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Good afternoon everyone! We are group 2. Let us introduce about our group.

There has 5 members, one by one is: Đặng Lan Anh, Phương Linh, Diệu Linh,
Thanh Thuyền and Kim Yến. Today, we are going to have a presentation about
Chapter 4 with the topic: SETTING AND REACHING GOALS.
Now, let’s see the structure of our presentation. Firstly, we’ll talk about 3 types of
goals, they are: Primary, Intermediate and Current Goal. And second, we’ll present
to you steps for achieving goals, there are 6 steps, in turn: writing goal, planning
intermediate and current goals, managing your time (Chapter 5), doing your best to
achieve goals, monitoring and assessing your progress, and the last: revising goals
when necessary. But today, we don’t insight the third step: managing your time,
because we ‘ll have more details in Chapter 5.
Setting goals for yourself is one of the most important things that you as a student
can do. When you look at setting goals on a day to day basis rather than looking at
all your tasks at once, you are more likely to stay motivated and focused.
The first thing we are going to take a look at is setting goals properly. When it
comes to goal-setting, there are 3 basis types of goals that you can set for yourself:
primary, intermediate and current goals.
Primary goal is something that you hope to achieve in the future. It is important
because it allows you to set a goal and work to make it happen, it’s also like a
guide in setting up your intermediate and current goals. Primary goals will take
months, years or even all your life. For example: graduate from university, become
a pilot, lose ___ kilos, etc. It is easy to lose motivation if you don’t set any primary
goals for yourself. Like, if you don’t care about what you learn in your courses
then you most likely won’t care about what your final marks maybe. You have to
ask yourself questions like: What do I want to accomplish and how will I do it?
Intermediate goal is the step that helps in accomplishing a primary goal.
Intermediate goals will take 1 month, 5 months or more months. For example: If
your primary goal is graduation from university, your intermediate goal will be
finishing all university course. Or, to become a pilot, you have to get a pilot
And Current goal is a goal that leads to finish an intermediate goal. They are
smaller steps that help you work in your way to come closer to your intermediate
goals. A current goal is achieved quickly. It can be done in a day, in today or
tomorrow, few days to few weeks. For example: prepare for new lesson, attend the
class today, ... Things that you can do within a shorter time.
When you come closer to achieving primary goals, intermediate goals usually
become primary goals. Like the example in your textbook; page 44.

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