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Page 1 of 15 Subject code: 12L705

Degree / Branch : B.E/ECE Semester: VII / Year: IV

Subject Code & Title: 12L705 & ANTENNA AND WAVE PROPAGATION
Part A – (Short Answer Questions - 2 marks)


1. Find Q of the antenna if the antenna bandwidth is 600 KHz and frequency of 30MHz.
2. Name any four basic antenna parameters.
3. Mention the functions of an antenna.
4. Calculate the front-to-back ratio of an antenna in db, which radiates 3KW in its most
optimum direction and 500 Watts in the opposite direction.
5. Give any two properties of antenna.
6. Compare radian and steradian.
7. What are the field zones?
8. List out the types of antenna.
9. Give the significance of radiation resistance of an antenna.
10. Name the factors affecting the beam width of an antenna.
11. Write the expression for polarization loss factor.
12. What is meant by isotropic radiator?
13. How much power does a 50 ohm antenna radiate when fed a current of 5 Ampere?
14. What is meant by radiation pattern?
15. Mention the types of polarization.
16. Define radiation pattern.
17. What is meant by beam width of antenna?

Staff In-Charge HoD

(Mr.J.Divakaran,AP/ECE) (Dr.B.Nagaraj)
(Ms.B.Banuselvasaraswathy ,AP/ECE)
Page 2 of 15 Subject code: 12L705

Degree/ Branch : B.E/ECE Semester: VII / Year: IV

Subject Code & Title: 12L705 & ANTENNA AND WAVE PROPAGATION
Part-B – (16 marks for each question)
1. (a) Obtain the expression for antenna directivity. (8)
𝑆𝑖𝑛 𝜃
(b) The radiated power density of an antenna is given by W=𝜓 A0 𝑟2 r2
Determine i) radiation intensity (4)
ii) Radiated power (4)
2. (i) Derive the expressions for radiation power density. (5)
(ii) Describe in brief about the antenna radiation mechanism. (7)
(iii) Analyze the current distribution on Lossless two wire transmission line. (4)
3. (i) Sketch the horizontal and vertical plane radiation pattern of centre fed  / 2 dipole.
(ii) Discuss in detail about the antenna’s radiation pattern and its classification.
(iii) Give a brief note on radian. (3)
4. (i) Find the Dmax of an antenna, which has the radiation intensity of (5)
U = A0 sin θ.
(ii) A 3.7 metre diameter parabolic reflector is used in terrestrial low link at
6.175 GHz. Calculate Beam width of an antenna. (5)
(iii) Discuss about various field regions with neat diagram. (6)
5. (i)Show that currents and voltages at the terminals of two antennas satisfy
reciprocity theorem. (8)
(ii) Discuss briefly steradian with expressions. (4)
(iii) Differentiate directive gain and power gain. (4)
6 . (i)An isotropic antenna radiates equally in all directions. The total power delivered
to the radiator is 100KW. Calculate the power density at distances of 100 m.
(ii)Derive the expression for linear polarization. (8)
(iii) Analyze the current distribution on Lossless two wire transmission line. (4)
7. (i) Draw the equivalent circuit for antenna system and explain. (6)
(ii) An antenna has radiation resistance of 72 ohms, loss resistance of 8 ohms
and gain 12 db. Find efficiency and directivity. (6)
(iii) Derive the expression for antenna efficiency. (4)
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8. (i) Discuss in detail about the antenna polarization with neat sketch. (8)
(ii) Sketch the horizontal and vertical plane radiation pattern of centre fed 3 / 2 dipole.
(iii) An antenna having a gain of 6dB over a reference antenna, is radiating 700 watts.
Calculate power that the reference antenna must radiate in order to be equally effective
in most preferred direction. (4)
9. (i) Deduce the relationship for HPBW. (6)
(ii) Calculate the directivity for U=UmsinӨ sin Ф where 0<=Ө<=π and 0<=Ф<=π.

(iii) Calculate radiation resistance of antenna which draws 20amps of current and radiating
4KW of power. (4)
10. (i) An antenna has radiation resistance of 70 ohms, loss resistance of 10 ohms and
gain 10 db. Find efficiency and directivity. (6)
(ii) Find the bandwidth of resonant circuit whose Q=100 and resonant frequency
fr = 10MHz. (5)
(iii) Calculate the directivity for a beam antenna having HPBW 30 and 40 . (5)0

Staff In-Charge HoD

(Mr.J.Divakaran,AP/ECE) (Dr.B.Nagaraj)
(Ms.B.Banuselvasaraswathy ,AP/ECE)
Page 4 of 15 Subject code: 12L705

Degree / Branch : B.E/ECE Semester: VII / Year: IV

Subject Code & Title: 12L705 & ANTENNA AND WAVE PROPAGATION
Part A – (Short Answer Questions - 2 marks)
1. What is an infinitesimal dipole?
2. Why a short dipole is also called an elemental dipole?
3. State input impedance of an antenna.
4. How radiations are created from a short dipole?
5. Why a short dipole is called an oscillating dipole?
6. What is meant by retarded current?
7. Define scattering aperture.
8. Write the expression for induction field.
9. Name the various apertures.
10. Write the mathematical expression for Friis transmission formula.
11. At what distance from the dipole is the induction field equal to the radiation field?
12. Define radiation resistance
13. Give the expression for aperture efficiency.
14. The equivalent noise temperature of cooled parametric amplifier is 20 0 K. Find noise
15. What is meant by antenna effective length?
16. If the noise figure of the antenna at room temperature is 1.1 d, what is the noise
17. Calculate the physical height of half wave dipole antenna with Q of 30 and bandwidth
of 10MHz.

Staff In-Charge HoD

(Mr.J.Divakaran,AP/ECE) (Dr.B.Nagaraj)
(Ms.B.Banuselvasaraswathy ,AP/ECE)
Page 5 of 15 Subject code: 12L705

Degree/ Branch : B.E/ECE Semester: VII / Year: IV

Subject Code & Title: 12L705 & ANTENNA AND WAVE PROPAGATION
Part-B – (16 marks for each question)
(16 marks)
1. i) Analyze and derive the mathematical expression for input impedance of
transmitting antenna. (8)
ii) A thin dipole antenna is λ/15 long and its loss resistance is 1.5 Ω, find radiation
resistance (4)
iii) An antenna is operating at a wavelength of 2.5meter and directivity of
90. Determine maximum effective aperture. (4)
2. i) Obtain the expression for Friis transmission equation. (6)
ii) Show that the radiation resistance (Rr) of short dipole is Rr=790(l/λ) Ω .
2 (5)
iii) Give a brief note on types of antenna apertures. (5)
3. i) Determine the expression for near field regions of hertzian dipole. (6)
ii) The equivalent noise temperature of parametric amplifier is 20 K.Find noise factor.
iii) Find the radiation resistance of ‫ג‬/10 dipole in free space. (5)

4. i) Derive the relation for effective length’ Leff ‘of an antenna. (5)
ii) Calculate the effective length of an λ/2 antenna. Given Rr = 73Ω, (Ae) max=0.13λ2
and η=120π. (6)
iii) Establish the relation between directivity and effective area. (5)
5 i) Derive relationship between directive gain, effective length and radiation
resistance. (6)
ii) The radiation efficiency of an antenna is 95%. The maximum radiation intensity is
0.5 W/Sr. Calculate the directivity of an antenna if Pinput = 0.4W. (4)
iii) Analyze the magnetic fields radiated from hertzian dipole with necessary
equations. (6)
6 i) Discuss in detail about transmission between two antennas with necessary
equations. (7)
ii) The noise figure of an amplifier at room temperature (T=2900K) is 0.2 db.Find
the equivalent temperature. (5)
iii) Discuss in brief about the concept of vector potential. (4)
7 i) Analyze the electric fields radiated from a hertzian dipole with necessary
expressions. (6)
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ii) Derive the expression for antenna temperature. (6)

iii) Explain the reciprocity of effective lengths for receiving antenna. (4)
8 i) Elaborate in detail about Far field regions of hertzian dipole. (8)
ii) A thin dipole antenna of ‫ג‬/15 long has loss resistance of 1.5Ω.Find radiation
resistance and efficiency. (4)
iii) Derive the expression for antenna vector effective length. (4)
9 i) Show that the radiation resistance (Rr) of short dipole is Rr=197 (l/λ)2 Ω. (5)
ii) Derive the expression for power radiated of a hertzian dipole. (4)
iii) Analyze and derive the mathematical expression for input impedance of
receiving antenna. (7)
10 i) State and prove the reciprocity theorem for input impedance and effective
lengths. (6)
ii) Deduce the expression for the directivity of hertzian dipole. (6)
iii) Write the expression for equivalent noise temperature of an antenna. (4)

Staff In-Charge HoD

(Mr.J.Divakaran,AP/ECE) (Dr.B.Nagaraj)
(Ms.B.Banuselvasaraswathy ,AP/ECE)
Page 7 of 15 Subject code: 12L705

Degree / Branch : B.E/ECE Semester:VII / Year:IV

Subject Code & Title: 12L705 & ANTENNA AND WAVE PROPAGATION
Part A – (Short Answer Questions - 2 marks)
1. What is short dipole?
2. Mention the uses of loop antenna.
3. Distinguish between small loop and large loop antenna.
4. Give an expression of radiation resistance of a small loop antenna.
5. Calculate the radiation resistance of loop antenna of diameter  /4.
6. What is meant by cross field?
7. Define axial ratio.
8. What is quarter wave monopole?
9. What do you mean by electrically Small loop antennas?
10. Give the expression for the effective aperture of a half wave Dipole.
11. What is a loop antenna?
12. How to increase the radiation resistance of a loop antenna?
13. What are electrically large loop antennas?
14. Name the features of loop antenna.
15. Write down the expressions for radiated fields of a half wave dipole antenna (  /2).

Staff In-Charge HoD

(Mr.J.Divakaran,AP/ECE) (Dr.B.Nagaraj)
(Ms.B.Banuselvasaraswathy ,AP/ECE)
Page 8 of 15 Subject code: 12L705

Degree/ Branch : B.E/ECE Semester: VII / Year: IV

Subject Code & Title: 12L705 & ANTENNA AND WAVE PROPAGATION
Part-B – (16 marks for each question)

1. i) A centre - fed linear dipole antenna is one and half wavelengths long, has a feed
current equal to 10 A rms. Calculate the antenna current at a distance of five-eighth
wavelength away from the feed point. (5)
ii) Discuss in brief about the circular loop antenna with non uniform current. (6)
iii) Find the bandwidth of a 50cm long half wave dipole having Q of 15. (5)
2. i) Derive the fields radiated from a linear antenna and discuss it for various lengths
ii) A half wave dipole radiating in free space is driven with a current of 0.5A at the
terminals. Find E and H, 1Km from the antenna at angles θ=45º. (4)
iii) Analyze the Current distribution of centre-fed linear antennas with length of λ/2. (4)
3. i) Deduce the expression for radiation resistance of λ/2 antenna. (6)
ii) Obtain the expressions for the fields radiated from a half wave dipole antenna. (5)
iii) Write short notes on Ground effects of horizontal and vertical antenna. (5)
4. i) Analyze the electric field radiated from loop antenna with uniform current. (5)
ii) Derive the expression for the radiation resistance of loop antenna. (5)
iii) Discuss in detail about the current distribution of center fed linear antenna. (6)
5. i) Derive the expression for power radiated and radiation resistance of half wave dipole
antenna. (6)
ii) Describe the radiation pattern of loop antenna with neat sketch. (5)
iii) Explain various types of loop antenna. (5)
6. i) A circular loop antenna with uniform in phase current has a diameter of λ /4.
Determine far field pattern of antenna. (5)
ii) Deduce the expression for directivity of λ/2 antenna. (6)
iii) Analyze the electric field radiated from loop antenna with non uniform current. (5)
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7 i) calculate the radiation resistance of 10m square loop antenna at frequency of

3MHz. (5)
ii) Derive expressions for fields radiated from a small loop antenna. (6)
iii) Draw and explain briefly about the loop antenna of different shapes (5)
8 i) A transmitting antenna having an effective height of 61.4 meters, wavelength of 625m
and current of 50 amp. Obtain radiation resistance. (5)
ii) Deduce the expression for directivity of λ/2 antenna. (6)
iii) Discuss briefly about Capacitance hat and loading for short antennas. (5)
9 i) show that the radiation resistance of λ/2 antenna is 73 Ω . (5)
ii) Discuss briefly about the application of loop antenna. (5)
iii) A short vertical grounded antenna is designed to radiate at 1MHz. Calculate the
radiation resistance, if the effective height of antenna is 30m. (6)
10 i) Discuss in detail about the far field pattern of loop antenna with uniform current.
ii) Calculate the physical height of a half wave dipole antenna having q of 30 and
bandwidth of 10MHz. (6)
iii) Deduce the expression for the gain of λ/2 antenna. (4)

Staff In-Charge HoD

(Mr.J.Divakaran,AP/ECE) (Dr.B.Nagaraj)
(Ms.B.Banuselvasaraswathy ,AP/ECE)
Page 10 of 15 Subject code: 12L705

Degree / Branch : B.E/ECE Semester:VII / Year:IV

Subject Code & Title: 12L705 & ANTENNA AND WAVE PROPAGATION
Part A – (Short Answer Questions - 2 marks)

1. What is meant by antenna array?

2. How to convert broadside array radiation pattern into unidirectional?
3. State image theory.
4. Give the expressions for minor lobe maxima for broadside array.
5. List the HPBW for various amplitude distributions.
6. Compare active arrays with passive arrays.
7. Define array factor.
8. State the principle of pattern multiplication.
9. Mention the advantages of binomial array.
10. What is the need for the Binomial array?
11. What is tapering of arrays?
12. A linear broadside array consists of four equal isotropic in phase point sources with
λ/3 spacing. Find directivity.
13. Write down the expressions for BWFN for broadside array.
14. Differentiate broadside and end fire array.
15. List out the types of array.
16. Distinguish between broadside and end fire array.

Staff In-Charge HoD

(Mr.J.Divakaran,AP/ECE) (Dr.B.Nagaraj)
(Ms.B.Banuselvasaraswathy ,AP/ECE)
Page 11 of 15 Subject code: 12L705

Degree/ Branch : B.E/ECE Semester: VII / Year: IV

Subject Code & Title: 12L705 & ANTENNA AND WAVE PROPAGATION
Part-B – (16 marks for each question)

1. i) Consider two point sources are fed with currents equal in magnitude
and phase. Obtain the expression for maxima direction. (6)
ii) An end fire array elements are spaced at λ/2 and axes of elements at right angles
to the line of array is required to have directivity of 36. Determine array length.
iii) Write short notes on retro array. (5)
2. i) Discuss in detail about the phased arrays with neat diagram. (7)
ii) Write short notes on binomial array. (4)
iii) Explain various forms of antenna array with neat sketch. (5)
3. i) Discuss briefly about chebyshev array. (6)
ii) A uniform linear array consists of 16 isotropic point sources with a spacing of λ/4
and phase difference of -900, calculate HPBW. (5)
iii) Give a brief note on collinear array. (5)
4. i) Derive the expression for maxima direction with array of two point source with
Currents of unequal magnitude and opposite phase. (7)
ii) With neat sketch, explain the Yagi-Uda array. (4)
iii) Write short notes on frequency scanning array. (5)
5. i) With neat sketch, Elaborate in detail about the principle of pattern multiplication.
ii) Calculate the BWFN for end fire array if the direction gain is 20. (4)
iii) Discuss briefly about adaptive array with neat sketch. (6)
6. i) Explain about uniform linear array with neat sketch. (6)
ii) Design a radiation pattern of 8 isotropic elements fed in phase, spaced λ/2
apart. (5)
iii) Mention any five properties of end fire arrays with necessary equations. (5)
7. i) A broad side array operating at 100cm wavelength consist of four half wave
dipoles spaced 50cm. Each element carries radio frequency current in the same
phase and magnitude of 0.5 amperes. Calculate radiated power (4)
ii) Write down the steps to be followed while calculating Dolp-Tchebysheff amplitude
distributions. (8)
iii) Find the length for broadside array if the direction gain is 15. (4)
8. i) Determine the minimum spacing between the elements in broadside array of
Page 12 of 15 Subject code: 12L705

10 isotropic radiators to have directivity of 7 dB. (6)

ii) Calculate the directivity in dB for broadside and end fire array consisting of 8 isotropic
elements separated by ‫ג‬/4 distance. (6)
iii) Draw the Pascal’s triangle displaying co-efficient of the binomial series. (4)
9 i) A broad fire array with elements spaced at ‫ג‬/2 and with axes of elements at right angles
to the line of array is required to have directivity of 30. Determine the width of major
lobe. (6)
ii) Derive the expression for HPBW in broadside array. (5)
iii) Write the properties of end fire array. (5)
10 i) For two element array consisting of identical radiators carrying equal current in phase,
obtain positions of maxima and minima of the radiation pattern if the distance of
separation d is λ. (7)
ii) Explain the non uniform broadside array with binomial distribution. (5)
iii) Uniform linear array consists of 15 isotropic point sources with spacing of λ/4. If the
phase difference is α = -90 degree. Calculate HPBW. (4)

Staff In-Charge HoD

(Mr.J.Divakaran,AP/ECE) (Dr.B.Nagaraj)
(Ms.B.Banuselvasaraswathy ,AP/ECE)
Page 13 of 15 Subject code: 12L705

Degree / Branch : B.E/ECE Semester: VII / Year: IV

Subject Code & Title: 12L705 & ANTENNA AND WAVE PROPAGATION
Part A – (Short Answer Questions - 2 marks)

1. Mention the advantages of patch antenna.

2. How can we minimize fading?
3. Define gyro frequency.
4. List out the three modes of radio wave propagation.
5. What is the critical frequency for reflection at vertical incidence, if the maximum
value of electron density is 1.24× 10 6 cm -3?
6. Name the factors that cause attenuation in ground wave.
7. What are the two components present in space wave?
8. What is meant by back lobe radiation?
9. Mention the uses of log periodic antenna.
10. State the factors that affect the propagation of radio waves.
11. Write down the types of fading.
12. What do you mean by magneto ionic splitting?
13. Give the applications of micro strip antennas.
14. List out the three methods used for measuring polarization
15. Define spill over.
16. Give the advantages of cassegrain feed system.
17. What is meant by skip distance?

Staff In-Charge HoD

(Mr.J.Divakaran,AP/ECE) (Dr.B.Nagaraj)
(Ms.B.Banuselvasaraswathy ,AP/ECE)
Page 14 of 15 Subject code: 12L705

Degree/ Branch : B.E/ECE Semester: VII / Year: IV

Part-B – (16 marks for each question)

1. i) Explain log periodic antenna with neat sketch. (6)

ii) Discuss the principle of parabolic reflector. (5)
iii) Derive the expression for horn antenna. (5)
2. i) Write a brief note on various regions of LPDA (5)
ii) Give notes on Cassegrain feed system. (5)
iii) Explain types of parabolic reflector with neat sketch. (6)
3. i) Describe in detail about the structure of atmosphere with neat diagram. (6)
ii) Discuss about the types of horn antenna. (5)
iii) sketch and explain offset feed system. (5)
4. i) In a log periodic dipole array, deduce the relationship between apex angle, scale
constant and spacing. (6)
ii) Explain various types of patch in micro strip antenna. (5)
iii) Briefly explain about turnstile antenna. (5)
5. i) Mention the drawbacks in the measurements of antenna parameters. (5)
ii) Explain various modes of propagation. (7)
iii) Explain the near field phase pattern measurement system. (4)
6. i) A parabolic reflector of 1.8m diameter is used at 6GHz.Calculate beam width
between the nulls. (5)
ii) Give a brief note on slotted line method. (5)
iii) Explain the block diagram of absolute gain measurement. (6)
7. i) The dimensions of an aperture of a pyramidal horn are 10×5 cm. It is operated at
6GHz.Obtain beam width. (5)
ii) Write short notes on whip antenna. (5)
iii) Explain the block diagram of direct gain comparison method. (6)
8 i) State and prove how babinet’s principle is useful in developing a relationship
between slot antennas and complementary antennas. (6)
ii) Discuss briefly on construction and working principle of turnstile antenna. (5)
iii) Obtain the expression for measurement of antenna radiation efficiency. (5)
9 i) Discuss in detail about the method used for the measurement of polarization. (7)
ii) Give brief note on impedance bridge method. (5)
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iii) Write the salient features of horn antenna (4)

10. i) Discuss the characteristics ionospheric layers with neat diagram. (6)
ii) Determine the critical frequency of E layer if its average density is 10 11 per cubic

metre. (5)
iii) Explain about the turnstile and ferrite rod antenna. (5)

Staff In-Charge HoD

(Mr.J.Divakaran,AP/ECE) (Dr.B.Nagaraj)
(Ms.B.Banuselvasaraswathy ,AP/ECE)

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