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Hello pranksters, this is Michael Breen.

Welcome to our second audio news club

supplement that had a number of questions recently about the framing tool and
how to use it and what I get around to all the different aspects of the framing tool
most importantly will get around to how you use it with yourself with other people
how to use and solve problems to plan and will start this month with the notion
that the answer to the questions you see how you resolve problems is by
chunking up chunking up is the major component in problem-solving in artificial
design that means drawing from a blank sheet of paper in order to come up with
a way to create a way out of the problem rather than borrowing strategies from
someone else. The reason why we have to say the answer with a solution is to
jump up is because when most people hit what they think is an obstacle. The first
thing that they tend to do, they tend to chunk down. Another was to go into the
detail of what it is that they think is wrong and what it is they think the problem is.
But here's the thing. Most of the time was identified as a problem actually isn't
the problem. It's only a symptom of the problem, but because for the most part
people don't use any kind of reflective questioning whether it's testing their own
assumptions about things. The first take based on fears based on past
experience based on expectations is to make whatever it is that we see fit into
what it is that's come before, in the words we try and conform whatever it is that
happens to the worldview that they hold that souls taken care of for us in the
back of mind that way. Although we may not be happy we may not like what it is
we see. At least it's consistent in that chunking down in that going from what it is
you seem to see how you identified, and then the reaction to how you feel about
it rather than going down into the details of that first whenever you hit an obstacle
change whatever you need to go up to a higher level. That's one of the
marvelous things about the framing tool as it points out for you the directions that
you need to look so in this instance were talking about chunking up so talk about
the northern quadrant. So the first thing when you hit the problem is you come
back to that stuff. We were talking about last time the toe and you need to ask
yourself, what is it that I'm seeking what is it that I want or what is the client what
what are they actually seeking what is the purpose that organizes all this action
within which the problem obstacle or challenge is risen easy that's to reconnect
with the desired state with the direction in the present state. Where are you
aware they in relation to it. See the taupe model. It's dynamic and it works at the
big chunking with the small town, but it also works overtime after a number of
steps when you test you may have a completely new toad on your hands in the
same way when working with the framing tool when someone brings your
problem or an obstacle seems to have risen by going back and checking out
what it is you are seeking and where you are in relation to what you can then ask
the question what do you think you were doing to make the present state to the
desired state. That's what we need to collect that description of what you were
doing that led to the situation that arises before you very very cool. Even those
things that came from left field, even those things that came from outside still had
clipart in, for example, many of the things that people identify as challenges are
actually totally predictable events, things are about to happen before happened
more than once happens cyclically have frequently happen seasonally or part of
the style of the people that you're dealing with predictable, it's probable that
something like this could happen. It's just that for whatever reason you or the
client turned away from that as a possibility. Is it now to deal with that and then
suddenly whatever it is that could've been predicted arises is totally surprising,
obstacle or challenge by going back and comparing what you wanted, what
direction you are heading in where you are at the moment in the making that
connection, or functions are the strategies that you are engaging in, supposed to
perform then what are the sea and then we can start to see exactly how that
challenge that obstacle or whatever the perceived limitation is how it fits. It's not a
mystery. In most cases. In most cases, challenges, obstacles or limitations are
features of the go, they belong within the map of the land of the goal. It's just that
they were not thought through carefully enough comprehensively deep enough to
warrant resource for because because because because because it's really cool
but you incorporate the framing tool into your own thinking. When you use it to
challenge and guide your own thinking is that you get a strong grasp on how
causality works out time and cause and effect actually work on well with the
framing tool to get you to interrogate effectively. It becomes a literal reading
framing tool for every idea, every issue with the challenge of the question every
system main focus that you're looking at and skillful use of the framing tool
makes you very very powerful. As a communicator because you cannot ask
those killer questions so cold was actually talking about is penetrated. Questions
questions that get beneath the cover story that get beneath the narrative they get
anything whatever it is that's going on. You see, most of the models. Most of the
tools that we have available to us in NLP are not things that you merely apply to
other people that you read about once and then let go the not just nice concepts
transformative but you have to turn the tool back onto yourself. So the question
what is this a function of how does this function, or for what purpose, what is this,
seeking what is its desired state desired end state in a bigger longer term. Since
all of these get you up one level of abstraction from the problem itself merely by
asking and exploring these questions, you start to leave the problem. State the
problematic state and here it's also one of the big stumbling points for people
using the tools you don't just run the framing tool? Once it's iterative and of those
that means it comes round in cycles, and every time you ask a question, it
changes the frame of reference to go back to some of the report and audio news
club exercises a nasty interview with various people and ask questions about
what changes every single question that you ask changes the frame changes the
sub modalities literally questions change minds and even cooler is that when
you're making descriptions either explaining or pointing out getting instances to
other people. The way in which the meta-model will know the rest of the
language models for all fit very tightly into the framing tool. As you recall, the
vertical and horizontal axes of the framing tool work with the two key rules of
thumb or heuristics that the brain uses the door to sort through all of these things
coming in from the outside by the senses and also comparing them to
experiences that they had in the past. So we have along the horizontal axis we
have the cause-and-effect probabilistic cause-and-effect reasoning done for us
inside the brain. Haven't talked much about this in the plasmodium is callable in
public trainings and the reason why is because until you actually have this on
board until you can actually do it but I'm gonna say is is mind chow, but this is
where the polar patterns fit the so-called polar patterns describe that probabilistic
logic that the brain takes care of for us is not the same things as predicate
calculus or symbolic logic. Polar patterns are the ways in which we grow
inferences. The basic polar pattern being if we identify something label
something as occurring makes it more probable that it could happen again. It's
never happened before. The probability for the matching event is lower, but it's
happened already increases the probability that could happen again. More
examples that we identify and collect more validated instances we confront and
that validation by the lake is not necessarily the truth is merely us being able to
identify something. So for example somebody was worried about demon
infestation finds hundreds of examples of how demons are behaving in
everything from not picking up rubbish that pulls out of your bag is an example of
demon possession. The more examples they find more probable that there
assumption is valid. Each instance piles up more and more and more that fits
very neatly before we talk about the plasmodium news club about neurological
tricks, which is that when signals are going from the sensory centers and be
processed by the brain. The signals travel down the sinuses that have the
thickest conduit at the biggest wiring thickest cable and that cabling is built layer
by layer by number of examples. In other words, you get more of what you
practice you use it you lose it so the most practiced ID is the most practiced
conclusions most practiced behaviors of the ones that will develop the biggest
synaptic cabling in order for this whole system around without somebody actually
running it a rule of thumb is signal goes down largest available channel we don't
tend to challenge our thinking and challenge our way of identifying things that we
do is we tend to validate what it is we already have decided what we already
have concluded what we already know so. Consequently, learning to use the
framing tool turning it back in on your own thinking on your own problem-solving
goal setting will help you to begin to challenge some of these assumptions and
it's by going back and rather than going with whatever the first feeling is right now
starting to think again and connect up at that level at the strategy level with
exactly what it is you trying to achieve the same thing when what problem-solving
you want to connect up with what the bigger goal is what you actually want to
have rather than whatever seems to be rising is a problem. Once this is
established and more will reset back and were going for this particular goal but
this is, rather than I have a problem and it's the only thing I can see, this seems
to happen so often. Why do I keep doing this. It pulls you up close you out that
problematic state that helps to get you back into the driver seat now at the next
logical level up. We have the tendencies and habits for how people interpret and
make sense out of the world. When you pull the camera back and you have a
look at patterns of tendency. Over time you'll see is that there may be difference
in what people do and when they do it the wise in terms of how they explain to
themselves the kind of things that make what they perceive what they do
important we could call the values except the long-term stay away from these
kind of normalized words. These words that seem like the objects, but they're not
want to talk instead at this higher level of abstraction about the process of valuing
of how particular things are important motivation since the process of valuing
sticking and importance and significance on to one particular kind of outcome
rather than another is collections symptoms talk about the missing tensions and
normalization. All of the goals and although the intention is and all of the valuing's
are organized. Then within a much much bigger map map of how people make
sense out of the world. Their mental map the mental model and most of that
model was accumulated was picked up. It was acquired without any particular
intention. It was made up of attempts to adapt to what was happening in
someone's life and having everything fit together holds the maps together is the
desire for a coherent map rather than absolute truth or the hope for being right
about how everything works. Map of the model of the world. In this way makes
sense out of people's experience, but someone else's map removal. The world
may not make sense from within your macro model of the world. This is another
thing about how the framing tool works if you turn it back and turn it in on to
yourself so that you get a better understanding of how your automated
preferences and maps work. It's much much easier to stay with someone else
and to ask questions not to challenge because you think what they say is not true
that in order to capture opened up or open out the impact of another person's
communication on themselves. This is a critical critical thing. It's not about you
forcing them to come to your map of the world. It's about you being able to
penetrate being able to get into their map of the world. Figure out what must be
selling County so and then use that information in order to create a
communication that makes it possible for them from the inside to make a different
choice to go a different way to enjoy a different quality experience rather than the
one that required just by walking around randomly in the world this month.
Anytime problems arise is what I want you to do want you to take a few minutes
and map out the tote level of what it is that you're seeking the desired state is
with the present state is what you thought you were doing in pursuing that and
then how what you identified as a problem and issue a challenge obstacle.
Whatever arises gets in the way that look to open out the frame of reference on
whatever the problem is by finding the bigger, better, more comprehensive
perception of what you are seeking and watch how was a little bit of time in a little
bit of practice just by clarifying on these few matters of problems seem to feel
less restrictive, and some problems completely fall apart. That would be my wish
for you that anytime a problem, challenge obstacle emergency anything that
arises seeming to block your path with a few simple questions it goes and you
take a clear path for do this this month. Notice the difference between now and
then and I look forward to speaking to you next month

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