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Примерная схема анализа текста

It should be mentioned that text interpretation is rather subjective and it’s natural several approaches
should exist. The analysis of the text should be presented as a unity of logically connected statements,
i.e. the items of the outline of the discussion should be logically revealed.
After having studied the text it’s desirable to state what type of text it is. There should be said a few words about the author
of the text.
It’s important to determine the function of the title and its connection with the main idea of the text because the title can
orientate or disorientate the reader, it may foreshadow the contents. Furthermore the main idea can be revealed in the title.
It’s necessary to understand the difference between the main idea (the message) and the theme (topic).
The theme is the subject treated in the literary work, the represented aspect of life. The theme is easily understood from
the plot. But the message is the author’s intention, the main underlying thoughts. And it’s important to remember that the
message is created by all the components of the text. The message is an emotional and emotive attitude of the author to
the characters.
As for discussing the composition of the text it’s desirable to find out the plot structure including exposition, climax and
denouement. One of the most important points concerning interpretation is the functional style and the form of the text
(narration, description …etc.).
It should be mentioned that the author conveys the message to the reader through the system of images. It’s desirable to
discuss the main characters directly or indirectly and what linguistic devices the author uses to create the main
With the help of the linguistic means the author expresses his intention and makes his literary work a kind of art. The
reader is to dwell on the use of syntactical and lexical expressive means and stylistic devices, as well as grammatical and
phonetic means.
It’s important to prove statements and give examples from the text.
Balancing it’s necessary to make the conclusion to reveal the message of the text under interpretation. The reader is
supposed to understand implied meaning.
To consider the interpretation finished there may be given an annotation as the final stage of the text interpretation,
average variant being 3-5 sentences with conclusion and elements of critical evaluation.
Object of Interpretation
- The text I’m going to interpret is … (an extract from…, a selection from…)
- It is selected from … (taken from)…
- It is a short story, a novel, a long short story, an essay.
- It is well-written (true-to-life, easy to read, deep, dull, boring, badly written, too slow moving, unconvincing,
depressing, heavy-going).
The author of the Literary work
- The author of the story (text, novel) is a playwright, (a reporter, a journalist, a publicist, an English writer, an
American writer …).
- The author is famous all over the world.
- The author is a talented, prolific, well-known writer.
- The author belongs to realistic school, he is a realist.
- The author is rather conservative.
The Title and the Topic (Theme)
- The title of the text is…
- The title is emotive because…
- The function of the title is emotive, it can be proved according to…
- The title is topical, it indicates personages and whereabouts of the action.
- The title is symbolic, because it symbolizes …
- The title can foreshadow…
- The title can orientate the reader…
- The title can disorientate (mislead) the reader…
- The title seems to foreshadow the contents…
- The title has a symbolic overtone…
- The topic of the discussion is …
- The given text deals with the…
- The theme can be seen in the title (in the plot of the story).
- There are two (three) main topics in the story which are…
- The author depicts the topic from different points of view.
The Plot
- The story has a simple (complicated) plot…
- The plot is rather intricate…
- The events involve physical and psychological movements…
- The plot is take from life
- The plot deals with…
- It develops rapidly (slaw)…
- The plot describes (touches upon) the problems of …
- The story gives a realistic (humorous, satirical, vivid, historical) picture of…
- This is a story with the exposition put in the middle ..
- The story opens with the…
- The text can be divided into several logically connected parts which can coincide with the composition…
- The culmination moment is…
- The denouement is set …
- The denouement is expressed implicitly…
- The composition of the text contains a frame –construction…
- This is a framed paragraph with the key sentences at the top and the conclusion at the bottom.
- The functional style of the text is…
- The text (extract) belongs to the language of fiction…
- This is an illustration of the publicistic style…
Forms of the Text
- The text (extract, story) can be divided into several logically connected parts which are a type of narration (reflection,
snatches of conversation, monologue, inner-monologue, entrusted, narrative).
- The scene is laid in …
- The scene is set in …
- The events take place in …
- The story (text, novel, extract…) covers a wide span of time…
- The setting is realistic (exotic, fantastic, historical)
- It helps us to reveal the inner state of the characters…
- The setting serves as a background of …
- The setting is in harmony (in contrast) with the characters emotions…
The Author as a narrator
- the reader sees everything through the character’s eyes.
- This is an observer he only registers events…
- The author tells his story by the mouth of his character…
IX. The Main characters
- The author describes the main character directly and indirectly…
- The author gives a skilful portrait of the main character…
- The author masterfully portrays his characters…
- The author presents the main characters in development …
- The characters are shown as antipodes …
- There is a relationship between the character and his appearance…
- The characters are presented through action, through speech and through analysis of motives …
- The character is realistic (typical, convincing, vivid, unforgettable, satirical…).
X. Atmosphere. The author’s attitude
- The text atmosphere is created and maintained by…
- The following language means help to create the prevailing tone and the overtones... (emotionally coloured words,
poetic words, an extensive use of stylistic devices, synthetical expressive means).
- The author treats his characters in a ironical, humorous, satirical way.
- The author’s attitude to the characters is seen through his choice of words.
- The author expressed his sympathy for… (his hatred)…
XI. Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices
- In this story (extract) the words are used in their direct meaning or in their connotative meaning…
- The words in the text are neutral, colloquial, etc….
- The language is not rich in epithets and metaphors.
- The use of certain words (bookish words and foreign words) suggest different kinds of characters’ background …
- The use of such stylistic devices creates the atmosphere of …
- The author uses (introduces) very expressive metaphors…
- The irony is subtle, one has to read between the lines …
XII. Message
- The message is presented directly, explicitly by the following sentences…
- The message is presented indirectly, implicitly…
- The central idea of the story is…
- In the extract under discussion the author is describing…
- The message is implied and may be formulated as follows…
- The message is conveyed by the …
- The author conveys his message through such characters...
- the techniques of implications are: parallelism, contrast, repetition of artistic details, symbols, arrangement of plot
- The reader is supposed to understand implied meaning.

Примерная схема реферирования статьи

To begin with the article should be studied thoroughly. First attention should be paid to the headline of the article
and its connection with the topic and main idea of the article.
Second it’s desirable to discuss the main idea or key issue of the article (the theme or by-themes if there are any).
If the article has several logically connected parts it should be mentioned and explained its derision.
It’s desirable to give examples to prove the author’s point of view to underline his treatment and approach to the
problem discussed in the article.
It’s desirable to refer to background concerning the problem discussed in the article.
It’s necessary to make the conclusion to give your own point of view on the topic.
There are several clichйs to discuss the article
a) How to begin
- The article I’m going to give a review of is taken from…
- The article under the headline… is issued in… (newspaper or magazine) on…
- The headline tells us what the article is about…
- The headline of the article is…
- The headline suggests… (foreshadows)…
- The author of the article is…
b) The topic
- The topic of the article is…
- The key issue of the article is…
- The author in the article touches upon the problem of…
- I’d like to begin with…
- To begin with…
- I’d like to comment on the problem of…
- I’d like to make a fen remarks concerning…
- I’d like to mention briefly that…
- The article under discussion is devoted to the problem…
- The article under discussion may be divided into several logically connected parts which are…
- The mast important points seem to me to be…
- I’d like now to turn briefly to the problem of…
c) The author’s treatment of the subject
- The author gets major treatment in the article…
- The author gives fill coverage to…
- The author outlines…
- The author asserts that…
- The author resorts to … to underline…
- Let me give an example…
d) Balancing
- In addition…
- Furthermore…
- On the one hand…, but on the other hand…
- Back to our main topic…
- To come back to what I was saying…
- To stress…
- To underline…
- Balancing…
- In conclusion I’d like to…
- From my point of view…
- As far as I am able to judge…
- It’s hard to predict the course of events in future, but there’s some evidence of improvement of (crisis, hopeless,
international, political situation)

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