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Waste Management 60 (2017) 32–41

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Waste Management
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Does recyclable separation reduce the cost of municipal waste

management in Japan?
Rosaria Chifari a,1, Samuele Lo Piano a,1, Shigeru Matsumoto b,1,⇑, Tomohiro Tasaki c,1
Institute for Environmental Science and Technology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Edifici Z, 08193 Bellaterra, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain
Department of Economics, Aoyama Gakuin University, Room 828 Building 8, 4-4-25 Shibuya, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-8366, Japan
Center for Material Cycles and Waste Management Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8506, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Municipal solid waste (MSW) management is a system involving multiple sub-systems that typically
Received 17 October 2016 require demanding inputs, materials and resources to properly process generated waste throughput.
Revised 11 January 2017 For this reason, MSW management is generally one of the most expensive services provided by munici-
Accepted 11 January 2017
palities. In this paper, we analyze the Japanese MSW management system and estimate the cost elasticity
Available online 22 January 2017
with respect to the waste volumes at three treatment stages: collection, processing, and disposal.
Although we observe economies of scale at all three stages, the collection cost is less elastic than the dis-
posal cost. We also examine whether source separation at home affects the cost of MSW management.
Municipal solid waste management cost
The empirical results show that the separate collection of the recyclable fraction leads to reduced pro-
Source separation cessing costs at intermediate treatment facilities, but does not change the overall waste management
Treatment stage cost. Our analysis also reveals that the cost of waste management systems decreases when the service
is provided by private companies through a public tender. The cost decreases even more when the service
is performed under the coordination of adjacent municipalities.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction et al., 2012), municipalities in developing countries have started

implementing waste management programs analogous to those
Issues of solid waste management are expected to become a used in developed countries (Troschinetz and Mihelcic, 2009;
major environmental problem in the near future for cities world- Sarkhel et al., 2016) due to a shortage of waste-treatment
wide (Saeed et al., 2009). For instance, the World Bank (2012) capacities.
expects the volume of waste globally generated in urban contexts Despite the development of the above-mentioned waste reduc-
to increase from the 2009 annual figure of 1.3 billion tons to tion and recycling programs, solid waste management schemes
2.2 billion tons in 2025. can still be listed as some of the most expensive services provided
In recent years, the majority of municipalities in developed by municipalities. In low-income countries, public spending on this
countries have implemented various forms of programs and service typically amounts to 20–50 percent of the recurrent avail-
schemes to promote waste reduction activities. Some municipali- able budget (World Bank, 2011). The allocation of such a relevant
ties have developed recycling programs to collect recyclable mate- fraction of public resources makes it difficult for these countries
rials from trash while also enhancing nutrient recovers from bio- to address citizens’ remaining basic needs. In such stressed finan-
degradable waste (Zabaleta and Rodic, 2015). Others municipali- cial conditions and in view of increasingly aging population-
ties have adopted pay-as-you-throw programs to educate residents driven social security expenditures, the reduction of MSW man-
on the costs of waste disposal (Kinnaman, 2006; De Jaeger and agement costs is becoming a major policy challenge for developed
Eyckmans, 2015) and to promote community efforts towards countries.
waste-throughput reduction (Castagna et al., 2013; Di Leo and The MSW management cost structure has been frequently ana-
Salvia, 2017). Although it is known that traditional reuse practices lyzed in the literature. However, we believe there are at least two
have helped save substantial amounts of reusable resources (Bari limitations to previous studies. First, the ways in which waste sep-
aration affects costs of MSW management have not been exam-
⇑ Corresponding author. ined; second, cost elasticity with respect to waste volume at the
E-mail address: shmatsumoto@aoyamagakuin.jp (S. Matsumoto).
collection, processing, and disposal stages has not been adequately
The list of authors is alphabetical and reflects equal contribution. covered. With the aim of addressing these two research gaps, we

0956-053X/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Chifari et al. / Waste Management 60 (2017) 32–41 33


c2 cost elasticity with respect to the quantity of total waste

Roman symbols [%]
QT quantity of total waste reported in the survey [ton] X vector of control variables [–]
QR quantity of waste adjusted for costs of treatment [ton] B vector of the coefficient for control variables [–]
A constant [–] k waste category [–]
L total quantity of labor inputs [–] m total number of waste categories [–]
K total quantity of capital inputs [–]
w wage [–] Greek symbols
r rental cost of capital [–] a labor coefficient in the Cobb-Douglas production func-
CT total cost of waste management [thousands of dollars] tion [–]
CC cost at collection stage [thousands of dollars] b capital coefficient in the Cobb-Douglas production func-
CP cost at processing stage [thousands of dollars] tion [–]
CD cost at disposal stage [thousands of dollars] sk share of the kth category of waste [0–1]
c0 constant [thousands of dollars] hk cost elasticity with respect to the waste share [%]
c1 cost elasticity with respect to wage [%]

analyze the Japanese MSW management system in this study. The ment production schemes. Collins and Downes (1977), Callan and
case of Japan is particularly suitable to study as all Japanese munic- Thomas (2001), Reeves and Barrow (2000) and Dijkgraaf and
ipalities file their waste management information in a specified Gradus (2003) found constant returns to scale (CRS) while
and standardized format reported annually to the central govern- Domberger et al. (1986) and Bosch et al. (2000) found decreasing
ment. This standardized data collection system allowed us to carry returns to scale (DRS).
out a cost structure analysis in a systematic manner. To this extent, In addition, in regards to market-structure factors, Tickner and
we believe that our empirical results could prove useful not only McDavid (1986) found that the costs of MSW management
for MSW management planning in Japan but also for such planning decrease when municipalities contract out their services to a pri-
in other countries. By analyzing cost variations of each parameter, vate waste management company. Moreover, the impact of com-
it is possible to plan the most relevant course of action needed to pulsory competitive tendering on the costs of MSW management
lower management costs. Such an approach could prove particu- in the UK was estimated by Domberger et al. (1986). The authors
larly useful for policy makers when planning local management found no difference in public and private costs under competitive
systems. contracting but that public costs become higher than private costs
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 in the absence of competition. Zhu et al. (2016) evaluated the per-
reviews the empirical findings of previous studies. In Section 3, formance of a hypothetical public-private partnership for the city
we summarize the data used and described the waste management of Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) in comparison with public and pri-
system in Japan. In Section 4, we specify our empirical models. Sec- vate collection systems and reached the conclusion that the
tion 5 presents the empirical results of our statistical analysis. Sec- mixed-management option could serve as a reasonable solution.
tion 6 reports our conclusions and policy implications. Estimations of recycling costs have also been attempted by
Kinnaman et al. (2014) who assumed that the social cost of recy-
2. Literature review cling can be expressed as the sum of municipal costs and revenues,
recycling costs to households, external disposal costs, and external
The MSW management cost structure has been analyzed in the recycling benefits. The authors estimated an optimum recycling
literature for the last 50 years due to its significance and to its rate, i.e., the rate that minimizes social costs, of roughly 10% for
specific importance to overall systems planning. Table 1 summa- Japan and concluded that the value of citizen engagement in recy-
rizes the empirical findings of the nine most-frequently cited arti- cling programs is actually overestimated. Callan and Thomas
cles in scientific journals written on this subject. (2001) and Weng and Fujiwara (2011) estimated the role of waste
The table presents geographic information and the size of each and recycling cost functions and came to the exact opposite con-
municipal sample examined in each study. Each row represents clusion that recycling leads to the reduction of total waste manage-
factors taken into account to determine their influence on the over- ment costs. Massarutto et al. (2011) performed an economic life-
all costs of municipal solid waste management schemes. cycle analysis to compare the costs of alternative waste manage-
Hirsch (1965) initiated a study on MSW disposal by analyzing ment scenarios in north-central Italy. According to the authors’
data from 24 municipalities in the St. Louis county area in 1960. findings, the financial costs of waste management increase when
Since then, other early studies such as Kitchen (1976), Stevens waste separation at the household level increases beyond 60%
(1978) and Dubin and Navarro (1988) have been conducted in and by only 30% for some municipalities. Greco et al. (2015) also
North America. In contrast, more recent studies have been per- examined the impacts of source separation on the costs of a com-
formed in European countries (Italy (Greco et al., 2015), the plete MSW management system. They found that the overall per-
Netherlands (Dijkgraaf and Gradus, 2003), Spain (Bel and Fageda, centage of recycled waste is positively related to paper,
2010), Sweden (Ohlsson, 2003), and the United Kingdom paperboard, and organic collection costs.
(Szymanski and Wilkins, 1993; Szymanski, 1996)). While these papers have examined MSW management from
Several influential factors examined in this study have also been various angles, we believe that the literature still presents several
individually considered in the literature. For instance, the limitations first with respect to geographical breadth, as studies
economy-of-scale aspect has been examined in Dubin and conducted outside of North America and Europe remain very lim-
Navarro (1988), Szymanski and Wilkins (1993), Szymanski ited. One study by Ren and Hu (2014) analyzed the financial per-
(1996), Bel and Fageda (2010) and Greco et al. (2015), and these formance of MSW services in China and found that labor
studies revealed increasing returns to scale (IRS) in MSW manage- accounts for more than half to up to three-quarters of the opera-
Table 1
A summary of the empirical findings on the cost structure of MSW management.

Hirsch Stevens Dubin and Szymanski and Wilkins (1993), Callan and Dijkgraaf and Ohlsson Bel and Fageda Greco et al.
(1965) (1978) Navarro (1988) Szymanski (1996) Thomas (2001) Gradus (2003) (2003) (2010) (2015)
Country USA USA USA UK USA Netherlands Sweden Spain Italy
Number of 24 340 261 365 110 85 115 65 67

R. Chifari et al. / Waste Management 60 (2017) 32–41

Type of cost Average disposal cost Total Average Total cost Total disposal and Total Total cost Total cost Cost per
per pickup collection cost disposal cost recycling cost collection cost per ton inhabitant
Economies of scale Not observed Decreasea Decreasea Decrease Not observed Not observed Not Decreasea Decreaseb
Economies of density Decrease Decreasec Decrease Decrease Decreased Not observed Not Not considered Increaseb
Frequency of collection Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Not Increase Increase
Home collection Increase Increase Increase Not considered Not considered Increase Increase Increase Decreasee
Contract out Not observed Decreasef Decrease Decrease Not observed Decrease Increase Not observed Not observed
Separate collection of Not considered Not Not considered Not considered Decreaseg Not Not Not observed Increaseh
recyclables considered considered considered
Non-domestic waste Not considered Decrease Not considered Not considered Not considered Decrease Not Not considered Decreasei
Economies of scale are limited to small municipalities.
Both economies of scale and density are observed for heavy multi-material only.
Economies of density are limited to large municipalities.
Economies of density are found for waste management only.
Home collection of differentiated waste lowers disposal costs.
Privatization benefit is found for large municipalities only.
Municipalities can decrease waste management costs by offering joint disposal and recycling services.
The overall percentage of recycled waste is positively associated with paper, paperboard and organic collection costs.
The larger share of non-home organic waste lowers disposal costs.
R. Chifari et al. / Waste Management 60 (2017) 32–41 35

tion cost. In spite of this outcome, an overall regression analysis decrease processing costs at the expenses of raising collection
that evaluates determinants of MSW management costs has not costs.
yet been conducted. Furthermore, the previously quoted study by In regards to source separations, to analyze the effects of source
Kinnaman et al. (2014) on Japanese municipalities was limited to separation statistically, we must find an adequate dataset that
an examination of 81 large centers. allows for a uniform standard of comparison between the waste
In regards, the role of different management stages, i.e., collec- management costs incurred at different municipalities. While such
tion, processing, and disposal, Hogg (2002) compared costs among data are not readily available, the Japanese database perfectly ful-
EU countries, reporting that the costs of residual collection range fills this requirement, as all Japanese municipalities are required to
from 42 Euro/ton (UK) to 126 Euro/ton (Denmark). The World file their waste management information in a specified format and
Bank (2012) performed an even broader study by comparing costs to report these data annually to the Ministry of the Environment.
incurred in developed and developing countries. According to esti- Therefore, the data collection method is standardized across all
mations made in this study, collection costs range from 20–50 US municipalities.
$/ton (low income countries) to 85–250 US$/ton (high income The above-mentioned primary dataset was derived from the
countries) while for the disposal stage, costs of disposal in a sani- Annual Survey of Municipal Solid Waste (Ministry of the
tary landfill range from 5–30 US$/ton (low income countries) to Environment of Japan, 2010). The survey covers all Japanese
35–90 US$/ton (high income countries). municipalities and includes detailed information on MSW manage-
In addition to the geographical aspect, past research has ment and recycling programs. Due to a lack of data available, we
also been limited in that it has rarely considered the fact that excluded the Tokyo Special Wards and Minamisanriku in Miyagi
waste management actually involves an integrated system prefecture. The Katori municipality of the Chiba prefecture was
composed of several interacting and intertwined components also excluded as its low unit cost (12.38 USD cent kg1) renders it
(Hogg, 2002). an outlier. The remaining 1724 municipalities covered in the
In this study, we attempt to address this absence of an evalua- 2010 census were included in our dataset.
tion of overall cost structures at the collection, processing, and dis- Some municipalities provide MSW services jointly with adja-
posal stages. Specifically, we show how the separation of cent municipalities through a waste management association.
recyclables affects costs at the collection, processing, and disposal We summed each municipality’s spending on waste management
stages. Moreover, we attempt to evaluate consequent effects on the activities and financial contributions made toward waste manage-
costs of the factors listed in Table 1. ment associations to calculate the total management cost of MSW
The Japanese government has applied a number of recycling services. The figure includes all operative costs for collection, pro-
laws over the last two decades. Among them, the Containers cessing, and disposal activities but does not include fixed costs
and Packaging Recycling Act should have had greatest effects such as investments for facility construction. Therefore, we focus
on household waste management (The Japan Container and strictly on running costs, i.e., operations and maintenance costs.
Recycling Association, 2016). Companies producing or using con- Fig. 2 shows the distribution of unitary costs of waste management
tainers and wrapping materials have been assigned the responsi- services.
bility of recycling these materials in accordance with the volume To account for differences in price levels across municipalities,
that they manufacture or sell while households are responsible costs are adjusted based on the average taxable income of munic-
for separating these materials from solid waste and are often ipalities. Although the average unit cost is 33.78 US cents/kg, fares
requested to take them to designated collection locations. vary considerably across municipalities. Rather, the standard devi-
Although Japan has achieved high recycling rates from to this ation amounts to more than 20 US cents/kg.2
recycling law, the costs of the recycling program have not yet According to generation sources, MSW is categorized into two
been fully examined. types: residential waste from individual houses and commercial
Waste recycling is often assessed through life-cycle assessment. waste from larger sources such as offices, hotels, and schools.
However, we focus on the financial costs of recycling in this study. Approximately 30.5 percent of residential waste is collected by
Our analysis of the financial cost structure involving related influ- municipalities while the remaining is collected by waste manage-
encing factors with existing financial data should serve as a prelim- ment companies contracted by municipalities (contracted compa-
inary and relatively rapid approach to examining the cost- nies). On the other hand, most commercial waste is collected by
effectiveness of MSW management systems (Weng and Fujiwara, waste management companies directly hired by firms (permitted
2011). companies). In any case, residential and commercial waste is
mixed after collection.
3. Data The collected MSW is then transported to processing facilities to
withdraw recyclables and to reduce final disposal quantities
Fig. 1 shows the trajectory (collection, processing, and disposal) (Fig. 1). Households and firms are allowed to bring their waste
of Japanese system management stages (Fig. 1). directly to processing facilities. While households are asked to
More specifically, the collection stage involves MSW collection bring their garbage to a collection site on specified days, Japanese
from households and transportation to intermediate treatment houses are small and rarely have much storage space. Therefore, it
facilities. At the processing stage, recyclables are recovered from is a common practice to bring garbage directly to intermediate
collected waste at intermediate treatment facilities, and the vol- facilities. In 2010, shares of residential waste, commercial waste,
ume of waste is reduced at incineration facilities. Finally, at the dis- and waste brought directly to processing facilities (direct waste)
posal stage, the processed residue is buried in a landfill. amounted to 66.2, 24.2, and 9.6%, respectively.
Services delivered at different stages are often provided by dif- The annual survey also includes information on municipal
ferent companies or organizations. This is why the costs of waste spending at the collection, processing, and disposal stages. How-
management are typically estimated separately. For this reason, ever, only total spending is reported by waste management associ-
obtaining an overall understanding of the full system is onerous. ations. In 2010, 538 municipalities did not organize through
For instance, while the separation of recyclable waste reduces associations. Based on data for these non-organized municipalities,
the number of tasks carried out at intermediate facilities, more fre-
quent collection may be required, thus increasing the workload at
the collection stage. That is, the separation of recyclable waste may 2
Throughout the paper, we assume that 1 yen = 1.2 US cents.
36 R. Chifari et al. / Waste Management 60 (2017) 32–41

Fig. 1. Flow of MSW management services in Japan.

Recyclable waste
Number of municipalities

600 15.7%
500 Other waste
Bulky waste
300 1.6%
Mixed waste
100 7.0%
Non-combustible waste
-10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 >100
waste 70.8%
Unitary cost of waste treatment (USD cent/kg)
Fig. 2. Distribution of unitary costs of MSW treatment (N = 1724).

the average unit costs of collection, treatment, and disposal

amount to 10.96 cent/kg, 17.28 cent/kg, and 3.08 cent/kg,
Fig. 3. Percentages of waste collected in the six sorting categories (2010).

According to the survey, MSW is separated into six sorting cat-

The average total cost incurred in these municipalities is 35.27 US cents/kg, which
egories: (1) combustible waste, (2) non-combustible waste, (3)
is slightly higher than the average total cost of 33.80 US cents/kg incurred across all mixed waste, (4) bulky waste, (5) other waste, and (6) recyclable
municipalities. waste. As is shown in Fig. 3, waste collection percentages for the
R. Chifari et al. / Waste Management 60 (2017) 32–41 37

Table 2
Descriptive statistics.

Variable Unit Obs. Mean or share Std. Dev. Min Max

Waste volume (ton) 1724 22845.29 61678.94 49.00 1188540.00
Total treatment costa (thousands of dollars) 1724 56.59 138.61 0.13 2550.00
Spending on waste collectiona (thousands of dollars) 1724 20.60 68.58 0.00 1470.00
Spending on intermediate treatmenta (thousands of dollars) 1724 18.02 49.55 0.00 813.32
Spending on final disposala (thousands of dollars) 1724 2.53 11.74 0.00 410.85
Unit cost of total waste treatmenta (cent/kg) 1724 33.78 20.64 4.22 373.04
Unit cost of total waste treatmenta,d (cent/kg) 538 35.27 21.68 6.07 278.46
Unit cost of waste collectiona,d (cent/kg) 538 10.96 8.66 0.00 94.30
Unit cost of intermediate treatmenta,d (cent/kg) 538 17.28 13.34 0.00 115.62
Unit cost of final disposala,d (cent/kg) 538 3.08 5.35 0.00 50.27
Population densityb (person/km2) 1724 864.11 1776.81 2.00 14020.00
Collection sparsitya,b (1/km) 1724 11.61 5.69 0.92 63.15
Share of collection by associationa (share: 0.0–1.0) 1724 0.40 0.36 0.00 1.00
Share of collection by contracted companiesa (share: 0.0–1.0) 1724 0.82 0.33 0.00 1.00
Door-to-door collectiona (dummy) 1724 0.08
Combined collectiona (dummy) 1724 0.12
Recycling ratea (share: 0.0–1.0) 1724 19.83 9.18 0.00 80.73
Share of mixed wastea (share: 0.0–1.0) 1724 0.02 0.11 0.00 0.92
Share of combustible wastea (share: 0.0–1.0) 1724 0.73 0.18 0.00 1.00
Share of non-combustible wastea (share: 0.0–1.0) 1724 0.05 0.06 0.00 0.79
Variable Unit Obs. Mean or Share Std. Dev. Min Max
Share of bulky wastea (share: 0.0–1.0) 1724 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.31
Share of other wastea (share: 0.0–1.0) 1724 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.28
Share of recyclable waste (share: 0.0–1.0) 1724 0.18 0.12 0.00 0.96
Share of commercial wastea (share: 0.0–1.0) 1724 0.16 0.12 0.00 0.84
Share of direct wastea (share: 0.0–1.0) 1724 0.12 0.11 0.00 0.84
Altitudec (m) 1724 104.81 176.18 1.60 1186.00
Island (dummy) 1724 0.07
Data source: Ministry of the Environment of Japan (2010).
Data source: Statistics Bureau of Japan (2010).
Data source: Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (2016).
Only municipalities that do not organize any association are considered.

six sorting categories are (1) 70.8, (2) 4.6, (3) 7.0, (4) 1.6, (5) 0.3, where sk is the share of the kth category of waste and where hk is
and (6) 15.7%, respectively. Kitchen waste, scrap paper, sanitary the parameter that measures the cost of treatment. For normaliza-
products, unrecyclable plastics,4 rubber and leather items, and tion purposes, we set h1 ¼ 0 for combustible waste. When the kth
clothing are collected as combustible waste. By contrast, metallic waste category requires more (less) intensive treatment than com-
products, ceramics, glass, and small appliances are collected as bustible waste, hk is estimated to be larger (smaller) than 0. For
non-combustible waste. However, 58 municipalities do not separate instance, suppose that s1 and s2 are the shares of combustible and
combustible and non-combustible waste and simply collect recyclable waste, respectively. When recyclable waste requires less
unsorted waste as mixed waste. In consideration of the variety of intensive treatment (i.e., less intensive recyclable separation at
recyclables managed across municipalities, newspapers, magazines, intermediate facilities) than combustible waste, we estimate
cardboard boxes, bottles, cans, and plastic PET bottles are generally h2 < h1 ¼ 0 at the processing stage.
collected as recyclable resources. Following Stevens (1978), Szymanski and Wilkins (1993) and
The influence of waste volumes on costs at the collection, pro- Tsilemou and Panagiotakopoulos (2006), we assume a Cobb-
cessing, and disposal stages is evaluated using the empirical model Douglas production technology:
presented below. In addition, the effects of compositions are esti-
mated by addressing how the six types of fractions affect MSW Q R ¼ ALa K b ð2Þ
management costs. The data source and descriptive statistics on where A is a constant that is assumed to be the same across all
the variables addressed in the study are presented in Table 2. municipalities; L is the total quantity of labor inputs; and K is the
total quantity of capital inputs. Parameters a and b are the shares
4. Research methods of output attributable to labor and capital, respectively. The cost
to the municipality is:
The empirical model was developed by modifying the standard
C ¼ wL þ rK ð3Þ
cost function used in the studies listed in Table 1. To examine how
the quantity and separation of waste affect the costs of waste man- where w is the wage rate and r is the price of capital. By minimizing
agement, we converted the quantity of total waste reported in the (3) subject to (2) and by inserting Eq. (1), we have a log linear cost
survey Q T to the quantity of waste adjusted for the costs of treat- function:
ment Q R (all variables are presented in the legend included in
Nomenclature): lnC ¼ c0 þ c1 lnw þ c2 lnQ T þ h0k lnsk ð4Þ
! k¼2
QR ¼ ðsk Þhk Q T ð1Þ where c0 is the constant term that includes the price of capital,
c1 ¼ a=ða þ bÞ, c2 ¼ 1=ða þ bÞ, h0k ¼ hk =ða þ bÞ.

To better focus on the cost structure of residential waste, we

These exclude polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles and plastic packaging add the vector of control variables of X to Eq. (4) and estimate
waste, which are ‘‘recyclable.” Eq. (5),
38 R. Chifari et al. / Waste Management 60 (2017) 32–41

5.1. Total cost
lnC ¼ c0 þ c2 lnQ T þ BX þ h0k lnsk : ð5Þ
The results of our empirical model are presented in Table 3.
Eq. (5) was initially regressed without including waste-fraction
Eq. (5) was estimated for the three treatment stages. Parameter c2 is share variables, i.e., the composition of waste throughputs was not
the cost elasticity with respect to total-waste throughput Q T . Based taken into account at this stage. The second column presents the
on the size of this parameter, it is possible to determine whether an estimation results of the total cost model. The estimated coefficient
economies-of-scale effect exists or not. Parameter hk evaluates the for the log of total waste is 0.89, meaning that a one percent
composition effect where a positive hk denotes that the cost of increase in the total-waste throughput leads to a 0.89% increase
MSW management increases as the share of kth waste increases. in the total cost. Hence, the result reveals the presence of an
Finally, marginal effects of the control variables X are evaluated economy-of-scale effect. We also analyzed the sub-samples of
with the vector of the parameters B. large municipalities with populations exceeding 50,000 inhabi-
As our control variable, we use the share of commercial waste tants and confirm the existence of economies of scale.
as well as the share of waste directly brought to intermediate facil- The coefficient for the log of population density is 0.07. A neg-
ities. Municipalities can save on collection costs when waste is ative coefficient denotes that there are economies of density, i.e., a
brought directly into intermediate facilities or is collected by pri- one percent increase in population density leads to a 0.07%
vate companies directly hired by firms. decrease in the total cost. In regards the collection sparsity vari-
Furthermore, population density was included as a control vari- able, the coefficient is positive and significant. This result clearly
able to examine the effects of economies of density. A collection suggests that the costs are larger in an area that is difficult to
sparsity variable allows one to account for the road accessibility access by vehicle.
of municipalities. This collection sparsity variable is calculated by Furthermore, Table 3 shows that costs are dependent on the
dividing the total road length by the residential area. The larger quality of services delivered. Both door-to-door and combination-
this variable is, the sparser the municipality is. collection variables become positive and significant. In addition,
Moreover, two additional dummy variables were considered to the coefficient of the door-to-door collection variable is larger than
account for service quality levels. The door-to-door collection that of combined collection. These results imply that door-to-door
dummy variable takes a value of one when waste is collected from collection is more costly than street collection. According to our
individual households. The combined collection dummy variable estimations, door-to-door collection services increase costs by
takes a value of one when door-to-door and street collection5 45.12%.6
methods are used simultaneously. A positive sign for the recycle rate denotes that recycling
To examine whether contracting out lowers the costs of MSW increases the overall costs of MSW management. According to
management, we considered the share of residential waste col- our estimations, a one percent increase in the recycling rate should
lected by contracted companies. We also considered the share of cause a 0.4% increase in the total costs of MSW management in the
residential waste collected by waste management associations. median municipality.
When economies of scale exist in MSW management schemes, a The table also shows that market structures determine MSW
municipality can reduce costs by providing waste management management costs. According to our calculations, contracting to
services in cooperation with adjacent municipalities. In addition, external firms lowers costs by 10.6%. However, the level of cost
monitoring from multiple parties can improve the performance savings achieved in Japan is less than that found for the UK
of waste management services. (Szymanski and Wilkins, 1993). Another finding shows that collec-
Finally, two geographical variables linked to physical character- tion by waste management organizations lowers costs by 23.0%.
istics of the territory studied were also considered. The island Together with the fact that MSW management results in IRS during
dummy variable takes a value of one when a municipality is production, we argue that the size of Japanese municipalities is less
located on an island or includes an island within its boundaries. impactful than the cost-minimizing level.
The altitude variable also allows one to consider municipalities Finally, geographical variables affect MSW management costs.
in mountainous areas. While traffic is normally less congested in Costs are higher when a municipality is located on an island or
mountainous areas, trucks must travel up and down mountain includes an island within its boundaries (positive coefficient). This
slopes to transport waste. Hence, the effects of altitude on manage- is not surprising given the typical scarcity of land on islands and as
ment costs are unknown a priori. shipments to the mainland may be required in such geographic
contexts. In contrast, costs are lower for municipalities in high-
altitude regions, and therefore fuel savings from low levels of traf-
5. Empirical results fic congestions outpace the more significant requirements of col-
lection routes presenting height gradients.
Fig. 4 describes our research flow.
In Section 5.1, we examine how the total cost of waste manage- 5.2. Costs of Single waste management stages
ment C T changes with the total waste volume Q T . We also identify
determinants of waste management costs and compare them with Waste-management associations can be organized in several
those found through previous studies. In Section 5.2, we examine different ways. Some municipalities typically coordinate all waste
how costs incurred at three treatment stages (the collection cost management services from collection to disposal with adjacent
C C , processing cost C P , and disposal cost C D ) change with the total municipalities while others only coordinate on processing and dis-
waste volume Q T . We report the cost elasticities incurred at three posal services. Other municipalities jointly use an incineration
treatment stages. Finally, in Section 5.3, we evaluate the composi- facility but do not share resource recovery facilities. Unfortunately,
tion effect to determine whether household separation affects the MSW survey for Japan does not provide data on how munici-
waste management costs. Specifically, we examine how the rela-
tive share of six types of waste sk affects waste management costs. 6
The door-to-door collection variable is a dummy variable and the percentage
effect on cost can be measured by 100  eðb1Þ where b is the coefficient of the door-
Street collection in Japan is based on a curbside-collection scheme but does not to-door dummy variable. Using this formula, we can also estimate the effects of
depend on the use of a waste bin. contracting out and organization collection.
R. Chifari et al. / Waste Management 60 (2017) 32–41 39

Fig. 4. Research flow and empirical models.

Table 3
Cost structure of MSW management.

Total sample Sub sample (non-organized municipalities)

Total Total Collection Processing Disposal
Constant 4.93*** 4.83*** 3.02*** 4.00*** 3.55***
Log of total waste 0.89*** 0.87*** 0.96*** 0.84*** 0.73***
Log of population density 0.07*** 0.04*** 0.08*** 0.02 0.06
Collection sparsity 0.010*** 0.008** 0.002 0.026*** 0.005
Door-to-door collection 0.20*** 0.10* 0.25** 0.00 0.08
Combination collection 0.12*** 0.07 0.13* 0.02 0.00
Recycle rate 0.004*** 0.003 0.011*** 0.004 0.004
Share of contracted company 0.11*** 0.06 0.11 0.04 0.07
Share of association 0.26***
Share of business waste 0.60*** 0.18 0.50 0.15 0.34
Share of direct waste 0.64*** 0.54*** 0.82*** 0.38 0.08
Island 0.11** 0.16** 0.14 0.24** 0.01
Altitude 1.60E04** 1.66E05 2.25E04 7.37E05 1.09E04
Samplea 1734 538 533 524 510
R-squared 0.93 0.95 0.88 0.82 0.50
Municipalities without corresponding cost data were removed from the dataset.
Denote statistical significance at the 10% levels, respectively.
Denote statistical significance at the 5% levels, respectively.
Denote statistical significance at the 1% levels, respectively.

palities coordinate waste management services. By focusing on The door-to-door and combination-collection variables only
non-organized municipalities (referred to as a ‘‘sub sample”), we become statistically significant at the collection stage. Similarly,
analyze the cost structures of collection, processing, and disposal the share of direct waste and the log of population density only
stages separately. The number of municipalities included in the become significant at the collection stage. Thus, the collection
sub sample was reduced to approximately one-third of the entire method does not affect processing and disposal costs.
sample as stated in the previous section. A similar empirical result was obtained for the recycle rate vari-
The right side of Table 3 shows the results estimated at each able. In Japan, municipalities incur the collection costs of packag-
stage. Some variables in the sub sample models became statisti- ing waste while recycling costs are incurred by producers. This
cally insignificant due to a reduction in the sample size. However, explains why the recycle rate variable is only significant for collec-
we found that major variables still affect the waste management tion costs.
cost. The elasticities of costs with respect to waste throughput at The results obtained for collection sparsity and island variables
the collection, processing, and disposal stages are 0.96, 0.84, and also present an interesting trend. The variables are statistically sig-
0.73, respectively. Hence, although economies of scale are visible nificant at the processing stage but not at the collection stage. This
at all three stages, the collection cost is less elastic than the other can be attributed to the fact that sparsely distributed municipali-
two costs. ties tend to use small processing facilities. As the unit costs of
40 R. Chifari et al. / Waste Management 60 (2017) 32–41

Table 4
Effects of waste compositions on total, separation, and disposal costs (Combustible waste is used as a base.)

Sub sample (non-organized municipalities)a

Total Collection Processing Disposal
Share of mixed waste 0.259* 0.496*** 1.661*** 0.806**
Share of non-combustible waste 0.561* 0.374 2.229*** 3.607***
Share of bulky waste 0.387 1.761 2.146 2.627
Share of other waste 0.209 1.839*** 0.026 0.594
Share of recyclable waste 0.105 0.453 0.901** 0.821
Sample 538 533 524 510
Municipalities without corresponding cost data were removed from the dataset.
denote statistical significance at the 10% levels, respectively.
denote statistical significance at the 5% levels, respectively.
denote statistical significance at the 1% levels, respectively.

running such small facilities are generally higher, the collection has experienced the great Heisei merger and the number of munic-
sparsity variable only becomes statistically significant at the pro- ipalities decreased from 3229 in 1999 to 1727 in 2010. Despite this
cessing stage. For islands, MSW generated must be transported large-scale merger, this study based on 2010 data shows that there
to a processing facility by ship. The logistical cost of marine trans- is still further scope for cost-savings through regional waste man-
portation is included in the overall commission fee at the process- agement programs (e.g., by consolidating collective processing
ing stage while fees for MSW collection within the island are paid facilities, it is possible to achieve better cost- and energy
by the municipality. Consequently, the ‘‘island” variable is only sta- recovery-efficient management).
tistically significant at the processing stage. Our comparisons of estimated parameters across the three
waste management stages suggest that disposal costs are more
5.3. Waste separation effects on costs elastic than collection costs. Therefore, when waste volumes are
reduced, disposal costs should most likely decrease more than col-
The coefficients obtained by introducing the shares of various lection costs. More specifically, a one percent increase in the total
waste fractions are presented in Table 4. Only a sub-set of data is waste volume lowers the collection cost per unit by 4% and the dis-
presented, as the results of the remaining variables are similar to posal cost per unit by 27%.
those shown in Table 3. As stated above, combustible waste is used In regards to waste separation, costs incurred at the three waste
as a base in this analysis. Table 4 shows that the composition of management stages are affected in different ways. For instance,
waste affects costs at the three stages in different ways. combustible waste lowers collection and disposal costs but
The negative sign at the processing stage suggests that com- increases processing costs. On the other hand, recyclable waste
bustible waste requires more intensive treatment than other types lowers processing costs but does not change the overall manage-
of waste at intermediate treatment facilities. This could be attrib- ment cost.7
uted to the greater labor requirements needed to separate recy- Although we focus on the economic aspects of MSW manage-
clables at recycling facilities or to the greater energy needs of ment in this paper, it is also important to determine how environ-
incineration facilities. On the other hand, the positive sign at the mental and social conditions affect the performance of MSW
disposal stage suggests that combustible waste requires less management schemes (De Feo and De Gisi, 2014; Ferreira et al.,
expensive treatment at final disposal sites and likely due to the 2014; Münster et al., 2015). For instance, assessing the costs of
reduction in waste to be disposed of after incineration. air pollution through incineration (Brunner and Rechberger,
Furthermore, Table 4 shows that recyclable waste reduces costs 2015; Eriksson and Bisaillon, 2011) and evaluating the effects of
at the processing stage but does not change the total cost of MSW waste collection schemes on local employment patterns would
management. Thus, the separation of recyclables from non- expand the scope of this analysis. Indeed, municipal waste man-
recyclables may improve efficiency of intermediate treatment agement system performance can be only evaluated by acknowl-
facilities but should not improve the efficiency of overall waste edging the presence of several incommensurable and potentially
management services. contrasting dimensions (Chifari et al., 2016; Blengini et al., 2012).
Sources of uncertainty (Cai et al., 2007; Clavreul et al., 2012; Dai
et al., 2014), data quality levels, and global sensitivities must also
6. Conclusion and policy implications
be considered in such assessments. To this end, a participatory pro-
cess must be used to determine the criteria most relevant to local
In this paper, we elaborated on a cost structure analysis of MSW
stakeholders. These factors, complementary to our evaluation of
management that considers two factors that have been overlooked
financial dimensions of MSW, will be examined in future studies.
in the literature. First, cost elasticity was estimated in relation to
waste volume at system management stages (collection, process-
ing, and disposal). The effects of other variables such as market Acknowledgements
structures and geographic contexts were accounted for. Amidst
these factors, we found economies of scale at all three stages; The corresponding author received financial support from the
moreover, we found that municipalities can reduce waste manage- Institute of Economic Research of Aoyama Gakuin University and
ment service costs by 26% when a waste management association from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI
forms among adjacent municipalities. This cost reduction is much (Grant Number: 26340119). Much of this study was conducted
more significant than that achievable through privatization, which over his sabbatical year at the Institute for Environmental Sciences
would amount to only 11%. and Technology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. The authors
The Ministry of the Environment of Japan (1997) introduced
guidelines of regional waste management programs referred to 7
A more thorough discussion would require taking into account financial benefits
as the Area Wide Program of Waste Disposal. Since then, Japan derived from material and energy recovery from waste.
R. Chifari et al. / Waste Management 60 (2017) 32–41 41

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