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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science

Objectives: at the end of the lesson, learners will be able to:

a. explain the characteristic of kingdom protista.

b. differentiate the classification of protists; and
c. give examples of prototroph.

Subject matter: protists

Reference: Science learners module 8

Materials: marker, Manila paper

Strategy: Collaboratrive, inductive

III. Procedure
Teachers activity Learners activity
a. Preliminaries
a. Prayer
b. Attendance
c. Review
Class what was our last topic? Sir
Yes____? Kingdom eubacteria
Very good.
What are the characteristic of
bacteria? Sir
Yes_____? Unicellular, prokaryotic and
Very good. microscopic
What are the basic shape of bacteria? Sir
Yes____? Cocci, bacilli and spirilla
Very good.

B. Developmental activity
a. Motivation
Class we will have a game. With the
presence of simon you will follow my
command and with the absence of
simon you will not follow my
Am I clear class?
For those who fail will face the

b. Unlocking of difficulties
Class for the clarification of the word
meaning here are the definition of
PROTISTS- eukaryotic organisms that
Are unicellular and sometimes colonial
or less often multicellular.
SEXUAL-needs pairs to produce
ASEXUAL-reproduction that iis not
involve male and female cells
BINARY FISSION-reproduction of a
cell by dividdion into two equal parts.

c. lesson proper
a. activity
class this time we will have an
activity. I will divide the group into 4
groups. Each group will be given topic
to discuss and answer the following
question written in the manila paper.
Am I clear class? Yes, sir
I will give you 5 minutes to answer
and another 5 minutes to discuss with
your group.

G1- characteristic of kingdom protists

G2- classification of protists
G3-G4- discuss the different phyla
under kingdom protists.

Times up! Paste your work.

Lest start with the group 1,2,3,4
Group 1 reporting….
Very good! Give 5 clops!
Group 2 reporting…
Expectacular! Give 5 clops!
Group 3 reporting….
Excellent! Give 5 clops!
Group 4 reporting….
b. Analysis
Class in your own understanding.
What are the characteristics of
protists? Sir
Yes____? They are eukaryotes, cannot be
classified as an animal, plant or fungi.
Very good.
Who can differentiate the classification
of protists? Sir
Yes___? Animal like protest called protozoan,
they are heterotrophy, able to move
from place to place to obtain food.
Plant like protest called algae,
autotroph, both unicellular and
Fungus like protest, heterotrophy,
move at some point in its life, use
Very good. spores to reproduce.

c. Abstraction
What are the classifications of
protists? Sir
Yes____? Prototrophs, heterotrophs, and
Very good.
What are the different phyla? Sir
Yes___? Chrysophyta, pyrrophyta, chlorophyta,
rodophyta, phaeophyta and
Very good.

d. Application
Class, let’s have another activity. With
the same group you are going to write
the useful protists and its important
use or function in our daily living. Put
all your answer in a manila paper. I
will give you 5 minutes to do the task.
Am I clear class?

IV. Evaluation
In a ½ sheet of paper. Answer the
following question.
Test 1.
_____1. Produce their own food.
_____2. An organism hosts other living
organisms for their survival.
_____3. Group of protest which move
from place to place to obtain food.
_____4. It is the largest of the algae
_____5. May be single celled or many
celled organisms
Test 2.
Enumerate the six types of algae.

V. assignments
Research a picture of kingdom protists
that belong to heterotrophy. (by group)

Criteria 20 15 10
Mastery The reporters The reporters The reporters
demonstrates demonstrate knowledge demonstrate knowledge
total mastery of of the important of some contents of their
the contents contents of their report report
Delivery The group delivers The group delivers a The group delivers the
a very creative creative presentation of topic orally with visual
presentation of the topic aid.
the topic
Instructional The instructional The instructional The instructional
materials materials used are materials used are materials used are not
very innovative innovative extraordinary
Cooperation All members One or two members Three members become
participate become in active in the in active in the
actively preparation and preparation and
presentation presentation

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