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Democracy is failing – Essay

Nowadays, democracy is considered as one of the most debatable topics due to the irresponsible
application by the nation. Unfortunately, the nation is adding insult to injury on democracy since
they are part of the system and choose our government authorities. In addition, current democracy
is changing gradually because not only does the president maintain the democracy balanced, but
also people have the obligation to drop what they are doing in order to have the necessary force of
personality to obtain a lot of knowledge from democracy and be in the know about it. Therefore,
because of the lack of reflecting on what is happening to our government and the lack of paying
attention to detail of what our nation defenders are doing, the consequences are tremendously
altering the concept and the system of democracy.

One of the most vital things is to understand where democracy starts. Democracy starts on people
and practically, they have the power to elect our governors and believe wholeheartedly in
themselves that their choice will be the one that may improve the actual situation of the country.
On the other hand, most of the electorates do not think about the country’s interest, they behave
as disinterested people, so they vote wrongly. As a consequence of this, corruption appears to make
the government fall into a crisis provoking that unacceptable decisions be acknowledged.

Other meaningful inconvenient is that during previous elections, some presidential candidates do
not make themselves understood because they do not have significant proposals for the well-being
of out nation. That’s why voters think that they are making a fool of themselves and are not serious
on the subject. As a result of this, if they were elected, lots of citizens could get an affliction because
many areas, which can be such as education, health, public safety, and so on, would not be taken
into consideration to have a great investment because of the absence of vital skills that authorities
must have.

Having been witnessed to how civilians are missing the opportunity to change and improve the
democracy, people must become aware of the impact that is caused because of the decisions of
citizens and also they have to ponder on the necessity of having the innate of capacity to discuss
these topics at home or maybe to give dedication to learn more about all things related to
democracy in order to have a clear idea of the situation of democracy in the state.

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