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I. Introduction
A. What is deforestation?
II. Body
A. Advantage of deforestation
B. The disadvantage of deforestation
C. Effects of deforestation
D. Protecting the planet from the effect of deforestation
E. The major causes of deforestation
F. Solution to deforestation

III. Conclusion
V. bibliography

Human being have always cut down trees. Wood has historically been the most dominant form of heating

fuel, as well as one of the most often used building material for houses and ship. 25% of the world’s lumber

harvest now goes towards paper production.

No one can deny the basic human need for housing. And no one can deny that any advanced culture

requires a great deal of paper to transact its daily business. However, one must also recognize the importance

of forest in and of themselves.

Forest are important for several reason. First of all, many would espouse the opinion that they should be

preserved for future generation to enjoy. Certainly, the family camping trip is a true hallmark of American

culture. Second of all, they provide habitat for many important species.

Old growth forest in the northwestern united states is the only suitable habitat for the northern spotted

owl, for example. Tropical forests compose of 7% of the earth’s land surface, but are home to more than half

of the species on earth. thirdly, forests perform important ecological functions. As aggregates of a plant

matter, forest do a great deal of oxygen production and help prevent excessive global warming.

Additionally, forest tend to help replenish nutrients in land and thus prevent desertification. Lastly, and

perhaps most obviously, we need to have forest since we rely on them as a source of timber! If we exhaust

our supply of forest, we’ll no longer be able to continue using them as the source of our building materials,

heating fuel, and paper.

The deforestation in the Philippines

A Research Paper Presented to

Miss Jamirah Salomabao
English Faculty
Marawi City National High School
Marawi City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Course Requirements in
English 9-Gold

Presented by

Mapandi, sittie jehan

Manalocon, faisar
Tocalo, mojahed
Datuimam, norsana
H.omar, hedjara

March 2019
I. What is Deforestation?

Deforestation, clearance, or clearing is the removal of a forest or stand of trees from land which is then

converted to a non-forest use. Deforestation can involve conversion of forest land to farms, ranches, or urban

use. The most concentrated deforestation occurs in tropical rainforests.

Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests in order to utilize the land or trees. Typically,

deforestation is clearing a lot of trees without the intention of establishing future growth. Harvesting, forest

fires, and insect infestations do not count as deforestation because affected areas will eventually grow back.

The land is then often converted into farms, plantation, roads, housing and other city uses.

A. The Advantage of Deforestation

1. Healthy Forest

It creates more usable space for growth. One of the main reasons that these forests are being cut

down is to make room for expansion. With all of the free areas that are being created from deforestation,

things like economy-stimulating businesses and improved road systems can be built.

With 10 billion people expected to be on the planet by 2050 and the never-ending growth explosion in

sight, space has become more of a premium necessity on Earth. When there are forests on lands that could

be utilized for habitation, then removing them can create more livable space. Commercial establishments

and homes will also be built using the products that have been removed from the biome.

It produces more usable material. All of the trees are being cut down to be used for producing lumber

and other types of wood product. From the saps to the plants, they can be used to make good paper and

many other necessities. For the land itself, it can be used for agricultural purposes. Considering the products

of deforestation, it can certainly provide an economic benefit, both regional and local in many instances.
Timber and paper are created for the whole world to enjoy, and some of the toilet paper, which is used in

most households, comes at least in some part from deforestation, unless it was created from purely recyclable


It allows for the opportunity to graze animals. Animal grazing is one good way to make deforestation

highly useful. With this method, it will be easier for people to find possibly unknown animals that are hiding

within the virgin forests or even rediscover those that are declared extinct. This will provide the chance for us

to propagate them for the better.

It allows for civilization and industrialization. If we think of it, wide parts of forests around the world

are left unused, which could instead be converted into some more beneficial agricultural sites, which can help

feed hundreds or even thousands of people who are starving. A few parts of these lush lands can also be

used to make great infrastructures that will help economies boom, hence assisting all the people living in

them economically as well.

It gives us the chance to produce more food. Developments in crop technologies have resulted in

huge volumes of farming yields over the last 2 decades, but it is speculated that this may not be sufficient in

the next 2 decades. Fortunately, deforestation can provide enough space to produce enough food for more

than 10 billion people who will be hungry in the future.

It creates more job openings. Mostly, the people who are working in a forest clearing have no other

job opportunities available to them, which means deforestation is providing workers with the financial

resources they need to take care of their families on a regular basis. When a certain forested area is cleared,

workers can then settle down and establish a farm, plantation or an industry sector that can help keep income

B. The Disadvantage of Deforestation

1. Loss Habitat

It harms wildlife and destroys their habitat. Naturally, trees serve as homes, food source and protection

for animals and insects. They are a staple figure in an ecosystem, and without them, the whole region would

fail, potentially leading to mass extinction of animals.

It leaves a scar on the environment. Deforestation can change an area with beautiful healthy green trees

to a dirt wasteland. It process can also bring about an aspect of noise pollution that is not too pleasurable


It is a limited resource. Regardless of the many monetary benefits we can get from deforestation at

first, these timber profits could go away since there will not be any additional trees being planted to replace

those that are harvested. Livestock and farms may not be nearly as profitable as a living, considering the

thriving forests on a planetary scale.

It may hinder the production of future medicines. Only a small fraction of the forests in the world

have been explored by non-tribal humans, and many of the best medicines today have a foundation from

items that were secured from these rich lands. Now, deforestation would remove the possibility to study the

biome, learn from it and help improve human life for all.

2. Soil Erosion and Flooding

It causes soil erosion. According to the Science American Heritage Science Dictionary, trees prevent

the process of desertification. Deforestation can transform land that is once suitable for agriculture into a


It contributes to the problem of climate change. This is possible in a sense that deforestation leads to a

greenhouse effect. As you can see, it contributes to the inability to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

As we all know, plants use this gas for their process to stay alive.

It affects the water cycle. Trees and plants are essential to the water cycle process, so if they are

removed, there will be nothing that will release water through evaporation back into the atmosphere, which

can result in a drier climate.

It causes flooding. We all know that trees and plants play a vital role in absorbing excess ground water

by sucking the extra moisture up through their roots and disperse it back into the atmosphere. So, without

plants, trees and other plant life, there will be nothing to help regulate the excess water from rain, and the

soil will become over saturated. This is one of the main causes of flooding not only in the deforested area,

as well as its surroundings.

It introduces countless environmental and community harms. The abrupt and irreversible

consequences of global deforestation can certainly put the existence of human beings and the whole world

at risk.

It causes a domino of unfavorable effects. Deforestation can cause a domino effect on the whole

planet, including global climate change, indigenous people annihilation and biodiversity extinction. One wrong

move, and the process will lead us to an empty and meaningless world. The death of plants and animals can

lead to a partial loss of human life.

A. Effects of Deforestation
1. Increased Greenhouse Effect

The Climate Imbalance also affect the climate in more than one ways. Trees release water vapor in

the air, which is comprised on with the lack of trees. Trees also provide the required shade that keeps the

soil moist. This lead to the imbalance in the atmospheric temperature further making conditions for the

ecology difficult. Flora and Fauna across the world are accustomed to their habitat. This haphazard clearance

of forests had forced several of these animals to shift from their native environment. Due to this several

species are finding it difficult to survive or adapt to new habitats.

Increase in Global Warming. Trees play a major role in controlling global warming. The trees utilize

the greenhouse gases, restoring the balance in the atmosphere. With constant deforestation the ratio of

greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has increased, adding to our global warming woes. Trees help to

mitigate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions, but they become carbon sources once they

are, cut, burned, or otherwise removed. It is estimated that deforestation is responsible for around 20% of

greenhouse gas emissions and 1.5 billion tons of carbon is released every year by tropical deforestation.

Acid Oceans are becoming more acidic with an increased supply of carbon dioxide from deforestation and
burning fossil fuels. Oceans are already 30 percent more acidic since the industrial revolution, putting
oceans species and ecosystems at an extreme risk
2. Destruction of Homeland

Soil Erosion; also due to the shade of trees the soil remains moist. With the clearance of tree cover,

the soil is directly exposed to the sun, making it dry. Without trees to secure fertile soil, erosion often occurs

and sweeps sacred land into nearby rivers. Erosion also causes contaminants in the soil to leach into the

water supply which greatly decrease the quality of our drinking water.

Floods; when it rains, trees absorb and store large amount of water with the help of their roots. When

they are cut down, the flow of water is disrupted and leads to floods in some areas and droughts in other.

Forests serve as nature’s water purification plants and as the rain water percolates within the soil and is held

in place by intricate root structures of many layers of trees. When the protective forest canopy and roots have

been destroyed, the soil will lose its proportions to retain water and is washed away into rivers and streams.

3. Wildlife Extinction

The removal of a habitat is often the foundation for the extinction of a species. When forests are cut

down, it is not only the trees that are being lost, but also countless amounts of wildlife, such as mammals,

birds, insects, amphibians and many other animals that make them their home. With nowhere else for them

to go, they will be forced into areas that are not suited for them. In fact, there has been a drastic decline in

the amount of wildlife in certain areas that have experienced severe effects of deforestation. In essence, we

are removing a piece of ourselves when we no longer allow for animals to exist as they always have.

Orangutans, giant pandas, rhinos, and the elephant are just a few of hundreds of endangered species

due to deforestation. Removing trees thins the forest canopy which is meant to block sun rays during the day

and holds in the heat at night.

B. Protecting the Planet from the Effect of Deforestation

1. Educate others. Many are completely unaware of this global problem we are facing. By

educating yours friends, family, and community of the facts, by cause and effect you will

increase awareness and make an impact.

2. Begin by hugging a tree. It’s that easy. This is the quickest way to appreciate the important

part it plays in your life.

3. Start planting trees. That’s the sum of the domestic campaign so far. Soon, all the neighbors

will be carbon copying each other.

4. When shopping, move towards buying recycled products mainly. Most recycled items do not

derive from areas that have been cleared of natural and rainforests.

5. When at home, recycle as much as possible. By extension, you are continuing with your

proactive excise in diverting the demand for clearing land.

6. In the kitchen, cut down on your meat intake and eat as many vegetarian meals as possible.

It’s a best practice and a healthy one on top of it too. Because it remains problematic and time-

consuming trying to source meat products that are entirely devoid of being harvested on land

that once brimmed with trees.

7. Do not use firewood to heat up your fireplaces. It takes few hours to burn the firewood but

takes years to grow a single tree. Live in such a way that your activities cause minimum impact

on the environment.

8. Encourage people to live in a way that doesn’t hurt environment. Try to bring in more people

in your community and let the know about how trees are being destroyed at an alarming rate

and what steps we need to take to minimize our carbon footprint on the environment.
9. Work with NGO’s to establish park to protect rainforests and wildlife. Become directly involved

in more ways this one by signing up as a member of friends of the Earth.

10. On much larger, political and/or corporate scale, it would be ideal to become a serving member

of the World Wide Fund for Nature. All they need to do is start with small things in nature’s

garden. Begin with your own, newly planted tree. The message is loud and clear. It’s time to

get proactive. It’s time to get involved. Not tomorrow, but today.

II. Conclusion

Deforestation may be necessary at times in today’s fast developing economy. But we must keep in mind

to give back to Mother Nature what we take from her. We should make it a habit to plant 3 new saplings for
every tree felled. It is we who have to think for our future, so let’s join hands and save our own common


Thus, deforestation is an important issue to be discussed. It has adverse effects on each living beings'

life. Deforestation has become a huge concern in today's life as there has been a rise in the decline of forests.

Trees are cut down in order to manufacture paper products as well as for livestock farming and so on.

In order to feed the ever increasing population of the Earth, trees and forests are converted to farm

lands. This has become a threat to the world and it has been seen that rates of decline in the forests are

increasing at a rapid rate. This has led the planet to warm up and leading to high temperatures. This cycle

would continue for the following years to come unless necessary steps are taken to prevent deforestation.

Deforestation has caused fewer trees to grow. It has also gone a long way in eliminating valuable ecosystems

in the planet.

If major steps towards afforestation are not taken, then even the great adaptability of human beings may

not be enough to cope up with the harsh climate of the future. Deforestation does have solutions. It's just that

the people must step forward. The safe keeping of our precious planet lies with each and every member of

its human population. We are the ones accountable for our actions even though it is ourselves we are

accountable too.

Deforestation is arising as the most important environmental and social issue which has now taken the

form of more than a powerful demon.

http://wwww.ehow.com/info_what is deforestation. Html
http://wwww.ehow.com/info_the advantage of-deforestation
http:ph.image yahoo.com
http://wwww.ehow.com/info_the disadvantage of-deforestation
http://wwww.ehow.com/info_the-solution of deforestation

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