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Men do most of the high-level jobs.

Should the government encourage a certain

percentage of these jobs to be reserved for women?

Men are dominant in job sector if compared with women, not in those fields where laborious work is
required but also in white color office jobs. Most of the high-level positions are reserved for experienced
and talented men instead of women. There are various reasons behind this which will be discussed in
detail in this essay. Furthermore, the requirement of government actions to encourage women positions
for high level jobs will be discussed.

In the bygone days, woman is primarily considered as a house-wife to perform daily routine activities for
husband and children. In past, only one person was sufficient to support the family with his earnings.
Now, the scenario is totally changed because both husband and wife are working to earn money for
their living. If income versus expense graph is plotted, it can be seen clearly that there is a sharp
exponential increase in expenses as compared to the income. This is also owing to the modern life style
and increased demand for various household appliances, luxury items and electronic gadgets etc. The
inability of one person to earn for the family and to meet demands of family is becoming quite common.
This thing produced a slot for the women to stand beside men in the job sector in order to support the

Now, the question is: whether it is a good idea to allocate high-level job positions for women in the
market or not? To answer this question, I believe that the high-level job positions should be open for
both men and women based on merit and capabilities without any gender discrimination. This will
promote a competitive environment in the job sector and more talented senior managers or CEOs will
appear in the market. This will create a sense of gender equality between both the sexes and will bring
harmony in the society.

On the other hand, if government reserves certain percentage for women for high-level jobs then it will
create a sense of discrimination between men and women. Such kind of discriminations will bring a kind
of separation between both genders and they will be against each other instead of working together.
Since, both men and women have equal rights to demonstrate their abilities so both will be given equal
opportunities to pursue for a position in the company.

Finally, from above discussion, it is concluded that women are a vital part of the society both at home
and in office. So, women should be given equal rights to pursue for their career growth in job sector and
they must be given opportunities for high-level positions without any discrimination.

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