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Nama Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris I
Kode Mata Kuliah : EKM1153
Semester/Tahun Akademik : Gasal 2019/2020
Koordinator Mata Kuliah : Indah Wahyuningsih, S.S, M.A
Tim Pengajar : 1. Indah Wahyuningsih, S.S, M.A
Diskripsi Mata Kuliah : The course is specifically designed for students of Faculty
of Economics and Business, Management Department to
scaffold their English competence to meet communication
demands in contexts specific to students’ major or
program. Only genres which are related to students’ study
and future professional contexts are included, which as a
corollary determines particular language skills and
language components to be covered. All language domains
are included in the course, with more emphases on
productive skills. Not only does the course include genres
specific to students’ needs, but it also covers themes which
are common to students’ major or future professions,
resulting in including language tasks pertinent to the job
descriptions in the milieu of Economics and Business. In
terms of prerequisites, the course calls for prior
competence of at least A2 in CEFR (Common European
Framework of Reference) and aims at elevating students’
competence to B1.
Capaian Pembelajaran : Sikap :
Matakuliah a. Berkontribusi dalam peningkatan mutu kehidupan
bermasyarakat, berbangsa, bernegara, dan kemajuan
peradaban berdasarkan pancasila (S3).
b. Bekerja sama dan memiliki kepekaan sosial serta
kepedulian terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan (S6).
c. Menginternalisasi nilai, norma, dan etika akademik

Pengetahuan :
a. Menguasai konsep teoretis kebahasaan dan teknik
berkomunikasi lisan dan tulisan umum (general English)
dalam konteks keseharian/umum, akademis (Economics
and Business: Management), dan pekerjaan setara tingkat
Ketrampilan Umum :
a. Menerapkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis, dan
inovatif dalam konteks implementasi ilmu pengetahuan
dan/atau teknologi sesuai dengan bidang keahliannya
b. Mengelola pembelajaran secara mandiri (KU4).

Ketrampilan Khusus :
Mahir berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan dalam konteks
umum, akademis (Economics and Business: Management),
dan pekerjaan setara tingkat intermediate (KK1).
Bahan Kajian : 1. Business Basics
2. How to read Number in Business English
3. Careers in Business
4. Management Functions
5. Management and Human Resources Development
6. Business Refocuses on the Factory Floor
7. The Art of Management
8. Business Documents

Referensi : a. Azar B.S. 2003. Fundamental of English Grammar.

White Plains: Longman
b. Dowling. B Tolley and Mc Dougal, M. 1982. Business
Concepts for English Practice. Tokyo: NewBurry
House Publishers, Inc.
c. Dubinko, S and Koledenkova, I.1999. Practice Your
Business English, Practice Book 1 and 4. Tallinn: TEA
d. Murphy, R. 2003, English Grammar in Use.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Tugas : a. Membuat catalog words dan ringkasan dari setiap topic

perkuliahan sebagai tugas mandiri .
b. Membentuk kelompok diskusi untuk pendalaman materi di
setiap tatap muka kuliah.

Kriteria Penilaian : Kriteria:

Ketepatan dan penguasaan materi serta ketrampilan aplikatif
dalam mengerjakan soal latihan

Jadwal Perkuliahan :
Pertemuan Tanggal Bahan Kajian Dosen
ke dan Jam 1. Business Basics Pengampu
2. How to read Number in Business
3. Careers in Business
4. Management Functions
5. Management and Human Resources
6. Business Refocuses on the Factory
7. The Art of Management
8. Business Documents
1 Kontrak kuliah (Pre Test) Indah W
2 Business Basics Indah W
3 How to read Number in Business Indah W
Careers in Business
4 Indah W
Careers in Business
5 Indah W
Management Functions Indah W
7 Management Functions Indah W
8 UTS Indah W
9 Management and Human Resources Indah W
10 Management and Human Resources Indah W
11 Business Refocuses on the Factory Indah W
Business Refocuses on the Factory
Indah W
13 The Art of Management Indah W
14 The Art of Management Indah W
15 Business Documents Indah W
16 UAS Indah W

Jember, 26/08/2019

Dosen Pembina/Koordinator Perwakilan Mahasiswa


Indah Wahyuningsih, S.S, M.A .........................................................

NIP: 196801142000122001 NIM:

Ketua Program Studi Management


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