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 Report Text adalah salah satu jenis teks yang

menjelaskan detail suatu objek. Detail dalam

teks ini adalah detail ilmiah yang meliputi

penjabaran objek, baik fisik maupun nonfisik

dari fakta-fakta ilmiah tentang objek tersebut.

 Berisi fakta-fakta ilmiah

 Judul teks terlihat lebih umum

 Menggunakan Simple Present Tense

 Report Text ini mempunyai generic structure yaitu:
 General Classification :
Bagian ini berisi pernyataan umum yang menjelaskan
keterangan objek dari Report Text ini.
 Description :
Bagian ini biasanya memberikan gambaran fenomena
atau situasi yang terjadi, baik bagian-bagiannya, sifat,
kebiasaan ataupun tingkah lakunya. Pada intinya,
bagian ini menjabarkan klasifikasi yang disajikan
secara ilmiah. Namun, hal yang perlu diingat bahwa
Report Text bukan merupakan teks berita, tetapi teks
faktual ilmiah.
A cloud is a visible accumulation of minute droplets of water, ice crystals, or both, suspended in the air. Though they
vary in shape and size, all clouds are basically formed in the same way through the vertical of air above the
condensation level. Clouds may also form in contact with the ground surface, too. Such a cloud would be known
as fog, ice fog, or mist.
The types of clouds can be divided into three levels, each in turn with its own main groups of clouds. All in all, there
are ten fundamental types of clouds. Often, you’ll some places simply class clouds as cirrus, stratus, and cumulus
because these clouds are the most common and representative for each altitude class.
High-level clouds (5-13 km): cirrocumulus, cirrus, and cirrostratus.
Cirrus is one of the most common types of clouds that can be seen at any time of the year. They’re thin and wispy
with a silky sheen appearance.
Cirrocumulus clouds are among the most gorgeous out there. These usually form at about 5 km above the surface
with small white fluff patterns that spread out for miles and miles over the sky.
Cirrostratus clouds have a sheet-like appearance that can look like a curly blanket covering the sky.
Mid-level clouds (2-7 km): altocumulus, altostratus, and nimbostratus.
Altocumulus clouds are quite common in most parts of the globe. They usually grow by convection, in most cases
after damp air rises to mix with descending dry air.
Altostratus often spread over thousands of square miles and are strongly linked to light rain or snow
Nimbostratus comes from the Latin words nimbus which means “rain” and stratus for “spread out”. These gloomy
clouds are the heavy rain bearers out there forming thick and dark layers of clouds that can completely block out
the sun. Though they belong to the middle-level category, they may sometimes descend to lower altitudes.
Low-level clouds (0-2 km): stratus, cumulus, cumulonimbus, and stratocumulus.
Stratus clouds are composed of thin layers of clouds covering a large area of the sky. This is simply mist or fog when it
forms close to the ground. You can easily distinguish a stratus cloud by the long horizontal layers of cloud which
have a fog-like appearance.
Cumulus clouds are a sign of fair weather, though they may discharge rains sometimes in form of a light shower. You
can find them virtually everywhere in the world expected for the Polar regions
Cumulonimbus is fluffy and white like cumulus but the cloud formations are far larger. It’s a vertical developing type
of cloud whose base grows from one to up to eight kilometers, hence it’s commonly called a tower cloud.
Stratocumulus looks like a thick white blanket of stretched out cotton. They resemble cumulus clouds except they’re
far bigger.
 General Classification :
Bagian ini berisi pernyataan umum yang
menjelaskan keterangan objek dari Report
Text ini.
 Description :
Bagian ini biasanya memberikan gambaran
fenomena atau situasi yang terjadi, baik
bagian-bagiannya, sifat, kebiasaan ataupun
tingkah lakunya. Pada intinya, bagian ini
menjabarkan klasifikasi yang disajikan secara
ilmiah. Namun, hal yang perlu diingat bahwa
Report Text bukan merupakan teks berita,
tetapi teks faktual ilmiah.
 Tujuan utama dari report text adalah untuk
memberikan beberapa informasi kepada
pembaca tentang sesuatu secara apa adanya
sebagai hasil pengamatan sistematis atau
 visible
 suspended
 condensation
 Mist
 altitude
 wispy
 gorgeous
 fluff
 convection

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