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Jesus Medina

Professor Rodrick

English 115

September 15, 2019

3 Annotated Articles

~Diane Barth, F, and Holly Starkman. “Introduction to Body Meets Mind: Eating Disorders and
Body Image--A Twenty-First Century Perspective.” ​Clinical Social Work Journal​, vol. 44, no. 1,
2016, pp. 1–3. Accessed September 15, 2019. The main focus or purpose of this article was to
talk about how social media now changes our perspectives on our own bodies. The purpose of
this article was to also show that both genders can be affected by the body shame from social
media and technology. I think this article can be very useful because as of now my topic is about
body shaming from social media leading to eating disorders. I’m not sure any special features
that I liked but I did like the fact that this article mentioned lots of articles to back them up along
with focusing on the different people affected by body image and eating disorders. The authors
conclusion was that body image is definitely linked with eating disorders and that with the
impact that social media, technology and culture has for a “perfect” body should help clinicians
realize the need to enforce maintenance and treatment of these symptoms. My conclusion and
observation were the same as the authors, I think body image is linked with eating disorders
because of social media and its impact on some people.

~Perloff, Richard. “Social Media Effects on Young Women’s Body Image Concerns: Theoretical
Perspectives and an Agenda for Research.” Sex Roles, vol. 71, no. 11-12, 2014, pp. 363–377.
Accessed September 16, 2019. The ,ain focus or purpose of the article was to showcase the effect
that social media can have on young women. This article talked about social media leading to
eating disorders but not only that but sometimes even the positive aspects of the media towards
body image and one embracing their body. This article can be useful to back me up in the fact
that disordered eating can come from the negative body images promoted online but also help in
my counterclaim that sometimes body image can be positive online. I couldn’t find the authors
conclusion. My conclusion would be that I agree with the author, social media can promote
negative body image that leads to women and men having eating disorders but social media can
also promote self love.
Holzer, Lukas, et al. “Body Image and Self-Esteem in Lower-Limb Amputees.” PLoS One, vol.
9, no. 3, 2014, p. E92943. ​Gale Expanded Academic.​ Accessed September 12, 2019. The main
focus of the article was on the body image and thoughts of people who have had a body part
amputated. The usefulness of this article for me is in the middle. I like the fact that it’s also
talking about the body image of people who have been through amputation and how it has
affected their lives. But I’m not sure if it could help me since I am mostly talking about eating
disorders from negative body image promotion. I will have to think about wether I also talk
about the people affected by these types of surgeries.

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