, Renner, Pegg, and Rhames

reprising their roles from previous films.

Rogue Nation is produced by Cruise, J. J. Abrams,

and David Ellison of Skydance Productions. This movie is about

IMF agent Ethan Hunt (Cruise) is on the run from the CIA,

following the IMF's disbandment as he tries to prove the existence

of the Syndicate, a mysterious international terrorist consortium.

The movie is directed by Christopher McQuarrie who also

acts as a story writer and scenario. Whether accidental or not, the

fifth movie Mission: Impossible and featured a number of

interesting twist. One of them is the character of Ilsa Faust played


by Rebecca Ferguson. The audience will surely guess and wait for

each action to ascertain whether he is an antagonist or a

protagonistt. in terms of action, Mission: Impossible – Rogue

Nation does no show much explosion. But do not worry, thefilm is

adapted from the televition series presents scenes action tense and

adrenaline. What attracted Tom Cruise through some dangerous

scenes without a substitute cast including while hanging on an


B. Previous Study

This research is not the only one which analyze word formation

phenomenon. There are some previous studies which have concerned

and related to this topic. In this section, two previous studies will be

reviewed in this research.

The first previous study conducted by Ratih “An Analysis of

Word Formation by Using Apostrophes Found in Maroon 5 Album”

which was written by in 2015. This research is about word formation by

using apostrophes analysis used in Maroon 5 album. In this research,

the writer uses a descriptive qualitative as the type of the research.

Based on the result of research finding the researcher identifies and

describes eight words that belong to apostrophes with nouns to show

possessions. The writer applies observation and documentation methods

to collect the data. Based on the result of the analysis, 481 data of words

containing apostrophes in the English song lyrics album by Maroon 5.

It consist of 1 data apostrophes with nouns to show possession, 480 data

of apostrophes to form construction, and no data containing of

apostrophes to form plurals.

The second previous study is “The Analysis of Word Formation

of Soccer Terms in The Jakarta Post’s Articles” conducted by Hanif in

2015. This research uses qualitative method, by analyzing the corpus

that is used in the newspaper, it is related to study of words formation in

morphology. The writer took twelve articles in one year different

edition of The Jakarta Post, for the corpus. From the anaysis it can be

said that there are 64 data, found in one year different edition of The

Jakarta Post, eight derivations, thirty compounds, eight initialism, two

reduplication, three acronyms, three clapping, and one blending.

Moreover from the sample there is no borrowing, coinage and back

formation found in the development of soccer terms in this analysis.

Comparing between the first previous study and this study, they

are similarities and difference between them. Both use qualitative

design, and focuse on using word-formation process, while the

difference is on the object used; this research uses movie, while the first

previous study uses lyrics album.

There are also similarities and differences between the second

previous study and this research. The similarities are on the research

design and about word-formation, while the difference is only on the


application of the research; this research focuses on the analysis of

word formation process in teaching vocabulary, whereas the second

previous study dont apply in teaching learning,


This chapter is about research method. Research method is necessary

to find the result of the research. Research method is dealing with the ways

to conduct this research. It is very helpful for the researcher in solving the


This chapter consists of research design, source of data, unit of the

analysis, instrument of the research, technique of collecting data, and

technique of analyzing data.

A. Research Design

Lucido, Spaulding (2009: 111) says that qualitative research is

characterized by flexible, naturalistic methods of data collection and

usually does not use standardized instruments as its major data source.

Instead, qualitative researchers typically develop their own methods for

recording data and collecting several different types of data. Qualitative

data are often gathered in the form of words, pictures, or both. The tools

that are used produce data that allow for rich and thick descriptions of

the phenomena being studied. Tools for qualitative measurement must

be flexible enough to allow recording of data on complex areas such as

the social context for a groups interactions, cultural beliefs and customs,

personal interactions and learning processes, and multiple view points.


Furthermore, according to Bogdan and Biklen in Sugiyono

(2010: 21), the characteristics of qualitative research are as follows:

1. Qualitative research has the natural setting as a direct source and

data and researcher is the key instrument.

2. Qualitative research is descriptive. The data collected is in the

form of words or pictures rather than a number.

3. Qualitative research is concerned with process that simply with

outcomes or products.

4. Qualitative research tends to analyze their data inductively.

5. Meaning is of essential to the qualitative approach.

Based on the above, the researcher can conclude that qualitative

research is a collection of words in the form of a simple process

analyzed descriptively based on words and to relate the answer of the

problem based on data.

This research is about descriptive qualitative. The researcher

uses descriptive qualitative type to conduct the study because the

researcher aims to find out word formation found in Mission:

Impossible – Rogue Nation movie script.

B. Source of Data

According to Arikunto (2010: 172), source data on the research

is subject from where data can be gained. If the writer uses questionaire

or interview for colleting the data, so the source data is called


respondent. Respondent is a person who gives responses or answer the

questions from the writer.While the writer uses observaion technique, so

the source of data can be goods, or not.

The researcher conducted this study by using action spy

film co-written and directed by Christopher McQuarrie that becomes the

primary data in collecting data, namely Mission: Impossible – Rogue

Nation that release date on July 2015.

C. Unit of the Analysis

According to Arikunto (2010: 185), the unit of analysis in a

research is a certain unit that is measured as the subject of the research.

This research is conducted to analyze word formation, exactly

focus on word formation process by the “Mission:Impossible – Rogue

Nation” movie script. The reseacher aim to find the types of word

formation used in “Mission:Impossible – Rogue Nation” movie script.

D. Instrument of the Research

Sugiyono (2014: 8) says that in qualitative research the

instrument is people or human instrument, here is the researcher self. It

means that the researcher as the main instrument and other as the second

instrument. The second instrument here used a movie script, a movie,

and etc.

To be an instrument, the researchers must have a stock of theory

and extensive insight, so that able to ask, analyze, photograph, and

construct the social situation studied becomes more clear and


The key instrument of this research was the researcher herself.

She collected the data by watching Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation

movie. She also analyzed the data by herself.

E. Technique of Collecting the Data

According to Sugiyono (2010: 308), without knowing the

technique of collecting data, the researcher will not get data which is

fulfill the standard of set in data. From the statement above, technique

of collecting data is very important in conducting the research because

the main object of the research is collecting the information or data.

The researcher took a film entitled Mission: Impossible – Rogue

Nation is a 2015 American action spy film co-written and directed

by Christopher McQuarrie. It is the fifth installment in the Mission:

Impossible film series.

The technique of collecting data used in this research, the

researcher need some steps to get data. The steps are as follows:

1. The researcher watches Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation movie

several times.

2. The researcher downloads the script from internet.


3. The researcher identifying the types of word formation on script


F. Technique of Analyzing the Data

Technique of data analysis means the process of systematically

searching and arranging the interview transcript, field note and other

materials accumulate to enable to come up with findings (Bogdan, 2007:


Moreover, according to Sugiyono (2010: 335), the data analysis

is the process of systematically searching and arranging the result of the

research such as interview transcription, field notes, and other materials

that is accumulated to increase the understanding of them and to enable

present what have discovered.

Data analysis is the most important thing to do in a research.

Data analysis in qualitative research involves selection, classification,

categorization, looking for specific patterns, and drawing a conclusion.

In this research, the technique of analyzing data covers the following


1. Identifying the movie script collected.

2. Clarifying the collected data related to Word Formation Process.

3. Applying the finding to teach vocabulary.

4. Drawing conclusion and suggestion.



This chapter presents the result of analysis Word Formation found

in Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation movie script. The analysis will be

presented qualitatively. In analyzing the data, the researcher uses George

Yule theory. He states that there are twelve types of word formation process:

etymology, coinage, borrowing, compounding, blending, clipping,

backformation, conversion, acronyms, derivation, infixes, multiple


G. Research Finding

In this step, the researcher is identifying the types of Word

Formation Processes in Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation movie

script. The researcher found 129 data that can be classified into 8

categories of word formation. After identifying the data, the researcher

clarifying the collected data. The category and frequency of the word

formation in the data can be seen from the following table:

Table 1. Number and Precentage of Word Formation

No. Word Formation Total Precentage (%)

1. Etymology 17 13.2 %

2. Coinage - -

3. Borrowing 21 16.3 %


4. Compounding 27 21 %

5. Blending - -

6. Clipping 9 7%

7. Backformation 12 9.3 %

8. Conversion 6 4.6 %

9. Acronyms 9 7%

10. Derivation 28 21.6 %

11. Infixes - -

12. Multiple processes - -

Total 129 100%

H. Discussion

In this section, the researcher gave a discussion about the data

findings of word formation that use in Mission: Impossible – Rogue

Nation movie script. The researcher discussed the types of word

formation in the movie script and the application of word formation in

Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation movie script to teach vocabulary.

1. Types of Word Fomation Process found in Mission:

Impossible – Rogue Nation movie

The discussion of types of word formation which are

performed by the characters in the movie would be presented below:

1. Etymology

As seen on chapter II page 9, Etymology is the study

of the origin and history of a word. A term which, like many

of our technical words, comes to us through Latin, but has its

origins in Greek (´etymon ‘original form’ + logia ‘study of’),

and is not to be confused with entomology, also from Greek

(´entomon ‘insect’).

In this research, the researcher identifies seventeen

words belong to etymology. Some of the result are as follows:

 “The package is on the plane”.

Analysis: The word of Plane [n] is origin from Latin

Planum. The meaning of plane is one of the main

supporting surface of an airplane.

 “Yeah, I know”.

Analysis: The word of Know [v] is origin from Latin

gnoscere, noscere to come to know. The meaning of

know is to perceive directly; to have understanding of.

 “We're currently formulate a plan B”

Analysis: The word of Plan [n] is origin from Latin

planum. The meaning of plan is something that a person

intends to do.

 “Which is why I didn't ask permission”


Analysis: The word of Permission [n] is origin from

Latin permissio-, from permittere. The meaning of

permission is the right or ability to do something that is

given by someone who has the power to decide if it will

be allowed or permitted.

 “It involves hacking a Russian satellite”.

Analysis: The word of Satellite [n] is origin from Latin

Satellit-. The meaning of satellite is an object (such as a

moon) that moves around a much larger planet.

 “This panel recognizes the IMF's contribution to global


Analysis: The word of Panel [n] is origin from Vulgar

Latin pannellus. The meaning of panel is a group of

people with special knowledge, skill, or experience who

give advice or make decision.

 “You want drama, go to the opera”.

Analysis: The word of Drama [n] is origin from Latin

dramat-. The meaning of drama is a piece of writing that

tells a story and is performed on a stage.

 “Because as you stated earlier, I will be back in my desk

on Monday morning, playing video games and no one

will be any be the wiser”.


Analysis: The word of Video [n] is origin from Latin

videre + -o. The meaning of video is method used for

recording a movie, television show, live event, etc.

The word of games [n] is borrowed from Old English

gamen. Games is a particular occurrence of a game.

 “Put down the phone”.

Analysis: The word of Phone [n] is origin from Greek

phōnē. The meaning of phone is a speech sound

considered as a physical event without regard to its place

in the sound system of a language.

The word of Put [v] is origin from Middle Dutch poten.

The meaning of put is a to place in a specified position or


 “What is actually on that disk?”.

Analysis: The word of Disk [n] is origin from Latin

discus. The meaning of disk is round flat plate coated

with a magnetic substance on which data for a computer

is stored.

 “No, she delivered a message”.

Analysis: The word of Message [n] is origin from Latin

missus. The meaning of message is a piece of

information that is sent or given to someone.


 “Can you open the door?”

Analysis: The word of Door [n] is origin from Latin

fores, Greek thyra. The meaning of door is the entrance

to a room or buliding.

 “Let me guess, Classical, Jazz, Sax, Coltrain, Piano,


Analysis: The word of Monk [n] is origin from Latin

monachus, from Late Greek monachos. The meaning of

monk is a man who is member of religious order and

lives in a monastery.

 “The weapons you recovered in Belarus were confirmed

to be VX nerve gas”.

Analysis: The word of Nerve [n] is origin from Latin

nervus. The meaning of nerve is courage that allows you

to do something that is dangerous, difficult, or


The word of Gas [n] is origin from Latin chaos. The

meaning of gas is a substance (such as oxygen or

hydrogen) that is like air and has no fixed shape.

 “The bodies of the air crew were found less than 24


Analysis: The word of Air [n] is origin from Latin aer,

from Greek aēr. The meaning of air is the invisible


mixture of gases (such as nitrogen and oxygen) that

surrounds the Earth and that people and animals breathe.

 “That a shadow organization is committed to inciting


Analysis: The word of Revolution [n] is origin from

Late Latin revolution-, revolutio. The meaning of

revolution is the usually violent attempt by many poeple

to end the rule of one government and start a new one.

 “In fact, until this panel appoints a new Secretary”.

Analysis: The word of Secretary [n] is origin from

Madieval Latin secretarius. The meaning of secretary is

a person whose job is to handle records, letters, etc., for

another person in an office.

2. Borrowing

As seen on chapter II page 10, Borrowing is the

taking over of words from other languages. Throughout its

history, the English language has adopted a vast number of

words from other languages. Example: croissant (French),

dope (Dutch), lilac (Persian).

In this research, the researcher identifies twenty one

words belong to borrowing. Some of the result are as follows:


 “Where's Ethan?”

Analysis: The word of Where [adv] is borrowed from

Old High German hwār. The meaning of Where is at or

in what place; to what place.

 “So why hasn't Lane just send someone to steal it?”.

Analysis: The word of Send [v] is borrowed from Old

High German sendan. The meaning of Send to cause (a

letter, an e-mail, a package, etc) to go or to be carried

from one place or person to another.

 “I can't talk right now”.

Analysis: The word of Now [adv] is borrowed from Old

High German nū. The meaning of Now is adverb means

that at the present time.

 “Hunt is both arsonist and fireman at the same time”.

Analysis: The word of Time [n] is borrowed from Old

Norse tĪmi. The meaning of Time is the thing that is

measured as seconds, minutes, hours, days, years, etc.

 “We're on radio silence”.

Analysis: The word of Silence [n] is borrowed from

Italian silentium. The meaning of Silence is a lack of

sound or noise.

 “You want drama, go to the opera”.

Analysis: The word of Go [v] is borrowed from Old

High German gān. The meaning of Go is to move on a


The word of Opera [n] is borrowed from Italian. Opera

is kind of performance in which actors sing all or most of

the words of a play with music performed by an


 “Because as you stated earlier, I will be back in my desk

on Monday morning, playing video games and no one

will be any be the wiser”.

Analysis: The word of Desk [n] is borrowed from Old

Italian desco table. The meaning of Desk is a piece of

furniture that is like a table and often has drawers.

 “Benji needed my help”.

Analysis: The word of Help [v] is borrowed from Old

High German helfan. The meaning of Help is to do

something that makes it easier for someone to do a job.

 “Luther? What the hell are you doing there?”

Analysis: The word of Hell [n] is borrowed from Old

High German helan. The meaning of Hell is the place

where the devil lives and where evil people go after they

die according to some religions. The word of There [n]


is borrowed from Old High German dār. The meaning

of There is in that place; at that location.

 “We can if the pilot left the satellite uplink switch on”.

Analysis: The word of Pilot [n] is borrowed from

Italian Pilota. The meaning of Pilot is a person who

flies an airplane, helicopter, etc.

 “I'm in Malaysia, I've been here 2 days”.

Analysis: The word of Day [n] is borrowed from Old

Hogh German tag. The meaning of Day is a period of 24

hours beginning at midnight.

 “Let me guess. Classical. Jazz. Sax. Coltrain. Piano.


Analysis: The word of Piano [n] is borrowed from

Italian. The meaning of Piano is a musical instrument

having steel wire strings that sound when struck by felt-

covered hammers operated from a keyboard.

 “A precious few people know about your true identity”.

Analysis: The word of People [n] is borrowed from

Anglo French pople. The meaning of People is humans

making up a group or assembly or linked by a common


 “You came to Vienna believing you won 2 tickets to the


Analysis: The word of Ticket [n] is borrowed from

Middle French etiquet. The meaning of Ticket is a piece

of paper that allows you to see a show, participate in an

event, travel on a vehicle, etc.

 “Remember, conserve oxygen”.

Analysis: The word of Oxygen [n] is borrowed from

French oxygene. The meaning of Oxygen is a chemical

that is found in the air, that has no color, taste, or smell,

and that is necessary for life.

 “Shadow Wilson played drums”.

Analysis: The word of Drum [n] is borrowed from

Dutch trom. The meaning of Drum is a percussion

instrument consisting of a hollow shell or cylinder with a


 “Because he had a light touch”.

Analysis: The word of Light [n] is borrowed from Old

High German loith. The meaning of Light is a something

that makes vision possible.


 “I've a first pressing”.

Analysis: The word of First [adj] is borrowed from

Old High German furist. The meaning of First is

comingbefore all others in time, order, or importance.

 “Good even, Mr. Hunt.”

Analysis: The word of Good [adj] is borrowed from

Old High German guot. The meaning of First is of high


 “I can neither confirm nor deny details of any operation”

Analysis: The word of Confirm [v] is borrowed from

Anglo French cunfermer. The meaning of Confirm is to

state or show that (somtehing) is true or correct.

3. Compounding

Compounding is very common in languages such as

German and English, but much less common in languages

such as French and Spanish. In some of those examples we

have just considered, there is a joining of two separate words

to produce a single form. Thus, Lehn and Wort are combined

to produce Lehnwort in German. For example, the word

blackboard, heartfelt, brother-in-law are compound words

(as seen on Chapter II page 11).


In this research, the researcher identifies twenty seven

words belong to compounding. Some of the result are as


 “The package is on the plane”.

Analysis: The words ‘package’ is made from the word

‘pack’ and ‘age’. Pack means a small cardboard or paper

container and the items contained within it. While, age

means the length of time that a person has lived or a

thing has existed. Package has meaning an object or

group of objects wrapped in paper or plastic, or packed

in a box.

 “That plane cannot takeoff, with the package on it”.

Analysis: The words ‘takeoff’ is made from the word

‘take’ and ‘off’. Take means lay hold of (something) with

one's hands; reach for and hold.. While, off means away

from the place in question; to or at a distance. Takeoff

has meaning the action of becoming airborne.

 “You understand?”.

Analysis: The words ‘understand’ is made from the

word ‘under’ and ‘stand’. Under means in or into

position below or beneath something. While, stand

means to be in an upright position. Understand has


meaning to know the meaning of (something, such as the

words that someone is saying or a language).

 “And how do you access the uplink?”

Analysis: The words ‘uplink” is made from the word

‘up’ and ‘link’. Up means from a lower to a higher place

or position. While, link means to a connecting structure.

Uplink has meaning facility on earth for transmitting to a

spacecraft or satellite.

 “Mechanical are lockdown”.

Analysis: The words ‘lockdown’ is made from the word

‘lock’ and ‘down’. Lock means a mechanism for keeping

a door, lid, etc. Down means toward or in a lower place

or position, especially to or on the ground or another

surface. Lockdown has a meaning the confining of

prisoners to their cells, typically after an escape or to

regain control during a riot.

 “Okay, standby”.

Analysis: The words ‘standby’ is made from the word

‘stand’ and ‘by’. Stand means to be in an upright position.

By means close or near. Standby has a meaning a person

or thing that is available especially in emergencies.


 “Normally, you and your team would be tasked with

infiltrating and disrupting this terrorist network”.

Analysis: The words ‘network’ is made from the word

‘net’ and ‘work’. Net means material made of threads

of rope, string, wire, or plastic with spaces between them.

Work means an activity, such as a job, that

a person uses physical or mental effort to do, usually

for money. Network has a

meaning a large system consisting of many

similar parts that are connected together

to allow movement or communication between or along

the parts.

 “Not just a rogue organization, it is an outdated one”

Analysis: The words ‘outdated’ is made from the word

‘out’ and ‘dated’. Out means in a direction away from

the inside or centter of something. Dated means coming

from or belonging to a time in the past. So, outdated has

a meaning no longer useful or acceptable.

 “A throwback to an era without transparency and

without oversight”.

Analysis: The words ‘throwback’ is made from the word

‘throw’ and ‘back’. Throw means to cause (something) to

move out of your hand and through the air by quickly


moving your arm forward. Back means at the back. So,

throwback has a meaning a person or thing that is

similar to someone or something from the past or that is

suited to an earlier time.

The words ‘oversight’ is made from the word ‘over’ and

‘sight’. Over means in an upward and forward direction

across something. Sight means the act of seeing someone

or something. So, oversight has a meaning a mistake

made because someone forgets of fails to notice


 “Mr. Chairman”.

Analysis: The words ‘Chairman’ is made from the word

‘chair’ and ‘man’. Chair means a seat for one person that

has a back and usually four legs. Man means an adult

male human being. So, Chairman has a meaning the

person (especially a man) who is in chage of meeting,

committee, or event.

 “I've been ordered to bring everyone in”.

Analysis: The words ‘everyone’ is made from the word

‘every’ and ‘one’. Every means used when referring to

all themembers of a group of three or more. One means

the number 1. So, everyone has a meaning every person.


 “Langley, there's nobody here. Langley brimstone”.

Analysis: The words ‘brimstone’ is made from the word

‘brim’ and ‘stone’. Brim means the bottom part of a hat

that sticks out all around the head. While, stone means

the hard, solid substance found in the ground that is often

used for building, or a piece of this. The meaning of

brimstone is the chemical sulphur.

 “One of his agents stole it hoping to blackmail him”.

Analysis: The words ‘blackmail’ is made from the word

‘black’ and ‘mail’. Black means having

the darkest colour there is, like the colour of coal or of a

very dark night. While, mail has a meaning the letters,

etc. that are sent to or from people, or the

system for sending letters, etc. from place to place.

Blackmail has a meaning the act of getting money from

people or forcing them to do something

by threatening to tell asecret of theirs or to harm them.

 “So why hasn't Lane just send someone to steal it?”.

Analysis: The words ‘someone’ is made from the word

‘some’ and ‘one’. Some means that

an amount or number of something that is not stated or

not known; a part of something. One means the number 1.


Someone has a meaning used to refer to a single person

when you do not know who they are or when it is

not important who they are.

 “Hunt is both arsonist and fireman at the same time”.

Analysis: The words ‘fireman’ is made from the word

‘fire and ‘man. Fire means the light and heat and

especially the flame produced by burning. Man means an

adult male human being. Fireman has a meaning a man

who is a member of group that works to put out fires.

 “All right, everybody”.

Analysis: The words ‘everybody’ is made from the

word ‘every’ and ‘body’. Every means including each

person or thing a grouo or series. Body means a person’s

or animal’s whole physical self. Everybody has a

meaning every person; every important person.

 “So, you just throw me out anywhere”.

Analysis: The words ‘anywhere’ is made from the word

‘any’ and ‘where’. Any means used to indicate a person

or thing that is not particular or specific. Where means at

or in what place. Anywhere has a meaning in, at, or to

any place.

 “Less than 24 hours after we interviewed Benji Dunn

about Ethan Hunt”.

Analysis: The words ‘interviewed’ is made from the

word ‘inter’ and ‘view’. Inter means to bury (a dead

body). View means an opinion or way of thinking about

something. Interviewed has a meaning a formal

consultation usually to evaluate qualifications (as of a

prospective student or employee).

 “And within 6 hours of his arrival, the Chancellor was


Analysis: The words ‘within’ is made from the word

‘with’ and ‘in’. With means used to say that people or

things are together in one place. In mean used to

indicate location or position within something. Within

has a meaning inside something; in someone’s inner

thoughts, feelings, etc.

 “I was sent undercover to earn Lane's trust”.

Analysis: The words ‘undercover’ is made from the

word ‘under’ and ‘cover’. Under means in a forward

direction that passes below something. Cover means to

put something over, on top of, or in front of (something

else) especially in order to protect, hide, or close it.


Undercover has a meaning done or working in a secret

way in order to catch criminals or collect information.

 “It can only be opened from the inside”.

Analysis: The words ‘inside’ is made from the word ‘in’

and ‘side’. In means used to indicate location or position

within something. Side means the right or left part of the

wall or trunk of the body. Inside has a meaning an inner

side, edge, or surface of something.

 “But I think you're overlooking, is the physical exertion”.

Analysis: The words ‘overlooking’ is made from the

word ‘over’ and ‘look’. Over means in an upward and

forward direction across something. Looking means to

direct your eyes in a particular direction. Overlooking

has a meaning to fail to see or notice.

 “Satellite over-watch covering all 7 continents, DNA

profiling, facial recognition, drone surveillance, drone


Analysis: The words ‘surveillance’ is made from the

word ‘survey’ and ‘lance’. Survey means to look at and

examine all parts of (something). Lance means a long, a

pointed weapon used in the past by knights riding on

horse. Surveillance has a meaning the act of carefully


watching someone or something especially in order to

prevent or detect a crime.

 “It's operating budget was to be hidden offshore”.

Analysis: The words ‘offshore’ is made from the word

‘off’ and ‘shore’. Off means away from place; away

from a main road, path, etc. Shore means the land

bordering a usually large body of water. Offshore has a

meaning movinf away from the shore toward the water.

 “If Lane gets his hands on that money, we're unleashing

a terrorist superpower”.

Analysis: The words ‘superpower’ is made from the

word ‘super’ and ‘power’. Super means extremely good.

Power means the ability or right to control people or

things extremely good. Superpower has a meaning an

extremely powerful nation.

 “The whole operation was known only to myself and a

handful of IMF agents”.

Analysis: The words ‘handful’ is made from the word

‘hand’ and ‘full’. Hand means the body part at the end

of your arm that includes your fingers and thumb. Full

means containing as much or as many as is possible or

normal. Handfull has a meaning an amount that you can

hold in your hand.


 “Access the elevator with fingerprint recognition And

open 3 separate combination locks”.

Analysis: The words ‘fingerprint’ is made from the

word ‘finger’ and ‘print’. Finger means any of

the long, thin, separate parts of the hand, especially those

that are not thumbs. Print means letters, numbers,

or symbols that have been produced on paper by

a machine using ink. Fingerprint has a meaning

the pattern of curved lineson the end of

a finger or thumb that is different in every person, or

a mark left by this pattern.

4. Clipping

Clipping is the processes whereby new words are

formed by shortening other words; i.e., by eliminating the

initial part, the last part, or both parts, of those words. This

occurs when a word of more than one syllable (facsimile) is

reduced to a shorter form(fax), usually beginning in casual

speech (as seen on Chapter II page 11).

In this research, the researcher identifies nine words

belong to clipping. Some of the result are as follows:

 “Let me guess. Classical. Jazz. Sax. Coltrain. Piano”

Analysis: Saxophone [n] Sax [n]. Sax stands for

Saxophone. Sax means a member of a family of metal


wind instruments with a single-reed mouthpiece, used

especially in jazz and dance music.

 “Second one I failed, thanks to you. And the car bomb

was insurance”.

Analysis: Bombshell [n] Bomb [n]. Bomb stands for

Bombshell. Bomb means a container filled with explosive,

incendiary material, smoke, gas, or other destructive

substance, designed to explode on impact or when

detonated by a time mechanism, remote-control device,

or lit fuse.

 “And there's no other way into the computer lab?”

Analysis: Laboratory [n] Lab [n]. Lab stands for

Laboratory. Lab means a room or building equipped for

scientific experiments, research, or teaching, or for the

manufacture of drugs or chemicals.

 “Do you understand? Keep your phone on, instruction

will follow”

Analysis: Telephone [n] Phone [n]. Phone stands for

Telephone. Phone means a system that converts acoustic

vibrations to electrical signals in order to transmit sound,

typically voices, over a distance using wire or radio.


 “The weapons you recovered in Belarus were confirmed

to be VX nerve gas”.

Analysis: Gasoline [n] Gas [n]. Gas stands for Gasoline.

Gas means an airlike fluid substance which expands

freely to fill any space available, irrespective of its


 “How come the CIA has never discovered any actual

Intel regarding this Syndicate”.

Analysis: Intelligent [adj] Intel [n]. Intel stands for

Intelligent. Intel means information of military or

political value.

 “The package is on the plane”.

Analysis: Airplane [n] plane [n]. Plane stands for

Airplane. Plane means a machine that has wings and an

engine and that flies through the air.

 “I don't know. We're on radio silence”.

Analysis: Radiotelegraphy [n] radio [n]. Radio stands

for Radiotelegraphy. Radio means the system or process

that is used for sending and receiving signals through the

air without using wires.


 “Let me guess. Classical. Jazz. Sax. Coltrain. Piano.


Analysis: Pianoforte [n] piano [n]. Piano stands for

Pianoforte. Piano means a musical instrument having

steel wire strings that sound when struck by felt-covered

hammers operated from a keyboard.

5. Backformation

Backformation is a word of one type (usually a noun)

is reduced to form a word of another type (usually a verb).

For example, the verbs peddle, edit, hawk, enthuse, stoke,

swindle, televise, donate, sculpt, buttle have been created form

the pre-existing nouns peddler, editor, hawker, enthusiasm,

stoker, swindler, television, donation, sculptor and butler,

respectively (as seen on Chapter II page 13).

In this research, the researcher identifies twelve word

belong to backformation. Some of the results are as follows:

 “And option three?”

Analysis: option (n) is an act of choosing. Reduction of

nouns to form opt (v).


 “I can neither confirm nor deny details of any such

operation without Secretary’s approval”.

Analysis: operation (n) is performance of a practical

work or of something involving the practical application

of principles or processes. Reduction of nouns to form

operate (v).

 “Without Secretary’s approval”.

Analysis: approval is an act or instance

of approving something. Reduction of nouns to form

approve (v)

 “Impossible Mission Force is not just a rogue

organization, it is an otdated one”.

Analysis: organization is the condition or manner of

being organized. Reduction of nouns to form organize (v)

 “Request immediate extraction”.

Analysis: extraction is the act or process

of extracting something. Reduction of nouns to form

extract is (v)

 “I believe that the Syndicate is a figment of his


Analysis: imagination is ability to confront and deal

with a problem. Reduction of nouns to form imagine (v)


 “You seem to thinks I have some kind of obligation to


Analysis: obligation is something (such as a formal

contract, a promise, or the demands of conscience or

custom) that obligates one to a course of action.

Reduction of nouns to form obligate (v)

 “Ethan’s investigation lead him to the opera”.

Analysis: investigation is to observe or study by close

examination and systematic inquiry. Reduction of nouns

to form investigate (v)

 “That fire bank corrupted a global arms cooperation”.

Analysis: cooperation is the actions of someone who is

being helpful by doing what is wanted or asked for.

Reduction of nouns to form cooperate (v)

 “Access the elevator with fingerprint recognition and

open 3 separate combination locks”.

Analysis: recognition is the action of recognizing : the

state of being recognized. Reduction of nouns to form

recognize (v). combination is a result or product

of combining. Reduction of nouns to form combine (v).


 “But there’s only one person I trust to verify that


Analysis: information is knowledge obtained from

investigation, study, or instruction. Reduction of nouns

to form inform (v).

 “Did you never stop to consider he may want me to have

it? Misinformation, manipulation.”

Analysis: manipulation is to treat or operate with or as

if with the hands or by mechanical means especially in a

skillful manner. Reduction of nouns to form manipulate


6. Conversion

Conversion is a change in the function of a word, as

for example when a noun comes to be used as a verb (without

any reduction) (as seen on Chapter II page 12).

In this research, the researcher identifies six word

belong to conversion. Some of the results are as follows:

 “Benji, do you copy?”.

Analysis: copy → converting from noun to verb

 “Although technically, it’s plan C”.

Analysis: plan → converting from noun to verb

 “Saving the western atmosphere”.

Analysis: western → converting from noun to adjective


 “From where I sit, you unorthodox methodsare

indistinguishable from chance”.

Analysis: sit → converting from noun to verb

 “Just focus operations on gathering any available Intel

regarding formal covert operatives”.

Analysis: focus → converting from noun to verb

 “I Won’t stop until I do”

Analysis: stop → converting from verb to noun

7. Acronyms

Acronymy is the process whereby a new word is

formed from the initial letters of the constituent words of a

phrase or sentence. For example, from the initial letters of the

words of the phrase North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the

word NATO \ "neIt´U\ is formed (as seen on Chapter II page


In this research, the researcher identifies nine word

belong to acronym. Some of the results are as follows:

 “By enabling acts of terror in nations friendly to

Western interests. IMF suspects this to be the same

shadow organization”.

Analysis: the word IMF stands for Intelligent Message


 “Mr. Chairman, the IMF's misadventures date back to

my earliest days in the CIA”.

Analysis: the word CIA stands for Central Intelligence

Agency. CIA is a civilian foreign intellegence service of

the United States federal government, tasked with

gathering, processing, and analyzing national security

information from around the world, primarily through

the use of human intelligence.

 “Everything you need to make it to DC undetected”.

Analysis: the word DC stands for Device Context. DC is

a data structure in Microsoft Windows programming that

is used to define the attributes of text and image that are

output to the scree or printer.

 “He's former KSA, German intelligence”.

Analysis: the word KSA stands for Knowledge, Skills,

and Abilities.

 “It's a SCIF. Secure Computer Facility offline, ultra-


Analysis: the word SCIF stands for Secure Computer


 “Satellite over-watch covering all 7 continents, DNA

profiling, facial recognition, drone surveillance, drone


Analysis: the word DNA stands for DeoxyriboNucleic

Acid. DNA is associated with the transmission of genetic


 “CCTV picked her up at the airport in Casablanca”.

Analysis: the word CCTV stands for Closed Circuit

Television. CCTV is a TV system in which signals are

mot publicly distributed but are monitored, primarily for

surveillance and security purposes.

 “Hunt, I hope you realize you set back US, UK relations

to the American revolution”.

Analysis: the word US stands for United States; and UK

stands for United Kingdom.

 “Mr. Chairman”.

Analysis: the word Mr. stands for Maister. Mr. is used a

title when speaking to a man who has an honored

position or office.

8. Derivation

Based on chapter II page 13, Derivation as a large

number of small ‘bits’ of the English language which are not

usually given separate listings in dictionaries. These small

‘bits’ are generally described as affixes. Some affixes have to

be added to the beginning of the word (e.g. un-). These are

called prefixes. Other affixes have to be added to the end of


the word (e.g. -ish) and are called suffixes. All English words

formed by this derivational process have either prefixes or

suffixes, or both.

In this research, the researcher identifies twenty eight

word belong to derivation. Some of the results are as follows:

 “We're currently formulate a plan B”.

Analysis: current [adj] + -ly (suffix) = Currently [adj].

Currently has meaning hapening or existing now. It is

belonging to suffixes.

 “Although technically, it's a plan C”.

Analysis: technic [n] + -al (suffix) + -ly (suffix) =

Technically [adj]. Technically has meaning relating to

the practical use of machines or science in industry,

machine, etc. It is belonging to two suffixes.

 “You're not helping”.

Analysis: help [v] + -ing (suffix) = Helping [adj].

Helping has meaning an amount of food that is put on a

plate at one time. It is belonging to suffixes.

 “We're working on it”.

Analysis: work [n] + -ing (suffix) = Working [n].

Working has meaning the manner of functioing or

operating. It is belonging to suffixes.


 “We're on radio silence”.

Analysis: silent [adj] + -ence (suffix) = Silence [n].

Silence has meaning a lack of sound or noise. It is

belonging to suffixes.

 “I didn't need help. I just, I needed assistance, it's a

different thing”.

Analysis: assist [v] + -ance (suffix) = Assistance [n].

Assistance has meaning the action of helping someone

with a job or task. It is belonging to suffixes.

 “You are supposed to be on an assignment in Malaysia”.

Analysis: suppose [v] + -ed (suffix) = Supposed [adj].

Supposed has meaning claim to be true real. It is

belonging to suffixes.

Asign [v] + -ment (suffix) = Assignment [n]. Assignment

has meaning a specified task or amount of work assigned

or undertaken as if assigned by authority. It is belonging

to suffixes.

 “We're trying to cripple it remotely. You can do that”.

Analysis: Try [n] + -ing (suffix) = Trying [adj]. Trying

has meaning to do or use (something) in order to see if it

works or will be succesfull. It is belonging to suffixes.


Remot [n] + -ly (suffix) = Remotely [adv]. Remotely has

meaning from a distance; without physical contact. It is

belonging to suffixes.

 “I can't authorise that”.

Analysis: author [n] + -ise (suffix) = Authorise [v].

Authorise has meaning give official permission for or

approval to (an undertaking or agent). It is belonging to


 “We are under investigation for misconduct”.

Analysis: Investigate [v] + -ion (suffix) = Investigation

[n]. Investigation has meaning the action of

investigating something or someone; formal or

systematic examination or research. It is belonging to


Mis- + Conduct [n] = Misconduct [n]. Misconduct has

meaning wrong behavior: behavior or activity thta is

illegal or morally wrong. It is belonging to prefixes.

 “Let me guess. Classical. Jazz. Sax”.

Analysis: Classic [adj] + -al (suffix) = Classical [adj].

Classical has meaning (typically of a form of art)

regarded as representing an exemplary standard;

traditional and long-established in form or style. It is

belonging to suffixes.

 “Without the Secretary's approval”.

Analysis: Approve [v] + -al (suffix) = Approval [n].

Approval has meaning the beliefe that something or

someone is good or acceptable; a good opinion of

someone or something. It is belonging to suffixes.

 “They were identified as low level Chechen separatist”.

Analysis: Separate [n] + -ist (suffix) = Separatist [n].

Separatist has meaning a person who supports the

separation of a particular group of people from a larger

body on the basis of ethnicity, religion, or gender. It is

belonging to suffixes.

 “With neither the access nor the ability to acquire the

weapons they were transporting”.

Analysis: Able [adj] + -ty (suffixes) = Ability [n]. Ability

has meaning possession of the means or skill to do

something. It is belonging to suffixes.

Transport [v] + -ing (suffix) = Transporting [v].

Transporting has meaning take or carry (people or goods)

from one place to another by means of a vehicle, aircraft,

or ship. It is belonging to suffixes.


 “This way, sir Scanning. Retinal scan, confirm. Some

convenience, Sir. You got a very warm hand”.

Analysis: convenient [adj] + -ence (suffix) =

Convenience [n]. Convenience has meaning the state of

being able to proceed with something with little effort or

difficulty. It is belonging to suffixes.

 “A specialist without equal, immune to any counter


Analysis: special [adj] + -ist (suffix) = Specialist [n].

Specialist has meaning a person who concentrates

primarily on a particular subject or activity; a person

highly skilled in a specific and restricted field. It is

belonging to suffixes.

 “Did you never stop to consider he may want me to have

it? Misinformation, manipulation”.

Analysis: mis- [prefix] + information (n) =

Misinformation [n]. Misinformation has meaning false or

inaccurate information, especially that which is

deliberately intended to deceive. It is belonging to


Manipulate (v) + -ion (suffix) = Manipulation [v].

Misinformation has meaning to move or control


(something) with your hands or by using a machine. It is

belonging to suffixes.

 “I rejected the proposal unequivocally”.

Analysis: unequivocal [adj] + -ly (suffix) =

Unequivocally [adv]. Unequivocally has meaning in a

way that leaves no doubt. It is belonging to suffixes.

Propose [v] + -al (suffix) = Proposal [n]. Proposal has

meaning something (such as a plan or suggestion) that is

presented to a person or group of people to consider. It is

belonging to suffixes.

 “By enabling acts of terror in nations friendly to

Western interests”.

Analysis: En- (prefix) + able [adj] + -ing (suffix) =

Enabling [v]. Enabling has meaning to make able; give

power, means, competence, or ability to; authorize. It is

belonging to prefixes and suffixes.

 “I misjudged you”.

Analysis: mis- [prefix] + judge (n) + -ed (suffix) =

Misjudged [v]. Misjudged has meaning make an

incorrect estimation or assessment of. It is belonging to

prefixes and suffixes.


 “Listen. I don't want to sound ungrateful, okay”.

Analysis: un- [prefix] + grate (n) + -ful (suffix) =

Ungrateful [adj]. Ungrateful has meaning not feeling or

showing gratitude. It is belonging to prefixes and


 “That fire bank corrupted a global arms cooperation”.

Analysis: co- [prefix] + operate (v) + -ion (suffix) =

Cooperation [n]. Cooperation has meaning the process

of working together to the same end. It is belonging to

prefixes and suffixes.

 “With infiltrating and disrupting this terrorist network,

but we have taken steps to ensure that this will not


Analysis: in- [prefix] + filtrate (n) + -ing (suffix) =

Infiltrating [v]. Infiltrating has meaning enter or gain

access to (an organization, place, etc.) surreptitiously and

gradually, especially in order to acquire secret

information. It is belonging to prefixes and suffixes.

 “Mr. Chairman, the IMF's misadventures date back to

my earliest days in the CIA when the IMF broke into the

CIA to steal a list of covert operatives”.

Analysis: mis- [prefix] + adventure (v) + -es (suffix) =

Misadventures [n]. Misadventures has meaning an


unfortunate incident; a mishap. It is belonging to prefixes

and suffixes.

 “The weapons you recovered in Belarus were confirmed

to be VX nerve gas”.

Analysis: re- [prefix] + cover (n) + -ed (suffix) =

Recovered [v]. Recovered has meaning find or regain

possession of (something stolen or lost). It is belonging

to prefixes and suffixes.

 “And transfer the salvageable assets to the CIA”.

Analysis: salvage (n) + -able (suffix) = Salvagable [adj].

Salvagable has meaning the act or saving something

(such as a building, ship or cargo) that is in danger of

being completely destroyed. It is belonging to suffixes.

 “Now, are its methods unorthodox?”

Analysis: un- (prefix) + orthodox (adj) = Unorthodox

[adj]. Unorthodox has meaning different from what is

usually done or accepted. It is belonging to prefixes.

 “This panel recognizes the IMF's contribution to global


Analysis: contribute (v) + -ion (suffix) = Contribution

[n]. Contribution has meaning a payment (as a levy or

tax) imposed by military, civil, or ecclesiastical


authorities usually for a special or extraordinary purpose.

It is belonging to suffixes.

2. The Application of Word Formation in Mission: Impossible –

Rogue Nation movie to teach Vocabulary

To introduce students into the new term, the researcher

give some example type of word formation. In this research, the

researcher used movie as a media to teach vocabulary. Many

utterances will be found in movie. The teacher will help student to

known about many types of word formation. Here, the researcher

shows how to teach vocabulary about word formation in the

movie. The aim of this learning is to introduce the word formation

and also to give students understanding about how the word

formation are made.

To be a good teacher, we should make a lesson plan.

Lesson plan is a detailed description of the individual lessons that

a teacher plans to teach on a given day. Lesson plan is like a

direction for the teacher in teaching material to the student. The

form of the application in this sub-chapter is lesson plan.



School : SMA Negeri 3 Purworejo

Subject : English

Class/Semester : XII/I

Theme : Movie Script

Aspect/Skill : Reading

Time Allocated : 2 x 45’

A. Standard Competence:

2. To understand meaning in short functional text and monologue in form of

narrative, explanation and discussion in daily life context

B. Basic Competence:

2.1. To respond to meaning in short functional text formally and informally,

accurately, fluently and acceptably in daily life context

C. Indicator:

 Identifying the short functional text of script movie.

 Identifying the specific information of script movie.

 Identifying the types of word formation based the script movie.

D. Purpose of Learning:

Students are able to :

 Identify the short functional text of script movie.

 Identify the specific information of script movie.

 Identify the types of word formation based the script movie.


E. Learning material:

Script Movie
Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation
Benji, do you copy?
Where's Ethan?
I can't talk right now.
The package is on the plane.
Yeah, I know.
We're currently formulate a plan B
although technically, it's a plan C.
This isn't going very well.
I am aware of that, Brandt.
You're not helping.
Where's Ethan?
I don't know.
We're on radio silence.
That plane cannot takeoff,
with the package on it.
You understand?
- We're working on it.
Luther? What the hell are you doing there?
You are supposed to be on
an assignment in Malaysia.
I'm in Malaysia, I've been here 2 days.
Benji needed my help.
I didn't need help. I just...I needed
assistance, it's a different thing.
The package is still on that plane.
We understand the package
is on the plane.
We're trying to cripple it remotely.
- You can do that.
We can if the pilot left the
satellite uplink switch on.
Which he has.
- And how do you access the uplink?
It involves hacking a Russian satellite.
- I can't authorise that.
Which is why I didn't ask permission.
We are under investigation for misconduct.
The package is on-board.
What do you want me to do?

F. Method/Techniques:

 Giving Instruction

 Discussion

 Question and answer

 Assignment

G. Media / Source / Instrument:

 Laptop, speaker and LCD

 Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation movie

H. Strategy of learning:

No. Time Allocated
Activities /Meeting

1. Pre Activities

 Apperception

Checking students’ homework and confirming

10 minutes
their previous lesson.

 Motivation

Motivating the students to listen to the text read

by the teacher.

 Achievement of the goals

Informing the goals of the lesson.

2. Main activities

Ask Students to: 70 minutes


 Listen to the teacher’s instructions.

 Answering questions given by the teacher.

 Responding teacher’s instruction.

 Discussing the task given by the teacher.

 Retelling the story listened.

3. Post activities

 Giving a home work. 10 minutes

Structural Instructions :

 Giving assignment by listening to the text related

to the topic individually.

Non structural self activity :

 Reporting the result in front of the class.

I. Instrument:

 Informal Test

When the teacher’s explaining the lesson


 Formal Test


1. Explain the meaning of word formation!

2. Specify and explain the type of word formation you find on the text!

3. Explain the difference between borrowing words and etymology!

4. Find the words that contain derivational words based text!

5. Find the unfamiliar words, and make a list on your book!

Purworejo, July 3rd 2017

The Headmaster English Teacher

___________________ ____________________


After conducting a research, the researcher makes conclusions and

suggestions as the final part.

A. Conclusion

Based on the analysis of the types of word formation in Mission:

Impossible – Rogue Nation script movie, the researcher can conclude that:

Based on types of word formation, the total words of word formation

is 129. The precentage there are 17 word formations of Etymology (13.2 %),

21 word formations of Borrowing (16.3 %), 27 word formations of

Compounding (21 %), 9 word formations of Clipping (7 %), 12 word

formations of Backforrmation (9.3 %), 6 word formations of Conversion (4.6

%) 9 word formations of Acronyms (7 %), and 28 word formations of

Derivation (21.6 %).

Based on the research, the type of word formation of derivation is

the most common type that is found in Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation

script movie. It takes 21.6 % of total terms or 28 words from total 129 words.


B. Suggestion

Based on the result of the data analysis and conclusion, the

researcher proposes some suggestions as follows:

1. To Students

It is expected that students can learn word formation through script

movie because there are many word formations found in the movie script.

In addition, it can also improve the students’ vocabulary.

2. To English teachers

English is interesting subject, so teacher should teach in an interesting

way in order to make students enthusiastic in learning process. Therefore,

teachers should know more about the media which will be used.

3. To readers

The readers should know basic word formation. Understand the meaning

and type of word formation in a sentence. Thus, the readers should

understand word formation well.

4. To the other researchers

For the other researchers it is suggested to read many books about word

formation in order to get more understanding. It is also suggested to the

other researchers to use another theory in other to get different finding.


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Stekauer and Lieber. 2005. Handbook of Word-Formation. Netherlands: Springer.

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Yule. 2006. The Study of Language. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Nama Sekolah : SMA Negeri 3 Purworejo

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : XII / 1

Materi Nilai Budaya Kewirausaha Indikator Alokas

Standar Kompetensi Kegiatan Sumber
Pembelajaran & Karakter an/Ekonomi Penca-paian Penilaian i
Kompetensi Dasar Pembelajaran Belajar
Bangsa Kreatif Kompetensi Waktu
Membaca 2.1 Merespon Teks  Religius,  Percaya diri  Mendengark  Mengidentifik Tertulis 1 x 45 Developi
2. Memahami makna dalam fungsional jujur, (keteguhan an sebuah asi main idea ng
toleransi, hati, narrative/spo dari teks
makna dalam teks fungsional pendek disiplin, optimis). of/hortatory hortatory English
teks fungsional pendek resmi kerja keras,  Berorientasi exposition exposition Compete
pendek dan dan tak resmi mandiri, pada tugas secara yang didengar (PG dan 2 x 45
demokratis, (bermotivasi klasikal.  Mengidentifik ncies
monolog yang rasa ingin Uraian)
,  Mendiskusik asi tokoh dari for
berbentuk menggunakan tahu, tekun/tabah, an isi teks cerita yang
semangat bertekad, yang didengar Grade X
narrative, ragam bahasa
kebangsaan, enerjik). didengar
explanation lisan secara  Mengidentifik Senior
cinta tanah secara
 Pengambil asi kejadian Tugas 1 x 45 High
dan discussion akurat, lancar resiko (suka berpasangan. dalam teks
dalam konteks dan berterima tantangan,  Melakukan yang didengar School
mampu case building  Mengientifika
Materi Nilai Budaya Kewirausaha Indikator Alokas
Standar Kompetensi Kegiatan Sumber
Pembelajaran & Karakter an/Ekonomi Penca-paian Penilaian i
Kompetensi Dasar Pembelajaran Belajar
Bangsa Kreatif Kompetensi Waktu
kehidupan dalam konteks cinta damai, memimpin) berdasarkan si bagian (SMA/M
sehari-hari kehidupan gemar  Orientasi ke kelompok cerita yang
Quiz A)
membaca, masa depan pro dan lucu
sehari-hari peduli kontra.
(punya  Mengientifika Tape
lingkungan, perspektif si solusi
peduli untuk masa dalam sebuah Kamus
sosial, depan) cerita yang
tanggung Kaset/C
jawab D
 Mengidentifik
asi kasus yang Tape/CD
 Mengidentifik
asi argumen OHP/LC
yang didengar
Materi Nilai Budaya Kewirausaha Indikator Alokas
Standar Kompetensi Kegiatan Sumber
Pembelajaran & Karakter an/Ekonomi Penca-paian Penilaian i
Kompetensi Dasar Pembelajaran Belajar
Bangsa Kreatif Kompetensi Waktu

a Inggris
Script Movie

Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation

Benji, do you copy?
Where's Ethan?
I can't talk right now.
The package is on the plane.
Yeah, I know.
We're currently formulate a plan B
although technically, it's a plan C.
This isn't going very well.
I am aware of that, Brandt.
You're not helping.
Where's Ethan?
I don't know.
We're on radio silence.
That plane cannot takeoff,
with the package on it.
You understand?
- We're working on it.
Luther? What the hell are you doing there?
You are supposed to be on
an assignment in Malaysia.
I'm in Malaysia, I've been here 2 days.
Benji needed my help.
I didn't need help. I just...I needed
assistance, it's a different thing.
The package is still on that plane.
We understand the package
is on the plane.
We're trying to cripple it remotely.
- You can do that.
We can if the pilot left the
satellite uplink switch on.
Which he has.
- And how do you access the uplink?
It involves hacking a Russian satellite.
- I can't authorise that.
Which is why I didn't ask permission.
We are under investigation for misconduct.
The package is on-board.
What do you want me to do?
I'm reading a heat bloom, Benji.
The engines are starting.
I'm aware of that.
But I can't do anything until
I'm connected to the satellite.
Benji, you are connected.
- Okay, Great.
The package is still on that plane.
Shut down the fuel pump.
Mechanical are lockdown.
What about the electrical system?
- Oh, that might work.
- Okay, standby.
No, they're encrypted.
Benji, the plane.
Yes! The package is on the plane!
We get it!
Can you open the door?
Ethan? Where are you?
- I'm by the plane.
Benji, can you open the door?
Uh. Can I open the door?
Uh. Maybe.
Open the door when I tell you.
I'm on the plane.
Open the door.
How did you get in the plane?
Not in the plane,
I'm on the plane!
Open the door!
Open the door!
Okay, okay.
Benji, open that door right now!
- Yeah, I am trying.
Come on, Benji.
- Benji, open that door!
Come on. Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Yes, got it.
That's the wrong door!
Benji, not that door.
The other door.
The other door.
Right. Yes, the other door.
Okay, yes, yes. Sorry, sorry.
My bad, my bad.
Check it out.
Alright. Look, I'm gonna
open the para-door.
How's that?
We're about to close.
I won't be long.
You looking for anything in particular.
Something rare.
Let me guess.
- Coltrain.
- Monk.
Shadow Wilson on the bass.
Shadow Wilson played drums.
Know why they called him Shadow?
Because he had a light touch.
You're in luck.
I've a first pressing.
It really is you.
I've heard stories.
They can't all be true.
Good even, Mr. Hunt.
The weapons you recovered in Belarus
were confirmed to be VX nerve gas.
Capable of devastating a major city.
The bodies of the air crew
were found less than...
...24 hours after they landed in Damascus.
They were identified as
low level Chechen separatist.
With neither the access nor the ability...
...to acquire the weapons
they were transporting.
This would support your suspicion...
...that a shadow organization is
committed to inciting revolution.
By enabling acts of terror in
nations friendly to Western interests.
IMF suspects this to be the
same shadow organization...
...you have been tracking for the last year
Also known as the Syndicate.
IMF would be right.
Normally, you and your
team would be tasked...
...with infiltrating and disrupting
this terrorist network,
but we have taken steps to
ensure that this will not happen.
Because, we, are the Syndicate,
Mr. Hunt.
And now we know who you are.
Your mission, should you
choose to accept it,
is to face your fate.
Pursue us, you'll be caught.
Resist us, you'll be killed.
And you precious Secretary will
disavow any knowledge of your actions.
Good luck, Mr. Hunt.
This message will self destruct
in 5 seconds.
Mr. Chairman, the IMF's misadventures
date back to my earliest days in the CIA...
...when the IMF broke into the CIA
to steal a list of covert operatives.
And now, more recently
a Russian warhead.
Disarmed Russian warhead.
A Russian nuclear warhead.
- Branded safe by The IMF.
Clipped the Transamerica Pyramid
before plunging into the San Francisco bay.
Saving the western atmosphere.
This made possible by IMF
agents who did willing...
...provide the launch codes
to a known terrorist.
Do I have that right, agent Brandt?
I can neither confirm
nor deny details of any...
...such operation without
Secretary's approval.
This was the same week after
IMF infiltrated the Kremlin.
Here's the Kremlin before.
And the Kremlin after.
I can neither confirm nor
deny details of any operation...
Without the Secretary's approval.
Yes, we know.
In fact, until this panel
appoints a new Secretary,
you really can't say much of anything,
can you, agent Brandt?
I didn't write the rules, Mr. Hunley.
Mr. Chairman, the so call
Impossible Missions Force...
...is not just a rogue organization,
it is an outdated one.
A throwback to an era without
transparency and without oversight.
Mr. Chairman.
- The time has come to dissolve the IMF.
Mr. Chairman.
And transfer the salvageable
assets to the CIA.
Mr. Chairman, the IMF has operated
without oversight for 40 years.
Now, are its methods unorthodox? Yes.
- Mr. Chairman.
Are it's results less than perfect?
But without the IMF, to be force...
- There'll be order and stability.
Without the IMF...
This panel recognizes the IMF's
contribution to global security.
But the events laid out by
CIA director Hunley...
...also show a pattern of
once and brinkmanship...
...and a total disregard for protocol.
From where I sit,
you unorthodox methods are
indistinguishable from chance.
And your results,
perfect or not,
looked suspiciously like luck.
I'm afraid today is the day
when the IMF's luck runs out.
What are you doing here?
I said: 'What are you doing here?'
What does he see in you, I wonder.
Who is he?
I want to see what is done.
Why don't you take off the cuffs.
And I'll show you.
You know who I am?
Janik Vinter.
They call you, the bone doctor.
The funny thing is.
You're officially declared dead,
3 years ago.
Nice shoes by the way.
Not his.
We have instructions to talk,
not to kill him.
There are men who are
broken in different ways.
This one's a fighter.
He'll die, before you turn him.
Are you worry he's gonna take your place?
You should go,
before it gets ugly.
Yeah, he's right.
You should go.
Now, let's see how tough you are.
You, Janik.
We've never met before, right?
Follow me.
Give me the gun.
What're you doing?
- I can't leave.
Look. You can't stay.
We just killed those men.
We didn't kill them.
You did.
I tried to stop you.
You got away.
Who are you?
You better hurry now.
Good luck.
No, wait.
Where is he?
He's heading to the north corridor.
He has closed the gate.
Hurry, don't let him escape.
Stack-com 7.
- Western Europe unsecured.
- Bravo Echo One One.
This is Brandt.
- Go secure.
London terminal is compromised.
Repeat, London is compromised.
Agent placed is down.
Request immediate extraction.
What happened?
Who breached London?
Do you've anything to go on?
A face. He wanted something.
Not information.
He could've kill me,
but he didn't.
Okay, what do you think it means.
- The Syndicate is real.
They know who we're,
how we operate.
I think I know why
they've been so hard to find.
Just focus operations on
gathering any available
Intel regarding formal covert operatives.
It doesn't matter what country or agency.
Just as long as they are dead
Or presumed dead.
Start with Janik Vinter.
He's also known as the bone doctor.
I can't do that.
- What?
What're you talking about?
The Committee has shut us down.
Operations are to be
handled over to the CIA.
There is no more IMF.
I've been ordered to bring everyone in.
- I understand.
- I understand, Brandt.
We didn't have this conversation.
I disappeared in London.
You don't know where I am.
If I'm dead or alive.
This man you saw.
Can you find him?
I won't stop until I do.
This may very well be
our last mission, Ethan.
Make it count.
Since we are going to be work together,
I want you to choose your
next works very carefully.
Where is Hunt?
I don't know.
- Don't lie to me, Brandt.
I have no way of contacting him.
He's deep cover. Last I heard,
he's tracking the Syndicate.
Let's cut the bull.
You know who we are.
You know what we are capable of.
How come the CIA has never discovered
any actual Intel regarding this Syndicate.
What are you implying?
- Not implying, stating.
Leveling an accusation actually.
Hunt is both arsonist and fireman
at the same time.
I believe that the Syndicate
is a figment of his imagination.
Created to justify the IMF's existence.
I'm going to find him, Brandt.
And when I do,
he will be called upon to answer for every...
...wanton active mayhem
he's responsible for.
Welcome to the CIA.
You'll never find him.
Set your watch, Brandt.
Ethan Hunt is living his
last day as a free man.
6 months later
All right, everybody.
Heads up.
This is it.
Alpha team prep.
Standing by.
- Langley brimstone, go.
I say again.
We are a go.
Langley, there's nobody here.
Langley brimstone.
Face the north wall.
B. Dunn
Is it that time already.
I'm going to ask you
a series of control questions.
I know and I'm gonna answer truthfully.
And then you gonna ask
me to lie intentionally.
State your name.
- The King of Norway.
See, that's a lie.
I'm actually third in line to the throne.
My brother was...
Has Ethan Hunt contacted you?
- Why would he contact me?
Hunt has resurfaced.
This time in Cuba.
left these behind.
Tell me what you make of them.
I don't know.
He's taken up scrap booking?
Look at the photographs, Dunn.
All of them are either
missing or dead, everyone.
All of them were government agents.
Russian, French, British, Israelis,
you name it.
These are highly classified files and yet
Hunt had no problem collecting them.
And he always seems
to be a step ahead of us.
I wonder how?
- Are you suggesting I'm helping him?
That thought had cross my mind.
6 months, I have been here.
Sifting through mountains of metadata
and exabytes of encoded excrement.
I had decrypted, processed, passed
more data than anyone in my section.
And yet every week,
you hold me in here.
And you ask me the same question,
just in a different way.
And today,
you haven't answered it.
You seem to thinks I have
some kind of obligation to him.
Okay, nothing could be
further from the truth.
Ethan Hunt is still out there in the field,
and I'm stuck here answering for it
We're not friends.
I owe him nothing.
That'll be all, Dunn.
Welcome to Vienna, Benji.
Missed me?
Ethan, where are you?
Where the hell have you been?
No act.. you know what? Please,
don't tell me that,
because it's just another thing I would
have to lie about in my weekly polygraph.
Everything is going to be fine.
Just keep walking.
But, make sure you're not being follow. ed
Oh. I didn't win those opera tickets, did I?
No, I'm afraid not...
So, where do we meet?
- We don't.
For your sake,
we shouldn't be seen together.
You have mail.
Who is he?
- That's what we're here to find out.
What I do know, is he's our only
possible link to the Syndicate...
...and I have reason to believe that
he's going to be here tonight.
But I can't find him alone.
Are you in?
Are you in?
- Yes, of course. Of course.
So, what's the play?
- Simple. You find him, we tag him.
I follow him wherever he goes.
- And after that?
After that you're on a plane,
back at work Monday morning.
No one is the wiser.
- What? That's it?
You're in enough danger as it is.
I didn't want to involve you
this much but I had no choice.
Whoa. If you're gonna bring me all this way,
you could at least give me something
a little be more... you know, dramatic.
Benji, we are trying to keep a low profile.
You want drama, go to the opera.
Are you seeing what I'm seeing?
- Yes, I am.
Am I correct in assuming that is
the Chancellor of Austria?
Yes, you are.
- Did you know he's going to be here?
- Right.
Well. We have a European
Heads of State here,
at the same time as we're
looking for a nefarious terrorist.
And I'm sure the two things
are completely unrelated.
Mean while I'll try and
overlook the fact that...
...you're an international
fugitive wanted by the CIA.
And this little unsanctioned
operation is tenement-ed treasonous.
Because as you stated earlier,
I will be back in my desk
on Monday morning,
playing video games and no one
will be any be the wiser.
The show's about to start, Benji.
- Right.
Just take your position,
tell me what you see.
Nice tux, by the way.
Stage is set.
Ready lights.
Ready lights.
The final preparations ready.
Stay alert, please.
Join the IMF. See the world,
on a monitor...
...in a closet.
Okay, I have eyes.
Talk to me, Benji.
- Nothing yet. Standby.
I know you're here.
Where're you.
Uh Ethan, I might have something for you.
Can't confirm.
- Backstage, I will direct you
Take the door on your left.
He should be right in front of you.
Benji, did you see that?
- See what?
A woman.
What woman?
Where're you?
I can't see you.
What happened?
- I don't know
Ethan, do you copy?
Ethan, come in.
Ethan, the lighting booth.
Ethan, do you copy?
Oh god.
It's a flash wound.
Sorry, ladies and gentlemen.
Surround the building.
Secure the exits.
I've a way out.
Lead the way.
Anything you want to tell me?
- No, not right now.
How's the pace?
- Don't wait for me.
What's next?
Shoes, please.
If anything happens to you...
Nothing is going to happen to me.
Stop the car!
Get in.
Go go go.
What the...!
She tried to shoot me.
It doesn't make her a bad person.
I'm gonna have to search you.
- You have to let me go.
Oh oh.
Not a chance.
I assume you're deep
cover back in London but...
...isn't this taking the role a little too far.
Hang on a minute, you know her?
We haven't formerly introduced.
But I am pretty sure
she's British intelligence.
Ilsa Faust.
You're Ethan Hunt.
And... that shade is very hard to find.
What were you doing at the opera tonight?
- What? Aside from killing the Chancellor.
Saving your life in London put me in a...
...tight spot with some
very dangerous people.
I was sent to kill the Chancellor
to regain their trust.
Ha. So, you admit that you killed him?
I went through the motion,
that's not the same thing.
You thought you put him in the hospital,
take him out of harm's way.
The same thing you tried to do.
You're not gonna believe that, are you?
What about the rest of her team?
You means those other 2 idiots?
I can only assumed they
were redundancies.
In case you didn't follow through.
One man to kill the Chancellor,
the other one to kill you.
A test.
Second one I failed,
thanks to you.
And the car bomb was insurance.
We have a tail.
Who is he?
We're after the same thing,
and I can help you.
If you want to bring down the Syndicate,
you've to let me out.
They're closing.
This has to look like an escape.
So, you just throw me out anywhere.
Tell me who he is.
Oh. Change of plan.
Throw her out!
You have everything you need to find me.
Less than 24 hours after we interviewed
Benji Dunn about Ethan Hunt
He was on a plane to Vienna
with tickets to the opera.
And within 6 hours of his arrival,
the Chancellor was dead.
Now, that might be circumstance
to some public defendant.
But to the CIA,
that is actionable intelligence.
Consider the moment,
the possibility that
Ethan's investigation lead him to the opera.
And he's the one with
the actionable intelligence.
In any case. Finding Hunt
is no longer our pet project.
The Special Activity Division
will now have full discretion.
You mean shoot to kill?
Whether Hunt lives or dies.
It's entirely up to him.
New identity, passport,
cash, road map.
There's a change of clothes
in that bag, right there.
Everything you need to
make it to DC undetected.
Once you're there,
you'll have to inform on me.
I'm suppose... what? Sorry, what?
- Tell the truth.
You came to Vienna believing
you won 2 tickets to the opera.
And I attempted to recruit you into
assassinating the Chancellor, you refused.
That is not the true.
Your life depends on
them believing you, Benji.
It'll go easier if you tell them
what they want to hear.
Ethan, at least tell me what this is all about.
You recognized anyone?
- He's former KSA, German intelligence.
Missing, presumed dead.
He was at the opera tonight.
This one too.
Former Mossad.
- Let me guess. Presumed dead.
Tonight, I made it official.
I was looking for him in Bosporus.
The same day a car accident
killed the visiting President of Malawi.
He slipped away again in Jakarta.
Hours before a passenger plane
vanished over the Pacific...
...with 236 passengers.
I just missed him in the Philippines.
Right before a fired petrochemical plant
gassed a village of 2,000 people.
You're saying these accidents
are somehow connected.
That missing plane was carrying
the Secretary of the World Bank.
That fire bank corrupted
a global arms cooperation.
That wreck triggered a civil war.
These are no accidents.
They're links in a chain. The work of
a single organization, the Syndicate.
A rogue nation.
Trained to do what we do.
Inbuilt with a new sense of purpose.
Destroy the system that created them.
Regardless if who's in the way.
An anti-IMF.
And since Hunley shut us down,
they've been escalating unchecked.
Killing the Chancellor tonight
was a statement
The start of a new phase.
Or they could just be
a series of random disasters.
He was there.
Every time.
Just like he was there tonight.
I'm sure of it.
I don't know who he is,
where he's from.
How he's funded
But I know he's the key.
Ethan, this is what I sign up for.
Let me help you find him.
- That's why I brought you here.
In the first place.
And look what happened.
I can't protect you.
That's why I need you to leave.
It's not your decision to make, Ethan.
I'm a field agent.
I know the risks.
More than that, I'm your friend.
No matter what I... con
a polygraph every week.
Now you called me because
you needed my help.
And you still do.
So, I'm staying.
And that's all we're gonna say about that.
- Good
Where do we start?
And how do we find her?
She said we've everything we need.
We had an agreement.
You send me to do a job, I'd do it.
But my way, not yours.
- When did I deviate?
You put 2 more gunman
at the opera tonight.
One of them try to kill me.
You missed.
I missed because Ethan Hunt
was there looking for you.
Ethan Hunt is in Vienna because
you allow him escape in London.
Vinter would've kill him in London
and that's not what you asked for.
Twice now you've let him slipped away.
Are you questioning
my loyalty or my ability.
Can't decide.
- I've told you before.
Trust me or kill me.
But If you're going to kill me,
be the man.
Do it yourself.
Did he say anything?
He knows about Morocco.
- What did he know about Morocco?
He knows about the power plant.
He doesn't know what's in it.
Find him, please.
He'll find me.
I've him seen to that.
Well, that's interesting
- What is it?
It's a SCIF. Secure Computer Facility
offline, ultra-contained.
It's impossible to hack in from the outside.
It's essentially a digital safety deposit box.
Very strange thing for a young lady
to be carrying in her sundries.
Where's it located?
- Morocco.
Now, what brings you
gentlemen to Casablanca?
Good to see you - What couldn't
you tell me over the telephone?
The Chancellor of Austria
was assassinated.
We believe that Ethan and Benji were there.
Huntley's handed this over
to Special Activities Division.
We need to find Ethan before they do.
That's where you come in.
Not interested.
- Okay. Look, Luther.
Look, man. I know Ethan.
I don't know you.
All I know about you is that
you chose to work for Hunley.
Yeah, all I know about you
is you chose to resign.
You don't have to worry about Ethan.
They'll never catch him
- No, they're not going to catch him. No.
This is the CIA, this is Hunley
we're talking about.
Thing are out of control
And they're going to kill him.
They're going to kill Ethan.
They're going to kill Benji.
We have to get to them first.
Are you going to help me?
You need to understand something.
Ethan is my friend
And if I have 1 second of doubt
whose side you're on.
I believe you...
- Alright.
What do I have to go on?
- Not much.
And not a lot of time.
His name is Solomon Lane.
He created the Syndicate.
Where does he come from?
He's former British intelligence.
Well. If British intelligence
knows the Syndicate exist,
why don't they just tell the CIA?
Because they don't want
anyone knowing the
Syndicate was created by one of their own.
I was sent undercover to earn Lane's trust.
And eventually identifying
the members of his organization.
For the first time in 2 years,
I'm close to knowing who they are.
Lane had a ledger. It contain
the identities of his operatives,
his terrorist associates, the entire
inner workings of the Syndicate.
One of his agents stole it
hoping to blackmail him.
He kept it in a secure computer
facility for safe keeping.
He died being interrogated
for the access code.
Leaving Lane with a serious problem.
So the key to crushing Lane is sitting in a...
...computer just waiting
for someone to take it?
So why hasn't Lane just
send someone to steal it?
Oh, he has.
He sent me.
And I can tell you.
It's impossible.
The facility is hidden beneath the
local power plant under military guard.
And the only way to download
the ledger is through...
...the central computer
terminal located there.
To reach the terminal,
you'll need to pass the main gates.
Access the elevator with
fingerprint recognition
And open 3 separate combination locks.
Well, that's easy. We just impersonate the...
...agent who stole the
ledger in the first place.
I get to wear a mask.
Unfortunately, even if you can make
it through every other security measure...
...you won't beat the last one. That's
because it's protected by gait analysis.
A step beyond facial recognition.
These cameras actually know
how the agent walks,
how he talks, how he moves,
right down to his facial takes.
So, what you're saying is,
no mask can beat it.
We're busted before we could
even get into the vault.
And I wind up in a Morocco
jail playing mommies...
...and daddies without a mother strangler.
Okay, I don't get to wear a mask.
And there's no other way
into the computer lab?
No other way in.
Air Shaft?
- 6 inch diameter pipe.
- 12 feet of concrete, top and bottom.
Electrical conduit?
- Bottom line is,
there's no way into that terminal unless...
...your profile is pre-installed
in the security system.
Where're the profile stored?
All security data is stored
offline in the liquid cooler aid.
Here, inside the torus,
liquid cooled.
You mean that thing is under water?
- Yes.
So, to get the ledger, one of us
needs to enter the torus...
...and change the security profile.
So that the other one can access
the computer without being caught.
That's the only way.
- That's the only way.
Can I get in through there.
What's that?
- That's the service hatch.
It can only be opened from the inside
If you try and open it from the outside,
you'll be hit with 70 thousand
gallons of pressurized water.
Where does the water come from?
Desalinized seawater
flows through the intake.
In the pipeline.
And before you ask.
The system is designed to shut down...
...automatically if any
metal enters the intake.
No oxygen tanks.
Alright. Well, how long will it take to free...
...swim from the intake to the service hatch.
2 minutes.
With the current at full power.
Well. Then, you just have to hold
your breath for 2 minutes.
What about installing the security profile?
Well. That's gonna be like a minute tops.
So, I have to hold my breath for 3 minutes?
You can do that.
But I think you're overlooking,
is the physical exertion.
The more you exert yourself,
the faster you consume oxygen.
Don't worry about him.
All he has to do is install the fake
profile before I get to the gait analysis.
You said it yourself,
it's the only way
That doesn't sound impossible.
Satellite over-watch
covering all 7 continents,
DNA profiling, facial recognition,
drone surveillance, drone strikes.
So, how are we suppose to find
Ethan and Benji before they do?
I'm not even looking for them.
I'm looking for her.
What do you mean?
These sketches, what do you see?
Ethan's not exactly sure who this guys is.
But this woman, he knows her.
He trust her.
I'm betting that if he's not
already with her, he's on his way.
Find her, find Ethan.
Tell me it's possible to pull
facial recognition of a sketch.
For mere mortals, no.
For me, I could've done this at home.
How long is this going to take?
- Found her.
CCTV picked her up
at the airport in Casablanca.
What the hell?
She's bad news.
- Hello.
Your card is not working.
- Benji, we're in.
Thank you.
One more time.
You have 3 minutes.
2.5 minutes to switch the security profile.
30 seconds to escape
through the service hatch.
Remember, conserve oxygen.
Don't move a muscle if you don't have to.
I'm in the elevator.
That current will carry you to a torus.
Once you're there,
I'll shut it down.
Important note.
The profile is in slot 108.
And a slightly more important note,
if you haven't switched that profile
before I reach the gait analysis,
I'm dead.
Thank you, Benji.
What's the problem?
- The cooling system is rebooting...
...by itself.
All systems' normal.
All systems at full power.
You're alright.
You're okay.
What did I told you.
Difficult, absolutely,
but certainly not impossible...
Jesus, is he alright?
What happened? What happened?
I misjudged you.
Hey, man. Hey.
You okay? How're you doing?
Hey, buddy.
- Yes, it's Benji.
You did good.
You take a moment, alright.
Just-Just take a moment.
There's nothing a little sunshine
and fresh air won't fix you.
You'll be as right as rain.
- What are you doing here?
We got it.
I knew we'll get it.
Listen. I don't want to
sound ungrateful, okay.
I appreciate everything you do for me, but...
...one of these days,
you're gonna take it too far.
We got it.
We're gonna nail that...
I thought you said you can find him?
I said I could locate him.
You've to find him.
Where's Hunt?
He's dead.
That really hurts!
Can you walk?
- Yes, I can.
We have to get to her before Lane does.
Are you okay to drive?
I mean. A minute ago you were dead.
What are you talking about?
This is not gonna end well.
There she is.
Stairs, stairs, stairs!
Stairs, stairs, stairs!
God damn it.
I found them.
Come on, man.
It's a high-speed chase.
You just had to get the 4 by 4, didn't you?
Hey, look. Don't blame me.
You chose the car.
You just had to have it!
- Do you want me to drive?
Do you want me to drive?
- Look, it's a stick.
Look at this. Look how slow
you're going. Speed it up.
Who's this guy?
Go-go-go- Go!
I'm okay. I'm okay.
I'm okay.
Here they come!
What're we gonna do?
Do you have your seat belts on?
You're asking me that now?
Hang on!
- Ah!
Are you good?
got a little out of hand.
Look out!
We're good?
Oh, hi boys.
What did I miss?
Woo. That look sharp.
Careful, careful.
So, what do we do now?
Please tell me, you made
a copy of that disk..
Of course I made a copy.
So where are we going?
It's a ledger.
The Syndicate's entire infrastructure.
Who they are, the politicians they control,
and where the money comes from.
It's everything you want to know.
What makes you think this
so-called ledger is authentic?
Why would Lane want it so badly
if it wasn't authentic?
Why would he ever let you have it if it was?
Did you never stop to consider
he may want me to have it?
Misinformation, manipulation.
What he does exercise,
what he's trained to do.
Lane lies to you,
you sell his lies to Hunt.
Together, you both are compromised.
That's his ultimate objective.
This may be authentic.
But there's only one person I trust
to verify that information. You.
My orders were to deliver you
information regarding the Syndicate.
Your orders were to
infiltrate the Syndicate...
...that we may learn more
about them first hand.
This isn't prove, it's a test,
like everything else.
The only way to pass,
is to go back.
I can't do that.
I betrayed Lane's trust too many times.
And in every instance, you
did so on you own volition.
He was going to tortured
and killed an American agent.
And you should've let him, and
you would still have Lane's trust.
This is the trade,
Hunt understands that.
I wasn't going to let him die.
He is our ally.
There are no allies in state craft,
Ilsa. Only common interest.
As it stands, Ethan Hunt
is a man without a country.
This makes killing him
decidedly less complicated.
Are you ordering me to kill Hunt?
Good god, no.
Nothing so crude as that, no.
Lane will order you.
And to regain his trust,
you will do it.
You sent me to do a job.
I did it.
Now, you bring me in.
Might I remind you, you're
without a country of your own.
The director of the CIA called me
inquiring about you personally.
Of course to protect your cover,
I had to lie.
So, as far as the Americans are concern,
you're a rogue assassin,
a target of opportunity.
A precious few people
know about your true identity.
It would be unfortunate if we forgot.
You see, there really is no choice, Ilsa.
You're going back.
Glad to know you're still with us.
What's happening?
I can't open it.
What do you mean you can't open it?
I mean I can't open it, ever.
That's a red box.
A what?
- It's a red box.
The British government uses it
to transport national secrets.
Doesn't sound good.
Meaning it's triple encrypted.
You don't get into that thing...
...unless you have fingerprints,
retinal scan, and...
...a voice phrase spoken by
a specific individual.
The Prime Minister of Great Britain himself.
Yes, him.
So, what you're saying is,
there is no ledger.
Which means we have no proof
that the Syndicate even exist.
So, we're back to square one.
Only now, we're all wanted by the CIA.
I'm so proud of us.
What I don't understand
is why is there a red...
...box sat in a private data vault in Morocco.
And why would Lane want it
if he can't open it?
If Lane wants it, you can bet
that he has a plan to open it.
And we just help him steal it.
He's going to take the Prime Minister.
Yes, he is.
The question is how?
Well, we have to warn
the British government.
Yeah, MI6.
- No, no, Brandt.
Put down the phone.
Let's think about this.
We have a responsibility to
warn the British government,
and not gamble with
the Prime Minister's life.
Ethan, just so you can beat the guy...
...that's beaten you at every turn.
Is that what you think this is?
Is that what you think this is?
I think right now,
you're incapable of seeing
that there's another way.
And sometimes Ethan is the only one
capable of seeing the only way.
And if he's wrong,
then we have Vienna...
...all over again.
No, you don't know him.
If he wants something to happen,
there's no preventing it.
That's why we have to warn the British.
Maybe that's exactly
what he wants us to do.
Are you listening to yourself?
We're going to warn the British.
No. We're going to find Lane,
we're going to get him.
Before he takes the Prime Minister.
Alright, Ethan.
We're going to find Lane.
But please tell me.
How're we going to do that?
All is forgiven.
That isn't a ledger, is it?
You didn't take a look for yourself?
Of course I did.
But the file was encrypted.
And why would I lie to you?
So that I would lie to Hunt.
But he wouldn't have stolen it
if he knew what it was.
And she wouldn't have helped him.
What is actually on that disk?
I'll be honest with you when
you start being honest with me.
And you and I, we both know
why you come back.
Don't we?
You're still alive because
I believe in your potential.
But I'm growing impatient.
Why do you continue to resist?
Well, if we're being honest,
You're a terrorist.
If that were true then my goal
would be to spread fear, but my...
...method is...
far more surgical.
You kill innocent people.
I helped my government killed many
innocent people and more, so much more.
Killing to keep things as they were.
And now I'm killing to bring about change.
I think Ethan Hunt would disagree.
Ethan Hunt is a gambler.
And one day his luck will run out,
And thousands of innocent people
will pay the price.
Which one of us will be the villain then?
Nothing here.
It's empty.
I'm interested...
...to see who you blame...
...for what happens next.
So, that's her?
That's her.
I have to say...
...you sure can ride.
- You're just doing your job.
That's all I'm going to say about it.
Atlee said you'd understand.
Atlee, your handler in British Intelligence.
And he didn't bring you in?
Even after you gave him the disk?
You knew perfectly well it was blank.
That's a lie. The disk she took from me
was an exact copy. I'm of it.
Was it in your possession the entire time?
They don't care if you live or die.
But you knew I was going to take it to him.
I hope you would.
I hope it would be enough to get you out.
Whoa-whoa-whoa. That means Lane
doesn't have the disk, only we do.
I have a question.
If the disk was blank,
why is she still alive?
Unless, of course,
Lane wanted us to find her.
So, who're you working for now?
Lane, Atlee, your government,
my government, they're all the same
We only think we're fighting for the right...
...side because that's what
we choose to believe.
So what does that leave us?
The way I see it,
you have 3 choices.
One, you hand me and
the disk over to the CIA.
I'm proof that Syndicate exist.
Lane becomes their problem,
and... your work is done.
My thoughts exactly.
- Works for me.
But you know they're
not going to believe you.
And you all will be trialed for treason.
Lane goes free.
I'm afraid she's has a point.
Two, you let me walk away
to an uncertain fate.
You use the disk as bait to trap Lane.
But some part of you suspect
you've met your match.
And being a gambler, you'll probably
end up handing Lane that disk...
...whether you want to or not.
That is entirely possible.
And option three?
Come away with me.
Right now.
Oh boy.
And what about Lane?
Forget about Lane.
There will always be another Lane.
There will always be
people like us to face him.
We've done our part
and we've been cast aside.
We can be anyone.
We can do anything.
It's only a matter of going.
Lane sent you to deliver
a message, didn't he?
I saved you life twice.
I won't be able to do it again.
What's the message?
Parking garage
Luther, stay with her.
She's gone.
I lost her.
She set us up, Ethan.
No, she delivered a message.
She set us up!
She knew this would happen.
Only Lane knows what's going to happen.
I have a job for you, Ethan.
And for the sake of your friend,
you will do it.
I'm listening.
Your mission,
should you choose to accept it,
Is to bring me the unlocked disk
by midnight today.
Now say the words, please.
I accept.
I knew you would.
He wants the disk, unlocked,
by midnight tonight
Ethan, there's only one person
on earth who can unlock that disk.
We have to take the Prime Minister.
Let's just think about that for a minute.
That's the only way to get Benji back.
Ethan, that's exactly what
Lane wants you to do.
Which is why it has to happen.
This is how we beat Lane.
This is how we make everything right.
Can you see?
Can you see it?
William Brandt, sir.
He says it's urgent.
I had a feeling you'd come
to your senses, Brandt.
I'm only calling you because
I've no other choice.
I'm trying to prevent a catastrophe.
I can understand that.
Where are you?
- Reroute us to London, now.
Where in London?
- I'll tell you when you land, not before.
I'm not interested in playing games, Brandt.
And I'm not interested in seeing
my friends get killed either.
So if I'm going to betray them,
we're going to do this in my terms...
...and my terms only.
Do you understand?
Keep your phone on,
instruction will follow.
Should have been gone by now.
- Yeah.
You okay?
- Yeah.
We're suppose to take down the
Prime Minister of Great Britain tonight.
I cant' see another way.
Neither can I.
What we do, we have to do
for our friends, right?
Get him ready, please.
You're right to call me, Brandt.
Where is Hunt?
He's on his way.
We don't have much time.
What does he intend to do?
- What matter is he's alive.
And I need your reassurance
that it's going to stay that way.
Have you informed the British Government
that Hunt has targeted the Prime Minister?
I will help you capture him... alive.
That is the deal.
You picked up some terrible habits
from your friend, Brandt
The worst of them being that you still
believe you can control any outcome.
Stay with him.
Chief Atlee.
Chief Atlee.
Director Hunley, how
delightful to see you here.
Last time we spoke, you were
hunting rogue agents in Morocco.
Chief Atlee, I have reason to believe that
the Prime Minister's life is in danger.
I'm listening.
Any advance on 22,000?
Going once.
Going twice.
To our generous Chairwoman.
Sir. Chief Atlee from MI6 needs to see you.
He says it's urgent.
Excuse me.
What's this all about?
- It's a matter of national security, Sir.
Under no circumstances is anyone to enter.
Yes sir.
Help me to understand.
Who is this man?
Why is he after me?
I'm afraid, Prime Minister, Director Hunley
and I share responsibility for this.
Ethan Hunt was part of a
disgrace intelligence...
...agency which is since been dissolved.
And he's gone rogue, unfortunately intend
on dismantling an imaginary terror network.
Our new intelligence
suggest that he's been...
...manipulated by one of
your own former agent.
Ilsa Faust, Prime Minister.
She disappeared 2 years ago.
And if you don't mind I asking,
what do I have to do with
this phantom network?
Sir, this is William Brandt,
a former colleague of Hunt's.
He came forward with first hand
knowledge of the plot against you.
Sir. Hunt is in possession of a virtual
red box that can only be open by you.
He believes it is the key
to bring down the Syndicate.
The Syndicate, you say?
- Yes, Sir. That's what he calls it.
He couldn't possibly be talking
about that 'Syndicate'?
'Cause you assured me that,
that 'Syndicate' was merely an exercise?
And it was, Prime Minister.
I can assure you.
And yet, here we have the Central
Intelligence Agency indicating otherwise.
I don't understand.
- Prime Minister, your life is in danger.
I think our first priority is to move
you to a secure location. - Sir.
Does the name Solomon Lane,
ring a bell?
Unfortunately, it does.
So, there actually is a Syndicate?
It was a hypothetical brainchild
of Chief Atlee.
Recruit former agents from other nations.
Supply them with a new identity...
...and use them to surgically remove
our enemies, both at home and abroad.
It's operating budget was
to be hidden offshore...
...in a virtual red box which
I alone would control
It would've made me judge, jury and
executioner with zero accountability.
I rejected the proposal unequivocally.
Furthermore, I was given every assurance
it never pass the planning stage.
Prime Minister,
there is no any Syndicate.
These people have been
duped by agent Faust.
Save it for the public inquiry.
Sir, I urge you not to leave this room.
Excuse me.
- Please.
Hunt is uniquely trained
and highly motivated.
A specialist without equal,
immune to any counter measures.
There is no secret he cannot extract.
No security he cannot breach.
No person he cannot become.
He has mostly likely anticipated
this very conversation...
...and is waiting to strike in
whatever direction we move.
Sir. Hunt is the living
manifestation of destiny.
And he has made you his mission.
Prime Minister.
Sir, please step away
from the Prime Minister.
Just relax, Sir.
Everything is going to be alright.
Atlee shot me
- Yes, he did, Sir.
Hunt, I hope you realize you set back US,
UK relations to the American revolution.
Desperate times,
desperate measures, sir.
I'm here.
- Standby to receive.
The Prime Minister's office
ask me to meet him here.
This way, sir
Retinal scan, confirm.
Some convenience, Sir.
You got a very warm hand.
Biometric, confirm.
The prompt is 'KIPLING'.
- The prompt is 'KIPLING'.
Sir, I'm gonna need a pass phrase,
the prompt is 'KIPLING'.
Yes, of course.
' If you can keep your head when all
about you. Are losing theirs...'
'If you can trust yourself
when all men doubt you'
You got it?
- I got it.
Oh man, do I got it.
I'm here to see the Prime Minister.
- We were told not to let anybody in.
By whom?
- By you, sir.
Hunley, what is this?
Chief Atlee. Kind of you
to accepted our invitation.
Do you know who I am?
We know you created the Syndicate.
But Lane went rogue and
turn it against you, didn't he?
And you've been desperately
trying to cover it up.
That's why you erased the disk
which she brought it to you.
That's true.
Now, Director Hunley has some questions
for you regarding Ilsa Faust.
Namely, how you frame her.
That's also true.
It's the antidote.
When the Prime Minister found
out about the Syndicate.
Atlee had attacked him.
- Yes, that's true.
And then you saved the Prime Minister, sir.
Did he?
I'm very grateful.
You're cutting it very close, Ethan
I have what you want.
Where do I go?
Ethan, wait
If I'm not there in 15 minutes, he'll kill Benji.
Your mission is to bring
down the Syndicate.
If Lane gets his hands on that money,
we're unleashing a terrorist superpower.
He'll never take me alive.
I'll make sure of it.
What happens, Ethan,
if you can't make it back?
I'll make it back.
Just be ready.
Greetings, Prime Minister.
If you are viewing this message,
it means that you have chosen
to activate the Syndicate.
This drive gives you access to 2.4 billion
pound sterling in untraceable currency.
That will allow the Syndicate
to operate undetected for decades.
Instructions to access
these funds are as follows.
This is the end, Mr. Hunt.
2 pounds Semtex,
500, 30 caliber ball bearings.
Your friend is sitting on a
highly sensitive - pressure trigger.
So, no sudden moves.
Your final test.
When Lane has what he wants,
I kill you and Benji.
If not, everyone dies.
No time to think, Ethan.
Have a seat, please.
Human nature,
my weapon of choice.
From the moment I killed the
young lady in the record shop,
I knew you would stop
at nothing to catch me.
I also knew Ilsa wouldn't have a choice.
Whether she broke you that night
you met or let you go.
Whether you let her run in Morocco.
Whether she went to Atlee or not.
You were certain we would
end up where we are... right now.
Then again.
So was I.
I know you, Lane.
Somewhere along the line
you had a crisis of faith.
Human life didn't matter anymore,
or maybe it never really did.
Either way, you killed
too many innocent people...
...without ever asking who
is giving the orders.
Or why.
You blame the system for what you are.
Instead of yourself.
You wanted revenge.
But Rome wasn't destroyed in a day.
You needed help, you
needed the money. A lot of it.
And you'll stop at nothing to get it.
That's how I know I'm going
to put you in a box.
Where is the disk?
- Where is the disk?
You like to play games.
I've a game for you.
I'll give you 50 million dollars...
...to let Benji go.
Where is the disk?
- Where is the disk?
You're looking at it.
I am the disk.
I memorized it all 2.4 billion
in number accounts.
If that vest goes off, you get nothing.
Without this money, you are nothing.
Without me, you are nothing.
Right now, you're thinking it's bluff.
I'd never let my friends die.
I couldn't possibly
memorize the entire disk.
There's only one way to be sure.
Let Benji go
Take him.
They come 1 step closer,
shoot me.
You remember I told you, one day
you were going to take things too far?
This is me speaking, by the way.
It's not him.
The only way this ends is
you and me, Lane, face to face.
Only this time I won't
be locked in a glass box.
You want your money.
The bone doctor gonna beat it out of me.
Now let Benji go...
...1... 3... 9
- Brandt has you waiting, go.
What do I do?
- Kill the woman.
I need Hunt alive.
- It's Benji, where am I going?
They're coming.
- We're not ready.
Then get ready.
Which way?
Face to face.
Just as you wish, Ethan
It hurts, I know.
Gentlemen, this is Solomon Lane.
Mr. Lane.
Meet the IMF.
You're free now.
Where will you go?
I don't know.
I've done my part.
Ethan, we got to go.
You better hurry now.
Good luck.
You know how to find me.
Director Hunley.
Director Hunley.
- Ah... Mr. Chairman.
6 months ago, you stood before this panel
and demanded that the IMF be dissolved.
That is correct, sir.
And how do you explain
your testimony today?
It's quite simple really.
We had reason to believe...
...that the Syndicate have infiltrated
our government at the highest level.
In order for our Mn to infiltrate that
organization, his cover had to be absolute.
The whole operation was known only
to myself and a handful of IMF agents.
So, the shuttering of the IMF was
all part of an elaborate scheme.
To expose this so call Syndicate?
- That is correct, sir.
Which is why you're here today,
asking for the IMF to be reinstated.
That is correct, sir.
I'm not sure the Committee approves
of your methods, Director Hunley.
Desperate times,
desperate measures, Mr. Chairman.
And you, Mr. Brandt.
How can you justify this deception?
I can neither confirm nor deny
details of any operation...
...without the Secretary's approval.
Welcome to the IMF.
Mr. Secretary.

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