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5/26/2019 Resource Details

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Job Search Resources

Age and Your Search


There are many factors you can control in a job search. You can put together an outstanding resume or

LinkedIn profile. You can develop a strategic search plan that gets results. You can upgrade your

professional wardrobe to make a better first impression. But you can't control your age. We're all

pretty much stuck with the year we were born and the number of years that have passed since then,

aren't we?

Whether you're up in years with decades of work experience behind you or early on in years, just

starting out in your career, your age may be a factor in your career transition whether you want it to

be or not.

People you network with, prospective employers, and recruiters, may know that legally they can't

discriminate based on age, but that doesn't always stop their own personal biases from coming into

play. The minute too much gray hair is glimpsed, or at the other end of the spectrum, one too many

piercings is spotted, an impression is formed and you may be viewed as "overqualified" or

"underqualified" -- often code for being too old or too young for the job.

But are you really stuck with limitations your age might bring about? Not at all! There are many

effective strategies, from the right mindset, to resume twists, to communication methods, and more,

that you can use to take the focus off your age and onto your skills and accomplishments.

These strategies are described in more detail in two documents:

Strategies for the Younger Job Seeker

Making the Most of Maturity in Your Search

Both of these documents can be found in the Job Search Resources section.


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5/26/2019 Resource Details

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