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Dermatologic Therapy, Vol. 21, 2008, 22–31 Copyright © Blackwell Publishing, Inc.

, 2008
Printed in the United States · All rights reserved
ISSN 1396-0296

Blackwell Publishing Inc


*Department of Dermatology, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York,
†Institute of Neurobiology and Molecular Medicine, Rome, and ‡Department
of Psychiatry, University of Rochester, New York

ABSTRACT: Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is a discipline that has evolved in the last 40 years to
study the relationship between immunity, the endocrine system, and the central and peripheral
nervous systems. In this manner, neurotransmitters, hormones, and neuropeptides have been found
to regulate immune cells, and these in turn are capable of communicating with nervous tissue
through the secretion of a wide variety of cytokines. Of critical importance is the effect of products of
the CNS and nerves on the maintenance of the delicate balance between cell-mediated (Th1) and
humoral (Th2) immune responses. A good example of how this concept operates in vivo becomes
evident when analyzing the effects of stressors. Chronic stress affects significantly the function of the
immune system as well as modifies the evolution of a variety of skin diseases, as psychosocial inter-
ventions have proved to be effective in their therapy.

KEYWORDS: dermatology, neuropeptides, psychoneuroimmunology, stress

Introduction: to warn the innate immune system of an impend-

Psychoneuroimmunology ing wound to be inflicted by a predator, and for
lymphocytes to become mobilized to the skin in
The study of mind–body interactions can be traced anticipation. As the brain functions as the control
back to the time of Hippocrates (c. 460 BC–360 BC), center for the entire body, it is entrusted with
although this early work appeared to have been maintaining constant communication with all other
focused more on body-to-brain regulation rather bodily systems, resulting in integrated function of
than on brain regulation of physical health (1). all systems. However, as our understanding of
The discipline of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) immunology largely unfolded in the Petri dish,
can be argued to have formally begun its emer- immunologists had become quite convinced that
gence in the mid 1970s, with the seminal work of the cells of the immune system function often
Ader and Cohen (2) and the finding that changes autonomously, and are regulated only by each
in immune function could be behaviorally condi- other. Although it is indeed the case that immune
tioned, in a manner analogous to the classical responses can be elicited in vitro, and such stud-
conditioning studies of Pavlov and his canine ies have been critical for our understanding of
subjects. From a practical perspective, that the mechanisms of immune function, immunologists
central nervous system (CNS) might regulate were resistant to the consideration that immune
immune function, and further, that the immune responses in vivo take place in an environment
system might communicate with the CNS, seems that contains nerve fibers, neurotransmitters, and
quite logical and to have clear adaptive value. hormones. Thus, the early days of PNI were
For example, it would makes sense for the brain fraught with tension, as the hard evidence for
brain-behavior-immune system interactions was,
Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Francisco
Tausk, MD, Department of Dermatology, University of
initially, scant.
Rochester, 601 Elmwood Ave., BOX 697, Rochester, NY 14642, or At the present time, there is no longer much
email: Francisco_Tausk@URMC.Rochester.edu. question that the nervous and immune systems
“Adapted from Tausk et al., with permission from Gaspari A, are tightly connected. In addition to growing
Tyring S, Clinical Immunodermatology London: Springer; 2007 support for behavioral conditioning of a variety of
(In press)” types of immune responses, four additional important


lines of evidence have converged over time to in vitro, to alter some aspect of immunity (e.g.,
establish the connections as incontrovertible. First, (11,12)) Furthermore, not only do lymphoid cells
CNS (hypothalamic) interventions (including lesion- respond to neurochemicals via receptor-mediated
ing studies) alter immunologic reactivity, and the interactions, but T cells, in particular, have been
elicitation of an immune response alters CNS demonstrated to express either immunoreactive
activity. Second, there is sympathetic innervation protein or mRNA for hormones with an historical
of spleen and other lymphoid organs, including nervous system function, including CRH, AVP, and
the skin. Third, changes in hormone or transmitter prolactin (13,14).
levels produce changes in immune function, and Lymphoid cells, then, live and function in a
vice versa. Finally, lymphoid cells express receptors fluctuating sea of neuroendocrine substances,
for a variety of hormones and transmitters. Thus, with levels of many of these hormones changing
lymphoid cells are exposed to neurochemical diurnally, and as a function of either acute and/or
ligands, and express the receptors necessary to chronic stimuli. Not surprisingly, then, a review of
bind them. Although it is beyond the scope of this the stress literature clearly shows that stress effects
article, it is important to acknowledge that the on immune function are not unidirectional and
communication between brain and immune can also vary in magnitude. At the very least, three
system is bidirectional, with signaling back to the broad categories of variables interact with neuro-
brain via the vagus nerve (3), and via soluble sensory signals to ultimately affect changes in
cytokines, including interleukin (IL)-6, IL-1, and immune and/or infectious disease outcomes: the
tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α. To date, the majority experimental subject (e.g., the age, sex, strain, and
of the PNI literature has focused on the role of previous history of the subject), the nature of the
major neural pathways activated by internal or stimulus itself (e.g., the intensity, duration, and
external neurosensory signals or stressors: the the individual’s perception of the stimulus), and
hypothalamo–pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis and the the immune response that is examined.
sympathetic nervous system (SNS). Chrousos (4,5), One of the best, and now classic, illustrations
Dunn (6), and others (7–9) have elegantly reviewed that stress effects on immune function are not
stressor-induced activation of these pathways. unidirectional comes from the work of Lysle and
Briefly, neurosensory signals are ultimately colleagues (15), using a tail-shock paradigm with
processed in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of rats. In this paradigm, a single shock session
the hypothalamus and in the locus ceruleus- (composed of 16 tail shocks delivered on a vari-
noradrenergic center. In response to stressors, the able basis over 60 minutes) was associated with a
hypothalamus secretes corticotropin-releasing very robust suppression of both splenic and
hormone (CRH) and arginine vasopressin (AVP). peripheral blood T-cell proliferative responses. Of
From the PVN, CRH-containing neurons have interest is that with three or five daily equivalent
efferent pathways to the median eminence, and sessions, the response of splenic T cells returned
projections to noradrenergic centers in the brain- to that of the control levels, whereas T-cell prolif-
stem and spinal cord. CRH release further activates erative responses in the peripheral blood remained
the HPA axis, leading to release of peptides from dramatically suppressed. Thus, the effects of stress
the pituitary produced by the differential cleavage differed as a function of both chronicity and the
of pro-opiomelanocortin, most notably adrenocorti- lymphoid organ examined.
cotropic hormone, enkephalins, and endorphins. Relevant to this article are studies that have
Adrenocorticotropic hormone induces downstream focused on PNI and the skin. As the principal
release of glucocorticoids from the adrenal cortex. barrier to environmental insults, the skin has spe-
CRH and noradrenergic neurons in the CNS inner- cialized immunological processes, and also func-
vate and stimulate each other. Activation of the tions as an important component “of the diffuse
noradrenergic pathways by CRH results in secre- brain (16).” An array of neuropeptides is localized
tion of norepinephrine (NE) by the peripheral in the skin, including substance P, calcitonin
SNS and release of NE and epinephrine (EPI) from gene-related peptide, vasoactive intestinal peptide,
the adrenal medulla. The activation of these two and nerve growth factor (NGF). These peptides have
neurochemical pathways and release of hormones been implicated in modulating immune function
and transmitters can have profound downstream in the skin, and appear to play roles in development
effects on immune function (reviewed in (10)) of skin diseases, particularly psoriasis (17), which
Arguably, every one of the hormones/transmitters will be discussed later in this article.
secreted by these nervous system regions has Nervous system–immune system interactions
been shown to have the potential, either in vivo or (as in blood and other secondary lymphoid organs)

Tausk et al.

are also not unidirectional in the skin. As an Stress and immunity

example, a decade ago, Dhabhar and colleagues
observed that the effects of acute versus chronic Stress hormones influence numerous physiologic
restraint stress of rats on delayed-type hypersen- processes; however, it is becoming clear that the
sitivity (DTH) responses appear to be in opposite way they regulate inflammatory diseases is through
directions (18). Following a single session of their effects on the balance between cell-mediated
restraint prior to challenge with 2,4-dinitro-1- and humoral immunity and on neurogenic inflam-
fluorobenzene (DNFB)(2–5 hours of restraint), DTH mation in peripheral tissues such as the skin (26)
responses in skin (as measured by ear swelling) (FIG. 1).
were enhanced, but following chronic (daily for ≥ 3 The hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis
weeks) restraint sessions, DTH responses were and the SNS represent the peripheral limbs of the
suppressed compared to control mice (19). The stress system (27,28), whose activation occurs within
investigators further showed that adrenally derived the CNS in response to distinct blood-borne, neu-
corticosterone and EPI may mediate these effects; rosensory, and limbic signals. The central compo-
that is, the enhanced DTH response was abrogated nents of the stress system are the CRH and locus
by adrenalectomy (20). Dhabhar proposed that acute ceruleus sympathetic neurons of the hypothala-
stress may induce “redeployment” of peripheral mus and brain stem, which regulate the peri-
blood lymphocytes to the skin and that this would pheral activities of the HPA axis and the SNS,
be an adaptive response during the “fight-flight” respectively (28,29). The stress-induced release of
response. hypothalamic CRH leads ultimately to systemic
Another noteworthy example of the interplay secretion of glucocorticoids (GCs) and catechola-
among psychologic factors, physiologic factors, mines (CAs) (mainly EPI and NE), which in turn
and processes within the skin comes from the influence immune responses. Immune challenges
work of Kiecolt-Glaser et al. Following the group’s such as infections with bacteria release bacterial
earlier studies indicating that examination stress lipopolysaccharides (LPS), which induce the nuclear
was associated with increased antibody produc- factor (NF)kB mediated secretion of IL-1 and IL-6,
tion to presumably reactivation of latent Epstein- which stimulate the hypothalamic stress response
Barr virus (21), and to a slower time to seroconvert (27,28,30).
following hepatitis B vaccinations (22) in normal, Immune responses are regulated by antigen-
healthy medical students, the investigators also presenting cells (APC), such as monocytes/mac-
found that time to heal a mucosal wound was rophages, dendritic cells, and other phagocytic cells
approximately 3 days slower in dental students at that are components of innate immunity, and by
the time of examination (23). the helper T-lymphocyte subclasses Th1, Th2, and
More recently, Kiecolt-Glaser and colleagues Treg that are components of adaptive immunity.
investigated the relationship between the quality Homeostasis within the immune system is largely
of marital relationships and the partners’ time to dependent on cytokines, the chemical messengers
heal a dermal blister wound. For those couples who between immune cells, which play crucial roles in
engage in hostile interactions, the median time to mediating inflammatory and immune responses.
wound healing was 2 days longer than for those Th1 cells primarily secrete interferon (IFN)-γ, IL-2,
couples who have non-hostile interactions (7 vs. 5 and TNF-α, which promote cell-mediated immu-
days) (24), 2005 2705/id}. A related study was nity; whereas Th2 cells secrete a different set of
published in older adults (mean age of 65), who, cytokines, primarily IL-4, IL-10, and IL-13, which
in general, heal wounds slower than young adults. enhance humoral immunity (31–33) (FIG. 1). Naive
In this study, participants who were randomized T cells (Th0) are precursors of Th1 and Th2 cells,
to an exercise intervention (3 days/weeks, 30 minutes and IL-12 (produced by APCs) is the major inducer
cardio work) healed a 3.5 mm dermal wound sig- of Th1 differentiation and, hence, cellular immu-
nificantly faster than participants in a nonexercise nity. Thus, IL-12 and IFN-γ inhibit Th2, whereas
group (29.2 vs. 40 days, on average) (25). Thus, the IL-4 and IL-10 inhibit Th1 cell activities. IL-4 and
process of wound healing is affected by stressful IL-10 promote humoral immunity by stimulating
life conditions, and can be improved through the growth and activation of mast cells and eosi-
intervention and/or changes in lifestyle. It remains nophils, the differentiation of B cells into antibody-
to be determined, however, through what specific secreting B cells, and immunoglobulin switching
mechanisms the nervous system, both central and to IgE. Importantly, these cytokines also inhibit
peripheral, can alter innate and cellular immunity macrophage activation, T-cell proliferation, and the
in the skin in response to a wound. production of proinflammatory cytokines (31–33).


FIG. 1. Effects of Stress on Immunity and Inflammation.

The information of the presence of a stressor is processed through the Hypothalamus resulting in the release of CRH,
ACTH, NE and eventually cortisol. The latter hormones mediate the differentiation of Th0 (naïve T Helper cells) towards the
Th2 humoral immune response to the detriment of the Th1 cell-mediated response. APC’s secrete cytokines that mediate Th1
differentiation, however the presence of bacterial products such as LPS that bind to Toll-like Receptors induce the production
of IL-1 and IL-6, which cross the blood-brain barrier and trigger the hypothalamic CRH-stress response. In this manner, a
blood borne stressor of infectious nature can activate the HPA axis. Th1 effects are mediated by the cytokines IL-12,18,2
and γInterferon and T cells and Macrophages. Th2 responses are mediated by IL-4,6,13 and B Cells, Eosinophils and Mast Cells.
CRH: Corticotropin releasing Hormone; NE: Norepinephrin; Th0: Naïve Helper cells; APC: Antigen Presenting Cell; LPS:
Lipopolysaccharide; HPA: Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis.

Tausk et al.

Each subset of T cells (Th1 and Th2) is mutually duction of cortisol, elevated blood pressure, heart
exclusive. rate, and EPI levels (59,60).
Both GCs and CAs systemically mediate a Th2 Numerous psychosocial interventions aimed at
shift by up-regulating Th2-cytokine production the reduction of stress have proved to be success-
and also by suppressing APCs and Th1, cytokine ful in the treatment of psoriasis (61,62). For example,
synthesis (34). Thus, GCs and CAs suppress the a brief exposure to meditation tapes during pho-
production by APCs of IL-12, the main inducer totherapy sessions decreased the length of photo-
of Th1 responses (35–38). GCs also have a direct therapy; the subjects in the intervention group
effect on Th2 cells by up-regulating their IL-4, cleared their psoriasis significantly faster (by 50%)
IL-10, and IL-13 production (36,39). Because when compared to those that received phototherapy
catecholamine-binding β2-adrenoceptors are only only (63,64). Psoriasis patients improved significantly
present in Th1 cells (40), CAs do not directly affect during hypnosis sessions, where they received
Th2 cells. suggestions that they were being exposed to “what-
ever they believed ... would ameliorate their con-
dition.” This observation, in addition to the high
Stress and skin diseases rates of placebo responses in some clinical trials
for psoriasis drugs, may suggest that the placebo
Diseases of the skin more than any other organ effect could be harnessed and used in the phar-
appear to be influenced by emotional factors, and macotherapy of these patients (65,66).
most dermatologists encounter patients who report
a temporal relationship between disease flares and
Atopic dermatitis
stressful life events. Emotional stressors have been
linked to the development or evolution of a variety Atopic dermatitis (AD) exemplifies the relationship of
of cutaneous diseases including acne (41), vitiligo the delicate balance between genetic, environmental,
(42,43), alopecia areata (44), lichen planus (45), and psychosocial factors, and evolution of a
seborrheic dermatitis, herpes simplex infections skin disease. Patients with AD have a severe
(46), pemphigus (47), urticaria (48), psoriasis, and impairment in their quality of life resulting in
atopic eczema (26). significant emotional distress (67). This relationship
is bidirectional, as stressors are important contribu-
tors to the flares and exacerbation of the disease
(68,69). Experimental stressors have been found to
Emotional stressors have been reported to precede impair the recovery of transepidermal water loss
the onset of psoriasis (49), as well as precipitate (70), thus playing a detrimental role in the skin
flares (50,51). Farber attempted to explain this barrier function. This in turn, creates increased
phenomenon when he encountered patients who susceptibility to cutaneous inoculation with envi-
suffered traumatic severance of sensory innerva- ronmental agents (e.g., allergens as dust mites,
tion; he observed that the plaques of psoriasis dander, bacteria, and viruses), which are potential
present in the areas innervated by the sectioned precipitants of atopic flares (71).
nerves resolved, and only reappeared when nerve Patients with AD have an inherited deficiency
fibers regenerated and the sensitivity returned. in the function of the hypothalamus, resulting in a
This observation highlighted the role played by blunted response of the HPA axis. When exposed
sensory cutaneous nerves, leading to the proposal to experimental stressors or to the injection of CRH,
that locally secreted neuropeptides contributed to they respond with a blunted production of cortisol,
the maintenance of psoriatic disease. Subsequently, which could help explain flares during taxing stres-
it was found that psoriatic plaques display increased sors (72–74). Additionally, these subjects display an
nerve fiber density and altered content of neu- up-regulation of glucocorticoid receptors on periph-
ropeptides such as calcitonin gene-related peptide, eral leukocytes (74), making them hyperreactive
SP, vasoactive intestinal peptide, and NGF (52–55). to steroid stimulation. Thus, in spite of a blunted
High expression of NGF mediates T-cell and kera- HPA axis response to stress, effector cells that are
tinocyte proliferation, mast cell migration, degranu- exquisitely sensitive to systemic glucocorticoid
lation, and memory T-cell chemotaxis, which are release may respond in a hyperreactive fashion to
all hallmarks of psoriasis (52,56–58). Psoriasis patients stress-induced cortisol elevations, accentuating the
who reported stress-related exacerbations had an cytokine shift from Th1 to the Th2 immune response.
inherited dysfunction in the HPA axis, responding Stress-induced local and systemic secretion of
to experimental stressors with a decreased pro- EPI or its metabolites may also play a role in the


worsening of AD, as these patients have increased suppressing lymphocyte proliferation (107) and
mononuclear cell activation of intracellular type 4 natural killer cell activity (108,109).
phosphodiesterases (75). This may result from We recently reported a model of stress-induced
elevated levels of NE (76) found in these individuals, carcinogenicity (110), where UV-treated mice exposed
leading to the secretion of IL-13 and IL-4 (77), and repeatedly to the presence of a predator scent
Th2 differentiation. Stressors shift the immune developed squamous cell carcinomas significantly
response, impairing TH1 and favoring the Th2 earlier (week 8) compared to nonstressed controls
humoral immune response (78–80) and a redistri- (week 21), an observation that was subsequently
bution of lymphocytes and eosinophils (81,82). confirmed by others (111).
Pharmacologic doses of corticosteroids are also Stress reduction interventions have been shown
able to suppress the production of IL-4, which is to significantly prolong the survival of individuals
an agent of differentiation toward Th2 cells (79,83– with metastatic neoplasms (112). For example,
86), explaining the beneficial effect of systemic or patients with metastatic melanoma were found
topical application of these agents. to benefit from limited sessions of psychosocial
interventions, thereby significantly increasing their
6 years survival rate (113). One possible explana-
tion for the benefit of these interventions could
The relationship between stress and some forms be the modulatory effect of stress and stress
of urticaria is supported by numerous anecdotal reduction on NK cell function, presumed to represent
observations. Patients suffering from adrenergic one of the first innate lines of immune defense
urticaria report that their symptoms invariably against foreign (including cancerous) cells (114).
follow acute stressful events. The finding that stress Another example is relaxation training, which
mediates the degranulation of mast cells via CRH significantly increased older adults’ cytotoxic function
and neuropeptides (87), and the up-regulation of (115), even though chronic stress has been shown
mast cell CRH receptors (88) supports its putative to suppress NK activity (116,117).
role in the pathogenesis of urticaria.

Infections Conclusions
Numerous studies have demonstrated the delete- Psychoneuroimmunology is an evolving area of
rious effects of stressors on the evolution of science that will help us understand the relation-
infections (89), including experimental bacterial ship between the mind and the body. The past 30
infections of the skin (90,91) and recurrent herpetic years of research in the field of PNI have validated
infection precipitated by psychiatric illness, life the close relationship between the CNS and the
events, and disgust (92). Stress appears to signifi- immune system. There is a growing body of evi-
cantly modulate the evolution of human infection dence to support the effect of the psyche – stress,
with herpes simplex virus (92). Experimental in particular – on immune responses and a multi-
restraint stress correlates with the reactivation of tude of skin conditions. The effects of stress on
latent herpes simplex virus infection in the dorsal shifting the immune response are not completely
root ganglion neuron of rats. Human studies show understood; however, research has shown that
that persistent, but not single or acute, stressors stress modifies the delicate balance between health
are associated with the frequency of recurrences, and disease. Just as interesting are the numerous
which is in agreement with findings that chronic, studies demonstrating that a nonpharmacologic
but not acute stress, correlates with the develop- approach can ameliorate certain dermatologic dis-
ment of experimental viral infections in normal eases. Seeking alternative interventions can only
volunteers (46,93,94). Furthermore, psychosocial enhance our ability to treat patients.
interventions have been shown to decrease the
frequency of recurrences of herpes simplex infec-
tions (95). References
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