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English Papers


Arranged by Group 12:


Supervisor Lecturer : Farida Esmianti, S.Pd., M.Pd

Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia

Bengkulu Health Polytechnic
Midwefery Study Program DIII Curup
School Year 2019/2020
Table of Contens
Title page

Foreword...................................................................................................... i
Table of Contens.................................................................................................................... ii
Chapter I preliminary................................................................................................ 1
1 .1 Background........................................................................................... 1
1.2. Purpose........................................ ................................................................. 1
1.3. Formulation of the problem ............................................................................ 1
Chapter II ADVERB.....................................................................................................................10
3.1 understanding Adverb...................................................................................................10
3.2 Types Adverb.........................................................................................10
Chapter III ADJECTIVE.......................................................................................................13
4.1 Understanding Adjective.......................................................................................13
4.2 Adjective Clause dan Reduced Adjective Clause..........................................15
Chapter IV Cover............................................................................................................17
5.1 Conclusion.....................................................................................................17
5.2 Suggestion

Bibliography....................................................................................................... 18

Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings.

Alhamdulillah, we thank God for the presence of Almighty God who has given us His grace and
gifts, so that we have successfully completed the English paper "Adverb and Adjective". This paper is
structured to fulfill the assignments of English Subjects

We thank all those who have helped so that this paper can be completed on time.

Due to limited knowledge and experience, we realize that in the preparation of this paper
there are still shortcomings, both in terms of preparation, discussion, or writing. Therefore criticism
and suggestions from all parties that are constructive, we really hope for the perfection of this paper
in the future. Finally, we hope that this paper can benefit all readers.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Curup, August 2019


Group 6 English
Chapter I

1.1 Background

In learning English, there are many things that must be known in advance, one of
which is the parts of the spoken word or in English called Parts of Speech.

This paper will discuss the (adverb and adjective) fields of study in English, not
because through it someone can convey their intentions clearly. This form is the basic
learning or basic structure that we must learn to better understand the procedures for speaking
English well and smoothly. And also with questions which means questions and answers or
asking questions to others, even that is also very important in using everyday English.

1.2 Purpose

The purpose of making this paper is to find out adverbs and adjectives, both form,
meaning and application are expected to be one of the assets in learning English properly and
correctly. Add insight and knowledge so as to add to existing knowledge so that it can be
developed into a paper.

1.3 formulation of the problem

a) What does adverb mean ?
b) How to use, form and use adverbs and adjectivess?
c) What are some examples of adverb and adjective sentences?
Chapter II

1.1. Understanding Adverb

Adverb or adverb is a word that gives an explanation of the place, time and way an
activity or event took place. as here, now, softly, loudly, tomorrow, again, twice, never, dll.

Adverbs are also defined as words that describe verbs, adjectives, prepositions and
other words except nouns and pronouns.example:
1) I am working now. (the word now in the sentence is a description of the time describing the
working verb).
2) Hendi speaks loudly. (the word loudly in the sentence explains how Hendi speaks).
3) Wenny never comes before dinner. (the word never in the sentence is an explanation of
frequency / frequency).
3.2. Types Adverb

Types of Adverb are as follows:

A. Adverb of Time.
Is an adverb stating the time when a job, action or event occurred. like afterwards
(then, after that, then), already (before), before (earlier, before), frequently (often), now
(now), today (soon), soon (soon), immediately (soon), lately (lately), yesterday (yesterday),
1) I’am stydying English now.
2) Are you went to school yesterday?

B. Adverb of Place.
Is an adverb that indicates the place of an action, action or event. Like above (back),
back (below), below (below), around (around), here (here), somewhere (somewhere),
everywhere (everywhere), there (there), etc.
1) She studies English here
To help show the Adverb of Place, we can ask questions with the word "where".
C. Adverb of Manner.
Is an adverb that expresses how the work was done or an event occurred. Like
carefully (carefully), fluently (hard), hard (hard), fast (quickly), slowly (slowly, slowly),
suddenly (suddenly), together (together) ), etc.
1) They worked hard.
To help show the Adverb of Manner, we can ask questions with the word "how".
D. Adverb of Manner
Is an adverb that expresses to what extent (level or degree) a situation or event. Usually
it explains / modifies the adjective / adverb itself. like almost (almost), enough (enough),
fairly (somewhat / used for Typically describing / modifying adjective / adjective or adverb
itself, positive statements), rather (rather used for negative statements), nearly (almost), very (
very), too, only, quite, etc.example:
1) She is Very Pretty Girl

E. Adverb of Frequency
Is an adverb that states the amount or how much a job, action or event was carried out.
In adverb of frequency there are 2 parts, namely:
1) Adverb of Quantity.
Usually to determine the adverb of quantity we ask questions with the word "how often".
like: always (always), usually (usually), never (never), ever (sometimes), sometimes
(sometimes), seldom (rarely), generally (generally), etc.
Andi always drinks milk every night.
2) Adverb of Number
Usually to determine the adverb of number we ask questions with the word "how many
times" (how many times). such as once, twice (thrice), thrice (three times), half (half),
twofold (two times), etc.
He eats twice every day.

F. Adverb of Affirmation
Is an adverb that states affirmation, emphasis or affirm answers. like certainly
(naturally), naturally (of course), surely (of course), of course (of course), absolutely
(absolutely), etc.
1) Of course she can speak English.
Another term for adverb of affirmation is adverb of certainty.
G. Interrogative Adverb
Is an adverb that also forms the question. Each of these adverbs is associated with other
1) How did he go?
How is an interrogative adverb of manner.
2) Where did he go?
Where is an interrogative adverb of place.
H. Relative Adverb
An adverb that functions as a link between two clauses in a sentence. The words are
the same as interrogative adverb, the difference is only in the position, namely the relative
adverb is usually placed in the middle of a sentence (between two clauses), while the
interrogative adverb is at the beginning of a sentence.
1) I asked him how he went.
How is a relative adverb of manner.
2) I asked him where he went.
Where is a relative adverb of place.
Chapter III
2.1 Understanding Adjective
Adjective is a word that is one part of a part of speech that serves to explain nouns
(nouns) including Pronoun (nouns / people). Adjectives usually precede nouns or pronouns
that are given the character or can also stand alone if they are the object of a number of
sentences. The easiest way to find out an adjective word is to combine it with the word:
"Yang" (though not absolute). When combined with the word "yang" but not logical, then it
is not an adjective (adjective). Like: not the white one; not tall; do not be damaged.
A. Examples of Adjective Sentences
1) My sister is not only beautiful but also tall.
2) Tonight is very quiet and dark
3) I met a big gorilla in the zoo yesterday.
4) I have some girl friends, but you are the best.
5) The man who is standing on the bridge is a terrorist.

B. Types of Adjective
1. Original Adjective.
That is, adjective in this sense is not formed from any word elements, but rather he was created to
be adjective.
Example: Don't step on the floor, it's still wet.
2. Past Participle.
Past participle or what we are used to with V3 like: confused, broken can also be adjective.
Example: Please help me to fix my broken car (please fix my broken car)
3. Article.
Some grammar experts also consider that the article is also an adjective. Which includes articles
are "a", "an", and "the".
4. Possessive Adjective.
Possessive can be interpreted as "ownership". And what is meant here is possessive
pronoun consisting of: my, your, his, her, its, their. Even though the possessive pronoun does
not explain or explain nouns, grammar experts are included in the adjective category.
5. Demonstrative Adjective.
What is meant by demonstrative adjective is demonstrative words such as: these, this, that.
Example: When the librarian tripped over that cord, she dropped a pile of books.
6. Interrogative Adjective.
Because it is interrogative, it certainly uses question words like: what and which.
Example: Which plants should be watered twice a week?
Adjectives may be simple (dark, hot, young), or in the form of phrases (adjective
phrases) resulting from a combination of adjectives as heads and modifiers and / or

Examples of Adjective Phrases

 dark
 hot  very dark chocolate (modifier + adjective)
 young  many young married couple (determiner + adjective)

Adjective may also be able to join with other parts of speech to form new words
called compound adjectives

Combination Examples of Compound Adjectives

adjective + noun high-speed cameras

adjective + Past Participle well-known authors

adjective + Present Participle good-looking men

noun + adjective oil-free products

If there is more than one adjective in front of the noun, we need to follow the
adjective order, i.e. the adjective order by category: opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin,
material, purpose. Description:
• happy = opinion
• big = size
He had two happy big brown pigeons.
(Dia dulu memiliki dua ekor merpati besar brown = color
yang ceria.)

C. Adjective Degree
Adjective can be used to make comparisons. This word can change shape according to
the type of comparison.
Deegre oF Comparison Explanations and Examples

compare equality

Positive Degree
She is as good as you in math.

comparing two things

Comparative Degree
Today should be better than yesterday.

compare three or more things

Superlative Degree Example:

He was the best of all of us.

4.2 Adjective Clause dan Reduced Adjective Clause

Adjective clause is a dependent clause that functions as an adjective, to explain noun or
pronoun in complex sentences. This clause may be reduced (shortened) - reduced adjective
clause - by removing the relative pronoun and changing the verb used to be participle.
Examples of Adjective Clause Sentences Example of the Reduced Adjective Clause sentence

The student who always goes to school

by bus is my friend. The student always going to school by bus is my friend.

D. Various Adjective Types

Adjective kind Explanations and Examples

Stative Stative adjective characterizes conditions that tend to be permanent (small,

dan Dynamic black, tall), whereas dynamic adjective is related to behavior (foolish, friendly,
Adjective playful)

Inherent adjective directly identifies the noun it describes (someone special =

Inherent dan Non- special identifies someone directly ~ someone who is special), whereas non-
inherent Adjective inherent adjective is the opposite (my old friend = not "my friend who is old",
but old characterizes friendship that has been persist).
Chapter IV
5.1 Conclusion

Studying English, there are many things that must be known in advance, one of which is
the parts of words spoken or in English called Parts of Speech ..

Adjective is an adjective or a condition word, a word that describes a noun.

Adverb is a word describing verbs, adjectives and other words except nouns and pronouns.

By knowing the words in English, both the shape, meaning and application are expected
to be one of the capital in learning English well
5.2 Suggestion
With the writer's humility, the author is aware that in this paper there are still many
shortcomings, therefore suggestions and constructive criticism from readers, the authors
hope for the perfection of future papers.



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