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Compiled by Dr.

Shahzina Nayyab

Radiology paper morning 5th september 2018

i havent mentioned answers of doubtful/controversial mcqs

1. resting tremors, stooped posture ,shuffling gate

a) cerebrum
b) cerebellum
c) midbrain
ans c

2. rib fracture >>> angle

3. long scenario... knee jerk gone sensory supply on inner thigh gone and weak inversion ....>>L3 L4
4. chronic nephritis ,anemia what to give as treatment >>>> erythropoietin
5. AFP raised >>> embryonal carcinoma
6. swallowing needs >>> raising of larynx
7. loss of plantar flexion and decreased cutaneous sensation on medial side of calf >>> tibial nerve
8. In heart stem was end of arterial depolarition and start of venterical reploratizion which
electrocardiograph show time interval
Option were
a)PR segment
b)PR interval
c)QT segment
d)QT interval
e)ST interval
ans: QT segment
9. female taking HRT risk of developing
a) endometrial CA
b) thromboembolism
ans B
10. azygous block >> Right ascending lumber and right subcostal
11. in primary dehydration ecf becomes >> hypertonic
12. testes descent >>> regression of gubernaculum
13. serotonin produced by
b) agraffian cells of intestine
ans A
14. about monocytes
a) develop from same precursor with neutrophils
b) move from blood stream to tissues and back to blood stream
ans A
15. RTA , loss of phonation and can't speak which area damaged
a) sub frontal
b) posterolateral part of inferior frontal gyrus
ans B
16. on CT scan..al L1 level >>> SMA
17. female urethra >>> more prone to infection
18. pyogenic lung abscess >>> staphylococcus aureus
19. tumor supressor gene >> p53
20. 5years old boy unilateral blindness tumor on CT with blue cells and rossett gene involved
a) retinoblastoma gene
b) myc
ans A
21. portosystemic shunt
a)lower esophagus
b) lower anal canal
ans : A
22. superfacial external pudendal emerge from???
a)saphenous opening
b)deep inguinal ring
ans : A
23. mcc of fatty liver in our country
a) obesity
b) starvation
d)hepatitus b and c
ans : B
24. Left limb paralysed + homonymous hemianopia
A. Occipital lobe
B. Internl capsule

Ans B
25. bone fracture+cerebral white mater patechiae >>>>Fat embolism
26. leiomyoma increased endometrial stroma and few gland
ans: B
27. hysterectomty ovarian artery damge at
a)pelvic brim
b)sacroilliac joint
ans : A
28. Endoceevix with squamous epithethium >>>Metaplasia
29. part of levator ani >>>puborectalis
30. loss of water by evaporation and insensible loss from body
a)controled by hypothalamus
b)thermal gradient
c) remains constant
d)depends on core body temperature
ans. B
31. Pt having pernious anemia and gastric ulcer how will treat??
a)oral iron tablets
b)iv vitb12
c)oral vit b12 and iron
ans : B
32. thick saliva receptors involved
a)alpha 1
b)alpha 1 beta 1
ans : A
33. alveolar ventilation formula >> dead space minus from tidal volume times breathing rate
34. pyelonephritis wbcs 25 K what to do
a)urine culture
b)urine and blood culture
ans : A
35. prevalance of o blood group in causcacian population
ans : A
36. cranial nerves in floor of 4th ventricle >>> 6,8,12
37. carpal tunnel syndrome >>> flattened thenar
38. gfr increases d/t>>> decreased oncotic pressure
39. branch of subclavian involved in shoulder joint anastomosis >>> suprascapular
40. lateral blow to knee, injured >>> tibial collateral
41. thoracic duct opens into >>> union of left internal thoracic and subclavian
42. itching direct bilirubin raised ALP raised >>> extra hepatic cholestasis
43. rapidly adapting receptors >> pacinian
44. female with amenorrhea of 5weeks presented with right sided iliac pain wbcs raised and patient
a)acute appendicitis
b)ectopic pregnancy
ans : A
45. alcoholic liver >>> mallory bodies
46. spinal anesthesia ideal site >>> below L2
47. wound strength >>> type 1 collagen
48. bicuspid aortic valve associated with >>> coarctation of aorta
49. child with periorbital edema d/t >>> decreased albumin
50. epithelial tumor immunohistostaining
a )desmin
d ) s100
ans : C
51. heart surgery ,vein accompanying the artery in anterior interventricular groove >>> Great cardiac
52. venous drainage of heart mainly by >>> coronary sinus
52. pulsatile mass in abdomen, site >>> L1 to L3
53. protein requirement >>>1g/kg
54. which is not supplied by SMA
a)sigmoid and descending colon
b)transverse and descending colon
ans : A
55. celiac and mesenteric lymph node supplies
ans : A
56. lymph drainage of kidney(no para aortic mentioned) >>>lumber nodes
57. winging of scapula>>> long thoracic
58. self replicative >>> mitochondria
59. jaundice after 2 days of birth ,baby was breast fed indirect bilirubin 10
a)physiological jaundice
b)breast milk jaundice
c)gilbert atresia
ans : B ( its a type of physiological jaundice so being specified i chose this option)there is also a type
of pathological jaundice called breast feed jaundice...mark the difference in names
60. terminal branch of aorta >>> median sacral artery
61. lobe involved in prostatic carcinoma >>> posterior lobe
62. structure passing through foramen rotandum >>> maxillary nerve
64. decreased sensations and foot ulcers in diabetic >>> neuropathy and vasculopathy
65. pregnant lady should sleep on left lateral position and not to right due to >>> compression of
inferior vena cava
66. test used to differentitate the type of jaundice
b) GGt
c)total bilirubin
ans B
66. in primary syphilis culture taken from >>> genital sores
67. the stage in genesis of RBCs >>> pro erythroblast ( other options were about wbcs and platelets
68. nerve involved in cremastaric reflex >>> ilioinguinal nerve
69. last to come to normal after hemorrhage >>> RBCs
70. dead space not changed >>> shallow breathing
71. derivative of neural crest cell >>> endocardial cushion
72. muscles that elevate palate originate from >>> 4,6 arch
73. which decrease height of action potential
ans A
dont remember other option
74. hyponatremia caused by
a)increased body water
b)abscence of ADH
ans : A
75 . One was about allergic rhinitis which is responsible c3b or histamine >> i marked histamine
76. Pacianian corpuscles detect
a) Crude touch
b)Low freq vibration
c)high frequency vibration
ans : C
77. medial lemiscus pathway >>> nucleus gracilis n cueatus
78. integral part of RBC membrane >> spectrin
79. Cells involved in repair of neurons after injury
a) astrocytes

Ans A?
80. which type of joint intervertebral disc is >>> symphysis
81. drug volume of distribution 8L what is correct
a) distributed in whole body water
b)distributed in ecf
c)concentration is high in blood
d)decrease protein binding

Ans c(asim qs)

may b some options are not the same as were mentioned in paper
82. structure between T12 ans L1
b) jejunum
c) pancreas
ans : C
83. time taken by food to reach large intestine from pylorus
b)8 hrz
c) 12 hrz
ans : B
84. Cyntoic spells were mentioned in a 10 years old boy
ans : D
85. most specific marker of myocardial infarction?
a) Trop T
b) mayoglobin
c ) CKMb
ans : A
86. neuro muscular junction sympathic and parasympathetic nerves reaching heart??
a)preganglionic auntonomic
b)desmosomes b/w fibres
dont remember other options it was confusing qs i marked A
87. ligament which is formed from deep part of parotid fascia>> stylomandibular ligament
88. pregnancy resp capacities?
a)Co2 inc
b)TLC inc
c)Vital capacity inc
d)Residual vol inc
ans : C
89. calcitonin in which carcinoma >>> medullary thyroid
90. Lung segments contain >>>Tertiary bronchus
91. aldosterone function >>> Na absorbtion
92. exopthalamus d/t
a) increased TSH
b) increased T3 T4
c) increased thyroid stimulating substance
ans : C
93. Medial palpebral ligament attachment >>>Anterior posterior lacrimal ridges
94. type A personality develop cardiac problem due to >> stress of social environment
95. branch of intercostal nerve >>> peritoneal sensory
96. Comom feature of normal kidney..
a).Podocyte in visceral layer of bowmen capsule
b).slit like membrane b/w macula densa n Jg apparatus
ans A ?
97. glans and corpora lymph drainage >>>deep inguinal
98. roof of ischiorectal fossa >>> levator ani
99. xiphoid level >>> T9(vertebral level)

t7 is dermatome
100. gall bladder pain over neck >>> sensory supply from mid cervical dermatome
101. which divide occipital triangle >> inferior belly of omohyoid
102. growth harmone main secretion in
ans b
103. insulin secretion increased mainly by
a) increased glucose level
b) increased glucagon
ans A
104. lateral cord of brachial plexus damaged muscles involved >> pectoralis major
105. female with fatigue and morning stiffness in mcp joints of hand >>> rheumatoid arthritis
106. hypokalemia due to gatroenteritis u gave IV potassium ..moa asked
a) H K ATPase
b)leaky channels
c) Na K pump
ans : c?
107. proximal part of small intestine removed what will b decreased
a)basal acid secretion
b)emptying of solid food
c)emptying of liquid food
d)option regarding pancreatic secretions (poor recall)

ans d
108. active thyroid harmone
a) T3
b)unbound form
ans :B
109. pancreatica magna branch of >>> splenic artery
110. movement across membrane through carriers >>> facilitated diffusion
111. lumber hernia protrude from
a)superior lumber triangle
b)inferior lumber triangle
c) medial to internal intercostal
ans A (most common)
112. at which level SMA supply converted to IMA supplye >>> transverse colon
113. functional unit of liver>>> hepatic acinus
114. liver formed from >>> foregut
115. sternocleidomastoid function>>> movement of neck to opposite side
116. child didnot pass meconium and constipation >>> hirshprung disease
117. long thoracic cut which muscle affected >>> serratus anterior
118. parasympthetic nucleus of 10th cranial nerve >>> dorsal nucleus
119. vagus nerve relation with trachea on right side while entering in thorax
a)separated by phrenic nerve
b)separated by brachiocephalic trunk
c)in close contact
ans: C
120. ambigous nucleus present in >> medulla
121. left gastric vein opens into >>> portal vein
122. while eating foreign body lodged in>>> right lower lobe
123. if perineal body cut what will be affected >>> deep transverse perinei
124. internal urethral sphincter nerve supply >>> hypogastric nerves
125. external anal sphincter supply >>> pudendal nerve
126. in avasculat necrosis of head of femur which artery is involved
a) obturator artery
b)medial circumflex
c) descending branch of lateral circumflex
d)another branch of lateral circumflex was mentioned dont remember its name
ans : i marked B
127. vein involved in portosystemic anastomosis >>> inferior rectal vein
128. appendicis epiploicae in >>sigmoid colon (rest of the options were regarding small intestine)
129. pain and temperature transmitted by
a)lateral spinothalamic
b)anterior spinothalamic
c)dorsal column
ans : A
130. thrombosis of artery supplying occipital lobe >> posterior cerebral artery
131. 3years child immunization not done presented with fever neck rigidity gram negative
coccobacilli organism on culture
a) streptococci
b) hemophilus influenzae
c) meningococci
ans : B
132. food posioning ,gram negative organism (alot of pathological features reagarding organism
were mentioned)
i marked e coli
133. hemoptysis ,duodenal ulcer ,artery responsible for it >>>gastroduodenal
134. pleurocentesis shd be done idealy in >>> at lower part of 9th ICS at mid axillary line
135. qs about doctor and pharmacist interaction
a)health promotion through interaction with pharmaceuticals
b)for betterment of institution
ans A
136. superior layer of superficial perineal pouch >> perineal membrane
137. microscopic features of TB granuloma >> caseation
138. on posterior surface of prostate from lateral to medial >>> USA (ureter > seminal vesicle >
ampulla )
139. breast lymphatics divided into
a)anterior posterior
b)medial lateral
ans B
140. on standing suddenly what will increase
a)pulse pressure
b)coronary blood flow
c)renal blood flow
d)venous compliance
ans D
141. in 2nd degree heart block >> atrial rate is more than ventricular rate
142. reticular connective tissues present in
ans A
143. for inflammation T cells bind to >> MHC
144. the angle formed between the longitudinal axis of the head, neck, and greater trochanter of the
femur proximally and the transverse axis of the femoral condyles distally >>> 15 (angle of torsion)
145. after surgery low bp >> hypovolemic shock
146. in neurogenic shock
a)loss of vasomotor tone
b)loss of vagal tone
ans A
147. increased ICP >> cushing reflex
148. rational drug design
d)gene therapy
ans A... i marked A other options are poor recall
149. submental and submandibular lymph nodes are involved in which carcinoma
a )lower lip
b)upper lip
ans A
150. in pregnancy less than 10 days what is used
a)serum bHCG
b) urine bHCG
c)transvaginal U/S
ans A
151. paracetamol antidot >>> N acetylcysteine
152. in PKU phenylalanine is not converted to >>> tyrosine
153. pregnant lady with jaundice what is diagnostic >>> GGT
154. mcq about tracheoesophageal fistula ,which structure separate them
a)bronchial bud
b)laryngotracheal groove
c)laryngeal fold
d) dont remember
ans b
155. one was about hepatitus pathological feature were mentioned of chronic active hepatitis
156. facial spaces contain
a) loose connective tissues
b) loose adipose tissues
c) nerves vessels
ans A
157. malignancy feature
b)inc n/c ratio
(no metastatis or invasion was mentioned)ans A
158. hypothalamus connected through hypophyseal capillaries to
ans A
159. glucose maximum absorption in >>> PCT
160. lucid interval ,talk and die
a)extra dural
b)sub dural
ans A
161. common congenital abnormality
b)chromosomal abnormalities
i marked A dont remember other options
162. hepatoma causes compression of >>> IVC
163. surgeon nick hepatoduodenal ligament structure to b injured first >>> bile duct
164. surgery of uterus and after that patient has lumber pain >> ureter ligated
165. carpal tunnel syndrome >> flattened thenar
166. nasopharyngeal CA >>> EBV
167. structure between celiac and superior mesenteric artery >>> pancreas
168. in femoral hernia structure related to neck of hernia
a)femoral nerve
b)inferior epigastric artery
c)pubic tubercle
d)inguinal ligament
ans. d
169. male with fracture on X ray osteoporosis, cause of osteoporosis in 60 years of age
a)nutritional deficiency
b)endocrinological disturbance/harmonal insufficiency
c)disuse atrophy
d)diminished blood supply
ans B
170. mother of 12 children with progressive dizziness and fatigue with angular stomatitis since
3months with low mcv >>> iron deficiency anemia
171. child with hepatosplenomegaly and pallor his brother has also the same problem and gone
through multiple transfusions investigation of choice
a) bone marrow biopsy
b) HB electrophoresis
c) cbc
ans B
172. during oophorectomy artery damaged >>> internal iliac
173. pyogenic peritonitis >>> bacteroids
174. moa of gangrene caused by clotridium perfringens
a)local hypoxia
b)release of phospholipase
c) decreased ATP
ans b
175. one about regression analysis
176. one about stratified random sampling
177. enterokinase activate >>> trypsinogen
178. muscle arising from 3rd pharyngeal arch >>> stylopharyngeus
179. extracoelomic cavity >>>>
180. adrenal gland >>> preganglionic sympathetic nerves
181. congenital adrenal hyperplasia >> 46XX with ambiguous genitalia
182. in trauma damage to right side of linea alba leading to profuse bleeding >>> IVC
183. in old age purplish patches on body no family history >>> thrombocytopenia
184. 1st line defense >>> skin
184. vasodilation and hypotension is a feature of >>> septic shock
185. scenario heinz body bite cells were mentioned >>> G6PD deficiency
186. kajal cells in grey matter with projections somewhat like that >>> protoplasmic astrocytes
187. spinal nerves >>> motor and sensory
188. vagus nerve pass through >>> esphageal opening

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