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11 0\1' cOllYeru entlo l'CUUCC your

IllH ri tal tli meul ties to a mathemati cal rorJllula!

Ilolr conveni ent-and hall' dan ge roll s!

f •

BY .JOliN ('Iff;tT8/!

t was onc of those rainy late afternoons when the toy

I department of Woolworth's on Fifth Avenue is full of
women who appear to have been taken in adultery and
who are now shopping for a present to carry home to
their youngest child. On this particular afternoon there
were eight or ten of them-comely. fragrant, and well
dressed-but with the pained air of women who have
recently been undone by some C<1.d in a midtown hotel
room and who are now on t hei r way home to the em-
braces of a tender child. It was Charlie Mallory. walking
away from the hardware department, where he had
bought a screwdriver. who reached this conclusion. There
was no morality involved. He hit on this generalization
m~tly to give the lassitude of a rainy afternoon some
intentness and color. Things were slow at his office. He
had spent the time since lunch repairing a filing cabinet.
T hus the screwdriver. Having settled on this conjecture,
he looked more closely into the faces of the women and
seemed to find there some afflnnation of his fantasy. What
but the engorgements and chagrins of adultery could
have left them aU looking SO spiritual, so tearful? Why
shou ld they sigh so deeply as they fingered the playthings
of innocence? One of the women wore a fur coat that
looked like a coat he had bought his wife. Mathilda. for
Christma". Looking more closely, he saw that it was not
only Mathilda's coat, it was Mathilda. " Why, Mathilda,"
he cried, " what in the world are you doing here?"
She raised her head from the wooden duck she had been
studying. Slowly, slowly, the look of chagrin on her face
shaded into anger and scorn. " 1 detest being spied upon,"
she said. Her voice was strong, and the other WOIllen
shoppen> looked up, ready for anything.
~lallory was at a loss. "But I'm not spying on you ,
darling," he said. " I only "
" I can't think of anything more despicable," she said,
"than following people through the streets." Her mien
and her voice were operatic, and her audience was
attentive and rapidly being enlarged by shoppers from
the hardware and garden· furniture sections. "To hound
an innocent woman through the streets is the lowest ,
sickest, and most vile of occupations."
"To hound an imlOcml u'Oman "BUl, darling, I just happened to be here. "
t/trough tht siTuls IS fht fOlt'tsl, sickest, Her laughter was pitil~-;. "You just happened to be
alld most rilt of ocmpaliOfls." hanging around the lOy department at Woolworth's? Do

,,, ,.

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II.LI"ST IU rEO /I >,If.lIlA' f:.Wi LlSI/

THE GEO METRY O F LOVE _ _ __ out of the window? He went to the alone in one of those French restaurants healthy. and knowledgeable (Who else
window with this in mind. in the sixt ies that accommodate single could remember so much Euclid ?), but
you expect me to believe that?" It was still overcast and rainy. but. women. She usually drank a cocktail or waking in the morning. feeling useful
"I was in the hardware depan ~ not yet dark. Traffic was slow. He had a half-bottle of wine. Her intention and innocent. he had only to speak to
menlo" he said. "but it doesn't really watched below him as a station wagon was to a ppear dissipated. mysterious- Mathilda te find his usefulness and his
matter. Why don' t we have a drink to- passed, then a convertible. a moving a victim of love's bitter riddle- but innocence squandered. Why should his
gether and take an early train?" van. and a small t ruck advertising should a stranger give her the eye. she ingenuous commitments to life seem to
"I wouldn't drink or travel with a EUCLI D' S D RY CLEANING AND D YEING. would go into a paroxysm of shyness. harass the best of him? Why should he.
spy." she said. " I am going to leave The great name reminded him of the recalling. with something like panic. wandering through the lay department.
this store now. and if yOll follow or right-angled triangle, the principles of her lovely home. her fresh-faced chil- be calumniated as a Peeping Tom? His
harass me in any way. I shall have you gecmetric analysis. and the doctrine of dren. and the begonias in her flower triangle might give him the answer. he
arrested by the police and thrown into proportion for both commensurables bed. In the afternoon. she went either thought, and in a sense it did. The sides
jaiL" She picked up and paid for the and incommensurables. \Vhathe needed to a matinee or a foreign movie. She of the triangle, determined b)' the rele-
wooden duck and regally ascended the was a new form of ra tiocination, and preferred strenuous themes that would vant information. were equal. as were
stairs. Mallory waited a few minutes Euclid might do. If he could make a leave her emotionally exhausted- or. the angles oPlXlsite these sides. Sud-
and then walked back 10 his office. geometric analysis of his problems. as she put it to herself. "emptied," denl), he felt much less bewildered.
mightn't he solve them. or at least Coming home on a late train. she happier. more hopeful and magnani-
Mallory was a free-lance engineer. create an a tmosphere of solution? He would appear peaceful and sad. She mous. He thought. as one does two or
and his office was empt y that after- get a slide rule and took the simple often wept while she cooked the supper. three times a year. that he was begin-
noon- his secretary had gone to Capri. theorem that if two sides of a triangle and if Mallor), asked what her trouble ning a new life.
The telephone-answering service had are equal. the angles opposite these was, she would merel), sigh. He was Going home on the train. he won-
no messages for him. There was no sides are equal; and the converse briefly suspicious, but walking up dered if he could make a geometrical
mail. He was a lone. He seemed not so theorem that if two angles of a triangle Madison Avenue one afternoon he saw analogy for the boredom of a com -
much unhapp}' as stunned. It was not are equal. the sides opposite them will her. in her fu rs. eating a sandwich at a muters' local. the stupidities in t he
that he had lost his sense of reality but be equal. He drew a line to represent lunch counter. and concluded that the evening paper, the rush to the parking
that the reality he observed had lost its iVlalhilda and what he knew alxlut her pupils of her eyes were dilated not b)' lot. Mathilda was in the small dining
fitness and symmetry. How could he to be relevant. The base of the triangle amorousness but by the darkness of a room, setting the table. when he re-
apply reason to the slapstick encounter would be his two children . Randr and movie theater. It was a harmless and turned. Her opening gun was meant to
in Woolworth's. and yet how could he Priscilla. He, of course, would make up a common imrK)$ture. and might even. be disabling. " Pinkerton fmk." she
settle for unreason? Forgetfulness wasa the third side. The most critical ele- with some forced charity . be thought said. "Gumshoe," While he heard
course of action he had tried before. but ment in Mathilda's line- that which of as useful. her words. he heard them without anger.
he could not forget Mathilda's ringing would threaten to make her angle un- T he line formed by t hese elements. anx iety cr fru st ration. T hey seemed
voice and the bizarre scenery of the equal to Randy and Priscilla's- was then. made an angle with the line repre- to fall short of where !:Ie stood. How
toy department. Dramatic misunder- the fact that she had recently taken a senting his children. and the single fact calm he felt. how happy. Even rvl a-
standings with Mathilda were common. phantom lover. here was that he loved them. He loved thilda's angularity seemed touching
and he usually tackled them willingly. T his was a common imposture among them! No amount of ignominy or and lovable ; this wa yward child
trying to decipher the chain of con- the housewives of Remsen Park. where venom could make parting from them in the famil y of man. "Why do you
tingencies that had detonated the they lived. Once or twice a week, imaginable. As he t hought of them. look so happy ?" his children asked.
scene. T his afternoon he was discour- Mathilda would dress in her best. put they seemed to be the furniture of his "Why do you look so happy. Daddy?"
aged. The encounter seemed to resist on some French perfume and a fur seu!. its lintel and roo ftree. Presen tl ~' , almost everyone would
diagnosis. What could he do ? Should coal. and take a late-morning train to T he line represent ing himself. he say the same. "1'Iow Mallory has
he consul t a ps ychiatrist , a marriage the city. She sometimes lunched wi th knew, would be most prone to miscal- changed . How well Mallory looks.
counselor. a minister ? Should he iump a friend . but she lunched more often culat ions. He thought himself ca ndid . Luck)' Ma llorr !"

The next nighl. l\'lallor)' found a 'Property 01 Helen Fells McGowen."
geometry text in the attic and rcfreshed McGowen was his friend 's name. ' T m
his knowledge. The study of Euclid not going to leave the s.o.b. a thing: '
put him into a compassionate and she sobbed. " Not a stick:'
tranquil frame of mind. and ilIumi· " H i. i\'lallory." said McGowen, com·
nated. among other things. that his ing through the kitchen. "Don't pay
thinking and feeling had recently been any attention to her. Once or twice a
crippled by con fusion and despair. He year she gets sore and puts tags on all
knew that what he thought of as his the furn iture. and claims she's going to
discovery could be an illusion. but the put it in storage and lake a furnished
practical advantages remained his. He room and work at Marshall F ield's. "
felt much better. He feJt that he had "You don't know Gnythillg." she said
corrected the distance between his "What's new?" McGowen asked.
reality and those realities that JlOunded " Lois !\'Iitchell jusl telephoned. Harry
at his spiril. He might not. had he got drunk and put the kitten in the
pos.ses:sed a ny philosophy or religion. blender ...
have needed geometry. but the reo " Is she coming over?"
Iigious observances in his neighborhood "Of course."
seemed to him boring and threadbare, The doorbell rang. A disheveled
T .... I UlJA OAY HE " ' ''O ~ OIT
and he had no disposition for philos- wo man with wet cltC€ks came in . "Oh,
ophy. Geometr)' served him beauti - " Strontium 90." it was awful." she said. "The children
fully for t he metaph ysics of understood were watching. It was their little kit ·
pain. T he principal advantage was that ten and they loved it. I wouldn't ha ve
he could regard. once he had put them Chicago. It was an overcast day. and Chicago asked him to dinner. It was an minded so much if the children hadn't
into linear tenns. Mathilda's moods he took the t rain. Waking a little after invi tation that he felt he could not reo been watching."
and discontents with ardor and com- dawn. all usefulness a nd innocence. he fuse. and he showed up at half.past six "Let's get out of here." lI.kGowen
passion. He was not a victor. but he looked out the windew of his bedroom at a little brick house in a part of the said. turning back to the kitchen. Mal·
was wonderfully safe from being vic- at a coffin factory . used·car dumps. city with which he was unfamiliar. lory followed him through the kitchen.
timized. As he continued with his sha nties. weedy playing fields. pigs fat - Even before the door opened. he felt where there were no signs of dinner.
study a nd his practice. he discovered tening on acorns. and in the distance that he was going to need Euclid. down some stain; into a cellar furnished
that the rudenesscs of headwaiters. the lhe monumental gloom of Gary. The His hostess. when she opened the with a ping·JlOng table. a television set
da mp souls of clerks. and t he scurrilit ies tedious and melancholy scene had the door. had been cf)'ing. She held a drink and a bar. He got Mallory a d rink.
of traffic policemen could not touch power over his spirit of a show of human in her hand. "'·Ie's in the ceJlar:' she "You sec. Helen used to be rich ."
his t.ranquillity. and tha t these oppres· stupidit)' . He had never applied his the- sobbed. and wcnt into a small living McGowen said. " It's one of her dim-
sors, in turn, sensing his strength. were orem to landscapes. but he discovered room without tell ing rvlallory where cu!ties. She came from very rich IlCOple.
less. rude. damp, and scurrilous. He was t hat. by translating the components of the cellar was or how to get there. He Her father had a chain of Laundromats
able to carry the conviction of inno· the moment into a pmallelc gram. he followed her into the living room. She thal reaclted from here to Denver. He
cence. with which he woke each morn· was able to put the discouraging coun· had dropped to her hands and knccs. introduced live entertainment in laun-
ing. well into the day. He thought of tryside away from him unt il it seemed and was t)'ing a tag to the leg of a dromats. Folk singers. Combos. Then
writing a book about his discovery : harmless.. practical. a nd even channing. chair. Most of the furniture. Mallory the Musicians' Union ganged up on
Euclide(J1I Emotioll: The GeomtifY of He ale a hearty breakfast and did a good noticed. was tagged. T he tags were him. and he lost the whole thing over·
Sl'1Itiment. day's work. It was a da y that needed printed: C III CAGO STORAGE \V ARE- night. And she knows that I fool a round
At about this time he had to go to no geometry. One of his associates in I·IOUSE. Below this she had written : but if I wasn't promiscuous, i'.lla liory. I
TH E GEO METRY O F LOVE _ _ __ dered lobster. and were laughing, drink-
ing. and cracking shells with their teeth
wouldn't be true to myself. I mean. I when Mathilda became melancholy.
used to make out with that J\·litchelt She let out a sob. and Mallory realized
dame upstairs. The one with the kit- that he was going to need Euctid.
ten. She's great. You want her. I can Now Mathilda was moody, but that
fix it up. She'll do anything for me. I afternoon seemed to promise Mallory
usually give her a little something. Ten that he might , by way cf groundwork
bucks or a bottle of wh iskey. One and geometry. isolate the components
Christmas I gave her a bracelet. You of her moodiness. The restaurantseemed
see. her husband has this suicide thing. to present a splendid field for investi-
He keeps taking sleeping pills. but they gation. The place was fragrant and or-
always pump him out in time. Once. he derly. The other diners were decent
tried to hang himself " Italians. all of them strangers. and he
" I've got to go." Mallory said . didn't imagine they had it in their
"Stick around, stick around." Mc- power to make her as miserable as she
Gowen said. "Let me sweeten your plainly was. She had enjoyed her lob-
drink." ster. The linen was white, the silver
" I've really got to go." Mallory said. polished. the waiter civil. Mallory ex-
" I've got a lot of work to do." amined the place- the flowers. the
"But you haven't had anything to piles of fruit, the traffic in the square
eal." McGowen said. "Stick around outside the window- and he could find
and I'll heat up some gurry." in all of this no source for the sorrow
"There isn't time," Mallory said. and bitterness in her face. "Would you
"I've got a lot to do." He went upstairs like an ice or some fruit?" he asked .
without saying good-bye. Mrs. Mitchell " I f I want anything. I'll order it my-
had gone. but his hostess was still tying self." she said. and she did. She sum-
tags onto the furniture. He let himself moned the waiter. ordered an ice and
out and took a cab back to his hoteL some coffee for herseH. throwing Mal-
He got out his slide rule and. working lory a dark look. When Mallory had
on the relation between the volume of paid the check. he asked her if she
a cone and that cf its circumscribed wanted a cab. "What a stupid ide-d."
prism. tried to put Mrs. McGowen's she said. frowning with disgust. as if he
drunkenness and the destiny of the had suggested squandering their sav-
Mitchells' kitten into linear terms. Oh. ings account or putting their children on
Euclid. be with me now! What did the stage.
Mallory want? He wanted radiance, They walked back to their hOlel.
beauty. and order. no less; he wanted to Indian file. The light was brilliant. the
rationalize the image of Mr. Mitchell. heal was intense. and it seemed as if
hanging by the neck. Was Mallory's the streets of Rome had always been
passionate detestation of squalor fas- hot and would always be. world with-
tidious a nd unmanly? Was he wrong to out end . Was it the heat that had
look for definitions of good and evi\. to changed her humor? "Does the heat
believe in the inalienable power of re- bother you. dear?" he asked. and she
morse. the beauty of shame? There was turned and said. "You make me sick."
a vast number of imp::mderables in the He !eft her in the hotel lobby and went
picture. but he tried to hold his equa- to a cafe.
lion to the facts of the evening. and He worked out his problems with a
this occupied him until past midnight, slide rule on the back of a menu.
when he went to sleep. He slept well. When he returned to the hotel. she had
gone out, but she came in at seven and
The Chicago tfip had been a disaster began to cry as soon as she entered the
as far as the McGowens went, but room. T he afternoon's geometry had
financially it had been profitable, and proved to him that her happiness. as \\·ell
the Mallorys decided to take a trip, as as his and that of his children. suffered
they usually did whenever they were from some capricious. unfathomable.
flush. They fiew to Italy and stayed in and submarine course of emotion that
a small hotel near Sper[onga where wound mysteriously through her nature.
they had stayed before. Mallory was erupting with turbulence at intervals
very happy and needed no Euclid for that had no regularity and no discern-
the ten days they spent on the coast. ible cause. ''I'm sorry. my darling." he
They went to Home before flying home said. "What is the matter?"
and, on their last day. went to the "No one in this city understands
Piazza del Popolo for lunch. T her or- English." she said. "absolutely no one.
I got lost and I must have asked fifteen York . You have the best doc tors and
people the way back to the hotel. but the best nurses. and this must be one
no one understood me." She went into of the best hospitals in the world . You've
the bathroom and slammed the dear. nothing to worry about, really. Every.
and he sat at the window- calm and t hing's done for yeu. ( just wish that
happ y- watching the traverse of a once in my lire I could gel into bed for
cloud shaped e.xactl}, like a cloud. and a week or two and be waited on."
then the appearance of that brasS}' It was his Mathilda spe..'lking. his J-JC.
light that sometimes fills up the skies o f loved Mathilda. unsparing o f herself in
Rome just before dark. displaying that angularity, that legiti-
mate self-interest that no force of love
Mallory had to go back to Chicago could reason or soften. This was she,
a few days afler they ret urned from and he appreciated the absence of sen·
Italy. He fi nished his business in a timentality with which she appeared.
day- he avoided l'vlcGowen- and got A nurse came in with a bowl of clear
the four ·o'clock train. At about four- soup on a tray. She spread a napkin
thirty he went up to the club car for a under his ch in and prepared to feed
drink. and seeing the mass of Gary in him, since he could not move his arms.
the distance. repeated thai theorem "Oh. let me do it, let me do it." lI.-la-
that had corrected the angle of his reo thilda said. " It's the least I can do."
lationship to the Indiana landscape. It was the first hint of the fact tha t
He ordered a drink and looked out of she was in any way involved in what
the window at Gary. T here was noth· was, in spite of the ~'ellow walls. a
ing to be seen. He had. through some tragic scene. She took the bowl of
miscalculat ion. not only rendered Gary soup and the spoon from the nurse.
powerless; he had lost Gar~' . T here was "Oh. how good that smells:' she said.
no rain. no (og. no sudden dark to ac· '" have half a mind to eat it myself.
count for the (act that. to his eyes. the Hospital food is supposed to be dread-
windows o( the club car were vacant. ful , but this place seems to be an e.xcep.
Indian'! had disappeared. He turned tion." She held a spoon ful of the broth
to a woman on his left and asked. up to his lips and then. through no
" T hat's Gary. isn't it?" fault of her own. spilled the bowl of
"Sure." she said. "What's the mat- broth over his chest and bedclothes.
ter? Can't you see?" She rang for the nurse and then
An isosceles triangle took the sting vigorously rubbed at a spot on her
out of her remark, but there was no skirt. When the nurse began the
trace of any of the other towns that length ~' and complicated business of
followed. He went back to his bedroom. changing his bed linen, Mathilda looked
a lonel}, and a frightened man. He at her watch a nd saw that it was time
buried his face in his hands, and. when to go. ''I'll stop in tomorrow," she
he raised it. he could clearly see the said. ' '1'11 tell the children how well
lights of the grade crcssings and the you look:'
lillIe towns. but he had ne\'er applied It was his Mathilda. a nd this much
his geometry to these. he understexxl. but when she had gone
he realized that understanding might
It was perhaps a week later that not get him through another such visit.
r\'lallory was taken sick. His secre- H e defillitely felt that the convalescence
tary- she had returned from Capri- of h is guts had suffered a setback. She
found him unconscious e n the floor of might even hasten his death. When the
the office. She called an ambulance. He nurse had finished changing him and
was operated on and listed as in critical had fed him a second bowl of soup. he
condition. It was ten days after his asked her to get the slide rule and note-
operation before he could hav(' a visitor. book out o f the pocket of his suit. H e
and the first. of course. was lIdathilda. worked out a simple. geometrical an.
He had lost ten inches of his intestinal alogy between his lo ve ror Mathilda
tract. and there were tubes attached and his fear of death.
to both his arms. "Why. you're look- It Sl.'Cmed to work . When Mathilda
ing marvelous:' Mathilda exclaimed. came ,It cleven the next day. he could
turning the look of shock and dis- hear her and see her. but she had lost
mayan her face inward and settling the power to confuse. He had corrected
for an expression of absentminded· her angle. She was dressed for her
ness. "And it's such a pleasant room. phantcm lover and she went all about
T hose yellow walls. If you have to how well he looked a nd how luck), he
be sick. , guess it's best to be sick in was. She did point out that he needed
New York. Remember that awful a shave. When she had left. he asked
countr~' hospi tal where I had the chil· t he nurse i( he could have a barber.
dren?" She came to rest. not in a chair. She explained that the barber came
but on the windowsill . He reminded olll~' on Wednesdays and Fridays. and
himself that he had never known a that the male nurses were all OUt on
love that could Quite anneal the divisi\'e strike. She brought him a mirror. a
power o f pain: that could bridge the razor, and some soap, and he saw his
distance between the Quick and the in- face then for the first time since his col·
firm. "Everything at the house is fi ne lapse. His emaciation forced him back
and dand~' ." she said. " Nobody seems to geometry. and he tried to equate the
to miss you." voracity of his appetite, the boundless-
Kever ha\·ing been brravel)' ill be- ness of his hopes. and the frailty of his
fore. he had no way of anticipating the carcass. He reasoned carefully. since he
poverty of her gifts a s a nurse. She knew that a miscalculation. such as he
seemed to resent the fact that he was had made for Gary. would end those
ill . but her resentment was. he thought. events that had begun when Euclid's
a clumsy expression of love. She had Dry Cleaning and D~'eing truck had
ne\'er been adroit at concealment. and pnsscd under his windcw. Mathilda
she could not conceal the fact that she went from the hospital to a restaurant
considered his collapse to be selfish . and then to a movie. and it was the
"You're S(.r lucky:' she said. "( mean cleaning woman who told her, when she
you're so lucky it happened ill New got home. that he had passed away. 0

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