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Business Insight
Wed nesday, September !7, 2079

Flouse leaders reiects solons' plea

to restore vetoed P95B funding
BY WENDELL VIGIUA panel chai4 said the requests can- Monday. "I have tq be frank and
not be accommodated because say that it's hard to enterain their
THE House committee on arppro- the fund will be taken from the tequess because if we dq the de-
priations has tejected the requests proposed budget of various de- partrnens will be the ones to suffer."
of at least 60 congressmen for the partments and agencies and there- When he signed the 2019 bud-
panel to restore P95 billion in ad- fore, adversely.affect goveloment get, President Duterte rejected the
ditional congressional allocations set\1ces, P95 billion additional congressio-
that President Duterte vetoed un- "In otler words, the operations nal allocations made by the ptevi-
der this year's P3.7 trillion national of the departrnents will be affected ous leadership under then speaker
budget. so it's difficult to entettain their
Davao City Rep. Isidro Ungab, requests," Ungab told teporten last See HOUSE l Page 83

tary, was tasked to do the same vrith Act No. 11203 or the Rice Tarif-
HOUSE budget ptoposal.
The appropriations chair said he the Depatmrent of Public Works fication Law that liberalized the
Gloria Arroyo after cdtics called it understands where his colleagues and Highways @Pri0F! on behalf impotatioa of cheaper rice variet-
an "insertion" ot "pork." are conling ftom because some of congtessmen. ies for the huge &op in farm gate
The apptopriations committee of them are complaining that the Cayetaaq however, made it clear prices of palay, which according to
on Monday apptor"ed its committee vetoed allocations rvere supposed that he did not promise anything reports is oow P8 to P12 per kilo.
report on House Bill 4228 or the to fund vital infiasftuctute items because it vrill be very difficult to Cayetaoo said the House is also
Geoeral Approptiations Bill (GAB) like the construction of bddges. fund the requests. considedngthe allocation of P500
which seeks to appropriate funds Ulgab said the affected lawmak- "This is you know, a ptoblem million each to 6x t}te camps of the
for the operation of the govero- efs have to apPeal to the executive that we just have to be honest vrith Armed Forces of the PhiliPPiaes
ment ftomJan. 1 mDec.31,2020. to have the slashed and vetoed the congressmen that it might not (AFP) aod Philippine National
The House yesterday opened the fuods restored. be solvable in *ris budget," he told Police PNP) to be called the CamP
pienary deliberations on Malaca- He appealed to lawmakers not to repoftets. Development Fund.
flang's P4.1 trillion proposed be "impatien{' saying the proposal The Spealet said the House is The Ungab panel comPleted
national budget fot 2020 after a still may be recommended for in- also eyeing budget realignments the hearings on the 2020 budget
caucus. clusion in the 2021 budget or can to fund tvo important items in proposals of all govetnment de-
Ungab said Speaket Alan Peter be the subject of a supplemental the national budget: P7 billion to partments, agencies and offices
Cayetano wanted to ensure the budget for 2020 if there ate avail- at Ieast P9 billiol for the National last Fdday after only trvo weeks of
timely passage of a "potk-free" able fuods. Food Authotity's (f{FA) "palay" marathoo hearings.
and "insertion-free" budget. Cayetano assigned Northern (unhusked rice) purchasing fund It was Cayetano's idea to ask t}re
He likewise confirmed deputy Samar Rep. District Rep. Paul Daza and additional budget for the panel's vice chairmen and theit
speaket Luis Raymond "LRay" to coordinate ivith the congress- improvement of the miliary and teams to conduct seParate headngs
Villafuette's claim that some con- men who have budgetary con- poLice headquatets. to expedite the process and meet
gressmen are unhappy with the cetns while Constructioo Workers' Cayetano said the palay fund the target of passing the budget on
allocations that their districts So).idarity Rep. Romeo Momo Sr., will helo address the concerns of or before *re congressional break
received under Malacanan{s 2020 a fotmer public works undetsecre- farmeri who are blaming Republic on October 4.

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