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I Can Statements (learning goals) 

● I can make sounds with my body that match sounds from a story
○ VA SOL K.8.2. The student will create music by improvising to enhance stories and poems.
● I can move my body in a way that matches the characteristics of the sounds I make and match the
story without inadvertently touching others
○ VA SOL K.7.2,3,5. The student will respond to music with movement, demonstrating
expressive qualities of music, including loud/soft and fast/slow, illustrating moods and contrast
in music and children’s literature, exhibiting respect for the personal space of others when


● “Rain Talk” by Mary Serfozo

Detailed Process 

1) Centering activity: Instruct students to make a standing circle. Ask what their
perfect weather day is. Ask what sounds are associated with that weather.
2) Book: Sit down and read story, stopping to look at pictures and at onomatopoeia.
3) Reread: This time stop to talk about the sounds. Ask students to make their
versions of the rain sounds. Either go person by person or everyone at once.
4) Develop: Develop the sounds by going through just the sounds and asking about
loud/soft, fast/slow and other descriptors.
5) Once each sound is somewhat developed, stand up and add some body
movement. Again, either person by person or everyone at once, depending on
6) Develop: Discuss body movements in their relationship to the story and sounds
7) Read: Read story one more time as students use either their individual or collective
sounds and movements.
8) TIme permitting: Create a rainstorm not tied to the story of the book.


● Assessment occurs in the two development stages. Students will have a chance to either create their
own sounds and movements or to co-opt others’ ideas. Either way, the students have a chance at
both development levels to discuss the connection between the sounds (music), the movement and
the story itself.
● Other assessments occur throughout the process. At the beginning of movement, students may need
to be reminded about respect of personal space and will be assessed on their ability to improve this
awareness throughout the class and the school year. Students will also be assessed on participation
in the activity as this shows that they are making music and movement. In order to help students
achieve this participation, they will be encouraged by different forms of participation (one at a time,
everyone in unison, everyone doing something different). .


Size Before reading, the teacher can ask if everyone can see well. If students are struggling,
they can move closer or the teacher could use a document camera.


Pacing If some students appear to be moving slowly or having trouble keeping up, one student or
teacher could model whatever the step is and give everybody a chance to repeat back the
sound or movement.

Modality Some students may not have the motor capabilities to recreate certain sounds or
movements and in this case it would be best that the teacher avoid “repeat after me” when
it could alienate a student unable to.

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