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The Tamil Nadu Open Places (Prevention of Disfigurement) Act, 1959

Act 2 of 1959

Advertisement, Objectionable Advertisement, Place Open to Public View,
Public Place

Amendments appended: 39 of 1986, 55 of 1992, 8 of 1994

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'[TAMIL NADU] ACT No. 2 OF 19592.
~ [Received the assent of the Governor on the 16th March

1959, first published in the Fort St. George Gazette

on the 25th March 1959 (Chaitra 4, 1881.)I
An Act to prevent 'disfigurement by objeaionable or
uaauthorized advertisements of places open to
public view in the L[State of Tamil Nadu.]
it is expedieut to pie i Cisfigurement by objec-
tionable or unauthorized advertisements of places open
to public view in the 3rState of Tamil Nadu! ;
BE it enacted in the Tenth Year of the Republic of India
as follows :-
1. (1) This Act may be called the ItTamil Nadu] Open Short title
Places (Prevention of Disfigurement) Act, 1959. and extent.

(2) It extends to the whole of the a[State of Tamil

2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,-- Definitions.
(a) '' advertisement " includes any effigy or any bill,
notice, document, paper or other thing containing any-
words, signs or visible representations :
-- -

These,words were substituted for the word " Madras " by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Order, 1969.
For Statement of Objects and Reasons see Fort St. George
Gazette Extraordinary, dated the 30th 0cto6eer 1958, Part IV-A,
page 478,
This Act was extended to the added territories by section 5
of, and the First Schedule to, the Tamil Nadu (Added Territories)
Exteasion of Laws Act, 1962 (Tamil Nadu Act 14 of 1962),
repzaling the corresponding law in force in those territories.
"his expression was substituted for the expression " State of
Madras" by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as
amended by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment)
Order, 1969.
Open Places (Preventiorz of [1959: T.N . Act 2
D isfigurein en t )
(b) "objectionable advertisement" means ally
advertisement which is likely to -
.( I ) incite any person to commit murder, sal~otnge
o r any offence i~~volving violence ; or
(ii) seduce any member of any of the armed furces
of [he Uizion or of the police forces from his allegiance
or his duly, or prejudice the recruiting of persons to serve
in any such force or prejudice the discipline of any such
force ; or

(iii) incite any section of the citizens of India to

acts of violence against any other section of the citizens
of India ;or which-
(iv) is deliberately intended to outrage the religious
feelings of any class of the citizens of India by insulting
or b1:tspheming or profaning the religion or the religious
belief's of that class ; or
(v) is grossly indecent, or is scurrilou~or obscene
or intended for blackmail ;
Explanation .-An advertisement shall not be
deemed to be objectionable merely because words or signs
or visible represent at ions are used-
( I ) expressing disapprobation or criticism of
any law or of any .policy or administrative action of the
Government with a view to obtain its alteration or redress
by lawful means ;
(2) criticising any social or religious practices
withou: malicious intention and with an honest view to
promote social or religious reform or social justice ;
(c) '<placeopen to public; view "includes any priv;,te
place or building, monument. statue, post, wall, feilce,
tree or other thing or contrivitnce visible to a person being
in, or passing along, any puljlic place ;
(11) "pnblir nlnce" means any place (includiag a
'itreet or way, whether ir throt~ghfitreor not a11d
a 12 riding place) to which the public are granted access
or Itaye a right to resort, or over which they have a right
to pass.
19593 W. N. A c ~21 Open P h e s (Prkvention of Dtsfigtcrcment) 165

3. Whoever afbes to, or inscribes or exhibits on, any Pendty for

place open to public hew a;r di-e- by
+je,;ectionable advertisement meat
shall be punished with imprisonment of either description objcaiooable
for a term which may extend to one year or with h e which adverti.ie-
may extend to one thousand rupees or with bothm rnents.

4. Whoever afExe:; to, or inscribes or exhibits on, any m a l t y for

place open to public view any advertisemea without the dunauthorized
written wnsent of the owner or occupier or person in byi 5 m - t
management of the ptoperty in which such place is situated
shall be punished with imprisonment of either description
for a term which may extend to three months or with fine \

which may extend to two hundred rupees. or with both.

,n ** ,
5. Whoever in any manner whatsoever muses, procures, Punbhmtlst
connsels, aids, a h a or is accessory to, the commission Ofakttors-
of any offence under section 3 or section 4 shall be punished
with the punishment provided for the offence.

6. Where a p e t s ~is prosecuted for committing an Burdm of

offence under section 4, the burden d proving that he proof in
bas the written consent referred to in that secxion shall be certaia
q n him

7. (1) Where sn offence bas been committed by a ~ffencesby

company, every person who, at the time when the offence companios.
was wmmitted, was in charge of, and was responsible to,
the company for the conduct of the business of the com-
pany,as well as the company, shall be deemed to be guilty
of the offence, and shall be liable to be proceeded against
and punished accordingly :

Provided that nothing contained in this sub-sectiofi

shall render any such person liable to any punishment
provided in this Act, if he proves that the offence was com-
mitted without his knowledge or &at he exercised all due
diligence to prevent the commissior~of s ~ c hoffence.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in s t a b

-ton (I). where an offenca under this Act has been corn-
dttsd by a co-y an8 it is p r o d that the offinoa
.%a8 k m c o d witb lrbra mmeeue olr 0DLU.tako~~ m,
166 Open Places [Ppr.rllfion [1959: T.N. Act 2
of Disfjgurement) !
cr is attributable to any gross negligence 011 the part of
any director, manager, secretary or other officer ol' the
eompany, such director, manager, secrctary or other officer
of the company, shall also be deemed to be guilty of that
oflence and shall be liable to be proceeded against 2nd *
gxrt ished accordingly.
Explanatio~z.- For the purpose of t h i ~section-
(a) ' company' nreans any body corporate and
iracl~tclesa firm or other association of individuals, and
1 ,
(b) director-', in re13tion to a firm, moans a pzrt
>*, . '
in the firm.
Offences 8. Not withstanding an ythil~gcontained i11 the *Code
under the of Criniinnl Procedure, 1898 (Central Act V of 1898),
Act to be 2:1y oflcnce punishable under this Act shall be deemed to
cognizab1e. be a cognizable offence withir! the meaning of that Code.

~ n d e m n iy.
: 9. No s!iit, prosecution or other legal nroceeding si-;:I1 I

lie again5t the Government, any local au!liority or persorn g

for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be i.

do$e under this Act.
Other laws 10. Thc prov;sions of this Act are in addition to, and
no: aflec!ed. nl?t in derogation of, the provisions of any other law for
the time being in force.

Power to 11. (1) The State Government may make rules for the 4
rrtake rules. ycrpose or' carryixg out the provisions of this Act. %

(2) All rules made under this Act shall, 'as so011 as %

possible after they are made, 1x placed on the table of '


30th the 1Io~1sesof the Legislature a i d shall be subject

to such m~dificationsby way oP amendmen~sor rzpeal
as the Legjslature may make either in the same session
or in the next session.

*Now t le Code of Criminal Prccedure, 1973 (Central Act 2 of

.. I I , -
i. The following. -Act i f t h e Tamil Nadu Legislature received the
&seen[ ofthe Governor on the 12th Juae 1986 and is hereby published
fur gcilecal inforlnatidn :-
!+ -
. ACT No. 39 OF 1986.

AII Acr to oijred. the Tnuiil Nadu Open Places (i'revehlion of Dis-
Act; 1959. .-
DE it ~:~acted by ;he Legislature of the State of Tamil Nadu in the
'Ikirty-seventh Year of the'-Republicof India as follows :-

I . Slmn rifle ond cornmencement.-(1) This Act may be c'ded :

' rhe Tamil Nadu Open Places (Preven,tion of Disfigurement) h e a d -
ment Act, 1986.
(2) It shall co111c into force' on such date a3:'the State Govern-
mcll t may, by notification, appoint.

- 2. Arnendnienr of section 2, Tomil Nodu Act 2 of 1959.-In

action 2 of the. Tamil Nadu Open Places (Prevention of isf figure- '

ucnl) Act, 1959 (Tamil Nadu Act 2 of 1959) (hereinafter referred

IU a?: the principal Act),-

(a) in clause (&,- . ,

I .

- (1) in item (v), the word " o r " shall be added a t h e end;
. ,

(2) after item (v), the following iten1 shall be added,

aarncly :-

' t i ) obsirc~ctspedestrian traffic " ;

. .
( b ) aher clause ( d l , the followhg- cle,use shall be added,
nainely :-': '

. . , ",(Q">Traffic:, Committee " means . a Traffic Committee I

- y ~1
~ d section
er 3-B and having jurisdiction. 1' .. , I . .

, . ... . '

3. I~lserficn01 new sections 3-A, 3-Band 3-C in Tamil NO& .Act

? of 1959.-After section. 3. .. of the principal Act, the following
~ e cions
t s.hall b c insprted, namhly.:- . -. ,

.. .'
. '. - -. .'. . -
. .
- 7 . ::.

. . ., -

" 3-A,' Penally f ~ rdisfigureme121b y cerlnht calegories of in-

: uurhorised ad.ie~;brsmeprs witIiorit pnmirsian-(I) Without pre- .
. .

$ice to thh'provisla~~sdf sect= 4, whoever, wiihoui ,he previous per.

- ' a -

C. ,
: -2~0 NADU G O V B R N M ~ TGAZBTTE . E ~ T K A O R D ~ N AYR

& of the Trafic 8 i c d ~ atfur6 ~ , W, Cr h c r i b e or e & k

on, any place open to public view any advertisement which-
obstructs the line of vision of any person or the driver
- ((0
of any -vehicle llsing any public place or endangers the saf
. such person, driver by vehicle ;
(6) disgracis the attention of ally pedestrian or rlle driver
. of mrly vel~icleusjng any public place, in such manner a: io ceua
danger to such pedestrian or driver or vehicle; or
(c) C S U J ~ S glare to t h e driver of a ~ yvehicle using any
public placz,
be ?i~nished with imprisonment of either description for a
terr.: which may exteild t o one year or with-fine which rimy ez:elld
to one thousalld rupees or with both.

(2) Eve~:y Traflic: C=ommi.tlec shall, in decidhg whether lo

grant or refuse t o grant permission under sub-section ( I ) ,
regard to the following matters, namely :-
( ( I ) the location of the proposed advertjsemcnt;
( b ) the titdct -of such advcrtiscrnci~t on moving trafic;
. .
(c) such nihcr matters as may be prescribed.

343.- Constitution of 1 5 . a ~Committee.-41) There

. shall bc
: constituted a ~ra%c Committee for the City of Madras and for each
, district.
(2) Evcr y Tr afic C~mmi~tteeshall,-
(a) in -the City of Madras,. cunsist of the Deputy C
.. sio~lerdf Police (Traffic);
(6) in the districts, consist of the ~u~krintendent
of ~ o l i a ,
. and five 'other n~n-official.wmibers appointetl by the State ~ o ~ e m '
me@, of whom, two shall be women : . ... .-. .
provided that if there. ars morc than one Superintcndenf d
Poljce in a district, the senior most' among ,:them .fiall. be.:th . .

ber of the Traffic Committee..

. .

' ? . ., .. - ..,:
2 , . b.. ;.I-
- -

3-C. d p p e d [ . - ( 1.) .-k:lv person. aggrieved by-any degsion of

Traffic Committee in glbantiilg .or..rgwing tu grant pemissio
section 3-A may agDeal- P
- .
in the City of ~ a d c & , , " ~tj&"~&~iioioner

. . (0) ' 0
ind '';:-';

-- . . , -
. .
:- 1

-- .. . , I * .

I ._
.--..._ I--- - ,

(5) elsewhere, to the Coueotor of the district concerned.
(2) 'Ibe dcclsion of the appellate au,thority under sub-section
(1) sliall be final. ". 1
- d 1 rr- 1 I

pril~cipnl -'-
(1) of
section 4 shall bc renumbered as ~ub~section
hat zection and after sub-section (I) a-- - -
sub-section shall be added, namely :-
- -- 1

convlcUng the orlender unaer sub-section

(2) The court lvnrre
. t . . .

(I) nlay. by order, also, clirect the offender to pay by way of com- ;

pensation Lo Ihi: owner or occupier or person in management of - the

.. -. ..
or prttnyscs, r>r sucn amount not exceeulng nve nundred
C I . m

iupees on the v:hole as may be reasonably incurred by him in erasing

- . 0 . ---A:--- .'
co~our-wasnlng rnt; ~ U LIWI~S
- 1
building or premises which
I I -I?
anu UI "le
.. .1 -

have b c t ~Liisfipured , b y the act of the ouenaer. ,-.
m 1 .A

/ I j ~ ~ e n d f r ~ eofn f seclion 5, Tamil N a d u > d 2 of 1959.-Xn

j. , - - 'i!

section 5 of the principal Act, fur the words and figures "under . -

section 3 or section 4 ", the words, figures and letter "under section
I? 3 or section 3-A or section 4 (1)" shall 'be substimted. , . ,

r 6. Srrbsfiiuiion of new sec:bt: fo:. zzcfitjn 6, Tamil Nadu Acf 2 of

1959.-For section 6 of the principal Act,-the following section shall - - 1

- - he substituted, namely :--

I, I - . .
0. ~ j ~ ( r dOJn p~.- u oP ~.m certam
a person is
c m s .--Where . ,

prasccut.ed for committing an offc~lccunder section 3-A or sectinn -

" ( I ) , thc burden of proving that he has the permission or the .

written consent, as. the case map be, shall be on him. 7.

7. A~nendrnept of section 8, Tamil ~

' i Actd 2 ~o j igjg.-h .
scction 8 of the principal Act, for the expression 'the Code of Cri-
. .189%
mi:lal Procedure,
,-.-. - (Central Act V of 1898)
- .", the expression the
t oae or Lrimlnal PI-oceuure, l Y l J (Cenfral Act 2 of 1974) " shall
m 1 . I ~ h - - . r -

be substituted.

8. .41rrntdnenr of .reclion I I , Tamil Nrrdu Acl 2 of 1959,-h

c' o r r ~ n .m
I - buwseclrfin
U LI ~ : I ~1
~ ~ I L I ~n A? -.I
h r- (2). tnc
. 4
. 9 .
~ +6 - - ---a! ,ac I *a

!ub-seclions shall be substituted, namely :-

" (2) In p a ~ i c u l a rand without prejudice to the generality of
the foregoing power, such rules may provide for-
the form of application for pemu'ssh :
- I

(b) the manner in which. and the perioZ vlithin which. the
. application for permission has Lo be made ; ._
, ----
I .
IE ~ X I ' I ~ A ~ I Z L > I N A I ~ ~ '
- - 1 - .- - . .-. - , -

(c) thc fecs t o be paid on eve'ry application for permizs-ion.

( 3 ) A l l ~ . u l c s ~ ~ ~under
a d e t h h Act shail be published in the
-1ut1zil Nadu Governmerz~Gazefte and, unless i i q are expressed to
come into force on a parti&- day, shaU come into force nn the
.. day on which they are so published.
- (4) Every rule made under this Act shall, as soon as possible
a f k r it' is made be ~1;dcedon the table of both Houses of tlie -- Lem'r-
- - - - - - -

lalire and if, - hc fore the expiry of the session in which it is so placed
or the next sessian. both Houscs agree in making. anv mndification ----
-- . ---> --

i i l any such rule o; both Houses ~ b e e


that& rule should not be

made, the rule s ~ thereafter
U have effect
- - -, -**
- . onlv in -such modified
- - " --- - form
or be of no elfect, as the c& may ba, so however, that any sucb
modificati'on or ailnulnlertt sheU be without vreiudice
to the ~~allditv
of anything previously done under ?hat rde.".

(By order of the Governor]

. ... ,
-. '- u -. r . .
r." ,..,
J d m v Departmetzt.

.. - . .. ..
- 209
The following Act of the Tamil NudQ Legislative &mbly received the
assent of the Governor on the 14th October 1992 and is hereLy published for
g,.zneraJ i~~formation

ACT No. 55 OF 199%

AN rlct fzirlker to amend the Tamil Nadu Ope% Places (Prevention of '

Disjigurernent) Act, 1959.

PJ& it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Timil Nadu in
the Forty-third. Year of the Republic of India as follows a-:

1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Open Places (Preven- Shorttitle
tion of X)i,digurement) Auendment A& 1992. and conmenee-
(2) (a) I t shall be deemed to have come into force oli the 16th June .
1YV2 in the City of Madras .
( b ) It shall come into force in any other municipal co$oration or in
any ~nunicipality,on such date as the State Govqnment may, by notification,
appoint m d different dates may be appointed , . . municipd, aor-
. . for different
?or3 tions and municipalities. *
2. In the T , GNadu ~ Open Places (prevention of ~i&~urernent) ~ c t ; Ar,"zg:of *'

1959 (hereinafter ieferred to as the principqJ Act), in the long title, after
the expression " diigfigurenient by, objectioq4le or ~&tiuthb&ed advertise- -
ments of placesl open to public ti&w",thii'exbrcisuion " aad to .privent pasting t

of posters in mch place " shall be inserted.

d. In the preamble to the principql Acs after fbc expression ':dipfigure d .

ment by objectionable or uxiauthorised advertisements bP placesl open to
public view ", the expression " and
. to prevent
a pasting of p o s t e ~ in such ,
piaces " shdi be inserted.
:' 8 1 I i

4 In section 3 of the'principd Act, for the expression " ona tlioasand'

rupees ";the. expression "'five thousand rupces " &a& be substituted.
- d

5. I n section 3-A of the principal Act, in sub-section (I),- . Amendment of

section 3-A.
(I) for the- expreqion " Without prejudice to the provimo~~sof'
r~ection4 ", the expression, "Subject to tho proviaions of section 4-A and
without prejudice to theSprovisions of section 4" shall be substituted ; ,
(2) lor the exprewion " one thousand rupees", the expression " fiie
1 thousand rupees" shdl be substituted. .-
6. 1n mbsection (1) of section 4 of the principnl Act, for the exprewrtn A~~~~~ of
'. 'il~hoeveraffixeq to ", the expression " Subject lo the provisirms of section 4 A ,
whncvcP affixes to " shall' be substituted.

1j 7. Aflcr section 4 of the principal Act, the following ~ections&dl be l n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~

inserted, namely :-- and 4-C.
4 " 4-A. Prohibition, of, pasting of posters MLCE fizing of thatty boards, . .
1 etc.-(1) Notwithst ~ndinganyt%ing contained in dctions 3, 3-A! or 4 or nny
other provhion of thig Act, or any law for the time being in force, no person
I1 shall, in any local area,-
( a ) affix to, or inscribe or exhibit on, any place open to public
4 view. nny post,cr or nny effigy, or any bill, notico, document, pczpcr or athcr
thing containing any words, ~ignsor 4vitjiMc reprmentrltions ; or

( B ) put up or fix any thatty board or board supportt!d on, or

attached to, any post, pole, standar4 framework or other support whoUy op
* 1

in part upon or over any land, bnildhg, wall or s t r u e e :

4 r, .,-,., rv ? PY.rv~q1---3
. ,

.. "


. <
--- - - . . - ,
v 4-B. Pei1aZty.-Whoever contgaveneq the ppvisiops of section 4-A shall :
be ~unishedwith imprisonment of cuther description, ffo~ a t e r n which niay
extend to one year, or with h e which may extend to five thousand, rupees, or -
with both.
4-C. .Pourer lo try offenw surnm.mZy.--hy offence punishable under '

section 4-B may be tried in a sumrnarg; way and the provisrions of sectio~~a
to 265 (both inclusive) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Central Act
h ol 1974)' shall, as far m may be, apply to such trial.".
Amendment of
h. In section 5 of the principal Act, after the expression " section 4 ( 1 1 ", section 5 ,
tlie exprossiond' or sction, 4A' "shall be insewd.
9. In sektion 6 of the principd se,.dm 6. .of
dcT, . &r the eveasion " or section -..Amendment
4 ( 1) ", the expression '" or seetion 4 A (1) (b) " shall be inserted. .
1 Nadu 10. (1) Tbc Tamil Nadu Open Plaoea (Prevcntiion of Disflgurelnent) R ~ ~ ~ ~ n d
41nenrlment Ordinance, 1992 is hereby repealed. ,

(2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken ',

under the 'principal Act, as amended by the mid Ordinance, shall be deemed
m have been done or taken under the principal Act, ilr amended hy this Act.

(By order of the Governor )

' ' Y .
. Ssoretwg to Government, LIIU)


+ .
. .
: 20 '
'.i-: '.

' I

The follo\ving Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of
-.the Governor on the 31cl March 1994 atnd is hereby published for general information :-
5 "' '" * . a

. ACT No. 8 OF 1994.

An Act jn~rtlzer to a r end

~ tlze Tamil Nadrr Open places (Prevention of Disfigurement)
Act, 1959.

- !. BE it enacted by the Legislative Asseinbly of the State of Taniil Nadu in the

Forty-fourth Year of the Republic of India as follows :-
I .

1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Open Places (Prevention of Short title
i ; . - ., Disfigurement) Amendment Act, 1994. commencem

(2) It shall colllc into forcc at once.

Tamil *ad* Act 2. In the Tanill Nadu Open Places (Prevention cf Disfigurement) Act, 1959 ~ n l ~ n d n l e ' l t \
of 1959. (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act), in the long title, for the expressio? long i
"open to public view and to prevent pasting of posters in such places", the 1
expression "open to public view and to prevent pasting of posters in such places 1
and onfMotor Vehicles" shall be substituted.
3. In the preanlble to the principal Act, for the expression "open to public Amendment of
vie# and to prevent pasting of posters in such places", the expression "open l"eab'e.
to public view and to prevent pasticg of posters in such places and on Motor
Vehicles" shall be sul stituted.
Amendment of
4. Tn section 2 of the priticipal Act,- section 2
. .

(I) after clause (a), the following clause shall be Inserted, namely:-
"(uu) "motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle as defined in clause (28)
of section 2 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (Central Act 59 of 1988) and used for $<

road transport service by any State Transport Undertaking;";

(2) after clause (d), the following clause shall be inserted, namely :- i,

"(dd) "State Transport Undertaking" means a State Transport Under- t"

raking as defined in clause (42) of section 2 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988
(Central Act 59 of 1988);".
5. After section 4-A of the principal Act, the following section shall
inserted, namely :-
be lnz$::,:fA
"4-AA. ProIlibitioi7 o j pastiilg of posters and fixing qf. thatty boar&, ~ L ,L
on Motor Vellic1o.s.-(1) Notwithstanding anything contained In sections 3, 3-A.
4 or 4 A or any other provision of this Act, or any law for the time being
i n force, noperson shall-

(a) affix to, or inscribe or exhibit 011, any motor vehicle, any poster or any
effigy, or any bill, notice, document, paper or other thing cont-.ining any words,
signs or visible representations ; or

(b) put up or fix any thatty board or board .supported on, or attached to,
any post, pole, standard, framework or other support wholly or in any part upon
or over any motor vehicle :

Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section shall apply to any poster
or advertisement or thatty board S I ~the State- Government, on any motor

(2) Nor~1tllb:andlng anything contained in sub-section (!), anu rfficer

authorised by the Chairman of the State Transport Undertaking concerned, may
gram uermissiorl ICI any person to put up or fix any thatty board on any motor
vehicle, subject to such conditions alld f ~ such . . _ in sucb
r verind as n13y be s~ecified
l ~ e r i~si011
~r : E:
6. In section 5 of the principal Act, afler the expression "section 4-A", the
expression "or section 4-AA" shall be inserted.
7. In section 6 of the principal Act, after the expressio~l "section 4-A(l)(b)",
the expression "or section .Q-AA(l)(b)"sllall be inserted.

(By order of the Governor)

Secretar'y t o Govcrnmcnt,
Law Depnrtmeht .

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