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1. Scaling is wrong, the phones & icons are very small. (Desktop&Mobile)
2. Increase the font size of the titles. (Desktop)
3. Reduce column width for the titles and description. (Desktop)
4. The elements on the banners are visible before the animation begins. (Desktop&Mobile)
5. Close button should be black on mobile, currently its white. (Mobile)
1. Page text alignment is not as per design (Desktop)
2. About page is missing in the hamburger menu (Desktop&Mobile)
3. On clicking the Agency list the page is scrolling up (Desktop).
4. Client logo section should be infinite, should keep repeating. (Desktop&Mobile)
5. Client description and Brand/Agency selection should come before the logos. (Mobile)
6. The text titles should be left align similar to body copy. (Mobile)
7. Say hello is not working. (Desktop&Mobile)
Alexa Skills:
1. Text alignments not as per design. (Desktop)
2. Remove mouse scroll icon next to social icon. (Mobile)
3. All titles should be left align. (Mobile)
4. Productivity icon is not loading. (Mobile)
5. Send a request is not working. (Desktop&Mobile)
Facebook AR:
1. Disable audio for the video files, it is playing as soon as the page opens. (Desktop&Mobile)
2. Left align all titles. (Mobile)
3. Recent Facebook filters we've built section is not working properly. (Mobile)
4. Recent Facebook filters we've built section needs to have swipe functionality. (Mobile)
5. Mobile on 'Facebook Camera effects opens up a huge world of possibilities.' can be made a
bit more bigger. (Desktop)
6. Mobile on 'Facebook Camera effects opens up a huge world of possibilities.' is overlapping
the social icons. (Mobile)
7. Remove mouse scroll icon next to social icon. (Mobile)
8. Need more spacing above and below every section. (Desktop&Mobile)
9. Send a request is not working. (Desktop&Mobile)
1. 1st section text should be aligned as per reference design. (Desktop)
2. Left align all titles. (Mobile)
3. Remove mouse scroll icon next to social icon. (Mobile)
4. Pepsi Chat bot video is overlapping the social icons. (Mobile)
5. Pepsi Chat bot video can be made a bit smaller. (Mobile)
6. Recent Facebook chatbot section should be swipable. (Mobile)
7. Send a request is not working. (Desktop&Mobile)
Interactive Video:
1. Text alignments not as per design. (Desktop)
2. Left align all titles. (Mobile)
3. Remove mouse scroll icon next to social icon. (Mobile)
4. Branching video icon should come before the description text. (Mobile)
5. Branching and hotspot section wrong. (Desktop)
6. Text and icon alignments wrong for Assassins creed and kashish. (Desktop)
7. Send a request is not working. (Desktop&Mobile)
Digital Marketing
1. Remove mouse scroll icon next to social icon. (Mobile)
2. Subtitles font size should be larger. (Mobile)
3. CTA for Email marketing should be 'Build your email campaign' (Desktop&Mobile)
4. Swipe functionality to be implemented for the Analyse sections. (Mobile)
5. Build your brand not working. (Desktop&Mobile)
Case study:
1. Left align 'Our Work'.
2. 1st section text should be aligned as per reference design. (Desktop)
3. Remove mouse scroll icon next to social icon. (Mobile)
4. Have a little more spacing between each case study. (Mobile)
1. There can be more spacing between each field and more margin between the sections, refer
the design. (Desktop
Contact page is missing in the hamburger menu (Desktop&Mobile)
Careers page is missing in the hamburger menu (Desktop&Mobile)

Attaching all the pages again.

For mobile layout and margins follow Draft-AboutMobile.jpg

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