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Reading habit and its importance in society

Librarian, S B M S Gollege, Sualkubhi
Introduction: human behavior and demanding varied and
There is increasingawareness in the world continued instructional guidance to read accu-
that reading is of fundamental importance in the rately, to appraise what is read and to relate,
iife of individual citizens. Reading is necessary what is read in a significant way to other areas
for every body in order to cope withnew knowl- of life.
edge in the changing world of the technologi- A good reading habit is
necessary f.or ahealthy
cal age. Reading is a passion. It is a skill. Once intellectual growth. Children
normally use sen-
we get hooked to reading, the time spent on sory perceptions to know their
immediate sur_
reading books wili become our favorite activ- roundings and widen their vision,
through read-
ity. Reading is one of the most important com- ing. Reading is a habit, which
is not a one time
ponents for continued education, for the acqui- experience. It is accepted
that a good reading
sition of new knowledge and skill, for gaining habit has to be cultivated and
natured in the
information through media, especially newspa- early years of life .The reading
habit, therefore,
pers, books, television, radio and computers.It plays a very crucial
role in enabling a person to
is an essential tool for life long learning for eve- achieve practical
rybody through which humans can transmit
Advantages of Reading:
knowledge to their fufure generation
Reading habitbenefits our life many ways.
Collins and Cheek (lggg)describe reading as a
process that requires the use of complex The regular reading habits benefit us in several
ways likelt improves our vocabulary
thought processes to interpret printed symbols
as meaningful units and comprehend them as a It gives us a glimpse into other cultures and
thought unit in order to understand a printed places
message. It improves concentration and focus
According to Rubin (2002), reading is a total It builds self-esteem
integrative process that starts with the reader
and includes the affective, It improves memory
perceptual, and cog_
nitive domains. It improves creativity
Importance of reading : It improves our reasoning skills
Reading is an important process of acquir_ It reduces stress
ing information by receiving a message from Ways to cultivate reading habit:
print in a meaningful way. Some view reading
as a complex process integrating all aspects of Most people wish they read more. It is an
activity that is both fun and enlightening. It can

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help us be more knowledgeable and success- beiieve on oral inf,ormation. People prefer to lis-
ful. However, it is an activity that many people tening and chatting more than reading. Tradi-
do not engage in very much. There are sorne tionally scholars are the same time animated
ways to inculcate the reading habit among us. and narrated written words from books to iliit-
Firstly, set times. We should have a few set erate through reading aloud, animated reading
times during everyday when we will read for dramatization or even dernonstration. It was
at least 5-10 minutes. For example, we can read necessary because of the difficuity in learning
during our breakfast and lunch or in time when alphabets and in acquiring reading skill where
we are free like when we go to bed or waiting written or printed rnaterials were scarce and
for sorneone. We also have to set a reading goal. treated as valuable objects. Traditional reading
Our goal rnight be a book a month or one per animators rA/ere elder members of the f.amily,
week. Second, always carry a book. \Atrherever members of religious institutions, profession-
we go, we must take a book with us. For exam- als or amateurs. The inherited cultural habit has
ple, when we want to go to class or work. Be- been transmitted and obstacle to reading habit
fore we waiting for someone like our lecture or from generation to another. In short, at the
friends, we can read the book that we caring. present; their societies still depend their own
So, we do not waste our time. It also a great way in{ormation rather than written one.
to pass the time. We also must make a list. Keep Illiteracy
a list of all the books we read and the books
that we want to read in future. We can keep the One cause of poor reading habits is that most
list in our journal, diary or pocket notebook. of our population is illiterate.
Then, we can add any title of good book that Poverty
we hear, online or ask our friends and col- One-third of our population is living below the
leagues what they are reading. Itwill make easy
poverty line and unable to fulfill their basic
for us to find the book when we go to iibrary or
necessities. So it is impossible for them to pui-
book store. 'When we are reading, make it pleas-
chase books.
urable and fine a quite place. Reading improves
concentration. Also concentration is needed Poor education system
while reading. So whenever we are reading any Our education system runs on the one textbook
books we should make ourselves comfortable systern and teacher's do not encourage students
in chair or on our bed. A quite place will make to read books other than the textbooks.
us peace. If we fine our self stressful while read-
Inadequate library systerns
ing the book, do not continue reading under
pressure like that. In our country the reading habits are declining

Factorrimitingreadinghabts: ffJ:tff;|::j,:J':fi:1iilTI*:;l:
Following are responsible for poor read- sense.
ing habits among us ' Absence of a conducive reading environment
Absence of a reading culture:
There is no proper reading environment in In-
In our society people usually prefer to dia's libraries and the facilities of heating, air-

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conditioning, furnifure, etc. are very poor. are aware about the current issues.
De motivated library staff Libraries and the promotion of reading hab-
L,ibrary staff is notmotivated and committed to its
their profession. People usually complain Libraries play an important role in promoting
about their irrational behavior. the reading habits in any society, To create read-
The lure of electronic media ing habits among people it is necessary for the
libraries to reach out to the people. Librarians
TV's potentiai effect on children's reading per-
will have to take the books to the people rather
formance has become an issue of growing con-
than waiting for the people to come to the li-
cern among education and often cited as a cause
brary to look for books. There are of course
for the decline in reading if children spent many methods of taking books to the people.
amount of their viewing time only programs
One way would be for library staff to set up
which entertain rather than educate.
market stalls. Another way would be to make a
RoIe of parents in promoting reading habits mobile iibrary which could visit the villages.
among their children One thing that attracts peoples toward libraries
Reading habit should start from young itself. is the calm and peaceful environment of sfudy.
There for parents should play a main role in Libraries are the places where the learning ma-
convincing and telling.their children on how terial should be placed everywhere in an organ-
irnportant it is for a person to read no matter ized manner. Such an environment would at-
what type of reading material it is but it must tract users and motivate them to sit there and
be beneficial. The parents of all children should read books, some other journals or books of
provide an environment for the fostering of their own choice. In libraries, the form of pro-
healthy reading habits. Reading shouid be as motion activities include a wide variety of ac-
natural to a child as the activity such as watch- tivities, sdch as
ing television or using computers. It is impor- An effective library orientation program should
tant that the parents who are keen to foster the be introduced in iibraries with the purpose of
reading habit among their children should trainingusers to get maximumbenefits fromthe
themselves know something about books and available library services.
authors. Now a day it is understood that par-
For the promotion of reading habits special lec-
ents are busy with their work, but they must
firres, training courses, book fairs, exhibition,
make sure their children reads daily. Other than
etc. should be organized.
that, parents should bring their kids to the li-
brary at least once a week and they have to read Library activities should be promoted through
together with their kids, so that the kids will be advertising using the mass, electronic and print
encouraged to read. Parents also can set up a media.
mini library at home with the materials avail- Books and journals should be recent, relevant
able and suitable for reading. parents also to users' interest and according to their needs.
should advise their adult children to read news-
Well-trained and qualified staff should be ap-
paper on a daily basis and not only reading story
pointed in libraries.
book or novels. This is to make sure that they

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Library st#f should provide training to the user
to organize home libraries'
several cam- http:/ /rfla.queenslib rary 'otgIiv /fIa65I
For the promotion of readinghabits
book papers/091-114e.html
paigns.anb" launched, e'g' library week'
day, etc. http / / www.lifehack'org/ articles/ iife-

in librar- style 1'4-ways-to-cultivate-a-iif etime-

Quiz competitions can be organized reading-habit.html
about vari-
ies to check the student's knowledge
ous books. http : / / www.pngbuai'com/ 00Ogeneral/
1 ibrar ie, r ac Y-serv it e s'l
trt is important to encourage the reading habit
fulfill their http / / www. wikinlow' comf Develop-
so that people grow mentaily and

univer- Your-Reading-Habit
potentiai at every level from village to
,;ry" NoUody can fulfills his or her potential http : / / benef itsandadv anta ge s'com/
wiihout the cognitive growth that comes from tagf reading-habit
reading widely and people will not read
are not
ther than their immediate needs if they www. persistenceunlimited'com / 2007 /
is every
given the reading habit' Such growth the-26-maj or-a dv anta ges-to*readin
benefit the country eco-
tZ /
f"rror-,', right and will more-books-and-why-3-in-4-people-are-
nomically as well as benefiting the individual being-shut-out-of -success/
' http: wr,r'w.ayushveda'com/ maga-
zinef adv antage s-of - t eading/
' http:/ /myeduexperiences'blogspot'in/

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