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Journal of Psychiatric Research 96 (2018) 167–170

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Tianeptine is associated with lower risk of suicidal ideation worsening T

during the first weeks of treatment onset compared with other
antidepressants: A naturalistic study
B. Nobilea,∗, I. Jaussenta, Ph. Gorwoodd, J. Lopez Castromana,e, E. Oliéa,b,c, S. Guillaumea,b,c,
Ph. Courteta,b,c
Inserm U1061, France, University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France
Department of Emergency Psychiatry and Post-Acute Care, CHU Montpellier, France
FondaMental Foundation, France
Inserm U675-U894, Centre of Psychiatry and Neurosciences, Paris, France
Department of Psychiatry, CHU Nimes, Nimes, France


Keywords: Worsening of suicidal ideation during the first weeks of antidepressant treatment is a poorly understood phe-
Suicidal ideation nomenon that prompted regulatory bodies to issue specific warnings. To better understand the causes of this
Antidepressants phenomenon, this study compared the risk of suicidal ideation worsening in patients taking different types of
Tianeptine antidepressant medications. To this aim, 4017 depressed adult outpatients were followed by general practi-
Treatment worsening suicidal ideation
tioners and psychiatrists throughout France for 6 weeks after prescription of an antidepressant treatment. The
main study outcomes were to monitor changes (worsening or improvement) in suicidal ideation between
baseline (treatment onset) and the study end (week 6) and to determine the remission rates according to the
treatment type. Depression severity was assessed with the patient-administered Hospital Anxiety and Depression
Scale and suicidal ideation with the 9-item Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale and the Hopelessness
Scale. Use of tianeptine, a mu-opioid receptor agonist was significantly associated with a lower risk of suicidal
ideation worsening compared with other antidepressants in the first 6 weeks of treatment. Conversely, remission
rates were not significantly affected by the treatment type. Our results highlight a potential interest of opioid
agonists to reduce the risk of worsening of suicidal ideation at antidepressant initiation.

1. Introduction specific mechanism of action of the molecule used. For instance, tia-
neptine, an approved antidepressant, is a mu-opioid receptor (MOR)
Suicidal behavior is a major public health problem and new ther- agonist that acts specifically on the opioidergic system (Gassaway et al.,
apeutic agents are urgently needed. Depression is the most important 2014). On the one hand, a recent study conducted by Samuels et al.
treatable risk factor for suicidal behavior and 40–80% of suicide at- showed that the antidepressant- and opioid-like behavioural effects of
tempts are directly linked to a depressive episode (Greden, 2001). Thus, tianeptine are mediated by its MOR agonism (Samuels et al., 2017). On
we can expect antidepressants, which are the most effective treatment the other hand, growing evidence suggests the possibility of acting on
for depression (Arroll et al., 2009), to decrease suicide rates. Yet, it has suicidal behavior through the opioidergic system (Lalanne et al., 2014;
been reported that depressed patients at high suicidal risk (i.e., with Olié et al., 2013). In addition, very low doses of sublingual buprenor-
current suicidal ideation (SI) or lifetime history of suicide attempt (SA)) phine (an opioid medication) have been associated with reduced SI in
respond poorly to antidepressants (Lopez-Castroman et al., 2016; severely suicidal patients (Yovell et al., 2016). Thus, we hypothesized
Pompili et al., 2010). Moreover, poor response to antidepressant that tianeptine, through its MOR agonist action (Gassaway et al., 2014),
treatment predicts suicidal risk worsening (i.e., SI emergence or suicidal may have a specific effect on SI in depressed patients compared with
act) (Courtet et al., 2014). other antidepressants, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
However, it is not known whether the relationship between suicidal (SSRIs), serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) and
risk worsening and poor response to antidepressant depends on the tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs). To test this hypothesis, we

Corresponding author. Inserm-U1061, Hôpital La Colombière, 39, Avenue Charles Flahault, BP 34493, 34093 Montpellier cedex 5, France.
E-mail address: benedicte.nobile@gmail.com (B. Nobile).

Received 9 May 2017; Received in revised form 11 October 2017; Accepted 13 October 2017
0022-3956/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Nobile et al. Journal of Psychiatric Research 96 (2018) 167–170

Table 1
Association between antidepressant intake and suicidal ideation changes between baseline and week 6 of treatment.

Variable Suicidal ideation worsening Model 0 Model 1

No Yes
N = 3620 N = 397

n % n % OR [95% CI] Global P-value OR [95% CI] Global P-value

Antidepressant class < 0.0001 < 0.0001a
SNRIs 202 5.58 36 9.07 1.84 [1.26; 2.67] 1.78 [1.19; 2.67]
SSRIs 313 8.65 46 11.59 1.51 [1.09; 2.11] 1.38 [0.96; 1.98]
TCAs 36 0.99 17 4.28 4.86 [2.70; 8.76] 4.52 [2.44; 8.38]
Tianeptine 3069 84.78 298 75.06 1 1

Model 0: unadjusted association.

Model 1: adjusted for number of major depression episodes, alcohol use disorders, lifetime suicide attempt, change of antidepressant prescription, baseline suicidal ideation (MADRS),
baseline HADS-D and Hopelessness Scale scores.
SNRIs: serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors; SSRIs: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; TCAs: tricyclic antidepressants.
The global-p-value less than 0.05 means that the 4 odds-ratios corresponding to the 4 classes of the antidepressant variable are globally different.

investigated whether, compared with other antidepressants, tianeptine score < 2 at week 6 in patients with MADRS-SI score ≥2 at baseline.
was associated with: 1) lower risk of SI worsening in the first weeks Remission of depression was defined by a HADS-D score ≤7 at week 6 in
following antidepressant treatment onset; 2) higher SI decrease, in- patients with HADS-D score > 7 at baseline. Baseline sociodemographic
dependently of the antidepressant response, at week 6 after treatment and clinical variables associated with the outcome (p < 0.15) were
onset; and 3) lower depression scores and higher remission rates in included in the logistic regression models to estimate the adjusted odds
suicidal patients with depression at week 6 after treatment onset. ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for antidepressant classes
on suicidal/depressive features (model 1 of Table 1 and Table 2). ORs
2. Material and methods evaluated the strength of the associations between antidepressant class
variable and suicidal/depressive features. The global p-value was cal-
The full methodology is detailed in (Courtet et al., 2014; Lopez- culated using the Wald test obtained from the logistic regression. Tia-
Castroman et al., 2016). Briefly, participants were recruited from pri- neptine was chosen as reference in the models because it was the most
mary and psychiatric care clinical settings across France. A list of 3000 frequently prescribed antidepressant drug. HADS score changes during
practitioners were contacted by mail and asked to participate in a short- the follow-up period were assessed using linear regression models in
term follow-up protocol. By the end of the study, 1186 clinicians (39.5%) relation with the antidepressant classes. The significance level was set at
had included at least one patient (a maximum of 5 was requested to P < 0.05. Analyses were performed using the SAS statistical software
avoid center effects) during a 3-month interval, patients for whom a new (version 9.4; SAS Inc. Cary, NC).
or different prescription of antidepressant had to be made for MDE. Each
patient was followed for at least 6 weeks between the first and the second 3. Results
visit by the same practitioner. Finally, 4017 depressed adults outpatients
to whom an antidepressant drug was prescribed were followed by those The study sample consisted of 4017 patients at baseline and as-
clinicians for 6 weeks (baseline and 6 weeks after treatment onset) sessed at 6 weeks with a mean age of 47.16 years (SD = 13.90) among
throughout France. Patients with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, pri- whom 64.0% were women. The mean duration of the current major
mary substance misuse or primary organic disease were not included, as depressive episode (MDE) was 7.38 weeks (SD = 9.03), with a mean
well as patients taking antipsychotics and mood stabilizers. All anti- age at onset of 39.13 years (SD = 14.21). This was the first MDE for
depressants (approved by the European Medicines Agency) were ac- 44.4% (n = 1785) of patients, whereas 14.4% (n = 577) reported at
cepted, to reflect the usual clinical practice. All other concomitant least three previous MDEs. Overall, 18.9% (n = 760) of patients had a
treatments for current somatic problems or associated symptoms of de- lifetime history of suicide attempt. Moreover, 78.6% (n = 3157) of
pression (e.g., sleep and agitation) were permitted, based on clinical patients had SI (MADRS-SI≥2) at baseline and 9.9% (n = 397) of
judgment. For instance, anxiolytics, antipsychotics and/or hypnotics patients experienced SI worsening during the 6-week follow-up period.
could be prescribed concomitantly with the antidepressant drug or added Concerning the antidepressant classes, 83.8% (n = 3367) of patients
during the follow-up visits, as needed. A French research ethics com- took tianeptine, 8.9% (n = 359) SSRIs, 5.9% (n = 238) SNRIs, and
mittee approved the study protocol. All participants signed a written 1.3% (n = 53) TCAs.
informed consent before entering the study. The risk of SI worsening during follow-up was different according to
Depression severity was assessed with the patient-administered the 4 classes of antidepressant with a significant higher risk in patients
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) at baseline and week 6. on SNRIs, SSRIs and TCAs compared with patients on tianeptine (global
Most factor analyses found a two-factor solution in accordance with the p < 0.0001) (Table 1, model 0). This increased risk remained sig-
Anxiety (HADS-A) and Depression (HADS-D) subscales. SI was assessed nificant for SNRIs and TCAs, but not for SSRIs, after adjustment for
with the 9-item Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) potential clinical confounding factors associated with SI occurrence
and the Hopelessness Scale, completed by patients at baseline, week 1, 2 (listed in Table 1, model 1).
and 6. A single suicide item from a depression rating scale, either clin- Among the patients with SI at baseline (MADRS-SI score ≥2), SI
ician-rated or self-reported, proved to be a valid approach to assess SI improvement at week 6 (MADRS-SI score < 2) was significantly less
when compared with Beck's scale (Desseilles et al., 2012). This method frequent among those on TCAs (OR = 2.38, 95% CI = [1.25; 4.54])
was used in large clinical studies such as the STAR*D (Zisook et al., than on tianeptine, even after adjustment for potential confounding
2009) and also in more recent studies (Bernert et al., 2017). SI worsening factors (sex, age, marital status, study level, duration of depressive
was defined by an increase of at least one point in the MADRS item score episode, number of depressive episodes, lifetime suicide attempt,
corresponding to SI (MADRS-SI) during the follow-up in comparison to change of antidepressant prescription, baseline HADS-D and HADS-A
baseline. SI improvement was defined as a reduction to a MADRS-SI scores) (Table 2).

B. Nobile et al. Journal of Psychiatric Research 96 (2018) 167–170

Table 2
Association between antidepressant intake and decrease of the MADRS-SI score at week 6 compared with baseline.

Variable MADRS-SI < 2 at week 6 Model 0 Model 1

Yes No
N = 2361 N = 737

n % n % OR [95% CI] Global P-value OR [95% CI] Global P-value

Antidepressant class 0.0002 0.02a
SNRIs 137 5.80 67 9.09 1.69 [1.24; 2.29] 1.34 [0.97; 1.86]
SSRIs 202 8.56 72 9.77 1.23 [0.92; 1.69] 1.17 [0.87; 1.57]
TCAs 24 1.02 18 2.44 2.58 [1.39; 4.79] 2.38 [1.25; 4.54]
Tianeptine 1998 84.63 580 78.70 1 1

Model 0: unadjusted association.

Model 1: adjusted for sex, age, marital status, study level, duration of depression, number of depressive episodes, change of antidepressant prescription, lifetime suicide attempt, baseline
HADS-D, HADS-A and Hopelessness Scale scores.
SNRIs: serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors; SSRIs: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; TCAs: tricyclic antidepressant.
The global-p-value less than 0.05 means that the 4 odds-ratios corresponding to the 4 classes of the antidepressant variable are globally different.

Table 3
Antidepressant class, suicidal characteristics and remission status (HADS-D ≤7) after six weeks of treatment in outpatients with depression (HADS-D > 7) at baseline.

Variable No remission Remission Model 0 Model 1

N = 1979 N = 1966

n % n % OR [95% CI] P-value OR [95% CI] P-value

Antidepressants 0.003
SNRIs 129 6.52 107 5.44 0.82 [0.63; 1.07]
SSRIs 171 8.64 187 9.51 1.08 [0.87; 1.35]
TCAs 38 1.92 13 0.66 0.34 [0.18; 0.64]
Tianeptine 1641 82.92 1659 84.38 1

History of SA 458 23.14 296 15.06 0.59 [0.50; 0.69] < 0.0001 0.73 [0.61; 0.87] 0.0006
SI = 2 1629 82.31 1503 76.45 0.70 [0.60; 0.81] < 0.0001 0.82 [0.69; 0.96] 0.0169
SI = 4 539 27.24 353 17.96 0.58 [0.50; 0.68] < 0.0001 0.70 [0.59; 0.83] < 0.0001
SI scoreb 2.60 (1.25) 2.34 (1.15) 0.83 [0.79; 0.88] < 0.0001 0.89 [0.84; 0.95] 0.0001

Model 0: unadjusted association.

Model 1: adjusted for antidepressant intake, age, marital status, study level, depression duration, number of depressive episodes, change of antidepressant prescription, alcohol use
disorders, lifetime suicide attempt, baseline HADS-D, HADS-A and Hopelessness Scale scores.
SA: suicide attempt; SI: suicidal ideation; SNRIs: serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors; SSRIs: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; TCAs: tricyclic antidepressants.
The global-p-value less than 0.05 means that the 4 odds-ratios corresponding to the 4 classes of the antidepressant variable are globally different.
SI score was expressed as the mean and standard deviation.

A significant association was observed between the type of anti- study is that SI was assessed only by an item of scale rather than with a
depressant prescribed at baseline and depression remission at week 6 dedicated instrument assessing suicidal ideation or suicide risk.
(global p = 0.003). Particularly, patients on TCAs were less likely to Reduced risk of SI worsening after tianeptine treatment initiation
attain remission compared with those on tianeptine. The chance of may rely on its mechanism of action. We formulate two potential hy-
remission was also significantly reduced in patients with a history of SA potheses. First, since tianeptine has no direct action on dopaminergic
or with SI at baseline (p < 0.0001 for both comparisons). These results and serotoninergic systems, we can suppose that it does not modify
remained unchanged after adjustment for the type of antidepressant impulsivity, a strong predictor of suicidal intent. Inversely, other anti-
treatment and the potential confounding variables listed in Table 3 depressants (SNRIs, SSRI, and TCASs) may increase impulsivity by their
(model 1). No significant interaction was found between the anti- mechanisms of action, e.g. the stimulation of dopaminergic and ser-
depressant class and SA or SI concerning the chance of remission. otoninergic systems (Baldessarini et al., 2005). Impulsive traits are as-
sociated with suicidal behavior even after adjustment for diagnosis,
4. Discussion anxiety, depression severity and sociodemographic variables (Pompili
et al., 2008). Second, tianeptine might act on suicidal behavior through
As hypothesized, tianeptine use is associated with lower risk of SI an action on opioid system. Indeed, tianeptine act on the opioidergic
worsening compared with SNRIs and TCAs in the first 6 weeks of an- system by its mu agonism and some studies suggest a role of opioidergic
tidepressant treatment. However, the differences between tianeptine system in suicidal behavior and depression. Both hypotheses may ex-
and SSRIs are no longer significant when adjusted for potential con- plain why SI worsening is less frequent with tianeptine compared to
founding factors. Moreover, compared with tianeptine, only TCAs are other antidepressants.
associated with lower SI improvement and lower remission rates at the A recent study by Hsu et al. showed an alteration of endogenous
end of the follow-up period. However, these results should be con- opioid activity with a decrease in MOR activation in patients with
sidered with caution due to the possible lack of statistical power in the major depressive disorder (Hsu et al., 2015). Moreover, some post-
TCA analyses. Moreover, this was a naturalistic study and therefore, a mortem studies have detected a significantly higher MOR density in
prescription bias cannot be dismissed. Patients on TCAs could have had frontal cortex and caudate nucleus of suicide victims in comparison
particularly resistant or severe depression. Another limitation of this with controls (Gabilondo et al., 1995; Zalsman et al., 2005), possibly

B. Nobile et al. Journal of Psychiatric Research 96 (2018) 167–170

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