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Answer 1.

I. (a) (i) Science is an enemy of religion.

(b) (iv) all of the above.
(c) (iv) both (ii) and (Hi).
(d) (iv) all of the above.

II. (e) The deep faith of the little girl in God and the power of prayer inspired the
surgeon to pray for the first time in 30 years.
(f) Prayer doesn’t change things. It changes people, and they change things.
(g) Rabbi Eliezer meant that since man does not know the time of his death he should
pray to God every day.
(h) We respect Science because it is premised on reason.
(i) Sri Sri Paramahansa Yoganandji advocates experimentation in religion. He
believes that it is possible to put religion into practice to use it scientifically.
Without practical application, religion is of little value.
III. (a) erroneously (b) wholesome (c) glimmer

Question 2

I. (a) (iii) Mrs. Witherton who became his wife.

(b) (iv) all of the above.
II. (c) He refers to the part of the Midlands which is drained by the Avon. He calls it most
English as Shakespeare was born here.
(d) He visited the place to teach two little sons of Sir John Bollamore.
(e) Mrs Colemore is the tutor’s wife.
(f) Besides the servants, Miss Witherton, Mrs. Stevens, the housekeeper, and Mr. Richards, a
tall military looking man, and the tutor were the four inhabitants of Thorpe place.
(g) Sir John was a man six feet three inches in height, majestically built, with a high-nosed,
aristocratic face, brindled hair, shaggy eyebrows, a small, pointed Mephistophelian beard.
They found him formidable and felt glad when he did not join them for dinner.
(h) there were Miss Witherton, who was at that time four-and-twenty and as pretty – well, as
pretty as Mrs. Colmore is now – myself, Frank Colmore, aged thirty.’ His circumspect and
lighthearted way of referring to his wife shows his playful nature.
III. (a) formidable (b) prelude

Answer 3.
A. TITLE: Assault on Environment
1. Contaminants of Environment:
(a) Where
1. air
2. earth
3. rivers and sees
(b) Features
1. irreversible
2. irrevocable
2. Role of Man:
(a) tampering with atoms-creating rad.
(b) creating synthetic material causing chemical pollution Nuclear
3. Nuclear Pollutants:
(a) rad. released through nuc. explosions
(b) Enter earth thru. Rain
(a) sprayed on crops
(b) enter liv. org.
(c) Kill vegetation
(d) sicken cattle

Key to Abbreviations
rad : radiation
nuc : nuclear
thru : through
liv : living
org : organism

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