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• Zorka Hereford in her book Essential Life defined that

• Personal Development as “The Process of striving to be the best that
you can be in order to reach and realize your full potential”
• It is a journey of self-discovery, self-improvement and self-realization
• According to Carl Rogers
• It is only human beings who have the capacity to reflect upon itself,
and in the process develop awareness, analytical thinking and self-
evaluation, motivation, decision making and reflective thought.
• Open Area- traits that everyone knows including yourself
• Blind Area- traits that everyone knows except you
• Hidden Area- secrets that nobody knows except you
• Unknown Area- traits and capability that no one knows even you

SOCRATES- the most important thing to pursue is self-knowledge and

admitting one’s ignorance is the beginning of true knowledge

PLATO- the beginning of knowledge is self-knowledge

Self-essence of a person, includes a person’s life purpose, meaning

and aspirations (thoughts, feelings, and actions, experiences, beliefs,
values, principles, and relationships)

Psychological Definition: The cognitive and affective

representative of one’s identity. It is defined in terms of human
characteristics such as thought and behavior.

PERSONALITY- essence of who we are and is the embodiment of

one’s physical and psychological behavior
- set of behaviors, feelings, thoughts, and motives that
identifies an individual


• Personality refers to the unique and enduring set of behaviors,

feelings, thoughts, and motives that characterize an individual
• (making of a personality) Personality is a complex combination
of genes, environmental exposure and experiences and
cultural backgrounds.
• Asian’s exhibit strong “interpersonal relatedness
• Westerners look at their behavior and its impact on their
personal goals

• An approach in identifying types of personalities based on

certain traits or attributes which vary from one person to the

Categorized Scheme by COSTA and McRAE (psychologists)

O- openness to experience (curiousity, interests, new ideas)

C- conscientiousness (careful or vigilant, organized, responsible)

E- extraversion (enjoys with many people rather than being alone)

A- Agreeableness (kind, sympathetic, cooperative, warm)

N- neuroticism (moody, anxiety, frustration, depression)


E or I (extraversion & introversion)

S or N (sensing & intuition)
reasoning beliefs

T or F (thinking & feeling)

J or P (judgement & perception) organize Anything


• Rene Descartes – influenced mankind’s thinking with his theory

of duality (separation) of body and spirit
• Gen. Jan C. Smuts- introduced the academic terminology for
holism as “the tendency in nature to form wholes which are
greater than the sum of the parts through creative revolution”.
• Wolfgang Kohler- introduced the concept of gestalt
“something that is made of many parts and yet is somehow
more than or different from the combination of its parts”


• Physiological- physical attributes
• Cognitive- intellectual functions
• Psychological- thinking, feeling, and behaving
• Social- manner by which an individual interacts
• Spiritual- attribute of a person’s consciousness and beliefs
➢ Attitudes are person’s thoughts, feelings, and emotions about
another person, object, idea, behavior or situation based on
his/her values and belief systems
➢ Behavior is a manifestation of your attitude

➢ Core of every person lies a system of beliefs that adheres to
the highest ideals of human existence; these create meaning
and purpose in a person’s life, these ideals are called values.

➢ Peaceful, calm, reputable, responsible, honest…
➢ Essence of our character and moral excellent of a person has
a character made up of virtues as good.

10 COMMON VALUES by Shalom H. Schwartz

1.) Self-Direction- Independent thought and action—choosing,

creating, exploring.

2.) Stimulation- Excitement, novelty and challenge in life.

3.) Hedonism Pleasure or sensuous gratification for oneself.

4.) Achievement Personal success through demonstrating

competence according to social standards.

5.) Power- Social status and prestige, control or dominance over

people and resources.

6.) Security- Safety, harmony, and stability of society, of

relationships, and of self.

7.) Conformity- Restraint of actions, inclinations, and impulses likely

to upset or harm others and violate social expectations or norms.

8.) Tradition- Respect, commitment, and acceptance of the

customs and ideas that one's culture or religion provides.

9.) Benevolence- Preserving and enhancing the welfare of those

with whom one is in frequent personal contact (the ‘in-group’).

10.) Universalism- Understanding, appreciation, tolerance, and

protection for the welfare of all people and for nature.

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