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My List Of Affirmations And Incantations

Here is my list of affirmations and incantations as shown in the video. Feel free
to copy or write down any of them if you feel they�d help you in your life.

I will improve 1% each day and give myself pleasure for tiny progress.
The past does not equal the future.
This too shall pass.
I love my life!
All I need is within me now.
Every day in every way, I�m getting better and better.
Life doesn�t happen to me, it happens FOR me.

The best is yet to come.

I am at peace with all that has happened, is happening, and will happen.
Life is a gift and I enjoy each day fully.
The more I focus my mind upon the good, the more good comes to me.
The secret to living is giving.
The smallest action can make a difference. My life is important. I can change
the world just by being here, right now.
Perfect health is my divine right, and I claim it now.
I create my own beauty. I take care of my body, outside and in. I feel and look
my best.
I control how I feel � I can change my state in an instant.
My home is a clean, warm, and happy place that supports my well-being.
I am grateful for the riches in my life.
I believe in my unlimited prosperity.
I take massive action towards my goals everyday.
I create money easily and effortlessly.
My prosperous thoughts create my prosperous life.
I honor my worth.
I contribute and add value to the world everyday.
Every cell of my body vibrates with energy and health.
I am energetic.
I am charismatic.
Healthy food is a gift and a reward that I deserve everyday.
My body is my temple.

I have unstoppable energy everyday.

I am a radiant being of light and spiritual love.
I am always in harmony with the universe.
I invite miracles into my life.
I choose love, joy and freedom.
I open my heart and allow wonderful things to flow to me.

I am a radiant person of positive energy.

I am grateful for every moment of my life.
I am comfortable with who I am.
I am at peace.
I attract only healthy, empowering relationships.
I give and receive love effortlessly and easily.
I have a fulfilling, loving and passionate relationship.
My relationship is filled with love and passion.
I am worthy of love.
I am a source of love and inspiration for my family and friends.
I am generous with love.
I am blessed with a beautiful family.
I am generous with my time.
I am an amazing friend.
Everything I touch is a success.
I act promptly and decisively.
I accomplish anything I put my mind to.

I enjoy building my business everyday.

My customers and visitors love the products and services I provide.
If I am committed, there is always a way.
My daily choices lead to my goals.

My thoughts are positive and optimistic today.

I learn from every experience in my life.
Today is a winning day for me.
I enjoy facing challenges that make me a better person.
I feel great moving towards my goals today.
My life is a series of successful choices.
I live in the present and I live extremely well.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Abundance is God�s will for me and I will not settle for less.
The Holy Spirit is my helper; I�m never alone and I have the peace of God.
I live by Faith, not by sight.

God�s wealth circulates in my life.

God�s wealth flows to me in avalanches of abundance; all my needs, desires, and
goals are met instantaneously by infinite intelligence; and I give thanks for all
of my good now and for all of God�s riches, for I am one with God and God is
I now command my subconscious mind to direct me in helping as many people as
possible today to better htier lives, by giving me the strength, the emotion, the
persuasion, the humor, the brevity, the confidence, the energy, whatever it takes
to show these people and get these people to change their lives now!

I will lead, not follow.

I will believe, not doubt.
I will create, not destroy.

I am a leader.

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