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Title: An Analysis of Students Difficulties in Translating Narrative Text from English into Indonesian at First Grade of SMA Sejahtera Surabaya

Research Method
Research Scope and Data and Data Data
NO Concept Assumption References
questions Limitation Sources of Collection Analysis
1. What are the (Rini,J.E, The scope of 1. Arono & Data : the 1.Task The -Rini,J.E ,. (2007) Difficulties in
difficulties 2007) with this study is the Nadrah researcher The researcher Translating Texts for Beginner
faced by First title difficulties in (2019) observe researcher will use Translator Students
Grade “Difficulties translatin text The the will give qualitative https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/4
Students of in Translating from English student difficulties translation research, f17/b87602b13fd76db8d06e66eaa
SMA Texts for into Indonesian. difficutie faced by Task with base on c928014bf2b.pdf
Sejahtera Beginner s in students in narrative text Sarah, J.T
Surabaya in Translator And the translati translating to students (2013). - Arono & Nadrah. (2019)
translating Students” limitation of this ng are from The Students’ difficulties in translating
narrative text conclue that study will focus idioms, english to 2.interview researcher english text
from English the students on translating ellipsis indonesian The will analyze https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/index.p
into still make narrative text and by giving researcher the hp/joall/article/download/7384/36
Indonesian? mistakes on from English textual a narrative will do data,identify 54
trivials items into Indonesian meaning text to interview to the data,
2. What are the in translating, to analyze the 2. The students some classify the  -Faltis, C,. (1994) Case study
factors that This research diffculties faced students students data, and method in Researching language
make the first becomes the by students in factor The source randomly explain the and education
grade students starting ideas Translating that : A Class resultof the  https://link.springer.com/chapter/1
of SMA for the causing of First data into 0.1007/978-94-011-4535-0_14
Sejahtera researcher to difficulti grade descriptive
Surabaya have make the es students of form -Rahardjo, M,.(2014) Desain
difficulties in similiar because SMA penelitian studi kasus
translating research but they lack Sejahtera https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/8
narrative text in different of surabaya, 0816930.pdf
from english source text vocabula this class
to indonesian? with senior ries, has -Sarah, J.T (2013) Qualitative
high school understa 30students research method
students as nding consist of
the object literary 15 male
text, and and 15
because female
of students

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