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150 Science Essay Topic Ideas

Updated on May 2, 2019

Virginia Kearney

Virginia has been a university English instructor for over 20 years. She specializes
in helping people write essays faster and easier.

Included in this Article:

1. Health Topics List
2. Government Website Links
3, Medical Topics List
4. Magazine and Newspaper Links
5. Mental Health Topics List
6. Psychology Topics List
7. Non-profit Organization Links
8. Environmental Topics List
9. Environmental Research Links

Health Topics
1. Can eating certain foods like yogurt reduce the chance of developing Type 2 diabetes?
2. Do the soldiers who received Agent Orange contamination during the herbicide spraying
operations during the Vietnam war continue to have health problems?
3. What is Multiple Sclerosis? What is the best way to treat it?
4. How do tension and stress affect the body?
5. Should teens get the HPV vaccine? Do we need laws to force more people to get this vaccine?
6. If you think you have Alzheimer's, does that mean you do?
7. How does playing competitive sports affect women's health?
8. Do female athletes have more trouble getting pregnant later on?
9. Can adult stem cells be used to help us stay stronger as we age?
10. Can venom from spiders and other animals really be used in medical treatment safely?
11. What are antioxidants? Does eating antioxidants really help you prevent cancer or other
12. Can people get over peanut allergies? What therapy works?
13. Why are so many children now tested to be deficient in vitamin D, and how does this affect
14. Why does tuberculosis continue to be a problem? How can we best combat this disease?
15. Is there an “obesity gene?”
16. Do people really need to take “fish oil” supplements?
17. Are multi vitamin pills really as good as eating the right foods?
18. Why does the flu virus change every year?
19. Is there a better way of making a flu vaccine?
20. What are the different types of stem cells, and how can they be used?
21. Do we need to continue embryonic stem cell research or will adult stem cells work just as well?
22. Should we try to save babies born before 27 weeks?
23. How important is sleep to health?
24. Does screening for breast cancer really work?
25. Is there a link between breastfeeding and better health, or lower obesity rates?


Government Website Links

Government sponsored websites (which usually end in .gov) provide links to research articles,
statistics, information about government policies, spending priorities, and laws. Here are some

 British Medical Research Council News and Publications: Gives recent publications, news, and
podcasts of research supported by the British government.
 Indian Council on Medical Research: The apex body in India for the formulation, coordination,
and promotion of biomedical research.
 National Science Foundation: U.S. Government agency which oversees the sciences and
research. Find links to other U.S. agencies with information on agriculture, health and human
services, the center for disease control, environmental services, Smithsonian museums, and
 Research Council of Zimbabwe: Offers search engines for Open Access Research from African
 Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in Ghana: Offers links to a variety of Animal and
Plant research topics and publications relevant to African nations such as Oil Palm Research;
Roots & Tubers, Aqua-culture, and Biotechnology.

What is the link between food and health? | Source

Medical Topics
1. Does the size of your waist increase your diabetes and heart attack risk?
2. What is the possibility of finding a cure to cystic fibrosis?
3. What is glaucoma? How can it be prevented?
4. What is the best way to keep your brain healthy for life?
5. How dangerous is a concussion? What is the best way to treat a concussion?
6. What is the best way to decrease infant mortality rates in developing nations?
7. How can we eliminate polio?
8. What are the health dangers of pet owners not picking up their dog’s feces? What can cities do
about it?
9. Are E-Cigarettes a path away from tobacco or towards it?
10. What is inflammatory bowel disease? How can it be best treated? Can the food you eat help
you avoid this chronic illness?
11. What is the importance of the microorganisms which live inside and on humans? How to they
help and hurt us?
12. Scientists are predicting that we have entered the “End of the Antibiotic Era.” What will this
mean for health care?
13. What alternatives to antibiotics are being developed? Have antibacterial lotions, soaps and
cleaning products created a “superbug?”
14. Does earwax contain clues to our environment? Can those clues help doctors to diagnose us?
15. Can the odors of our bodily fluids give us clue about our health?
16. Can 3-D printing technology be used to help in medicine?
17. Can 3-D printing be used to create body parts and organs for people?
18. Can traditional Chinese medicine techniques like acupuncture, cupping, reflexology, and
massage therapy really work?
19. How is nanotechnology helpful in treating cancer?
20. Are the chemicals used in food packaging harmful to human health?
21. What treatments are available for women who have repeated miscarriages?
22. Can stem cells be used to help cut death rates in heart attack patients?
23. Can miscarriages be prevented with lifestyle changes?
24. Are eating disorders fatal? How can they best be prevented?
25. What is really the best and healthiest diet for humans? Is it low-carbohydrate, high-
carbohydrate, low-sugar, high-protein, or vegetarian?

Magazine and Newspaper Links

You can find out the most current arguments on scientific and medical issues by looking through
recent issues of major newspapers and magazines. Often, these articles will give you ideas for
papers, as well as lead you to the original sources and research. Look for the "Science" or "Health"

 The New York Time Science Section: Includes special areas for environmental news and space
and the cosmos.
 BBC Science: Includes both articles and videos about recent events and scientific discoveries.
 The China Daily: Discusses the development of science and technology in Asia. Gives
information about how China is working with Africa and other developing nations to improve
health and science.
 Discover: Features articles about many different medical topics, current news, and research.
 US News and World Report: Does an especially good job of giving information about health
and diet.
Which Science Argument Topic Area Interests You the
 Diseases

 Health and Diet

 Environment

 Technology

 Mental Health

 Animals and Plants

 Other--tell us in the comments below!

See results
Mental Health Topics
1. Why do some people remember dreams and others don't? Does this affect mental health?
2. Does mental illness cause you to get physical illness more frequently?
3. What makes us human? How is the human brain different?
4. Does a person’s height affect their personality? Do shorter people really have an inferiority
5. What causes Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? How can this best be treated?
6. What effect does “screen time” have on children’s mental health?
7. How important is sleep to mental health?
8. What are the long-term effects of using drugs like Prozac or Ritalin on mental health?
9. Is intelligence static? Does a person’s intelligence change over their lifetime?
10. What is intelligence? How can it best be measured?
11. How can teenage depression be best diagnosed and treated?
12. Are most homeless people mentally ill?
13. Can people be cured of multiple-personality disorder?
14. How can we best prevent suicide?
15. What is schizophrenia? What are the treatments?
16. How does family stress affect brain development in children?
17. Does more stress equal more headaches and other physical symptoms?
18. How can families help their elderly loved ones feel less lonely and depressed?
19. Does epilepsy or asthma increase the risk of self-harm?
20. Who suffers chronic pain the most? How is this related to mental health?
21. Does stopping smoking improve mental health?
22. What is the effectiveness of behavioral therapy techniques?
23. Does caregiving cause psychological stress?
24. Do spirituality and religion protect people from mental illness?
25. Do concussions increase the risk of depression?

Psychology Topics
1. Does drinking soda or eating sugary foods increase aggression in children?
2. Does a mother's depression during pregnancy affect her baby's brain?
3. Can talk therapy really change the brain?
4. How does Post Traumatic Stress Disorder affect people's lives?
5. Do premature infants need to hear parent's voices?
6. Do parasites have a way of changing our behavior?
7. Can bad memories be erased?
8. How does your sense of taste or smell relate to your personality?
9. Do men and women have the same sense of smell?
10. Does switching schools lead to kids having a higher risk of psychosis?
11. What is the impact of bullying on children?
12. Are toxic chemicals causing the recent rise in ADHD, autism, and other neurodevelopmental
13. How does Ritalin affect the brain?
14. How does memory work?
15. Do infections increase memory decline?
16. Can caffeine help your memory?
17. Can the lighting in a room affect the way you make decisions?
18. What causes delusions? Why are some people unable to break free of them?
19. Why are people moral? What causes us to choose right from wrong?
20. Does the weather really affect people's moods?
21. Is there such a thing as "snow rage?"
22. Why do so many celebrities or lottery winners end up with unhappy lives? Can a person
become mentally unhealthy when they gain too much wealth and power too quickly?
23. Why do holidays make some people unhappy?
24. What is a sexual addiction? Can it be overcome?
25. What is the best way to handle "needy" friends?
26. Is laughter the best medicine?
27. What causes someone to be vulnerable to dating violence?
28. What causes people to indulge in binge drinking?
29. Does the Super Bowl cause domestic violence and other crimes?
30. Can apps help people cope with mental illness and anxiety?
Non-profit Organization Links
Many diseases and medical conditions have a non-profit agency which provides help for people with
that condition. Most of these give easy to understand descriptions of diseases and also links to the
latest research, treatments, and cures. To find out if the medical disease you are writing about has a

1. Google search the name of the disease or health condition with "non-profit."
2. Look for an organization which has that name in the title.
3. On the website, look to see if it is a non-profit devoted to educating and researching that issue.
4. Search the website for "research" articles.
5. There will sometimes just be a description of the research which you may need to Google
search in order to find the article. Often, they may even provide links to the research article or
the article to download.
 American Cancer Society Research and Statistics: Find current information about cancer,
treatments, and research.
 National Multiple Sclerosis Society Research: Explains the research programs supported by
this society including intriguing possibilities for the future and clinical trials.
 Pancreatic Cancer Action Network: Education and research to provide support and
improvement for the lives of people with pancreatic cancer diagnosis.
 Alzheimer's Association: Leading non-profit organization in Alzheimer's care, education and

Owl banding. How do scientists use information gathered from banding birds? | Source
Environmental Issues
1. Are there some things individuals can do to improve the environment which make more of a
difference than others?
2. Is the greenhouse effect real?
3. How important is it to make policy changes that affect greenhouse gasses?
4. Is the problem with changing emissions standards political or technological?
5. Are there existing technologies which would let us reduce greenhouse gases now?
6. Is reducing emissions in the United States going to make a significant difference globally?
7. How can the world influence China, India, and other heavily polluting countries to reduce
8. Does recycling and using green products make a difference?
9. Do greenhouse gasses really harm people?
10. Are humans currently causing a new mass extinction of species?
11. How can we prevent the loss of more rain forests?
12. How can we best save endangered species?
13. Are zoos effective in helping endangered or threatened animals?
14. Should rangers cut off the tusks of animals in the wild to prevent them from being killed by
15. Does encouraging eco-tourism help protect the environment?
16. Can people use their own gardens to help the earth and create a greater diversity of species in
their city?
17. Should we rely on nuclear energy more?
18. Can we build safe nuclear reactors?
19. How much does the U.S. rely on nuclear energy right now?
20. How much can we depend on alternative energy sources like wind, solar, geothermal, and
21. What is peak oil? When is this going to happen and what does it mean?
22. How can countries like China and India meet their growing energy needs best?
23. What is the long-term impact of nuclear disasters like Fukushima?
24. Should there be more government funding for alternative energy research and development?
25. Is fracking causing earthquakes and other environmental problems? Is it worth the risk?
26. What is the best way to prevent wildfires?
27. What can countries like China and India do in order to become more “green?”
28. What is the effect of the heavy air pollution in Chinese cities like Beijing on health?
29. How did 96% of the species of the Earth become extinct at the end of the Permian Period 252
million years ago? Are we headed in that direction now?
30. How can toxic waste affect a community?
31. How can we prevent fertilizer plant disasters like the one which occurred in West, Texas?
32. How can we help more people have clean drinking water?
33. What impact does oil drilling have on coastal species?
34. Why is it important to preserve native species of plants and animals in an environment?
35. What is the bird banding program in North America and how can people become involved?
36. Are amphibians really in decline? If so, why? What can we do about it?
37. Do diseases in wild animals hurt humans?
38. Can coral reefs be regenerated?
39. Is climate change good for some ecosystems?
40. How are scientists using genetic information to help preserve species?

Research Links on Environmental Topics

 Nuclear energy: Radical reactors by M. Mitchell Waldrop in Nature, 05 December 2012
 Climate Change and Compact Fluorescent Flashbulbs by George Will in The Washington Post,
 U.S. Energy Information: Includes statistics and information about nuclear energy and other
energy in the United States.
 Wildlife Conservation Society: Has news articles and the most recent information about natural
resource use, wildlife health, and climate change.

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