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5, MAY 2015

A Novel Integrated Power Quality Controller

for Microgrid
Dayi Li, Member, IEEE, and Z. Q. Zhu, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—A novel variable reactor based on magnetic unit, storage, and operating state. Microgrid power quality has
flux control is proposed in this paper. The system con- the following unique features compared with the conventional
figuration of the novel variable reactor is presented, while power grid [7]–[16].
its operational principle and dynamic performance are ana-
lyzed. Based on the developed variable reactor, a novel in- 1) Background harmonic of DERs and harmonic high pen-
tegrated power quality controller (IPQC) suitable for micro- etration are more serious than those of the traditional
grid is proposed, which can cater for the peculiar require- grid [17]–[22]. The traditional grid has less system back-
ments of microgrid power quality, such as the harmonic
high penetration, frequent voltage fluctuation and overcur- ground harmonic, and the harmonic is mainly from the
rent phenomenon, and bidirectional power flow and small nonlinear load. However, in microgrid, in addition to
capacity. For the fundamental, the equivalent impedance the nonlinear load, DERs and energy storage converter
of the primary winding is a variable reactor or capacitor. system access to microgrid may also generate harmonics.
For the nth-order harmonic, the equivalent impedance is 2) Bidirectional power flow control is much more challeng-
very high impedance and acts as a “harmonic isolator.” The
system control strategy is also analyzed in detail. A set of ing [23]–[27]. Traditional distribution network is with the
three-phase IPQC has been constructed. The experimental features of “passive network” and “one-way power flow,”
test results verify the validity of the novel variable reactor whereas the microgrid is with the features of “active
and the IPQC. network” and “bidirectional power flow.”
Index Terms—Microgrid, overcurrent, power flow, power 3) Voltage fluctuation and sag often happen in microgrid
quality, transformer, variable reactor. [28]–[31]. In microgrid, except the voltage fluctuation
and sags from the load change, most kinds of DERs,
I. I NTRODUCTION which are intermittent and random, will cause significant
voltage fluctuations in distribution network.
D ISTRIBUTED power generation has been emerged as a
promising option to meet the growing customer needs
for electric power with an emphasis on reliability and en-
4) The overvoltage and overcurrent phenomena are more
frequent [32]–[34]. In general, microgrid is compara-
tively small in capacity, and the effect of load fluctu-
vironmentally friendly renewable energy. In this context, in
ation on microgrid is more than that on the traditional
order to maximize the operational efficiency of the distributed
power grid. In addition to this, control mode switching
energy resources (DERs) and take full advantage of distributed
of many converters connecting in parallel to busbar and
power generation, as an effective means of integrating DERs
the seamless state transition may produce overvoltage and
into the traditional power grid, microgrid is presented, which
can enhance the local customer power supply reliability and
system performance, reduce the impact on large power grid, and So far, relevant research studies on microgrid power quality
minimize the system losses. Microgrid has good environmental controllers can be sorted into two types: unifunctional con-
and economical benefits and has attracted more and more trollers and multifunctional controllers. Unifunctional power
attentions of power researchers [1]–[6]. However, the power quality controllers aim at a specific power quality issue
quality problem of microgrid is much more serious than that in microgrid. Harmonic mitigation is mainly investigated in
of the traditional grid because of the intermittency and random- [20]–[22]. Power flow control of microgrid is mostly analyzed
ness of DERs, the high penetration between conventional grid in [25]–[28]. Voltage fluctuation is primarily concerned in [27]–
and microgrid, the diversity of DERs, load, energy conversion [30]. The overvoltage and overcurrent issue is the main concern
in [33] and [34]. Multifunctional power quality controllers
Manuscript received March 30, 2014; revised March 31, 2014 and
generally combine the power quality controller with the grid-
July 18, 2014; accepted September 6, 2014. Date of publication October interfacing converter through special control scheme [18], [35]
9, 2014; date of current version April 8, 2015. This work was supported or topology [31]. However, these multifunctional power quality
by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Project
51477060 and Project 51277081.
controllers do not take into account all of the aforementioned
D. Li is with the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic features of microgrid.
Engineering and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Tech- To date, there is less research on integrated power quality
nology, Wuhan 430074, China (e-mail: ldy@mail.hust.edu.cn).
Z. Q. Zhu is with the Department of Electronic and Electrical En- controller (IPQC) particularly suitable for microgrid with the
gineering, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, S1 3JD, U.K. (e-mail: aforementioned features. In addition, the microgrid capacity
Z.Q.Zhu@sheffield.ac.uk). is comparatively small, and it is not cost effective to install
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. various types of power quality controller. In order to solve
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2014.2362495 these problems, a novel variable reactor based on magnetic
0278-0046 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Fig. 2. Magnetically coupled circuit of the transformer.

The total flux linking each winding may be expressed as

Φ1 = Φl1 + Φm1 + Φm2 = Φl1 + Φm (1)

Fig. 1. System configuration of the novel variable reactor. Φ2 = Φl2 + Φm2 + Φm1 = Φl2 + Φm . (2)

Herein, Φl1 and Φl2 are the leakage fluxes of the primary and
flux control is first proposed. In order to cater for the pecu- secondary windings. Φm1 is the magnetizing flux produced by
liar requirements of microgrid of harmonic high penetration, the primary winding, and it links all turns of the primary and
frequent voltage fluctuation and overcurrent phenomenon, and secondary windings. Φm2 is the magnetizing flux produced by
bidirectional power flow and small capacity, a novel IPQC the secondary winding, and it links all turns of the primary and
suitable for microgrid is proposed based on the novel variable secondary windings. Φm denotes the resultant mutual flux.
reactor. The IPQC is characterized by mitigating the harmonic The voltage equations of the transformer can be expressed as
penetration, controlling the bidirectional power flow, limiting [36], [37]
the fault current and compensating the voltage fluctuation,
and being a variable reactor. Finally, experimental results are u1 = r1 i1 + dλ1 /dt (3)
provided to validate the analyses.
u2 = r2 i2 + dλ2 /dt (4)

II. P RINCIPLE OF THE VARIABLE R EACTOR where r1 and r2 are the resistances of the primary and sec-
ondary windings, respectively. λ1 and λ2 are the flux linkages
A. System Configuration related to the primary and secondary windings, respectively. If
Fig. 1 shows the single-phase system configuration of the saturation is neglected and the system is linear, the following
novel variable reactor based on magnetic flux control. Sup- equations can be achieved:
pose that the turns of primary and secondary winding of the  
transformer are N1 and N2 , respectively. The turns ratio is λ1 = Ll1 i1 + Lm1 i1 + i2 (5)
represented by k = N1 /N2 . A transformer with air gap is N1
selected, and its primary winding AX can be connected in N1
series or in parallel with power utility. The secondary winding λ2 = Ll2 i2 + Lm2 i1 + i2 . (6)
ax is not connected with a normal load but a voltage-sourced
inverter. The voltages of the primary and secondary windings Herein, Ll1 and Ll2 are the leakage inductances of the
are u1 and u2 , respectively. The primary winding current i1 primary and secondary windings, respectively. Lm1 and Lm2
of the transformer is detected and functions as the reference are the magnetizing inductances of the primary and secondary
signal iref . h is the gain of the current sensor. Ud is the voltage windings, respectively. Lm1 /N12 = Lm2 /N22 . According to
of dc side of the inverter. Cd stands for the capacitance of [36] and [37], when the quantities of the secondary winding
the dc capacitor. α is a controllable parameter, which will be are referred to the primary winding, (3) and (4) become
explained later. The voltage-sourced inverter and the current
control are applied to yield a controlled current i2 , which has di1 d
u1 = r1 i1 + Ll1 + Lm1 (i1 + i2 ) (7)
the same frequency as i1 . i2 is inversely in phase injected to the dt dt
secondary winding ax. 
di d
u2 = r2 i2 + Ll2 2 + Lm1 (i1 + i2 ) . (8)
dt dt

B. Equivalent T-Circuit of the Transformer Here, the prime denotes referred quantities of secondary
winding to primary winding. Equations (7) and (8) can be
The magnetically coupled circuit of the transformer is central
expressed as the following equations in phasor form:
to the operation of the novel variable reactor, which is shown
in Fig. 2. The flow of currents in the two windings produces
U1 = r1 I1 + jωLl1 I1 + jωLm1 (I1 + I2 ) (9)
magnetomotive forces (MMFs), which, in turn, set up the
fluxes. U2 = r2 I2 + jωLl2 I2 + jωLm1 (I1 + I2 ) . (10)


Fig. 3. Equivalent T-circuit of the transformer.

The voltage equations in (9) and (10) with the common Lm1
suggest the equivalent T-circuit shown in Fig. 3 for the two-
winding transformer.
Note that, in some equivalent T-circuit of the transformer, a
core loss resistance rm , which accounts for the core loss due to
the resultant mutual flux, is connected in parallel or in series transformer and i2 = −αki1 , the resultant MMF is N1 I1 +
with the magnetizing inductance Lm1 (in the later analysis, N2 I2 = (1 − α)N1 I1 . Then, the resultant flux set up by the
a series core loss resistance rm is taken into account in the MMF of the two windings is (1 − α)Φm . Then, the induced
equivalent T-circuit of the transformer). voltage produced by the resultant flux can be expressed in
Let Z1 = r1 + jωLl1 , which is the leakage impedance of phasor form as
the winding. Z2 = r2 + jωLl2 , which is the leakage impedance
of the secondary winding ax referred to the primary winding. E1 = (1 − α)jωLm I. (17)
Zm = rm + jωLm1 , which is the magnetizing impedance of
the transformer. Here, ω is the fundamental angular frequency. The primary voltage equation can be achieved as (14).
Then, (9) and (10) become In terms of (16), the relation between the equivalent
impedance of the primary winding and the parameter α is
U1 = Z1 I1 + Zm (I1 + I2 ) (11) shown in Table I.
The variable reactor features hardly producing harmon-
U2 = Z2 I2 + Zm (I1 + I2 ) . (12) ics, simple control scenario, and with consecutive adjustable
impedance. Many flexible ac transmission systems (FACTS)
devices can be implemented in terms of the novel principle
C. Principle of the Variable Reactor [38]. The variable reactor can be used in unified power flow
controller to change the line impedance between the sending
In Fig. 1, the primary winding current is detected and func-
and receiving ends to control the power flow; it can also substi-
tions as the reference signal, and the voltage-sourced inverter is
tute the thyristor-controlled reactor of the thyristor-controlled
applied to track the reference signal to yield a controlled current
series capacitor; however, the proposed variable reactor does
i2 . When controlled current i2 and the primary current i1 satisfy
not produce any harmonics; fault current limiter can be also im-
I2 = −αI1 (i.e., I2 = −αkI1 ). (13) plemented in terms of the novel principle of the variable reactor.
Reactive power compensation can be all realized by the novel
Herein, α is a controllable parameter. variable reactor. In addition, it has been successfully applied the
The transformer is double side energized, and then, the hybrid series active power filter based on fundamental magnetic
following equations can be obtained: flux compensation.

U1 = Z1 I1 + (1 − α)Zm I1 (14)
D. Dynamic Analysis of the Variable Reactor
U2 = Z2 I2 + (1 − 1/α)Zm I2 . (15)
One of the key techniques of the novel variable reactor based
In terms of (14), from the terminals AX, the equivalent on the magnetic flux control is current control. Nowadays, the
impedance of the transformer can be obtained, i.e., widely used current control technique includes the hysteresis
U1 current control, the ramp comparison current control, and the
ZAX = = Z1 + (1 − α)Zm . (16) predictive and deadbeat control [15]. In the digital control sys-
tem based on DSP, the most widely used current control is the
In terms of (16), the equivalent impedance of the primary ramp comparison current control with the proportional–integral
winding of the transformer is a function of the controllable (PI) controller. In this case, the system block diagram of the
parameter α. When α is adjusted, the primary winding exhibits variable reactor system is shown in Fig. 4. Herein, h is the
consecutively adjustable impedance. gain of current sensor; the combined transfer function of
Equation (16) can be also achieved in terms of the resultant the sample and delay is represented as Gdi (s) = 1/(1 + sTdi );
MMFs of the two windings acting around the same path of the transfer function of the voltage-sourced inverter is denoted
the core. When a controlled current i2 produced by a voltage- by GPWM (s) = KPWM /(1 + sTPWM ). The transfer function
sourced inverter is injected into the secondary winding of the of the PI controller is denoted by GPI (s) = ki (1 + sTi )/sTi .

Fig. 4. System block diagram of the variable reactor.

Fig. 5. Block diagram of current control with feed forward.

Fig. 6. Block diagram of current control.

The system admittance transfer function can be derived as (18),

shown at the bottom of the page, which means that the overall
system is a five-order system. The current control component is
in dash-dotted frame shown in Fig. 4. In order to improve the
system anti-interference performance in low-frequency band,
a feedforward element is designed in the block diagram of
the current control component, which is shown in Fig. 5. In
this case, the block diagram of the current control component
becomes Fig. 6. The open-loop transfer function of the current Fig. 7. DC-link voltage control schematic.
control block in Fig. 6 is

hki (1+sTi )KPWM

Gopen (s) = . E. DC-Link Voltage Control of the Variable Reactor
(1+Tdi s)sTi (1+TPWM s)(r2 +rm +sl2σ +slm )
(19) There must be some losses when the novel variable reactor
Let Ti = (l2σ + lm )/(r2 + rm ) and TPWM ≈ 0.5Tdi , when system with inverter operates normally, and the inverter will
combining the two elements with little time delay, (16) becomes absorb active power to maintain the dc voltage constant. Fig. 7
shows the dc-link voltage control schematic of the variable
reactor system. Herein, Ud∗ and Ud represent the inverter dc
hKPWM ki reference and practical voltage, respectively. An active current
(r2 +rm ) reference ip is added to the reference signal iref1 to achieve a
Gopen (s) = . (20)
(1 + 1.5Tdi s)sTi new reference signal iref2 . A dc-link voltage PI controller is
applied to make the inverter dc practical voltage Ud follow the
dc reference voltage Ud∗ . The output of the voltage PI controller
Here, when ki = Ti (r2 +rm )/(3Tdi KPWM h), the current con- is multiplied by the phase-locked loop (PLL) output of u2 to
trol system performance will be approximately optimum [39]. yield the active current reference ip .

i1 (s)
GY (s) =
u1 (s)

hki (1+Ti s)KPWM +(r2 +rm +sl2σ +slm )(1+Tdi s)sTi (1+TPWM s)
hki (1+Ti s)KPWM [r1 +rm +sl1σ +slm −α(rm +slm )]+[(r1 +sl1σ )(r2 +sl2σ )+(rm +slm )(r1 +r2 +sl1σ +sl2σ )] (1+Tdi s)sTi (1+TPWM s)


Fig. 8. Circuit of the proposed IPQC.


A. System Configuration
The novel IPQC can be installed in series and parallel in
microgrid or point of common coupling (PCC). For simplicity,
the IPQC is installed in PCC. Fig. 8 shows the three-phase
detailed system configuration of the IPQC with transformer and
inverter. Us and Ls represent the source voltage and impedance
of conventional power supply, respectively. The passive fil-
ters, which have the function of absorbing the harmonics, are
shunted in both sides. The primary winding of a transformer is
inserted in series between the conventional power utility and the Fig. 9. Power flow control principle and its vector diagram.
microgrid, whereas the secondary winding is connected with
a voltage-source PWM converter. Ud is the voltage of the dc Multiply cos ϕ in both sides of (21) and multiply sin ϕ in
side of the inverter. The microgrid contains a harmonic load, a both sides of (22), then the following equation can be obtained
photovoltaic cell system, a battery storage system, and a normal by adding them:
load. The proposed IPQC has the following functions.
Um (Um − Us cos δ) = P R + QX. (23)
B. Power Flow Control Multiply sin ϕ in both sides of (21) and multiply cos ϕ in
When the power flow control and the fault current limiter are both sides of (22), then the following equation can be obtained
of concern, only the fundamental is taken into account. by subtracting them:
In terms of the preceding analysis, the primary winding ex-
hibits adjustable impedance Z1 + (1 − α)Zm . With the change Us sin δ = P X − QR. (24)
in coefficient α, the equivalent impedance of the primary wind-
In terms of (23) and (24), the active and reactive power from
ing can be achieved, which is shown in Table I. Therefore, when
Um to Us are
the primary winding is connected in series in circuit, it can
be applied to control the power flow between the conventional Um
P = [R(Um − Us cos δ) + XUs sin δ] (25)
power utility and the microgrid or the internal power flow of R2 + X 2
the microgrid. The schematic of power flow control is shown in Um
Fig. 9 when the novel variable reactor is connected in series Q= 2 [−RUs sin δ + X(Um − Us cos δ)] . (26)
R + X2
between the sending and receiving ends. Suppose that the
equivalent impedance Z1 + (1 − α)Zm of the variable reactor In the power system with high voltage level, the inductive
is R + jX. In terms of the vector diagram in Fig. 9, the reactance component of the transmission line is much more
following equations can be obtained: than the resistance component of the transmission line, (25) and
(26) become
Um cos ϕ = Us cos(ϕ − δ) + RI (21)
Us Um Um
Um sin ϕ = Us sin(ϕ − δ) + XI. (22) P = sin δ Q= (Um − Us cos δ). (27)

In microgrid with low voltage level, when the resistance

component of the transmission line is much more than the
inductive reactance component of the transmission line, (25)
and (26) can be expressed as
Um Um Us
P = (Um − Us cos δ) Q=− sin δ. (28) Fig. 10. Fundamental equivalent circuit.
In terms of (28), there is a striking difference in power
flow control and voltage regulation between microgrid and
conventional power grid.

C. Fault Current Limiter Fig. 11. Harmonic equivalent circuit.

When the terminal AX is connected in series in circuit, in the the transformer, i2 does not include any order harmonic cur-
normal operation state, the coefficient α can be controlled as rent other than the fundamental current, which means that the
α = 1 + Z1 /Zm , and the equivalent impedance of the primary transformer is open circuit to harmonic current. Therefore, the
winding AX is zero. Hence, the series transformer does not equivalent circuit of the transformer to the nth-order harmonic
have any influence on the power system normal operation. The is shown in Fig. 11. Then, the harmonic equivalent impedance
maximum system current Ismax of the three phases is obtained (n)
of the transformer is ZAX = (r1 + jnx1 ) + jnxm ≈ nZm .
by a current-detecting circuit and compared with a reference From the primary winding, the series transformer exhibits very
current. In case of a short-circuit fault, maximum system cur- low impedance at the fundamental and simultaneously exhibits
rent Ismax reaches the reference current, the coefficient α can high impedance to harmonics to act as a “harmonic isolator.”
be controlled between −1 and 1 in terms of the requirement Then, the harmonic currents are forced to flow into the passive
of fault current, and the equivalent impedance of the primary LC filter branches in both sides.
winding AX is controlled between Z1 + Zm and Z1 to limit
the system current to a desired value.
D. Voltage Compensation When integrating the preceding functions of variable reactor,
power flow control, fault current limiter, voltage compensation,
In order to compensate the voltage fluctuation, the primary and harmonic isolation, a novel IPQC can be achieved. For
winding of the transformer is connected in series between the fundamental and harmonic, the primary winding of the series
power electric utility and the load. When the load voltage (1) (1)
transformer exhibits the impedance of Z1 + (1 − α)Zm and
is higher than the desired voltage, the coefficient α can be (1)
controlled between 0 and 1 + Z1 /Zm , and the primary winding nZm , respectively. That is to say, the primary winding of the
exhibits inductive impedance. When the load voltage is lower series transformer exhibits adjustable impedance, which plays
than the desired voltage, the coefficient α is controlled more the role of power flow control, fault current limiter, and voltage
than 1 + Z1 /Zm , and the primary winding exhibits capacitive compensation to fundamental. Meanwhile, the primary winding
impedance. Therefore, the load voltage can be controlled as a of the series transformer exhibits high impedance nZm to
stable voltage. harmonic, which can greatly improve the source impedance to
harmonics, and really acts as a harmonic isolator. Therefore, it
can mitigate the harmonic high penetration.
E. Harmonic Isolation
The preceding function of power flow control, fault cur- IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS
rent limiter, and voltage compensation is concerned with the
fundamental. If there exits harmonic in the power utility, the To demonstrate the validity of the novel variable reactor
primary current contains the fundamental current and nth or- and the IPQC for microgrid, a prototype has been constructed
(1)  (n) in terms of the system schematic in Fig. 8. Herein, the turns
der harmonic currents, that is to say, i1 = i1 + i1 . The
(1) ratio of series transformer is 1:1, magnetizing impedance Zm
fundamental component i1 rather than harmonic is detected
is 16.309 Ω, and leakage impedance Z1 is equal to 0.088 Ω.
from the primary winding current i1 and functions as a refer-
The system voltage is 172 V. The inverter switching device
ence signal. A voltage source inverter is applied to track the
(1) is FS200R12PT4 from Infineon Technologies. TMS320F28335
fundamental reference signal i1 to produce a fundamental from Texas Instruments Inc. is applied as system micro-
compensation current i2 , which has the same frequency as controller.
(1) (1)
i1 . i2 is inversely in phase injected to the secondary wind-
ing ax. When α = 1 + Z1 /Zm , the fundamental equivalent
A. Verification of the Variable Reactor
impedance of primary winding AX is zero, which is shown
in Fig. 10. Meanwhile, for the nth-order harmonic, since only To begin with, the principle circuit of the variable reactor is
a fundamental current is injected to the secondary winding of established by simplifying Fig. 8, which is shown in Fig. 12.

Fig. 12. Principle circuit of the variable reactor.


Fig. 13. Current waveforms of the primary winding when α suddenly

changes from 0.1 to 0.6.

Z1 and Z2 are used as experimental loads. Z1 = 3.787 +

j0.232 Ω, and Z2 = 1.583 + j0.097 Ω. Switch K1 always
keeps with open circuit in the verification experiment of the
variable reactor. The secondary winding current of the trans-
former is continuously adjusted. Suppose α changes between
−1 and 1, the measured voltage across UAX and the measured
current I1 of the primary winding are observed; thus, the
equivalent impedance of the primary winding can be calculated
accordingly. The results are shown in Table II. From Table II,
Fig. 14. Current waveforms of the primary winding when α suddenly
the calculated equivalent ZAX on the base of observation changes from 0.6 to 0.1.
impedance is almost equal to Z1 + (1 − α)Zm , which proves
the validity of the novel principle of the transformer based on rent. When it reaches the reference current, the compensation
the magnetic flux controllable. coefficient α is adjusted to 0, namely, the secondary winding
Figs. 13 and 14 record the transient current waveforms of of the transformer is open. The primary winding exhibits the
the primary winding when the injected primary currents change magnetizing impedance to limit the system current. Fig. 15
suddenly. Fig. 13 shows current waveforms of the primary shows the current waveforms of the variable reactor when it
winding when α suddenly changes from 0.1 to 0.6. Fig. 14 works in the condition of fault current limiter. The system
shows current waveforms of the primary winding when α current is 18.23 A when the system normally operates. At time
suddenly changes from 0.6 to 0.1. The preceding current wave- T1 , the fault happens, and the system current rapidly increases.
forms imply that the transformer with magnetic flux control- When the maximum current of a certain phase reaches 60 A,
lable has excellent transition characteristic. The characteristic which is assumed to happen at time T2 , the compensation
will be very valuable in the application of FACTS controllers. coefficient α is adjusted to 0, and the system will be limited
to 6.08 A.
B. Verification of the Fault Current Limiter
C. Verification of the Harmonic High Penetration
In Fig. 12, switch K1 is used for producing a fault. When the
Mitigation and Filtering
switch K1 is turned on, i.e., the resistor Z1 is short circuited, the
system current will increase greatly. A current-detecting circuit In order to verify the function of the harmonic high pene-
is applied to obtain the maximum system current Ismax of the tration mitigation of the IPQC, the experiments are made in
three phases. Ismax is used to compare with a reference cur- two conditions: 1) the voltages or currents at power supply side

Fig. 17. System voltage waveforms when the IPQC is not applied.
Fig. 15. Current waveforms of the fault current limiter.

Fig. 16. Experimental circuit for harmonic isolation in the first condition.

Fig. 18. System current waveforms when the IPQC is not applied.
contain harmonics, and 2) the voltages or currents at microgrid
side contain harmonics.
The experimental circuit in the first condition is shown in
Fig. 16. A three-phase resistor ZL is used to substitute the
overall microgrid. A harmonic source is connected in parallel
with the power system, and a three-phase additional reactor
indicated by la , lb , and lc with the inductance of 2.51 mH is
connected in series with the power system at power supply side
in order to produce the equivalent power utility background
harmonics. Figs. 17 and 18 show the waveforms of the system
voltages ua , ub , and uc and currents ia , ib , and ic when the
IPQC and passive filter 1 are not applied. In this case, the
currents ima , imb , and imc at microgrid side, namely, the system
currents ia , ib , and ic , will also contain the same harmonic as
the system current. When the IPQC and passive filter 1 (C3 =
40 μF, L3 = 28.17 mH, C5 = 20 μF, L5 = 20.28 mH) are
applied, the current waveforms of ima , imb , and imc at micro-
grid side and the dc voltage (blue curve 4) of the capacitor
Fig. 19. Current waveforms at microgrid side when the IPQC is
Cd are shown in Fig. 19. The voltages uma , umb , and umc at applied.
microgrid side are similar to ima , imb , and imc for resistor ZL
is linear. The dc voltage of the dc capacitor (its capacitance and In order to verify the harmonic isolation of the IPQC, the
nominal voltage are 2200 μF and 400 V, respectively) is about system voltage in Fig. 17, the system current in Fig. 18, and the
150 V. current ima at microgrid side in Fig. 19 of phase a are analyzed


Fig. 21. System voltage waveforms when the IPQC is not employed.

Fig. 20. Experimental circuit for harmonic isolation in the second


into Fourier series, and the results are shown in Table III. The Fig. 22. System current waveforms when the IPQC is not employed.
total harmonic distortions (THDs) of the system voltage and
current are 16.77% and 14.74%, respectively. The THD of the
current ima is 0.97%.
The experimental circuit in the second condition is shown in
Fig. 20. A harmonic-producing load is used to substitute the
overall microgrid. In this case, the system voltage is approx-
imately sinusoidal. Figs. 21 and 22 show the system voltage
and current waveforms when the IPQC and passive filter 2
are not employed. When the IPQC and passive filter 2 (C3 =
40 μF, L3 = 28.17 mH, C5 = 20 μF, L5 = 20.28 mH) are
employed, the system currents ia , ib , and ic waveforms at
power utility side are shown in Fig. 23. Likewise, the system
voltage in Fig. 21, the system current in Fig. 22, and the system
current in Fig. 23 of phase a are analyzed into Fourier series,
and the results are shown in Table IV. The THDs of the system
voltage and current when the IPQC and passive filter 2 are
employed are 2.92% and 41.06%, respectively. The THD of
system current ia at power utility side is 1.17% when the IPQC Fig. 23. System current waveforms when the IPQC is employed.
and passive filter 2 are employed.
In terms of the experimental results in two conditions, the microgrid. The harmonic currents are forced to flow into the
IPQC plays the role of isolating harmonic. It can isolate both passive LC filter branches in both sides. Therefore, the novel
the harmonic from the power utility and the harmonic from the IPQC can mitigate the harmonic high penetration.

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