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Buiiness Insight
WednesdaY, SePtember La, 2OLg

Joint House, Senate P^Tgf

tb work on ProPosed OFWs
depanment - Cayetano
BY WE DEIJ- VIGIIIA AIso among the bill's authors
are House maPriry leader Martin
THE House committee on gov- Romualdez and his wife Made Kinil-

y.s't"'d"v Reo Yedda

.;;.;;;;;;"tion parw-List
and presidential
hepan hearins various proposals srveit Romualdez
o.pun- son depuw speakerPaolo Duterte'
;;""ktJ,h;-;";;; or'u
liil',5r"o"'i*llJi:lip.orii"'r.bill' u"d'". ir'J Romualdez couple-s
:;?bFd.j.;;;;i;:leqislative the Department of oFw
i.i.ltities ihat Presideot Dutette aod Foreign L'mPloFnent wru De
State tasked to an lntegrateo'
inentioned in his fourth Provlde.
(SONAl more comPtehensNe and, susta'n-
of ,h" N"aion Address
last lulv, able aPProach to addJes-s tlle Proo-
si""L.r Alan Petet Cayetano lems and cooceros ol ovetseas
r"iti." ii"*i'-Ji.n",. p-at Filipino wo-tkers and their families'
."r, a ioint technical work ''The bill ro create the DePart-
il;;;;;;";;-*i,h .on- ment of overseas Filpino Work-
" ets and Foreign 'hmPloymeot (ls
.oi5",.i ,r.rtiott of-the measure
to exoedrte its Dassaqe m€ant) to eosure that the.agency
C"'v.t"rro said tle proposal would manage' harmon':e ano
was Aisc,rssed in a mieting in strengthen exlsung Polrcles
Malacadans last Monday which Programs oo mlSratlon'
was attendet bv Senate President bill said'
vi."t"-i."" ifi, Sen. Joel Vil- The bill provides be
that t}re sec-
assist:g.by 5* 1"-
lanueva. chaitman of tlri Senate retary shall
r*d handle tne
committee on labor, Executive -dersqcretanes that
Secretarv Salvador Medialdea and tollowingg areas: admln6trauon
i.i'". Sl"t.*u Sift"stre Bello IlI. and 6nance, foreign employrnent'
;ove for a joinr reintegrarion and social services'
technical working group vlirh the overseas F Plnos'
asslstance to
S.nafe and we'vJspohen wit]r t]re overseas F lPulos rn dlsuess ano
i"n"i.t f"U.t commirtee chair, international labor affairs'
i.n. Vil"r,oeu"." Cayetano. one The bill proposes.a P5 bilLion
needs ol
of the bill's authors, said budget ro address the
Cavetano said the ioint TWG regular and irregulat C)FWs.
.hoid fitti.h its hearings by the distress' and those who are bemg
first week of Novembel so that rePauiated'
.h. bil m"v ,e".h t]te floor by *re Under the bill' an Emergency
,r,o.th and- Action C-enter Unit
;;."d ;;:k;i th" ,u-" Response
as one ot the malor
and aoproved bY December. will be created
*chnica.l units in the uni6ed agency' to be
ine sroup ro tiresh out all issues headed by an Assistant Secreury'
t i,ri *"", to emphasize *nt tlris It will opetate ^ 24/ I.c^rmedla
bill can be described by one word tet and media and soclal
--f"."t-ra" Oilu protecdbnl," monitoing center to respond to
needs,gl o"tt."-lt
Cayetano said during- yesterday's tlte emergency
Filipinos' ov€rs^eas LlhPtno work-
comminee headng
Cavetano said fie absence of a ers and theit {amtLes
.insle asencv to ad&ess forejgn they may be'
.-ilopi.n.'.orr..tns "has made ln order to make sure that fanu-
it a]fni.t for the govemment to lies of OFWs are given
;;; ;;;; n".di*a demands and Proper gurdance'.an-overseas
of migrarion in general and of Fitipinos' Famrly,wellare unlr
- :'il;i. particuli"
951yi;a will b€ created under the sard de-
hopins that the De- partment lt will serve as t}le lead
oartment of Ovetiea" Fitipinos cootdinato! among all govetnmtnt
lnd Foreign Emplol'rnenr will not agencies Pertarnrng 1o the welraf,e
be a *illie a giant step
cute i'll but and suppon programs to-r the tam-
i" ,it.-tigf" a"*o"t," h! said. ily members of the oFWs'
\ ;lcAge -,e"zu

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