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Keller Graduate School of Management HRM 591 week 3 discussions

Class, this week we will discuss workforce planning. Please share with the class your
feedback on the following:
How effective is succession planning in your organization (or one with which you are

Succession planning is a pertinent tool I feel each organization should use. From my previous employer,
the planning within the organization was so poorly ran that the morale was low and the company
quickly became a revolving door. HR was not properly aligned with directing the employees in a
direction in which upper management wanted to go in. There was no structure, it was a do whatever is
working at the time atmosphere. I remember being in a meeting on a conference call with our LA
location when an employee told me I looked like a monkey. Right there in front of HR, I looked up at HR
thinking she would step in and try to diffuse any conflict that could have risen from the comment and
her face was stone cold and she sat quietly saying nothing. I had to step outside for a moment once the
meeting ended and needed to gather my thoughts and calm myself down. The woman who made the
comment steeped out shortly after me and I informed her that her words were highly offensive, and I
would never accept nor tolerate that behavior and disrespect again. It took Rose, a woman from our LA
office to step in and complain about the remarks and as she complained and was also highly offended, I
sat back and watched the actions of HR. Not to mention the woman was also the cousin of the HR
manager, talking about uncomfortable. She was let go from that instance, I told them I forgave her for
the comment and we were able to work through the incident for we communicated as adults without
the help of HR. The thing was the Hr. manager complained day in and day out about the work or should I
say lack of work that her cousin was putting into the organization. I felt like I was being a scapegoat
because they were her way out without her parents being upset she was fired, so the actions were done
out of self-care not the betterment of the company. When her family came into the office I was
uncomfortable, She HR did not have the backbone to properly handle the wrongs and give her cousin a
chance to fix the situation. When I was hired, there was no handbook or rules that was set forth, so I
had to jump into action and build from whatever I could build. HR complained a lot about things she did
not like with me it was my writing skills and my lack of excel experience not being up to par to her liking.
Instead of training me so I can be better efficient in the work and it would align with what she was
looking for that never happened. Then as the company began to grow, I asked for more responsibility,
so I can maintain or at least build confidence when dealing with clients and perspective clients and was
declined each time. Yet, I was the top performer in the company. Then I will again speak on the woman
who was hired after me, like a year later and she was granted access to all the things I asked, she began
running meetings and I was dumbfounded. Even after I left the company, they keep my extension open
for clients I was working with to still seek the business all based from the rapport that I single handily
built. I remember running into a ex co-worker and she informed me that my portfolio was still bringing
in more revenue then everyone else in the organization. That part that left a nasty outlook on wanting
to work for a small business again was the fact, I wasn’t paid my commissions from deals I brought in
once we parted ways. It’s all good because I had mental peace and was no longer run down on the
unforeseen trials the company was facing and I no longer had to worry. Suffering from anxiety did not
make it easier. I recall another time when my daughter got pneumonia and they told me I could only be
off for a few days for they needed me in the office, so I had to leave my sick child in the house alone
until her brother got home from school and father got off work. But when the worker who was not that
fond of me informed the owners she did not want to work with me alone while they went on vacation
and for an entire week they had me work from home. Just disgusting.

I bit the bullet about two weeks ago and began working for a small business, bought a car since I’m
newly divorced and had no vehicle. Last week on my third day of work I was fired because they said I
was not a good fit, when I asked why they said with all my customer service background they assumed I
would be able to excel on phone calls. I was shocked and informed them if I’m in training and don’t have
the proper training for my trainer was pulling away from her work to train me. I also informed them that
when you start working for a new company you are supposed to start with a clean slate. Meaning each
company is ran differently, If I was not trained on the systems properly how could I take calls confidently
when I was not trained on pricing and such forth. I smiled and said thank you. Honestly, I don’t want to
work for a company that will let someone go knowing a car was just purchased off the contingency of
having been employed by them. I’m almost ready to say I never want to work for a small business again
unless it’s my own. I started a non-profit business that I have yet to get off the ground, but I have been
working with Dunn & Bradstreet and received my tax ID number. My passion is to help others who have
been through tough times and since I’m good at researching and helping to build resumes, and building
relationships with anyone I figured I would be able to be a vessel and a voice to the voiceless. Ideally, I
would love to find work that’s more stable that offers 401k and health insurance for I’m almost certain
my ex husband will be removing the kids and I from his insurance soon. So not only am I recently
divorced, but I’m now jobless, and have bills I have no idea how they are going to get paid, but I have
faith that something will breakthrough for my intentions and my heart is in a good place despite any
obstacles I’m facing or have faced in my past. I’m at a cross road for I’m 34 with two children, no
pension or savings and my son has five more years before it’s time for him to go off to college and I also
have dreams and goals of purchasing a home this year. How? I’m unsure but I’m walking by faith and
keep telling myself if God brought me to it he will bring me through it. So, I understand first hand of the
importance of succession planning and the importance of proper delegating and executing mixed with
consistency. These are attributes needed amongst HR for the business to thrive.

Reading 5.2 in your text speaks to how one large company implemented a workforce planning
and design process to move to a human capital perspective on strategic human resource
management. What lessons can one draw from this process, and how does it compare to
companies of which you are (or have been) a part?

The first thing I began to think hard on and observe as I was reading the Transition
Probability Matrix. First going over the retention numbers of the employees and the positions
help, the lowest ranking was bus persons. I could see why they are not paid tips and they come
up and clean off the table and have it cleared prior to the next guests to be seated and served.
They are more looked over than any other position held within the business. I would personally
implement a plan with each bus person hired and go over their goals and where they would like
to grow within the company. For being a bus person can get repetitive, then have to deal with
the attitudes of the servers if they feel like the busser is not moving fast enough so they can get
to the next table for the tips. If a set goal is in place, I would make a reasonable timeframe to do
sit-downs, and evaluate the work and hopefully, the success of their work and we could then
move forward to cross training them in other areas they may have more of a passion for.
Therefore, if they are properly trained in an area that they desire we could rotate responsibilities,
that way they are content and would have the likeliness to stay working for the company.
Always assuring the importance of the values of each employee and recognizing their strengths
and where they aspire to be. Taking everything a step at a time making sure they execute
they're designated there the main area then they would have the ability on being cross-trained.
Feeling like you matter and you have a voice and it's being heard and there are steps and rules
set in place for the betterment of the employees, not just the organization is another way to
create a more stable environment within the organization. Proper plans must be designated and
implemented to ensure the likeliness of the employees wanting to stay and be committed to the

Understanding the planning legacy is so important for an organization who truly seeks
to properly grow the business into ways that align with the needs and functionality of
properly designating the workload based on departments, setting proper and obtainable
goals and deadlines in which the tasks should be completed. From my readings pg. 143
broke down the proper situations that need to be discussed prior to having a new plan
set forth. Going over the previous steps that were implemented to going over the results
of the work and tasks given and how efficient did those techniques work, gaging if the
implementations worked or needed extra steps taken to ensure the execution of the
work being properly executed and di the employees take towards the change that was
implemented, through strategically planning on every aspect the company needed to be
implemented, by doing so would not only evaluate the employees working front lie but
the magnement that each department was run under. I believe that's where diversity
comes from alongside with proper training and giving the employees the assurance that
they would not be replaced creating the mentality of the employees having stability
within their workforce. Everyone has talents that are stronger in certain areas and those
strengths should be broken down into teams and departments providing assurance that
the company is fully aware of the direction in which the company wants to grow and by
doing so having open dialogue keeps the morale high throughout the organization for
everyone will be kept in the loop and the employees would have a chance to excel in
their strengths and room for their weakness to be cultivated to also provide more
stability and confidence that will show through their work.
You made some excellent points in your posts.

This post is everything that a successful organization must follow to properly succeed,
not only for the company but the betterment of the staff. By utilizing these tools,
employees would feel more stable in their positions and the turnover rate would drop
drastically. I wholeheartedly agree with your viewpoints and how these steps could be
applied in today's work environment.
Great job,

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