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STUDIA IX HISTORICA SLOVACA Ing mache treatments. tn canecion with this we could sate that the Popaar fk economic advies which were preserved In the approved hpmed frm do not lag behind the general end. We hope tht Ceo {aur spent the Sovak Calendar fom the oar 1452 can tract ao the ‘Stein of ehnograpisinvergniona™ oro let of ome of taba ‘SEs sha prameh iat eary na Slovo Kid may owe iSamy demgrry a Sse Inet Foe Calan SB Etna onary tis enone oie remeate tre Se whet i's chee om tin sed or at cnr tre mre an ae {oy a swan se ERICHERGY, WL Eel pend rng rnc Seietane SWiK wt. Ose po wi tops worn Meo, « POLITICAL, AND SOCIAL SITUATION IN SLOVAKIA, ‘AT THE TURNING POINT OF THE 14th AND 15th CENTURIES AND THE REIGN OF SIGISMUND OF LUXEMBURG Jia Bot After the death of Lais Anjou (199), Sigmund of Laxembug, fire Insband of Ls mature dnugler May, fad 4 fight very evel for {he crown in he country of partilar intrest without ay Undying farce His enemies were: Hungarian artery, Turk, who defeted the Ser= ‘Sins (180), Prosp, Moravian margrav snd the Pope Bonihacis Vi Siisnd’ alles, gentry and towns, were ook weak coats a el pater ‘ot power Sigismund had to deflate royal property to sve wae regione 5 ellatrls and hia nancial dependence on arinonay provented hie Irom crating a tablized ste ‘ho doth of King Lous of Anjou who died em September 10h, 1382 fx ‘Tava meant actly the nd ofthe stage of lative conolatd Anou momar. In those diye Hungary was a the summit of ber economic ant tal portance and det the persona lance wth Poland snd the Sgursivepaley of the last of the Anjou, the seam spread from the ‘Balue soa tha Arias, what was very often and wth pare epha= Shed by the bourgeots Hungarian hearts “The period after the death of Louis up to the fest Balto the 1: cane tury can be Sharcterae that of increasing power of sore, rainy tf fool landlords of growth of feudal starchy ad suo sal ant plitical crsen cased om the ce hand by the internal prion shit Feasons and ater, on the other, by th revolutionary Hustle movement Pemcrting in Hungary rom the neighbouring Habe ‘Sine the end ofthe 1h anury the contours of a hew acengement of powers and new spheres f paliclifuance could be traced onthe pol= Sea stage of Cental spd South Eastern Burope, Constant expansion of the ‘he Byzantnian empire which bese nly & mere shaw of former Splesdour and glory so influenced the polis! altoaen i Hungary, ‘thoush the eountry did not felt be diretyondangered by the Tare ‘hen the Anjou a ot the Turkish danger hd to be en nt cant by each politcal eonstlation and many tie the success in other p= ‘la epbere was dependent he approach fi room, “Sisley wih hi le the ese nepal spor ws taking tioce in Bope showing bythe wetheing ofthe authority of Church and [ewer The station culminated by the papal schism singe the year 13 Tater on complicate by three pepcy, eedng finally tothe crim ‘st Church and the foudl spent This ould be soem mast exp In the Haste revltionary movement All these components Were D> ‘olved with varying intent, nthe game, eich of thom being of d= termining importance in ertsin given station "Retulyy the young, syearold Brandenbarg Margrave Sigman, so en of ng Cech Ring and Emperor Chae TV, eld bot undead {Be completed situation when be war entre Pah Kingdom By tho ungerian King Loi in the art montis elore his death tp July 13 ‘nd when be was promived so the thooe Im Mungary as 2 promising Teideroom of hi aogtr Mary! Irmesitly fler Lows death on Sep ‘ember 17h 1582, Mary was invest withthe royal erown In Soest. ar thus beoming the Queen af Hungry” Ia tho mauntime Sigismund the irae forthe thecoe after out death ana the reign o€ Mary were ist ‘SERENE tear, Pubted ty CORNELIUS Penrice [etnies ard Slt is an ty mauvose, 2: bie zentalsatonabesreanen ‘sng Somes Urn Sore ce becom SS oa aed ‘il Uuadian 2 a magyar Vid lemon, Standok, XXX, 10, pp, e174, stayed in Poland wanting to sireaghten his:puson there Bu after the fats announcing the death ofthe Hunguria king, Poh artery st Int-two factions Tot par of the Pele who cd not want to cont fpersoralaliance with Hunghr, Were in favour of thr candidate Zenit Nazowkt ofthe Piss, the other pare ofthe Pla arsoracy mae wile Ugo weep oe of os daughters a queen bu they return Sgomund Ing agit im. Doe'to ther poly Sigmund led 8 war agtinst the Pols in summer 383 but without any sucess wer be id 9% gai ‘thing but dei i "Auee Hiab ad be it advisor Count Palatin Nessus Gara (pro ply Geran ~ ut Beaune af th etal for of hie at lh ‘Slow hisoven!ltrnare pplys the farm ‘Gara solved the pestle the elation to Poland in mah a ya, hat Jone J3H4 they ae the Dumger daughter Hedvge the hess ofthe bone to the Pele, et Uhvered als Sigmund apiratins forthe Pie throne. "Th fact hat cadet, the Widow of Loui was not wing ogi n= ‘ait to the marnage of Mary to Sigmund, represented nother seus ‘sacle. Whoa Sigimind saw dhl hs maroge wa eanetantly postponed ty the end of summer 190 be left Hungary for Bohra and rnin: ‘beng. Anyhow, dd not want to give up his ins for the throne A ‘ead i sy 1305 he was ring irs in Bohemia snd Moria hat Ind o lp hi to defeat Hungry, In oder to get the money be did ot Inve, as be eau no fr sack an expensyy anand to py i debe ‘rom te war nih Poland bo prom lead on July by 128 to give at of the Brandenburg marge de sve O14 Merv) ‘rleguts ar collateral te his cousins the Moravian Magreves Prokop sad Jat Tor 80000 henge of rachen ofthe Prag erns Ae an the epproval ‘this Bother, Coch King Wencesias IV wa nest for his tanec, ‘Sigmund preaees by the stulin an tramtance solved the probes Invsoch away that th gave Wenceslas the lst repanta of his eight the Brandenburg margraii oDly 3a 185 ving een wih te isabeth and ber addr and eetualy color Nessus Gare were 2 on By 195 Sigismund appotned iim from Breck Lord of Stor, ene pe Bl Ce lb re Mr eta Teeny es Sores meee fom sh Sl to Goi ya amend mt om hh SSE tte We ted be mon a igning instead of her not yet mature daughter a he nae, That ¢ why ‘Bisabeth aid not intend to ave her potion, and she was raberpoting ‘how get Sigimnd ou of the whole game. ‘The plan to mary Mary 19 ‘Eoin, Grunt of Orleany, brother ofthe French King Charl 1 wae ao prt ofthis poly ‘Sigtmand cold base he pole of pomer malniy on Western Slovakia thie country wan geographically neighbouring with Moravia. That be ‘roy already om Aust 16h he verified al he oveger ofthe token of rails ft war granted by King Lous and predecessors witout any eal enumeration. He ised the paper inthe preetce of margeaves Prokip and Jatt who seo snag? The tiers of Brats wer ranted {he weicton of hei privlage for their extended fafa neroces fd for thle approval of Hs claims at to the sage for gang the Frangaran throne, in accord with the declon of thn inte King Laue and ‘is daughter Mary. Aer aye on August 72nd, 1595 Sigismund promised tovexcange the flown of Brava, inspite ofthe fact that he gave it a Soueteral fo the Moravian margrave® On the nextday tho eens of ‘Brains took the oath of obetince to the new marraves” “However, there no documentary evidence of he colteral pepe, Wale sul n Prag, only th 1395, before his ere in Slovak Sig ‘ound gave the tectotie ofthe Old Alte and other towns and loses ‘Zostera to the Moravian margraves for 8500 herp of groschen ait {nthe mentioned patent he promied to pve Ube terre on thy le ‘Sekt ban of the river Vato the margraves, to sty their eam ab Sa reward fr the damage they might have sued in thi wart when, te sunguared thom. The Se of ving the etry of West Sovais “ater thus originated ready bore he secupied it Tn-sumoer 1355 ‘Sigmund moved with his sole onthe teritry ofthe county of Brati= Slave (We have sxurding hat on ANguet 16d, 1588 he ws In Brasavs HERR Se cetera at Te iS Ailey sing, carga ams comes SSS es Sa eee snd inthe field near Brasov, and an August 2nd he wat on the other ‘bn of the Danube “in cample ex aia parte Denubiu prope Pesniu’™) “The atuton Beae even more complicated inthe second Bal of he year 198 when on Septamber 3d the Neapolitan King Caries the Sal, Felted tthe Anjou landed near Sig im Dalmatia csiming for the sn. furan throne. Chaves the Stall was ivied by the asta pat of ‘Hungarian arsocracy, but cbove ll by the Croatian landlords, Both queens twee then na prem and could mot cefuse any teeth lp and alan ‘wth the Ltemburgs Assrdng tothe advice of Count Paltin Care Sigumind got married lo Mary in cutumn 188. The Young nile however, war aot song and powerll encugh to face the fight against (Charles the Srl He could rely only onthe corpse recruited at great texpersc Alter the agrnment wilh his brother, the Cuech King Wenecas [eke sarendere Kim the whole Brandenburg Mark on November Int, ‘Carlos the Small was continuously progressing northwards gaining new aie: tn Decenber 1805 igcmand was compelled oleae Hungary indo to gain sme more mercenary support, ade left the royal court In Buda to the stacking Charles the Small In this nomen stanton both ens I to receive Chaves the Small unable of any resistance, portiuley ‘when on Deeb st. 183 beet Rime tobe erm in Ses: (ehérvir But oil they Wied Wo geld of him and ss they ad not ave Sufficient courage nor miltary power, Guten Bisabeth in eonspiacy With [Niclas Gara and Blue Forgch had had Chane the Sal ssnatod Inthe Buda caren February 138." Nnlaus Gara got hel of Buh and on bebe of bth quens be restored ‘he former regime inthe county. Huber, sae succeeded in ding ae Sith Chale the Small witht the id of Siplrmand, and ase secred, Tithe Mary fet obliged whatsoever to Sglaund, and didnot mead ay ‘ore his tly they rove to push him ange frm itarfeing ith he filing ofthe country The avesien of Hisabeth towards Sgiund eg ‘ald apart from lc things ato on the bas of wfc eat Sigman frve os oltre, witout any approval fom the Hungarian side, part ‘he Dube end the Vat an December st, 185 to his cousins Prokop ant Aa 8 0 Ang 8%, dum i amo prom en AND See a ae a ian a Tae "ROMAN = SKF op. os sa > Soi in atcord with tho agreement from November 1, 1988 and in te ‘tmaspere ofthe presating sgnons to crpensate them fa the fsrie Core in the Brandenburg maugeaiate he gave to. Wenceslas he Sppresch of Hungarian srtoorste to Sigmund wae the rane as they ‘wee not asst to petendent Io trenedeidng terial prbles ‘iho the approve Royal Cue Sismund who was already a the besinning ofthe year 186 prepared to face the fight wth Caries the Sina all of aude Ist his avery Nevertelche wonton wanting to sive the protein itary wey "He was wll sare of the fst that both qene would ot yu the ower in the counry volusary, na he dit not want Yo ent is if ee (Cevis the Smal. That way Be nad Hungay in pring 996. beg by Bs brother, Coch King Wenoulas IV. They gu a tr nto GyOr, there he began to ila frestons in May 1886, Bath queen Pes bythe worse of the revenge ofthe Neopian ae wall at by th neenr= lng unrest inthe country. at wan ona mltary ent with the ‘Lcerburgs, Toy ape to the panefl solution an to personal nesta: ‘ns whi tack place since Mayet, 138h During the two ack hgla> ‘ns that took pace ner the spi of Weneeas TV, av the Reman Emperor, Sigimund!s dob were paca to bo the dbus ofthe ew hovwse given ito personal use thse terri onthe Austrian snd Hore: un fontet, which orginally beanged tthe broter of King Louis Stephan (County Vas, the cate of Trentin and other trtorier sound the bordering). The qucens had ta promi Wenvtla tat the would ot can Sigmund Hung king Without hs consent. (rom is We fan cr thatthe brotherly eltons between Sigamand and Weneelss ‘were ot quite all ght) Queen Marya to py Jot, the Morris mar= fre forthe terri given ae clita tony the Dane and the NV, wehere se Bratislava, Trae and the ownlet ints ere ute the sum presenting 200000 Hungarian guilders from the yl teary ler than St Marts Day inthe yee 1298, seas to salve the problem af the strug for power in Hungary only tye purl. Ths can be proved by the fact that ater the nepoistions Sige rund dot tag in Hurgary but he ee log wits is brater Wencelas n't Bs Kis emi an OG ‘The stubiation of the stuntion im Hungary, expect by the qusene| was distarbed bythe assault of thee sue on July 25h a 1306 on the Tiny to Sena, gtiaed by the Horvath, the adherens ofthe Neapo Ian Both qucens were impresod in Krupa in Gra nd ate in Newt Grad in Dui, Alo Count Paltin Nisin Gary Bsus Yorgi snd ther arsorats fom the fool ste were kiled Thur Sigismund cnt ‘how hs native ar ll fs radon Hangar remained thot king His Sahernts clled him quickly back from Bema aking into become ‘Ibo stu the capa of Hungary This fancon of hit wan scowl: 0 forthe sake of peace and orden Hungary. "Than Sigmund’ main task wast reac the QUEENS And to gin he (ude of Hungarian king legly by thir bai He tied to negate ei ‘he enemies, but without ey teal, o be made an alae ih the Ver ‘he same tne he attacked the Harvlhs from the south. The Venetns Sesieged Novi Grad Whon the beregedceland thir etal stunt, ‘hey had Bsaethszagled in January 1567 and throws her boy across Uh ty walle into the camp of besogrs wilt hrs that the exe would Ippen te lary ifthe Venetians dot within The beeper id ot want fo Hs this and therefore Uy started nogotnting. In the mea Ue Sigiemund enrur his pontion at the Hungarian eaten aati height become hing. He had to oblige Mnf that he Would mato {he crgantlon ofthe country nd er nights unto, that he wld ‘al nl he Hungaria ino hs couel, that he would nat promote frag ee ino igh lara! funon.hat he oul forget everything done far serine him, that he woud resin is soeatons and donations (prnted this tdhorents before, Ut he wesld-pey out the Hugin ‘taro ten a prsonets of war ether by the eeche ofthe Moravian ‘bedince anon Match Ss, 187 Sigismund vas crowned in Sodkefer= ‘tnt cn Ieron the vera a ata asec Stbuments parbetaton {a pain in eng by WENZEL car cpm tack a Anos vi the Hungarian king. Then be set cut again for Croatia and with the ot the Venetians he reseed end twat May. ‘aris aspect of internal and foreign pote chaacer payed t= ‘portant rol Inthe lection ad fin! den of the Hungarian sroercy {9 senowledge Sigmund thelr hing. In sonseuenen ofthe tmprcon. ‘mentof both queens srarchy prevalled inthe country a various crus tt landlords were tghting ne sorter what dd not ip fo acest he positon of Hungary trom the arpct of fongn pay. Rewrtasy, ‘Signs opponents dd aloe ave with Shemetivy but there Wass the denger ea the side ofthe Horathy lurking, a they were conmested ‘with the Neapolitans, withthe Beenian Ban yr nd wate more, the ‘ung was aio endangered bythe etentrinng Toe in Ue al ars ofthe tery. If Queen Maty were ttdend, and no ee ke sting about er destiny, in thon day there might site sme dans ‘nom the side ot Viasat Jagelo for tbe Hungaria tron, ae he a the husband of Hedign the younger duh of Lois of Anjou. (On the 1th of Febery Jag war based san after he was growed Polishing} Such s slution, however, wae unaceptic tothe Hangin arusry nd therefore the are wig they foesed thi ateton on the events In Sotestehervr and after 8 year of Sigmund tferts they ily ao. sowed hi ng. ‘his was the end of the fst period of Sigmund stregtes forthe urgaranthrne. Both formally and actually he bane Hungarian ng, but there were sl dite struggles awsting nt he could cole is ration tobe frm. Since the very bepinning af Re reign ouch scone ‘ere eiming tothe fre determining hie poicy inthe Est decades which Fe could not avai ater either, even if they were mot so poignant lore rst ofall the Hungarian arceraey ar = whole id ct acknowledge ‘is retry rights i Hungry, based onthe treaty and dspatons of ‘ing Lous the Gren, hough Siglrmnd had alway cae ond operas {ed wit thes from the formal and legal pets, Hs election, conned by the condone he had to accomplish In order to become. Hungarian ‘ing nets abou the fac, tht the dcson a the Mangere ees ‘wa not spntaneous, but based n the momentary police starter, nd that Sighmund’s candidature seemed to be the optimal sltion Te ‘SOR, As Moo Rees Kk Nagy Lat etd, Seon OC, {se oho ose ee td HORS Sa apa ‘ew king could ths rely on thoge Hungarian baron which were the ad- herent of Los the Greta sain the mariage of Siig to Bay nly te eantincaton ofthe reign, and the sya o onperation wn the ‘German-Ronan Europe and he oman Pope’? Those were Ue fort Sigumund hed fo cout wih ei ire had een sheen several tine, sven aterm He was beled bythe mementary pital ststion end hy his elever nest gain the Hungarian tone. Singe the begining he was handicapped by the fot that apart frm the resis withthe Hose of Anjos be a ‘othing to ely on a he could not expect great id fem his brother Won eas IV, aldough he beled hi ip esl satan. In the aye of ences, Bohemia was already no more the county she was inthe eat of Chae 1V, the Homan exnpero, but bitereSgiund and Wencste ‘were competing betwern easter and rainy Sigiamand Took ndeane {age ofthe ntersal opposition Sn Bohemia inthe ruta of the so-aled “Lord Union inorder to weaken hi ree’ positon a Sigismund came to Hungary in the dye of culminating feudal anarchy, wen the powertl fais ike the Gari, the Kena Lake, Hots ‘ithys and ther were suing fr the pheresof ingen stil cng for mere lfluntalpatelption in rng the county. Sighmund dit fot ve sutfient financial aed military meaner property ot Bie ‘aif forth in Mungary by fore, and to compel the feudal to be obe- lent Bridenly te Brandenburg margravate and bis thaes frm the Incames in Babemin di not efce for auch a pale Cosant ele he Started making since the very beginning of his pail and lary career seer the only rest of he poly. He had to rly om he ternary ary Sr on wares forme which never aur lhe. nthe Bist phase of hie Sght for Hangin trons, Mersin and Dobe. nia wore Sigmund’ staple and mltry staring points. From there he undertook is expeditions, gained his afmies and ‘money. By having ivn the trois between the Voh and the Danes clara Pro trp and Jot he tried to sare his inna tastier, but onthe contrary, Ie Dave dependent and could Rimel of thir dependence and oie {sions eny gradual, as the Hungarian King. Whan Sigiund became HHongsian ling, bis Tltion to Mersvin and Bekenia thange Before "hese eountien ere he Bam he staring point how to gan Hungary, then he defended fist of al he wm interests toe interests of Hungarian kingdom, even it he was sell providing Bisa with money, eae wits oes Wy PALACRY, op. ot ook, ae 2 reoeoary army, adherens and servants frm Bohemia, several of them faving teen promoted ina various tention in te bodstine teiores "The tertory between the Datube andthe Vik which admnitaively telenge to thre counter — Bratislava, Nitta and Trenci,remained 8 folsterst Meravian margravee up to the end of the year 168, Stl "he year 187, King Sigmund soon ater hit ooonation, signed tee (sth Prokop ‘end Jot concring the ruling of thee terrors ‘Their ‘smpetence concerned only the Foal properties, out of which they could lake incre ithe frm of tue, actully elnging othe bing Tey 3 ‘ot have to elle ther rates and payments and tay had eo rlese the opera boging to individ! Updlrds Ory the susty income a8 {he rents ofthe royal tenancies (cluding the royal owns on ths ter= ter) belonged tothe. Tn err to provide proper administration ae ine troduction of legl power, a judge of lol origin ad tobe eppointed he county, along with four vise, and they altasthr had t joe. ‘As to the Ines Retween the local inkabianta and the magesves 8 special commision existing of two rpreentativs ofeach side at > De estblsed. The hing, however, was the ight thors. "on the bas of al this we an eet the margraes red tate teri vores qual to toe of sountin) only admins, and they coud scopy ony the royal castes and properties represeningencaves in the property ofthe local estes, This naturally Ted to complications and rrumonts concerning ownership and tenure Tht why Sigmund sre ‘rom the very begining to get of tls duly oto substte I by ano= {her one. Prftatenes of te income from fates and propertics was on fof the main reasons why be anted to do 50 a Brelava and Troava ange to the rcest twain Hungary in the days ® When sepning these teres, Sigismund employed the following method: he guve at ‘alata! other royal esate and carro loa andor, and he pad {hem ct rom the margraves by the meney gained in sich way. Onl the year 1380 two gfagh of terres as colstera covered by lun representing 560) and 2000 guides im eoanection with which {war ‘pil tte that they were employe ss a means to py ou he csten {bom the Czech ownership were romeded ROO hm sh MALE: Benn we, ‘Te king ras probably well aware that he wold not sateen gaining the necessary amount of money to pay out his tertries given as alae teal abe Aid ot want to las bach satay Important sn a the trv tine ich lenin in Western Slovak Thal why he egaited ‘tend in sprog 28h in Trentin wit the repreentativer of the Branden thoy eaten to al then obedient tothe Moravian cargaves to Whee he tana to give te remainders of hs estates Inthe Brandenburg mar- ste After mutual sogulaiocs between the partipent i Wich inthe approval of King Wenceslas IV and Cant Tobann fom Gti seer nesitabl, on May 224, 1388 King Sigmund gave the Whole teri Uo of the Brandenburg tarpaviate se cllateral to the Moratan mar- {ovo for 88,28 guldens, he promtoed to pay within the cure of 8 Jey Ieetead of the terrier in Hungary oseupied by the so far On the bl of that we can sy that tha Hlengaran king wae barowing mone {Som hls entives within the couse a thes fe Jour pode can be proved ls bythe patent weit afew wees Inter sted in Sina 08 Well al other documents concerning Sigsmund’s negations with the Targaves in thee Gay) in which Siplrmund obliged imarif to pay 2000 plden to Prokop and Jat within the course of 8 years Ther are fo recordings about the insurance of the debt by soe cates. The king however, lowed his debiors to prosecute all Hugin merchants if be ‘Brains wo temendoaly Snportnt for Siiamund. We lara about ‘sigimunas paying out of Betlave frm collateral oniy om Match 1 1 when marge ols prolimed tha the ctzene of Beatie had ‘nays beta dong thie due and e reed thay ofall he date hey ‘eee lige oda for hin Wo ean sappor that the cians of Brave ‘maiver contributed Io thir beng ransomed as in the Far 1395 ey lended Sigismund. who wae il he Brandenburg margrave?” mone Dring the period in which Beata was given as collateral, Margrave Sat ent interfere with the neral ffi he toe, he fuged ely ‘he ordinary property came f the local burgbers® and pote the Brae 2 Botta Sm CON Nt p 4 am we tions thee day, ost probly the ating avy between Botan tnd the Moravian owas cae or nena ‘Soom after wat rane of Bratsan, Margrave Jolt ook ove ll the teritorie in Hungary into is tenance and promiea to ay hs bother Prokop 20.000 beep of Prague gonshen. He kd he pent on Zemary 10th SH in Olomoue and 0 Marvin sitocrstewatented ham for the sont of money prominag tat in ce of i nsclence oath ‘would themsaver pay the debt" Even if we eat nalyse in deal to Wnt exien thse pople mee interes in Hungarian saa sant ocumentry evidence is ot arlable we can sippore at with raged the great sont of money represent bythe loan whieh wae too igh ‘even for margrave Joi than Innlods nt nly tole over the weeny fa perapn so thn acu papten ofthe debt to argrve Pokey, at for thar money they gine iil parts othe loan fo Jot he tin bir In the for of tenancy Of cates, or pets of the etter ‘Stated on this terry "The whole tere allng unde colsterl was not resomed and paid cout mediately an theft at thee alte ad cartes wee reguied ‘ot alwys portly By the Morava margroves scoring to te ter Contra beeen the mrgraver andthe erga] owners tees est tothe auton, For insane Inthe Jeat 100 areave Prokop sod he In Matiov (berbard) for 1.900 Hungarian glen to Petr from a ‘while in thia ee the cate which was taken away frm Peer hai Sod When sold nghn wor ceoetoee™ Similarly, Bit lege sce of time, Frank fom Stang ponpene the ease of eit he son of eter “Zengeor aghnt George iro Fein forth carte of Pesiok conse by the Cocks and damaged. Peter regained the cas withthe as of {he famine and 1.00 gulene wile George theron of Nats, Seu on trom Peak prmaed to ever Ris expenses wate id ot Tks oEhpuer Mie ance aan ee SLL Siigueccaerases 464 A008 20 Soe FRI, As Dear ed, ol, 1 cy Surely, we eam cnne lio the undertaking ofthe St Jur counts to Jot of tne 98h 1300, snoding to which they promised not to revenge the ity of Thomas rom St Jur The ptet of King Sgismund of Sune 18h, 150) hint to the miltary confbet betwen the St Jur and Posi Sots sd te Narain argv by wich Sip panied Pee vers flied with a his village were buen down and depopulated during the ora even i dee not mention exp the figs agsnat the NMoraien margrates, Similarly George and ob, tess of Nicolaus fom mot (nthe Nira county) tuted on December fist 1302 before the re- presentatves ofthe Mitr arch church tat they fly gave a oltre {hd hen old thee eats in the Trecin county fo Stephan, the son of Enwrence Lcsovaly for 600 gudenn They necded the atone to pay ot ‘yeoman Gorge from the Czoth captivity a he was taken pine soon fore the Sra cs was oeupid by the Ceeha™™ "these eons were tort probably of load, reonal character end were sed onthe fart thatthe origi Sigmund lies ~ the Moravian Imargaves and the Moreanartocrct none wih he, id not Want tolenve the cases and eats occupied during Sgismind' interventional ‘eugles fr the Hungwian throne and which he could not tke aay {tom en Inga, wie string the borvomed money ‘Sor tom Stboricn the former dcke of ing Lou” cosiersbly tniped Sigmund in paying out and reglning the Wester Slovakian sities and eatles Hie miliary and diplomatic mara were eppaisd by he Kingsley inthe year 100 when he wae granted several locale tis in the Brass and Nir counter nd the royal castles Beckow an ‘nro In the yea 1980 be was given Hol. in the yur 1302s cltes wore extandod by the feats of Zavar and Cache, ang with the (Sate in the year 1904 be gained the cle of Dobra Voda, Plavecky (Sot. the este of Rerior Ramo, Ox Fesnieh and Brant along with ‘Sos fm vty Yr tanto! that athe woud ty promise a a ‘Beau ef ae mens wus concn 250" at EOM Kip fh mm ‘S's Sopa war pies a x meses pr Wenn rose Stor Yl, ote isin the Brasava and Mira counties an the oye casts of Beckav and ‘the corresponding Tocaltee and eats Even if the main reason 7 be war gotned thee docaton Ware Stor mets ns srven, and ‘onty in connection with giving tho castle of Sua (509) and Vest: nt ftatrl (900, 1b war mentioned exp, thet they wore gaod by ‘oun of 8.00 guldens fo the kg, whl ths cage war not «tera Ibving the carter ft hat was eoncered™ We ae sil under tho Impression thatthe King apprised aio Suibor's finneal sid by these fife We can gues thal Sitrmund was indebted to Stor ls on he Basle ‘SF guance for 00 gldens which Stbor took over from the owns vyofe Gandatwopin) duke ot Kalb obligation of Febrsry 1598 in favour GF Margrave Prokop! Accoding tig Sandsivo)pramed to ake vee the debt of 7.000 heaps of Prague groohen which Stber berowed to {eng Sigmind fram Prokop and his ccedtom, le org tones ce ‘lars we ean ind lo the names of sme of those Moravian landlords, th. ‘nthe bss ofthis we ean sy that the Mersin landlords ware iancaly Interested in the waren ofthe Wert Slvaan enor and hat led them soe income to, and hat even ltr Wey cul interfere ih te ‘Manca operetins of both margaves and thet eountenparters Sig ‘Bund, Subor and San} "King Sigimind sppried and rewarded Sandsivoj's mest inthe gear 1300 when he rented him the iia 30 part of taxes for enna fv of 200 lens forth paid of 4 yoare 100 guns ere based cn is nual income and th oher 1000 gudens were deine for the restore tin of the ens of itor, Hoy, Bystrica andthe od cate of Zina ‘whic ere a Sando hand ‘Owing tthe fac that Stborheiped the king to regan the terre tbe gave a elitr he rated also the cantons forthe increase of is ‘otra bso, Thi was Bsn ong’ enon estes and exe TEER mm aciene es Ric S250 pO, Dain Sh Fetrany, Bae Bor ere ants crt (0 1 sie, COM Ap. um. a. ee Se aes cut of which several belonged to the Moravian margaves and Inder, { coinclenc,srady in te ft period of Sigemunde reign. By the ‘fut of thse eats belong oily othe King fo Stibrs hands Ae are o¢ Kings property shrank n Wert Sowa, but thie ters ‘ower, cemalned ill the steno bse fr the suppert of Sgurnnd's feign Hungary which proved to be ery clever he years 101 and In "The erangament of the stnton in the westera barderand of the country faltnad Sigmund to devit ove toe problems of marginal {Srteves in the euch of Hanguy, where the ressaneraptnt hi le tad not oped tn order tomate the Venetians neta on August 2rd, Iter he vere the toca withthe Veneta republic signed lend by {oul Toran in he year 1381 The nancial esas the ing eased {fom the Moravian margraves andthe imei itary be scqlred, faving teen facted to ire side in Bohemia helped hi to Ted 2 mclying war agin he rectant eoals in Groat is svere repro Inne ts ppancets fo jin the Bosian tan Two, who Rad ben on eo the spar tnd supporter of decent effete nthe south of Hue fy nthe sear 1908 Ford tok hold of the whee Data with he ‘rcpt of te low of Zadar. Natural, the gee crested by he ering wars the Anjoas was St iegraad enouphto prevent the ‘fewnsalsingtedence (o enege atthe At ese of wekering of Sir power: Toro insted sno the Waluchan and tdavian uke Sant Sigmund, whe in tho pear 187 teknowiedged the Pash sore ‘Wile Sigsound was tying to conquer again Medan Pls erie Invaded the Busan Gaia snd expled the weak Hungician gisoas trom bwow areal rode, Gace and Terespl and annexed this tr tery to Poland (ttlong othe Pash crown up to fhe fst ison of Poke inte yar 17a “Aer having asured the station in Behari Sigmund began ty histo o Daas ad Borin. I the mntine his adherents Meo Tau Gara Ga ofthe murdered Count Paine) and Detrich Babe ed ar of amalar event begig the cuts af the execs. ‘Tho ht nin! the Hrviiys would mot ve boca cna twas Sig ‘nd bad ot en pe by the enh a tw important ads among = ‘omion Twrdk, the Bosnian Ban and Yun Palisa, the pir of te Sop ater ena k wc pat om at eam sins maa eg. tea =o eerie Seams min Caesarea todo Saemprannenatcan ch rene sarc i tii eeu iansiuha mete Sorisae an eet vere aterm oan Satie Sionr ans nicks mae at Seuoneciacs meses ue Rrcmeenee fas tear anaes {he ace cours aby the srg for power’ er ane Eeiegee ee teroter a cera SIG Ratatat abe ne reas Souceme seen nee anaes Secateeer ort a See ce et fei me tee ie a = SEs ca reeenae a oie tees era Exits satiate eae Si tomcat erat ab Ecommerce heen w Sk neyag carmen ie hapaia ip rsioe waente ne ners fo ero ay tear eee Eien eee ee Soertarya ions me en SSDI tame a Spf puns ene carrying out not ang agp ber exparave tary pole ther, comacted Sn te decenrlng forte othe Sependent ad e-dependent te Tories were slating them rom oe ater and fred them to surender ‘si the hands of tho Tu, or land which was thing aventgs ‘B Sigumund’sctteuten, pursing her own inert. er nse reusing stout forthe et ant-Turich mltaryexpdton athe bepnning of the year 1992 (part cont were {aking lee sadn the Jar 150). As dhe Turks ere nor auflnty| reputed forthe wa they Perse from the Hungan fot. Sigs Tend tok the advanige ofthis do way even wih another group of Is ence, with to seellous Hort: He ged and extoyed el {errser hop Horvsthy socede In escaping but the fender of te esses debunn Horvhy ana exerted along withthe oer ms in Wconpitor hse th inner decepani among the rbot tre wlich amor afer vedo’ Seath helped the quan of the re Stent dique When Trios socscnr, Stephan Dah, sw the fmtntinbe postin of the Horst he quely ined Sigurd sr ‘enero te him. and beat ofthat he got Bol fo Ns Metin, Aer ‘in dest Bons ha t fll ner the Hungarian er. ‘Sigumund didnot want to wale nein vain. (is army consed po- tip ot mercentry sles tha crt hws oof money ~ ab the parti tom of fregn pple ae ttn is cura he Mervin margraves) {nny be auch oth Walachla ad he ark, He detoye te Trish favgen tne Danube expelled ter from Bulgaria rm the northern pat ‘jens to toe Dena), and armies conquered and fried Maly ilopl onthe Danabe:Nevertlo,thi sgces was not of Ising ‘Sigmund Was compelled to focus hs attnton on Poland foto certain peri a ny taver the danger testing he se of Vida age ra Queen Heviga™! At the sue time be cicrved alo the situation in’ Beheoa, whee opponion aga hs brotar Wencrae TV ae ‘eng formed, an groped int te welled “Ler Union”. Wencl soe Ranke 3 dnt pee oe a Xa {it Sno soca, a Nesom bmw, at Ge Muy ‘SASSO Seth arent Sus met Sern Tly Be 8 Shee lta eis Sw OMAN SEARED, opt ep a. retires ~ Sigmund, Jolt, albreht of Ausra ad Wim, Margrave of Mein tok advantage of this opposition of igh asoercy and oa December 16th 1383 they signed a sreaty sed wine! Weneedae TV "The Himgarian King id ot want to std open aglnt hs trwhe, he retuned side although te pretbl, that alain thow days be Intend to warp the sceptre frm th haa of his ese brea > {ake over the power. Bute had tof eiiates in Hungary and be ‘oul not fly cncenrateon the Coech problem. althoigh we kw fort Tae Inter seplrtions that ghning the Cash throne wat to bey nn sirenghesing his oem postion in Hungary. Sigumand ten seeptad ‘Wenceslas Invitation by the end ofthe yar 188 td he et Bone for Prague here he was negotsting with Bm, up tthe end of FebUey 104 tring fo dw Wencea’atenton to the probs in Germany. In thee days Margrave dot, a the leader of the onapirtry Lorde Union prepared an aus atthe kins nti and in ay 13H one ‘eens pacer. Ho kept him ineioned pt the ep of Aug, but the conspire pretended ar if the king ruled himell Tae coeprctors {4d not allow hi to oct hdependenly and to decide: Wenesar was ie= ate only de tothe intervention of oor broier Shana, Duke of (Gels at the German feuds ae well az Altec rom Ausra who lft ‘he Lad Union in that omen ‘Wencsa’srugrles withthe Lond Union went an alo in the next yes, aly inthe year 105 when they ended y a treaty mediate ohana, Dako ot Oly in the Your 1596 The fing war nt soit ith ihe testy and soon afterwards he expla the Dol from Prague. Tbe Dake ded in Marek 1300 unde strange circumstances (ser erste ‘he opinion preva that he was secret Palsoned Wy Siglzmund and te Morvian mangrave) © Thu the suri othe Leroy hie decreed ss wel as that of the cantates forthe seqliton of hegemany on the ‘ter the unexpected sudden dosth of Queen Mary in June 1885 new peal cempliraens are in Hungary. tn thee days Sigismund was in estima yo ae un Jun a MAE, ie ot laps deus aja terror ahh hr Ss ‘oe pa mts i Deo ay Rare opinion acl esac et ” 0 ‘raneyvanin snd could not fon quickly enough the dangerous tendencies ‘ht emerged in consequence fal this. Hi former enemies which had been (enying Might for te Hungarian throne re agaist Rim. Anyhow, the forwgn, plea! wplreione ef Poland wre the most dangerous of al ‘QuvenHevigh end her busbar Vana gel aimed ereiary High forthe Hungarian throne and wants to sappert ther claims bye mins ‘stetentin int the mortem teiery of Slovan Qick measores taken ty he Arebishop of Haver Johan from Kanisa and the eneate- ‘Son of ungaren eaiy in Preto, im July 1395 under the lncershp of (Count Plain Leth rom Jesu prevented ll tht a tht the ‘olh intervention in Hunguy, Purine deta concrning hi otervene ‘Febery 1806 Sigmund agsin negotiated with Wenceia fn Bohe- nla, where Re as Sait by Hin Afr the dath of Johann, Duke of {Goi the sation and the proportion of powers hanged umong the {Eoxembirps WeoetlarSecming more snd mare dependent on Sigmund “appointed hse duty in the German resin the ear 1398 Both roters oe each ster heretary ight in Boome snd Hungry, incase he of ther woud ce without heey by mutual raster on March Tet of {he ame gear Within th snpe of hie common the German real 1 Wenoel' deputy, he had to partipate aso inthe Country Asem) {i Frnaturt. But he had even le ime than Wenerla moe, es he was in Jooparized bythe Turkih danger and hured Yo Hungary! Sa ae eet Sa a a Sen aS eae Shoe haga suo fname er Sone ao uaa Si ot peckce To wen ft Flu. necrdne ioe dca a a el egediton st dest Kates (90 ad tei etre ev pp ata id {Ste in Roney be proved hie Hage In ung Sees Sw ra ‘Seawater bah in soe ie dtr oa eer or et The tetysbsut mutual era righlsSpsmund nd Were snc aed 2 urge of eppation bs Haga abe gun ged ‘hot the sont abd aprval tthe Hungan magne ses seat 3 important posi atthe hota seeson vig wa, Apt en {ha Sgsmand ok gute sc mensures aginst oe fll at tot want to tenowiege is rye tile sad redary pts at the Seah of Quon ry Al thse were te conpuneats wht we hee sly weaning his paton in Hungary an lee open cfc (ih rstcray ily hea be i eed noel ey pe ah aps tn Rr 7 sre 106 as eeving toa grt confit with th Tula. Ae rent se the year 1398 Spin war foctnd om the Turk tae the Tr esoed wi the ous of the to en te to io pata the Dani ba They orp nee fore fused inthe yur 102 by Hangin Se Sd nesend the Walch tis ant Moldvan une wich janedingay gut the Tak Sigmund oil ted to sve tho tsorng nde with Bard In {pect wey, but be was wel sare of th ft tht Be woul hae fo facet some tine ‘Tia Is why he trad Nas fm Kin oe Grit nights Pano, Silat lamel Paleobg the Byetsn ‘emperor and epson he Pope Boiss Kode sce sunt the Turk He was helped ttn Germany, olan tnd oy his Shee ‘eves fo Babe The ary far ater doing he se tre 96 conte sf mreoue mbar he stony fm Calan ‘Wern Europe, inclating th Eights fv the oer of Tohono the German (eaten) Knights snd the Wonton ct wich operated the ‘Sou of the Dane “The war Hal well A the bts at Winpl which ook pce on Seperer 2th, 186 repre string Stet te cane ty fe weresabjcte osreral itary a ora vertgntona ren iE'se demine the chun and ot dadplined cont of toe bal Seaned any by te ren ight who were ed Ine te top of he ‘te Tara topes as Sse sb th elt ofthe bathing sn Seam ASCHBACH, cp oh tat BRAUN, Ae tant ba pa, Brn. Ghia gos {ithe reg aH Slgamund see WDE 9 nga aa 8 Fak th ttoe sins nape nm oe a nary sponte sce he pa a wt aman, with Se soy ‘men the min cate of the detest it would not be all. The fae hat the Hungarian were unable Yo face the well dled ané icipined Turkish mis ean be considered the main enue not only af Cis defeat but ofall {he other oe ar he Hungarian aries inary a he amis of crusners (sled of rent ner of brights Sghing individually, which were tt in tratogy and dacpine far behind thle adversaries leks Nb wary to survey ty teed on the rele ofthe ae investigations, pe nly th at ht the acy i it wank ah (War, ce he arsocrts were als at the aed svt sul urn gust Shem "The consequences ofthe Nopot defeat were of much grester impact in the sphere of pole tad aplracy forthe Hungarian ng than the detest {fue The Tuna, afer he vitorous bef, ntaded Bosna, Sim and by Individual forays they wee strcng the atnophere i the southern pts tr Hungary po Sta. However, hey aint take advantage ofthis wae te osupy Inge tertore for good. Sigmund’ vasa and former ales ‘Sandore ts, a they were frida te Turkish revenge, what was the ‘font for him Sinn slone saved iit by having scoped into 1 Nenctin tip Alter having stoped in Conetantinople he sailed around the while of the Balkan pina and by the end ofthe Sear 1208 he Tandon Dakati ‘The maleontents in. Hungary soe good we of en's Tong. sence eating the rors tat Spihind died. Te Lacks wo were only ee ‘RinlySigomundsaderent, ua belore thay belonged to the Horas ‘here sending sesengee to Tal, oii Las of Maple, the sn af Charca the Small ty become Hing King, What te more, Ladle Sneed the Tara, having mnved Bsns daghter. ‘This projet of Se ‘Gamunds adversrion however, was at of any eat importance, benuse Laisa’ rau and esse of te fac hat te Turk dd pot ‘ese him fo be a sero aly "The poly of te opocton had a grest reponse i thse spheres thet were iia to Gecefelising tendencies and wich alr te cang= bro-Sigamiandian rlrs began to adhere to Lads of Napies (Bsns) Ex-Dutmatia apart from th rveting arena also the town of Zadar payed an important ae a he town abandoned Sigmund after the Yeat 1896 although it support him before! When the Walahian Dake saw Sigmund’ defeat he surrendered to the Turks The Moldavian Dake scovieged the Polish dominion © ‘Soon aftr having landed in Dalat, Sigmund sw the eric ste tion and began to gather his where, no allowing his opponents toe over, He appointed feudal Heroja Ban of Borla. which fe pry guinea {his dominion (ater Hervoja abandoned Sigamind\ On the way froma Dalmatia be bestowed git to hatha adhorent efor istance Het ‘mann Cit, Sibor from Stborice and oer: Howewes, the kings poston ‘tant firm in this atuabon He sled on the adherent nie faction, ‘aeily onthe Archbishop Johann five Rena and the Trnvean Date Stbor™ the nett join the tation of hs adbornte was Herman, (ily, who gained some mart fer Sigmund rem frm Niko. The ng however, had tobe grateful forthe opal of ha edheent sd bad to bestow the muoerous fits and extaten® Within the eure ofthe fe {yeas of Sigismund’ eg there ere no emakable changes the yah ‘Sur. Bye If sme changes tok plac in the highest aunty anise tin my the sume people mete concerned they aly appeared on ‘tage in diferent fanetions. Only Stephan Lacy he formar Duke of King {outs ha wo abundon he afc of Count Paatin In the yea 198 and wat bttated by Leach from Hellava The Royal Cute war the suet powerful tution For tatance inthe yar 1095 the Coane held e= Sion and deided whom sould Saiomun marry after Mary's death The ‘Snbanador trom Manton who lived in thaw tye in Budo the royal ‘hurt catetrie the Whole aiuatin saying that Siglamand war wea, te war influenced by tbe barons nis dco, and ashe wanted fo gan rumorous adherents be was ging them gle” Ia tht period the fasion 1 Opa tein ae S2ERELY, Gy, Maine mada ote ant stint mu eh Seay ea 1S) SsGioncie a et ae ty THALLGCEY, Manoa! Mortis Balen Tit-hee Ercan 2 tr ‘Sempre 3 nom oe to aisttbute royal property began and witha the couse of Sigsmund's feign considers saan inne ‘The internal, piel postion of Sigsmund after his return trom the ‘atest Nip worsened by the invasion ofthe Moravian Margrave Pro ep to Slovaia, atthe bagnning ofthe foar 107. Ts prob has nat (of plea situton in Bohemia was actualy the overture to this invasion ‘Sigmund’ aliane with the Lae Uni a with Prokop other Jat representing the enies of Prokop and King Wenceals TV was a very ‘table petance for Pro to take adranage ofthe nner che tx Hu fay, during Sigmund’ choence und soon afer his return by th end Ste year 196, Prokop invaded North Sovaia probably a he turn of tho oars 1298 to 1807 wong withthe Polish Prison Lain. We lar about this event fot {he frat eon anuary 300, 107, when Stephan Blaop of Gor, Johann fom Pastor, the country fudge nd Laie Bub sppoie to the Kor ‘Surphers to stand onthe ie f the King into ght agains the Moravian Margrave Prokop and his alles" In thse daye Prokop’ armies penta lees afar ari Tarte and Liptov where they took old othe csle St Laks and ware preparing tina Sp Simultaneuay they sated the Barpher of Katie to bald out, Bese the ng Would soon come ‘Aeo the recording fom the town chronicle of Banskl Bystiea somes ‘com thine day: Acecding to this tering te Bystrica tna Sent sie to find ot what was hesitation lke in Lipto and Tare in comneton ttn Pres invasion I spo that Prokop muller action was ely (ot tempore! nature wih no lating consequence, a are are no ober Securing aout the stay of hs sri in North Sovak. King Sigmund, thowever,besowed Pesr, san of Lada fom Liptovskd Anna, he yal felate Bobrov exsudod frm the propery of the Lipoy Big Case "3 inthe tar they wets ~ omimeu rir By Sgn in tok wih ees the fe Ob) hy mel Sage ne evan boxset tm Logo etn grea. FRIERPATARY, Tepe kg ean ett So (Bogywa) for his merit i the fights agtns the armies of Margrave Prokop, especially in the reeaquerng ofthis royal casle™ The te tNned dentin could be granted afer ein period of te, What Wes a commen prac inthe Mile Ages and therefore alo the even = Taped im the patent could not take place mash waler Unfortunatly, ‘ether the reomings in the town aciunts of Ba Byssice ld ferme mare exact documentary evidence for dating, The date of the pee eling clearance comes of uglst 2nd, 1266 he eonlusion of the ceat= Soc In which we can find the recording ef the expewer spe ob Ihe ‘ie dated only om the year 1806 Acercing tot, Poke invases ld take place Sn the period sturan 1890 — the en fe you 1098 ‘Undoubtedly ince the yar 1909, the litary cont between the Ltr: burg were ttsferred onto the terory of Caich Kingdom, Apart fm that the Temesvar Asrmbly nthe year 180 dn deal prtcaly With ‘he miltarystuton im North Slovaks, bu twas rather fostaed on the strengthening of the defence of the onty, endangered hy the Torts. Te ‘rokops invasion hed represented rach a etagerour Bow for Hungary, Would have influenced the programe of the prcteingr ofthe rently. (On the base of thle we can suppor, that ales inthe ft lof the {year 1807 Siglmand roceedd in doing toy With the eosesbence of {sr inerventon ‘he Temeevar Assy in the year 190 prevented another milestone ln Sigvund’ raga for power with arsnersey. I wa eld ater Sie ‘amandsmlary defeat inthe ight again the Tura when prt of the leonlest aristocrats eaded by the Lovie wes poting spin Sige= ‘und and planning to subse im by Ladiar of anine Anyhow, Sk ‘Semund suresded in engthoning he ponitin whieh he toe good Ss of whom he etl acounis withthe conspirators ving paid the pice represented by concessions bested fo thos artes It 8p ered him ‘nthe whale we cn say that th rections a the Temsevar Acer, ‘he session of which wat eld in September 13907 strengthened the po. egy init mat be Vt oy ea Lipo Cath an ta iret ka PERERA, oot». Toe st ‘ne ongonteany ite mie or es Estos aa og my ie onthe mais fhe arama then he naan OE RAC ke ste ty enh et tty sue esa marta EES Soeg igen Snel Aca eer ae ate oy Seeing ad ee gp Pen ee Feces et oa SSeS Seer oe fe canes, cet Sawa Aneta eta et mang ote Sens Sa sa Succes ete res armen Se wicen tate rain tana hearse Smion men rnemee diners at Tey ee Saenger es Scot Sere oaee a et eos TSSGLR RL Acio S Soe a yt aaa ate oo Sta Paes a es zrameedoseraean ‘Steer avs pt ae om ah WE areas Pring Seige ces oa Swear ae Anema nee Specs Tara ne ariam s SLtvut licensees ace Senda eric iaeeecte Se SEL ca recone eben saetbrgee cs semacemecetn Sees Note renee Seiisstsnie caren to Satan Siren eye eras se a See a ay ate ie ‘St tie laws puoed by tee asmembly were immediatly od prstice The foreigners hat to beburshed from the country ad gai the Tews that feuld nat cary ot the fenton of ars of sas salt and 30h part Chamber ‘The positon of Stor Sipimunds faoutia mi ao sig tt the Acelyexplety pointed os tht al thee earacs dd ot conor Duke Siter, the Zags Archusbop Eberhard andthe Teann/lvant Bishop Aakaror who allo belonged tothe tow cle of Sigemund’s a> Shor not sats Rinse eal with the decison ofthe Assembly bit ‘ne ure to secure the re acknowiadgeent of he propetise and tse Sica.‘ two donation patents fromthe pear 1397 thd rom the ear 1505 have been preserved rom the cas ofthe Temesear Aare ‘worating all tts east, Towelete and villages ne owned dere Aleta al a mer inthe serie ofthe King Ine inroduton scene ha the ehurch Signe were notated with the rslar tion ofthe Assembly, as under the infence af wesbrac, the sembly Spproved the regulaen acsording fo whic, nthe pesto whan te cnunty ‘wes endangered by the heathen (Tus) hal of thetnoae rom he euch Property fa be spent an defence The eventual agreement of ergy ‘was paalaed by the eet probing to prod Inter aganst ae fren or to complain st the Papel ert abost those probleme Aienay thor Sigmund showel to be one af thon setting fort the Wordly power ‘girdles of the stndpoit of the Cure, what sharpened later stone feqvene with his dicepancies withthe papel court Naturlly he wee bcked by the astacrary, which suppoied him in implementation of euch ply The problans which rosea he Temestr Assembly (the relaton i> ‘he Chueh and the foreigners) got pointed even more, Iter and led ether complications ‘ot long after the TemeivarAusrbly Lack’ ge was igldated by Siguimund faithful sdhernte. This plan was caries out mainly by Jo- oon from Kanna and Ilermann Cll who took holt of mst ptt of {Leah's esate. seoms that also Stbor hed ease contact with ans, the rgulaon of the Temervar Assembly ast foreigners aot com ‘ion hin At the Assembly ae Kovte in Cros, which ton place 8 ent ‘S'S Gung ae SALW oo 8 Inte (Us the year 1580) Lacklt was executed, i eit of the fac that he arcived thee With numerous prop of his adherents When they sw the death oftheir lado, they were table to resist Sigmund, howe, socared Ms authrty, but the number of hi sete opponent cree Ad hey were panting euily ath prefernse of fnegners, ‘nh ln rr th 1h my he Hagan et gin ‘eenk poston in Bohemia tnd the German rai in numiner 208 be eg to cers the idea of gaining the Case tne He acl not Inte to annex sew terry a fen to Hangar, but he rater Inoped to strengthen bis postion by showy itaryaliseal success ™ Sigumund haa ben alresdy before intertering with the Cash afi and therefore e was hs tne nly nd tse the ducepancis sn he sour. ‘Already in summer 1300 King Sigma prepared & mlitery expose tin agast Prokop who wae ring the Cinch kingdom on shall of Were cose The fst rowing about the gathering oval aries for the ‘xpetion aguna the Conchs (venue regnum Bobenat ate from Daly 43h, 15900 In November, in the same year Count Palain Distih of ‘yichrad adjourned afew ches (Noverbar Stb-O) of Hungaran site ‘as that hd oie prt in the expedition to Msn and Bohemia ‘The representatives of the Loci Union fo, Sohn he Bop of Lit iyi and Ote fom Berg wort prsonaly to Sigumtnd in Bi oo ‘im on Prokop. Sigmund rnentioned this testing in Bada none eer ‘ming trom ths period bu Taking the date™ The lance agaist Prokop ‘ve finaly signed on January 1st 1400, when Sigman fis sige {he treaty with the Lorde Union ‘Weakoning of Wencat psion at home had some consequences abo tn Germany. tt was manly the Rhein letrs which tok edvenage of ll (Siew they wore lady Bec plating agit Wencsla an om August 20th 160 he was dethroned, andthe next day they ele Count Rap ‘ech fom Palatinate German king Als Pope Bena IX hee a ie etzonng. having alwaye been asbonet fo Wenelas, onthe on hand suring im of his fendehip and suppor, o the eter, he Tooting the Garman pines esis i “The Gethroning of Weneeas in Germany, une, although temporally (he Laxemburgs as they, mally Sigismund Yaa exerbant ements for the id granted to Wenctln, Wonca refused ts Sing, broke enlas ‘wih in and thus Be lost alo adbernt in Gece cy aw that he id no have uch otf ears at hsdpa, hat woul faite hen {o defend his poten th Germany. Atte Binning ofthe your 140 the ‘war with Ruprecht moved ent th terry af aber e Ruprecht ae the ance with the Lard’ Union. Raprechs armies on Cosh irony ‘were notes sues Sn Germany, beease the towns began fo stand on the ie ofthe king. An» compromise luton wes rece when the {ord Union on Angust 12th 1401 compelled Wencrsias fo mest the d= ‘mands of high arses. King Sigmund snot partite i the as ‘eguiton, ashe at gret enmplistions in Hungry wie filly Te {his warrant and imprtonment 9 Apo! 10, ‘As we have already slated Inner tein simed st Sigmund grew in ‘ingary was only intensified bythe King military furs and defeats {in tbe wor agua he Turks and bythe dnsntnt of the sic) ant {ng sot forth the poiey of thir own, ot Ieking in sbettone le= tment of governmental sytem (We inact spa af aedaolt govern: ‘went as ate In the days of Sigsrunds) Ip the south aly the ad. ternts Lass from Naples after Lacks and Simentory' dest hat ‘ange among the ain Sigssnunis oppnents, dd not casein tert (Stabish an a-Sipimncan caliton. Pofrence f foreigners hoya ‘Serve and above all the connections withthe Coch throug te Moravian Margrave Jot, whom Sigamand posted se the hereary ght I Hungary, evoledopporten among’ the Hungarian aristocrats, Te former ‘Sigimunes adherent, Archbishop f Emtergom and Lord Chana t= hana from Kania war the heed of the ongpiracs. Apart fm being ‘wovid about the boreditary rights he was ako afraid tht Sb ine ‘uence might grow stronger, as Sibor wes known fr bi nln Lo wads te Coots and the Pale. The particptin of John frm Kano, {he Lard Chancel and Archbop of anergy were te fore centing {vourable conditions fo the suns ofthe avpracy. Pshape tate why bey new anything about this conspiracy, Sighmind oe and bis {aihtl adherent wer ubincroned hy te vent. ‘On Api ith 140) greet number f arsocrate dew into the Buds caste there they stepped before the king, shares hi wth bed way secrelly Tope. of fling the country, proernce forsgnets, oppression of eitcracy ‘nd gnorng of thee peiviegeunsweul and expo promioes fo the Reedy sights othe Mungara toe. Arctchop Of sega abel tom the Casi Vrans (Tae Crow) we the ladee ofthis sot "he king found ct fly In the bands ofthe rebels hat took Io Vylshtad nd then to the Carte Skim belonging fo Nilay Gare Ue younger (on of the Count Paitin msdn in the Year 1980), Tmpcson ‘ent of the king wis the signal to sare banehing the forego for ‘uogary2 Naturally the Hungarian srcoersey ‘watt so much tone ‘ned in the defence ofthe intrest of fhe county sagt the fo ‘eigners, thin inthe defence of ther own rights and pepe, Sgn Intetere wit by his way of ring ‘Sigsmund's adherents Were ao tremendotaly surprised by thi ct that they were simply unable of any open resistance Stor fom Sibel one ‘ofthe most important king's aborts wat fost bread, where fore he ‘hd tobing the Prins frm Bros Sigur bide This was lc vantage In organizing the urflors retance othe ing’ herent, but slzoan advantage that Sabor afterwards cold wet ford Sigimtnd Ine {eres elped by intervention from sbrond The open tpn! fre ‘ners ws condensed in the enemy towards Sib, who within the curse ‘afew years of Sigismune's um gine extensive dominions West Slovakia and was carving out inporlan fantons in lading fhe tte eat «good luck forthe tmprizned ing thatthe faction ot Me op ens sdeny spit int several acon. At the begining deb fom anne tid to rule without the king, teping tothe ign for of ruling. The Royal Council ws the highest authority tm the sound ‘Archbishop Johann fom Kania wat given the tite of The Chancllor ‘ofthe Holy Crown’ The Couney Counc tif consider hs function {oe jst temporary. He was be nthe fcton unl the appecrance of ‘stable candidate forthe throne. He wast subsite Sigiamen, whom ‘hey wanted to release elerwards In sich aviation i wee mean RR oo 8 wet tem tm ny a Ged i ty ct at mae si to ook fora new cana for he tune The wsseracy fom the Siva Counties andthe ery a the partl Ase snTapaltany one th, HOt decide forthe candidate ~ the Pollh King Wade tage. end Uhwugh the riengers fo Keskow faded by the sstocat Hela hy offre hry the Hangarian cow Lalas was camping on the northern tonite of Hungary, but be hinacf id not want fo Ee more scivey Involved into the angaran afar, most ede he Was wating for the "ungaronarstocracy fo be alu on ide ‘Dugas his chronic whichis one oft rsinnatatonl sources {or learning about Hungaran-Poishceatons in thoee dag, even en, ‘at Vials Rima nstod upen tho Hungivian pests tad wore) {hat It would be befond their dignty a keep thes ing ner are? Sed that Sigman was lberstod onthe grounds of Plieh ining sn ‘rest Atzualy Vind Was most probaly ware of he Sct, the [rovogelo side in Hungary did wot represent majority of arseragy and {hat inn seus ight for power he wou get info coca not only with {he Caach Leerburg, but seo with the people of Lal af Naples = ‘reening he greater tanger for Sgt. "Toe Atstrian ide war ich more eae and mth et portant Invingconaned mally ef the atocacy from the Weser cotta, ‘hoy tte in favour of th cnaiate Prince Wisi, fer Be sre {ected by Allreh,Sigitsunds aly. Wilhelm Mimself dd nos eppear to be ‘ry tees, after a short say in Hungary he resirned to Aust “The opplon in Crus, however, wa very cangerou long with tht tn Daman, Slaven In mart parte of Borla bed by Ban Heros snd (ato whi jines tha pat of Hunghrian artaxraey and gh Cea foppotng the canddatre of Ladaar of Nepiee ‘he adberets of the Reqpoltane in Hungary were trying to gin on thee ade also Pope Boni= {ator 1%, th potori onemy of the Luxemburg Hf adsas had ake Et mnie nae on Kiri Paine De ‘soca opt 5 Svs RATRON PK se) peo ho swat (6 Fal StS Hee ah Pl ren Si pt SiS tin ‘ventge ofthe stusion whl, Sigismund te een imprison and ine ‘add Hunguy, perhaps fortune might have turned on his side However, he twas not iiive enough and wae only preparing the ststion it the sphere of Adriatic Sea by the netralaton ofthe Vanetans” at ‘ally, thls ade the Czech Lemburgs nervous ae they saw tha by the definite fal af Sigmund not onty thei Hangaran herlage would be en angered inspite of th fet tat they ad Bon promid ie but they Would Tose alto great amount of money they hal peviwly invested Into Sigmuna’smlitary expt in ung “he tution can be bet characterised by a tor sent of by the Hane rian Sigimtand’ adherents, claiming help fr the Imprismed Sigh ‘und. The ler snot dated but comer tat probaly rom the oor [HOE when the tiation began to develop uafavoursbly for ign! nthe letter they point tthe extremely dangeoat ston ened by ‘he imprisonment ofthe kings wel a the cansequences this right lsd to: mainly ifthe tendencies of the Hungarian to enthrone feign c= ‘ate were known "The Morevan Margrives Prokap, Jit and Stibor trom Siboie played ‘an inportnt role inthe etter undertaken forthe sing of Sign + frown Alteady the oer iterstute onthe bas of the role an ily an the date of Sigmund biographer BoerhartWindeske™ stated hat ‘he Moravian margaves along wih the Cech st rasan amis soon ‘occupied the tera betwenn the Danube andthe Vah ad the tov Beatiava, Trnava Shales (ravenna) the ownlete nd alten St J Peanok, Mode, Lone, the carte Caveny Hamed Stone), Dobra Vota, Koritoy Kamen, Ost) Kame, Sain Safest), eskow ae well sme other lelies ad forts Altough bevhard Windecke Wipe. 200 Hp In where ober atone ite mere ine in, Ped ‘oy ALTMAGN, We.” Dewars ot Ge ‘cision ene Sa WERT cy came for the fst tne to Hungry and Sigman’ court ony in the Seu a40s anh euid te tout tas lity Operon aly be Sor to what iar, ha fecrige ae tue wt he cena of ‘Shera sn degree of geographic oxen ‘hcg to tthe Noratan Sarge nvdcd Mung log he cil Gach foi wish fad ben ny tines tonmnoral he impiant Somat ne bt hel an soem yeas ‘Sh lvaing tnt thy ie the lal airy Spells ad {hatte csi ty rare myth ons of Bre ‘ia and Sree King Sigmund sady after bern the yt {dot gated several Wea Sveian ond Nort Slovakon towne the ght ff soag and he eplstiy oendoned thar the cae of thee Ser ttre pel srs sid oc lays Sci nee She dys of ringers od spreson™ “stor ator tt ole the ception of he ery wa the toa ht ces death Wino expt emeates {er fa a get numberof tern, eget Sul frm Stree ‘ES Sanur lent and wich more the adr and ae: iio ths ten, gve shmop tote magrve wo gh Ts ‘Sob prved stony te quienes f theif pean et 0 Sythe tect oft tndy mene! ler of Sigurd adres {2 ahaa the tor the ot named Spun adherent, ted for {uct pu ur the sols ee at they had sere Somgholl aot hey woul surende tothe Cca® Thre tnt {Sift amount of sources aout Str parpaton i eaten ‘ut undotedly his cata, when he Hine wr ury ener, Bad teston tc vn and they tppred hs ply hs ven. Ac ‘Seng te lager sours Ste nade sao Hungary wth on amy ‘Stag of ne ols dt Cac nfo he nor renin a tea, where he i is bases, where from he was ing explts nt the ‘csi of the tow abd conquered a grea number of aatcrate and Taco Inter documentary evidence correepnds to this information of the Polish chrnsler Inthe year 1408 King Sigismund eterad Siibors Irene sn remwed hr donations of oer date in some leis in the Biatsines and Nitra counties. AU the sae tne, he enumerated Stor ‘evs beginning wit he fghts wth te Neaplians in he days of Queen ‘eset and Mary and ending with the mera from he year 1401 sod 100. Accrting to thse sours Stor, during the Kings Imprisonment ‘revped the eatue and the tv of Nitra, aftr tough fighis He exc fetod mally inthe fight for ths ont, whieh had been he stooge hd support of the rebels. "Then he conquered the manor houre of the ‘Mite Stang which go into he hand of the rebel by the teason of ts ‘stl, thove days be rconquered lo bls ew esse Susny. Tis ‘Soe tad teen conte by caine Benes fram Ture, entrusted fords an by Sibor hse, but be beteged Slbor and went over to the ae of tho eee ‘ide terstaretased onthe blographie work of, Wense devoted to ‘itor connects there ctents with ho year 140, when Sibor afer faving conquered the Riva sale Rad a turn southwards and cote fhting Gyn te TranaganbienTostory. Tis atl took ple in the pear 1408 In connection win the ge af the Nira enue, che en tom te year 1408 sted expliily that Stbr afer having gaher= ‘i ls amis consisting of erisioeracy trem heme and aos sae both {Be town ond the cale and had been fighting! many ight with the enomie up tothe King iberson frm peson a” On te ass of thi i SS sth Ste eat ed at TERE comes cam Ne" pte at cei Ln noe io ee gn emp ee eg ht Sto aid Mis ble Sian eran, be King side but most probebiy he was expel bythe eee rennin tod barged by hsorn can in Saar. Thee owns nfo nected wih the evens ang pacino Sear 10], any week ‘iain he nt ut wean fi Si edi out the ido ome amiss. When eosroting thse rcodige with thes elated the yur A, wean ne ain ae yt erin ff Waste Slovakia inuiing te ony ens of Briar, Tenn Sra, tes Stray wre fly inte undef epi and cate” Inia fat eo he kg’ Patt why It wa ot neces to contr them, but they served a a bao forthe stack gains the Rel ne ‘Transdanubin ternary adm the eovatona of Etengen ana Buda “The menlined data do nt slid stent Sntormaton and ts fr cx reustucton ofthe brensopel on soto he event ‘mainly the donations heaped the ert of tee, ewered frm several Bevis ime, that any cent ferentiation. esas, hs rer that the invsion of the margraves to Slovakia was emected son ie the ep fr the itseron of Spang, santo Babee probly fm the your 1401. "This can be rove sun by the spel of the Canty Sates fom Eetergom sprang the reeloat esc. Tey Sopenied the aro of te Wat nd nay nd ity Jam the am of Count Peiatn ier Babe Count Fen rn Sa ‘hy andthe Tener sony sminstcr Nila Marea. wih bet out to fight guna tbe emeny. Joba from Gora infree he rests and taronn about the erheigy of he arecracy ofthe tet Printing tothe fae tat they had ate srgued pe, Selening tht eum min anh Dae a gait he atc eC Sia oe Tr asc owned ina rn in rn Stns Wh ey ring Met coon 0 Sry i. 0 p.m, FED 4 cine, Coe ptosis Bos pT BS ‘Te invasion ofthe Moravian margaves tk probably place ely str tne paral Asem in Topica, in Jane 601, which could proveke these fo the denvestope to eave Sigamund’s crow, Apart frm tht it trer ihiy unfeveuraie, thatthe rebellious seitoraey would ld the TResembly in lve poninty tothe milary peaiton of the margaves. ‘Soothe ect fn by Stn, Srey by Star, ma ve taken ple oly by the end of summer 101, Ye. after the Toplny [Rsemby bythe ocepaton ofthe cles and cate, Stee could arte feet roads othe tele fom the environs of Topo. This fuller sein” wos, suport ash bythe royal twas Bata and "Travel On the bans of th Inter peegen granting the ight of string {over Nowh Sovekisn and Bit Slovakian towns the year 1403, we he Judge that ln the towns Trentin, Lavo, and Bard were taking “Gm ceste part in supporing the hing, ven they dino parctpte ‘he th, but ty fred tr valuable seve nthe comarca here "Te fact tha summer 4 to Sependent mtr ations in favour ct Siumond were tekng place, the terest f which Hoaly ered, we ‘Sin deduce that Margrave oH sed several serie frm the oespied towns and andre but some of them were aginst This was the sie- tal fr Sigmund adherents at home to Pulthersaves ter. Tbey ‘earphone ey Tt ‘Sa comin: Sete sear Sone Te ett wk Wer

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