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 7/11/2017

The persuasion that began with Eve in the Garden of Eden has continued since that time and will

reach its apex through a system known guratively in the Bible as Mystery Babylon. In fact, this
system is in full swing already. The nachash of the Garden (which was probably Satan) was the rst
manipulative advertiser and slimy salesman, and he continues to ply his trade with expert
e ciency in these last days.
In this post, I begin by exposing the esoteric meaning of the snake as a symbol, which in turn
explains why goddesses are often seen with snakes. I then link the ancient fertility goddesses such
as Ishtar to the great Babylonian harlot of the Book of Revelation. I explain the nature of the beast
which she rides, and demonstrate that she is the mirror image of the Bride of Christ, who is the
second Eve.

If you so desire, you may rst read Part 1 and Part 2 of this series.


Wisdom: that's the common explanation for the meaning

of snakes in religious art. And while that's true, it's also a
huge oversimpli cation. Hold onto something, because
we're about to get really deep.

Waves are the means by which the universe functions.

The ancients of many cultures taught this concept, and
now modern physics has come to the same conclusion.
From the orbits of the astral bodies to the movement of
the smallest particles, everything is described by

How did God create the cosmos? He spoke.  And what is

speech? It's waves of varying frequencies and
amplitudes  (whether through air or not).  Since snakes
move in waves, they are symbolic of duality.

A circle, by the way, is the most perfect and basic shape,

and it's a wave that loops into itself. The ouroborous, the
mystical symbol of the snake eating it's own tail, conveys
the idea of duality existing within unity, endlessly.

The uni cation of opposite poles balancing each other

out is a sacred concept often represented by entwined
snakes. Harmony is essential for healthy life for both
individuals and ecosystems, therefore snakes have
The caduceus and the seven chakras of the human frequently been linked to life and health.
body. Perhaps more accurate than most Christians

would like to admit.

The most notable characteristic of a serpent is that it
moves in a wave. It undulates. Not surprisingly, then, the
spinal column of a man undulates in an almost serpentine fashion when looked at from the side. In
Roman times, according to Plinius, Ovidius, and Elienus, it was believed that the spines of dead
men would become snakes.

The construction of the spine features holes on either side of each vertebrae. Sets of nerves from
the spinal cord split o from the cluster and pass through these holes, then snake through the
esh to the appropriate places. This allows bio-energy to transfer to each side of the body from
the control center at the summit (i.e., the brain). And note that the brain itself has two halves, as
the rest of the body. Even though the spinal cord itself does not form a spiral, it functions in a
bipolar fashion, coordinating left and right, and the bio-electric impulses travel the cord in two
directions. Thus we can understand why eastern religious teachers say that there are two
conduits of spiritual energy that run in a double-helix up the spine. The concept of balanced
duality—yin and yang, positive and negative, active and passive, rising and falling—is displayed in
our anatomy. Symmetry with elevation change is basic to our structure.

Is it a coincidence that our DNA, the biological code from which all life is built, is shaped as a
double-helix? Doubtful. This characteristic makes a weird sort of sense once we understand that
the Divine Council which cooperated with YHVH (as subordinates) in the creation of the world is
led by serpentine spirits. When Elohiym said "Let us make man in our own image," and "Let us go
down" to Babel, he was not speaking to himself. He was addressing the other elohiym, the
principalities of the spiritual realm (read this for a bit more about the Divine Council). They seem to
have embedded something of their own likeness into the core component of biological life.
The helix and the spiral are very fundamental shapes because they convey the concept of rhythmic
travel in three dimensions. If you create a point on a grid that is one unit away from the origin
point in each of two dimensions (x and y), you get a line at a 45-degree angle. If you keep making
points with the same o set of one unit, then connect the points, you get an arc. What do you get if
you reverse directions in each dimension one at a time while plotting points? You get a circle. But if
each point is then also made higher or lower by one unit, you end up with a spiral. It's a three-
dimensional wave.

(A quick tangent: If I were a betting man, I'd put good money on the possibility that the heavenly
creatures ying around God's throne are moving in a helical loop.)

The cosmic dragons/serpents of the Divine Council were the most knowledgeable  of all
beings other than the Son of God himself. When the foremost of these dragons, Satan,
appeared unto Adam and Eve in Eden, he directed them to gain understanding from the Tree of
Knowledge. They would become like Elohiym, he promised, if they had higher knowledge.

Ever since then, serpents have represented knowledge or wisdom. And not just any kind of
knowledge, but the highest, most esoteric and occluded knowledge. Divine wisdom, if you will,
which was not intended for mankind in his infancy. And it's certainly not intended for mankind in
his current, fallen state.

"Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves." (Matthew 10:16)

To initiates of the various mystery religions of the world, the snake has dual meaning (there's that
concept of duality again). It represents the base nature, the lower and most primitive self,
disconnected from higher things.  But the snake when it is raised up like a cobra or when
wrapped around a sta or tree represents evolution from mundane to ethereal.

The kundalini energy of Hinduism is the idea that the spiritual re of the cosmic serpents, once
unleashed in a human being, is what travels up the spine to the place of the mind's connection to
the spirit realm. By this process, the individual moves from being primitive to being enlightened.

Of course, serpents are often venomous. The venom of cosmic serpents is the worst of all, for by
deception they kill men spiritually, and thus eternally.


A snake's eyes are always open; they have no eyelids. Symbolically, this adds to the idea that they
possess enlightenment.

Another noteworthy characteristic of serpents is their ability to shed their skin and emerge in a
newer, better form. To an occult initiate (i.e., priests and sages of mystery religions), this ability
speaks of the transition from darkness to awareness. In fact, initiates of the Mysteries are
sometimes called serpents because they had undergone the occultic rebirth, being born again into
a new state of consciousness.

Initiates of the mystery religion(s) are following in the footsteps of Satan, who tried to elevate
himself to a state that was not meant for him. This quest is elucidated in the Corpus Hermeticum, an
Egyptian-Greek compilation of the teachings of the god of Wisdom, Hermes. This god says,

"If then you do not make yourself equal to God, you cannot apprehend God; for like is known
by like. Leap clear of all that is corporeal... and become eternal; then you will apprehend God."
(Hermeticum XI.20b)

The Hermeticum aims to illuminate disciples through the learning of cosmic principles, philosophy,

alchemy, astrology, and religious cosmology. Its end is nothing less than the disciple's spiritual
rebirth through enlightenment, as evidenced in this quote:

"I went out of myself into an immortal body, and now I am not what I was before. I have been
born in mind!" (Hermeticum X111.3)
This line of thinking goes back to Eden. The nachash convinced the ignorant humans to put o the
"darkness" of innocence and step into a new state of awareness that would supposedly elevate
them. Of course, their new state didn't end up being what they'd bargained for. The forked tongue
of the Dragon has led us all into unspeakable tragedy.


I could write many blog posts doing nothing but addressing and
comparing the many serpentine characters in mythology. The
persistence of snake symbolism through the ages is
remarkable.  The snake is an important icon in nearly every
culture that stemmed from Babel, and more often than not it is
associated with the female deity of fertility and motherhood.

The earliest religious records involving snakes come to us from

Sumeria. In Sumerian myth, Ningishzida, an underworld deity, was
one of the two protectors of the supreme spirit's throne. He or she
(it's unclear and perhaps both) had a serpent's body but a human
head. When sometimes in human form, Ningishzida rode a dragon.
His/her symbol was—guess what—two snakes entwined around a
The Sumerian god of the earth, magic, wisdom, and the fresh waters
of the abyss was Enki, whom I equate directly with Satan.   In early
Sumerian literature Enki was given the epithet  ushumgal, (also
rendered usumgal and ucumgal). It is a composite title that when
broken down has three meanings: u, meaning " ery"; shum, meaning
" ying serpent"; and gal, meaning "great." So Enki was a dragon. In
one Sumerian poem, Enki is praised as the great dragon who
created the fertile land of Edin and made the world lush.

Inanna, the widely-adored fertility and war goddess of Sumer, stole

occult knowledge from Enki. In the Sumerian Temple Hymns, she is
called "the Great Dragon," and on one cylinder seal she is shown
riding a dragon.  The Semitic version of Inanna was named Ishtar,
Queen of Heaven. This incredibly popular goddess presided over
fertility, health, sexual desire, and war. Often portrayed partially or
fully nude, she was known as the courtesan of the gods, and her An idol from Crete. The bare-breasted
priestesses engaged in temple prostitution. In her aspect as warrior fertility goddess partners with snakes.
queen, Ishtar held a labrys, a scepter or sta with one or two snakes
coiled around it. 

In Crete, the Minoans crafted gurines of half-naked goddesses holding snakes or covered in

In Phoenicia, the temples of Astarte were decorated with snake motifs. Astarte was the goddess of
fertility and sexuality, and her cult members were very sexually liberal.

In Armenia,  Astghik, goddess of fertility and love, was worshiped through "dragon stones" called

In Egypt, the upright cobra is used liberally as the symbol of divinity and magic. The cobra was
often placed on the crown of Isis, an important goddess who had acquired the Word of Power
from the sun god by magically crafting a snake to poison him. Isis was the goddess of health and
fertility, equivalent to Ishtar and Astarte. In fact, the Egyptian word for Isis was Ast, and it's easy to
see the etymological connection with the names of other fertility goddesses. The priestesses of Isis
carried serpents in procession, and the goddess herself was frequently depicted in serpentine

In Mesoamerica, Ixchel, the Mayan goddess of fertility, motherhood, and healing, wore a snake on
her head. The Aztec goddess of fertility was called Chicomecōātl, meaning "seven snakes."
In Greece, at Pythia, the House of Snakes, the high priestess of Apollo provided oracles and tended
to a resident snake. Early myths suggest that the temple was initially  dedicated to the mother
goddess, Gaia,  and that the o ce of the oracle was possessed by the goddesses Themis and

In the southern and southeastern regions of Asia, you won't nd a single Hindu temple without
snakes carved somewhere, usually prominently. They are considered one of the most powerful
symbols of fertility. The mistress of snakes, Manasa, is a demi-goddess who presides over fertility,
health, and prosperity for her devotees, but destruction for those who reject her. She is usually
depicted as seated beneath a hood of seven cobras.

Representations of the 7-headed naga of Hindu mythology.


The seven-headed snake is a motif that shows up several times in ancient iconography.
Seven-headed serpents are found in the architecture of Cambodian temples like Angkor Wat.
While meditating for enlightenment, Buddha was protected from a storm by the seven-
headed king of serpents, who had come up from the underworld.
A chiseled slab found among Aztec ruins shows a decapitated hero whose head has been
replaced by seven snakes.
The Mesopotamian god Ninurta slew a seven-headed serpent whose name in Akkadian
matches the constellation which the Greeks knew as Hydra.
To the Greeks, the hyrda  was a seven-headed sea serpent killed in the second labor of

Evidently some of the ancient mystics understood that seven cosmic serpents were in
positions of high authority over the earth. As explained in the books of Genesis and
Deuteronomy, seventy immortals called "sons of Elohiym" were placed as rulers over the nations
following the rebellion at Babel. The Greeks called them Kosmokraters.   This congregation of
seventy heavenly beings must be organized into groups of ten rulers under seven principle
Seraphiym (i.e., ery cosmic dragons).

I say "must be" because the Bible contains references to seven-headed beasts having ten horns on
its heads.

For instance, when we look in Revelation, we nd that Satan, the great red dragon, has seven
heads and ten horns (Rev. 12:3) indicating that he rules over the Divine Council of seventy

In the Book of Daniel we nd that  the global empire of the last days will have a government
consisting of ten kings (Dan. 7:7, 23-24). This fact is reiterated in the Book of Revelation, where a
beastly kingdom arises from the sea, just as in Daniel's prophetic dream, having seven heads and
ten crowned horns (i.e., kings). The beast from the sea is not the same as the cosmic dragon,
however, but is a shadow of it. The apostle John describes the beast from the sea as being a
conglomeration of the three other beast kingdoms seen in Daniel's dream (Rev. 13:2), and one of
the heads is fatally wounded. The great dragon is not made up of human kingdoms, and immortal
Seraphiym cannot be killed, so what John is seeing in ch. 13 is not Satan and his angels.

What we have here is an end-times kingdom which has absorbed the other great kingdoms of the
last days to become a global empire. This is Babel, version two. It's heads are the seven
prototypes of the Antichrist who ruled from seven sacred hills, or axis mundi, throughout history
(Rev. 17:9-11). The ten horns are the rulers of the ten regions of this nal Babylon (Rev. 17:12-13).

At this point we must turn out attention to the fact that a woman rides the terrible beast
kingdom at the end of the age.

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In Revelation 17, the apostle John is

presented with startling imagery. He sees a
prostitute riding the scarlet beast with seven
heads and ten horns. She is decked with gold
and gem and pearls, and is dressed in ne
scarlet and purple fabrics. In her hand is a
golden cup full of lth, and on her head is the
title, Mystery, Babel the Great, The Mother of
Harlots and Abominations. Who is this woman?

"The woman you saw is the great city that

rules over the kings of the earth," says an
angel to John (Rev. 17:18). When a woman is
used as a symbol in the Bible, she almost
always represents a collection of people
with a shared religion or ideology. In this
case, the religion is the mystical polytheism
that began at Babel and then spread across
the whole earth. She is the dark re ection of
the symbol of the righteous woman in the
Bible, true Israel (a.k.a. the Bride of Messiah).
An illustration demonstrating the desire of world leaders to undo what
The assembly of the saints is equated to a
YHVH did to fell Babel. Note that the stars (read: immortal overseers)
city in Rev. 21:2, where John saw "the Holy
are in perspective such that they take the shape of goat-head
City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of
heaven from God, prepared as a bride
beautifully dressed for her husband." Likewise, the Great Whore is equated with the city of
Babel, where rebellious men collected themselves and concentrated their wicked e orts. Their
shared disobedience to YHVH de ned them. At the end of the age, a single city will one again play
the role of Babel, acting as the focal point for a universal religious (and economic) system.
The fact that the woman riding the Beast is a religious system makes a lot of sense, considering
that religious authorities have usually exerted enormous in uence over civil authorities. Religion
was always the dominant element in ancient world empires, and it will be so again before the end.

The woman is labeled Mystery because her power is in the occluded knowledge of heaven. She is
the Way of the Illuminati, of enlightenment through learning from the fallen
immortals. She is the Occult in the truest sense of the word.

This woman of Babel embodies the philosophy of the Dragon. Some Old Testament oracles call her
the "daughter of Babel." She represents the system of carnal living and occultic worship which
sprung out of the rebellion at Babel.

There hasn't been a time since then that she wasn't active in mankind's civilizations, and truly she
has committed immorality with the kings of the earth (Rev. 17:2). Speci cally, Revelation says that
she commits sexual immorality with kings. This is true in the spiritual sense because she teaches
polytheism and idolatry, which the Bible labels as adultery against YHVH. But it is also true
physically because the priestesses of the fertility goddess of the Babylonian religions would
fornicate with each king in an annual ritual act called hieros gamos. This occurred in civilizations
throughout the Near East, all of which derived from the polytheistic kingdom of southern

Not only is the Whore of Babel clothed with scarlet, but the beast she rides is colored scarlet. The
Dragon is colored the red-orange of re, but the beast kingdom from the sea is scarlet like blood.
We associate blood with war, which is tting for the war-mongering Beast, but scarlet is also the
color of fertility because birth is a messy, bloody business, and because blood rises to the surface
of the skin and collects in the sexual organs during arousal. It isn't in vain that women put on red
lipstick and wear red clothing when they want to appear enticing. This woman of Babel is the color
of sex.

She wears purple in addition to red because she is royalty. Purple or royal blue has always been
the color of royalty in the Babel-based empires. It so happens that carnelian red and royal blue
were the colors used in the iconography of the Mesopotamian fertility goddesses.

The Mesopotamian goddess of fertility, fornication, prosperity, and war—known to the

Babylonians as Ishtar—seems to be the source for the harlot who rides the beast. All of the
characteristics that Revelation lists for the Mother of Abominations have stark parallels with
the cults of the fertility goddesses, including materialism and an economic system based on

There was a real priestess in history who either embodied that goddesses' traits to the fullest or
else became dei ed because of her mastery of the arcane arts, and that woman was the wife of the
great emperor, Asshur. (Find much more on that subject in this book.) However, that priestess-
queen was simply the epitome of an ideology that began with her ancestor. The true origin of the
fertility goddess is, in fact, Eve.


The Bible teaches that there were only two earth-born sons of God before the cross: Adam and
Y'shua. Both were created directly by the hand of God. Everyone descended from Adam is called a
son of man, not a son of God. The angels, however, are called sons of God (Hebrew: b'nai Elohiym)
because they were individually formed by YHVH. Likewise, born-again Christians have received new
spirits directly from Elohiym, therefore we are called sons and daughters of God Most High.

The importance of this lies in the fact that only a one-to-one substitute can satisfy the legal
requirement for removing guilt. Justice demands an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth... a man for
a man. And so the sacri ce of the second Adam paid the penalty incurred by the rst Adam (and
everyone under his headship who desires to share in that legal exchange).

So, Y'shua is the new Adam (1 Cor. 15:45-47). If his bride is the Ekklesia (the assembly of the
saints), then the saints are the new Eve.

The old Adam represents the carnal man, and the epitome of that is the Man of Lawlessness, the
Antichrist. He will be the king of end-times Babel. Consequently, his wife is the queen of Babel. If
the Antichrist embodies the culmination of the sin of the rst Adam, then the queen of Babel
embodies the culmination of the sin of the rst Eve.

Although the Whore of Babel is the mother of promiscuity, she is married to the Beast. We know
that because she calls herself a queen and not a widow, and she refuses to mourn (Rev. 18:7).
Again, this relates to the fertility goddess. One of her main roles was as a grieving widow who
greatly lamented the murder of her husband, a demi-god king (who was actually the rst head of
the beast kingdom, the mightiest emperor of the ancient world). Followers of the fertility goddess
would reenact her lamentations every year when the crops died. These rites were so popular that
even apostate Israelite women practiced annual mourning for the fallen demi-god on behalf of the
Queen of Heaven (Ezk. 8:14).
The theological mastermind, the apostle Paul of Tarsus, wrote twice to his pupil that "the woman
[Eve] being deceived was in the transgression" (1 Tim. 2:14).

The apostle Peter wrote to the assembly that "you may become partakers of the divine nature,
having escaped from the corruption that is in the world by lust" (2 Pet. 1:4). Peter is saying that
sin came into the world because of Eve's lust for things not permitted (and Adam's desire for Eve
over Elohiym).

The apostle John breaks it down for us into three components: "For all that is in the world, the lust
of the esh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, isn’t the Father’s, but is the world’s" (1 Jhn.

All three of these things were in play when the nachash tempted Eve in the Garden.

Compare Eve in Genesis:

"And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes,
and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat..." (Gen. 3:6)
With Eve in Revelation:

"The fruit for which your soul longed has gone from you, and all your delicacies and your
splendors are lost to you, never to be found again!" (Rev. 18:14)

As the originator of transgression through her quest for hidden knowledge and godhood, Eve
spawned Mystery Babel. She transformed from innocence to abomination, from Mother of All
Living into Mother of Harlots.

I am not saying that Eve permanently became a spiritual adulteress or that she reveled in
abominations her whole life. I think it very likely that she lived a repentant life and is now resting in
Paradise. However, at the moment when she gave in to lust and pride in the Garden, she
initiated the lifestyle of adultery and carnality. (Adam also became carnal, but for slightly
di erent reasons.)

It is that lifestyle that leads to discord, hatred, and nally murder among Adam and Eve's o spring.
"And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the
earth" (Rev. 18:24).

But you know what they say about Karma... it'll come back to bite you.

Even though Satan created the religion of sel shness and idolatry when he deceived Eve, he hates
the woman that he created. Satan's Seed, the Beast that we call the Antichrist, and the other
horns of the beast system will eventually throw the woman o and trample her to death. For
it is written:

"The ten horns which you saw, and the beast, these will hate the prostitute, will make her
desolate, will strip her naked, will eat her flesh, and will burn her utterly with fire." (Rev. 17:16)

Conversely, YHVH's Seed, Messiah Y'shua, loves his bride and died for her. The second Adam
overcame temptation and then took the punishment for his beloved's transgression, which
is what the rst Adam should have done for Eve in Eden.

The King and Queen of Babel as portrayed in Revelation demonstrate the nal fate of any couple
who live sel sh and self-centered lives. There will be no peace. When Adam decided to go along
with Eve's mutiny, he thought that he was staying in her good graces and securing them a better
future as a couple, but it was actually just the opposite. He was sentencing them to a future of
division and discord because you can't have a healthy relationship devoid of the God of
relationship. Only when we operate from sel ess love, as God does, can we have perfect fellowship,
unity, and happiness with one another.

Everyone has a choice: they can be part of the old Eve or part of the new Eve. They can join the
pure Bride with her citizenship in heaven or throw in their lot with the Great Prostitute whose
mind is set on earthly and temporal things (Phi. 3:17-20). One will drink the wine of joy at the
marriage supper of the Lamb and live forever; the other will drink the wine of God's wrath and die

Seems like an easy choice to me

"Come out of her, my people, that you have no participation in her sins, and that you don’t
receive of her plagues..." (Rev. 18:4).

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RebeccaG — Amen TAJ — Excellent presentation. I really appreciate
your labor to consolidate and synthesize these
complex topics into accessible and actionable

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Danielin Perintö — Andrew, this is Great Article and Deborah Ruth — I am so blessed by your
desperately needed in such a time as this. Very teachings....you have stirred up a desire to start
inspirational and though provoking. Thank You and "digging" again! I too have been discouraged and I

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