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 The urinary bladder is where the kidneys  The left atrium collects blood returning

store urine until it is excreted from the from both lungs. It is also thin walled and
body. this is easily found when looking small when compared to a ventricle. After
near the umbillical cord area, it is attached filling, the atrium contracts forcing blood
to the top of the abdominal wall (which through the open left AV valve and into
you should have cut open) it is a large the left ventricle.
sac-like organ.  The right atrium is one of the receiving
 Larynx. The larynx (or voice box) is a chambers of the heart. It is thin walled,
large hollow structure located at the small in comparison to a ventricle and
anterior end of the trachea. Passage of air resembles the shape of an ear. Blood
over vibrating cords of elastic tissue within flows into theright atrium from the vena
thelarynx produces sound and cava. ... The pulmonary artery carries
vocalizations. blood deficient in oxygen and rich in
 The trachea is a large diameter tube carbon dioxide to the lungs.
located in the throat and thoracic cavity. It  The liver has the
has cartilaginous rings in its walls that same function inpigs as it does in all
keep the airway open. mammals, including the secretion of a
The trachea carries air directly into the digestive fluid called bile, the destruction
lungs. ... The esophagus is shown to the of old red blood cells and the storage of
left of the trachea (it has been moved substances such as vitamins and
from its normal position dorsal to glycogen.
the trachea).  Gallbladder is a small, green, tear-
 Thymus. The thymus gland lies along shaped organ embedded inside the Right
both sides of the trachea from the larynx Lateral Lobe of the liver. ...
towards the heart. The thymus gland is The gallbladder stores bile, which can be
the site of T lymphocyte (white blood cell) released into the small intestine to help
maturation, and thus plays an important emulsify fats to allow for digestion.
role in immunity. The thymus consists of  The small intestine of a near-term fetal
a right and left lobe which are joined by pig can be as long as 350 cm (~ 12 feet
connective tissue. long) when separated from the mesentery
 left lung consists of the bilobed middle (which holds and their blood vessels in a
and caudal lobes. The right and left mass). Within the various sections of the
pulmonary arteries run along the small intestine, digestion of food and
dorsolateral side of the right absorption of nutrients occurs.
and left bronchi, respectively.the  branches into the coronary
right lung consists of the cranial, middle, arteries which supply oxygen-rich blood
caudal and accessory lobes. Pig to the myocardium of the heart. function:
lungs have multiple lobes, or to carry oxygenated blood from the aorta
subdivisions, on either side. Unlike to smallarteries in the chest and
humans who have three lobes on one side abdomen.
and two on the other, the right lung of a  The heart is located in the thoracic cavity
pig has four lobes and the left lung is nestled between the lungs on the body's
divided into three. ... From there, the air midline. Pigs like other mammals have a
moves through the larynx to the trachea four-chamberedheart. The right side of
and finally on to the lungs. the heart pumps blood to the lungs
(pulmonary circulation), and the left side
pumps blood out to the rest of the body oocyte production and maturation.
(systemic circulation). In pigs, each ovaryis attached to a highly
 diaphragm functions like it coiled uterine horn (similar to a human's
would function after birth, contracting to fallopian tubes).
draw amniotic fluid into the lungs,  The umbilical arteries supply
expanding to expel it. When you exhale, deoxygenated blood from the fetus to the
the diaphragm relaxes and the air is placenta. ... There are usually
pushed out of lungs. It also has some two umbilical arteries present together
nonrespiratory functions as with one umbilical vein in
well.The diaphragm increases abdominal the umbilical cord.
pressure to help the body get rid of vomit,  The Rectum is a short vertical intestine,
urine, and feces. that fills up with feces to be exerted out of
 Stomach. The stomach is a muscular the body through the anus. it is a chamber
organ responsible for storage, initiating for feces before defecation.
the breakdown of nutrients, and passing  Uterine Horns. In comparison to a
the digesta into the small intestine. These human uterus, the pig uterus is greatly
ridges inside the stomach are called diminished in size, and acts as part of the
rugae and increase the area for the birth canal rather than housing the
release of digestive enzymes. developing fetuses. It is formed by the
The stomach may not be empty joining of the two uterine horns at the
because fetal pigsswallow amniotic fluid. midline of the body, this is where the pig
... The pig has a digestive system which fetus develops.
is classified as monogastric or
nonruminant. Humans also have this type
of digestive system.
 The caecum has a second portion where
it connects to the colon, where digesta is
passed to the rectum and anus where the
remaining digesta is excreted. The main
function of the large intestine is the
absorption of water.
 Kidneys. The kidneys are large, bean-
shaped organs that lie against the dorsal
wall of the abdominal cavity underneath
the organs of the digestive tract.
The function of the kidneys is to filter
waste from the blood and to regulate the
blood's salt and water levels.
 Ureters. The ureters are tubes of smooth
muscle that pump urine from the kidneys
to the urinary bladder for storage. It can
be easily found near the bladder of
the pig.
 The reproductive system in female pigs is
located dorsal to the intestines in the
pelvic cavity. Ovaries are the site of

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