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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Difa Intannia
• Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

• A progressive disease that affects the lungs,

making it difficult to breathe
• Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a lung
ailment that is characterized by a persistent blockage of
airflow from the lungs.

• It is an under-diagnosed, life-threatening lung disease that

interferes with normal breathing and is not fully reversible.
• COPD a common preventable and treatable disease, is
characterized by persistent airflow limitation that is
usually progressive and associated with an enhanced chronic
inflammatory response in the airways and lung to noxious
particles or gases (GOLD, 2016)
Understanding COPD
 Critical to first understand normal lung function

Image courtesy of The National Institute of health

Lung structure and function

“Biological Science Freeman”, 2010

Lungs with copd

Image courtesy of The National Institute of health

Faktor risiko copd
• A simple diagnostic test called "spirometry“ measures how
much air a person can inhale and exhale, and how fast air can
move into and out of the lungs

• Spirometry can detect

COPD long before its
Symptoms appear.
 The goals of COPD treatment include:
• Relieving symptoms
• Slowing the progress of the disease
• Improving exercise tolerance (ability to stay active)
• Preventing and treating complications
• Improving overall health
 Manajemen COPD:
 Manajemen COPD kronik
 Manajemen COPD akut/eksaserbasi
Management copd
• COPD symptoms usually slowly worsen over time

• A cold, the flu, or a lung infection may cause symptoms to


• Prescription antibiotics may treat infections and other

medicines, such as bronchodilators and inhaled steroids, can
help facilitate breathing
Management copd
 Sebelum memilih terapi, dilakukan penentuan keparah
penyakit COPD terlebih dahulu. Dalam penilaiannya
dipertimbangkan dari faktor berikuti:
 Menilai gejala
 Menilai airflow limitation
 Menilai risiko keparahan (eksaserbasi)
 Menilai komorbiditas
 Menggunakan sejarah eksaserbasi dan nilai spirometri.
 Dua atau lebih eksaserbasi dalam 1 tahun terakhir atau nilai
FEV1 < 50% nilai prediksi  risiko tinggi
 Satu kali atau lebih masuk rumah sakit karena eksaserbasi
COPD  risiko tinggi
Perubahan klasifikasi dari GOLD sebelumnya

 Rujuk ke Pocket GOLD Guide hal 8

Terapi yang diberikan
 Berhenti merokok
 Vaksin
 Terapi obat
Management Copd stabil
Management PPOK Stabil

GOLD Pocket
guide, 2017
Management eksaserbasi
 Buatlah resume untuk obat-obat yang digunakan untuk PPOK
 sumber utama resume adalah Pharmacotherapy A
Patophysiologic Approach (DiPiro) Hal 504-510.  Boleh
ditambahkan dari sumber lain (jangan lupa mencantumkan
 Tugas di atas dikerjakan secara berkelompok, kelas dibagi
menjadi 10 kelompok.

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