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MCCLARENCE 2010-11-11

Emerging  Countries  Gaining  

Ground  in  Research  and  
According to a new UNESCO  
report USA, Europe and  
Japan increasingly challenged
by emerging countries when it  
comes to research and  
The 2010 UNESCO Science
Report concludes that while  
USA, Europe and Japan may  
still be leading the global  
research and development
(R&D) effort, they are  
increasingly being challenged  
by emerging countries,
  development was carried out in “The distribution of research
especially China.   developed countries; by 2007 and development (R&D) efforts
  this share had dropped to 76%. between North and South has
The UNESCO Science Report   This trend is even clearer , says changed with the emergence of
points out that Asia’s share of  
the UNESCO report, when new players in the global
gross domestic expenditure
  industry’s contribution to GERD economy,” says UNESCO
on research and development   is considered. Between 2000 Director General, Irina Bokova,
(GERD) is increasing. Led   and 2007, the private sector in her foreword to the Report.
mainly by China, India and  
share of R&D spending, as a “The bipolar world in which
the Republic of Korea, Asia’s proportion of GDP, saw a sharp science and technology were
share increased from 27 to increase in Japan, China, dominated by the Triad made
32% between 2002 and 2007. Singapore and especially the up of the European Union,
Republic of Korea, while it Japan and the USA is gradually
Over the same period, the
remained stable in Germany, giving way to a multi-polar
European Union, USA and
France, and the United world, with an increasing
Japan, have registered a
Kingdom and even saw a slight number of public and private
decrease. In 2002, almost
decrease in the Russian research hubs spreading across
83% of research and  
Federation and the USA. North and South.”
E. MCCLARENCE 2010-11-11

A picture   of more researchers used the Internet. There are over Developing countries are training
in developing countries is 23 users per 100 today. And this more researchers and scientists,
emerging. The proportion of proportion rose from 1.2 to 8 in this does not necessarily mean
researchers in developing the same period in Africa, from that they will easily find jobs in
countries increased from 30% 2.8 to 16 in the Arab States, and the country of origin, feeding a
in 2002 to 38% in 2007. Two- from 8.6 to 28 in Latin America. South-North and North-North
thirds of this increase is due to “The rapid diffusion of Internet in migration of graduates says the
China alone. In 2007, China, the South is one of the most report. India, Turkey, some
with its 1,423,400 researchers, promising new trends of the countries in sub-Saharan Africa
was on the verge of overtaking Millennium,” says the report. and Southern Asia are
the USA and the European particularly faced with this
Union. Today, Europe, USA Emerging economies are no problem. At least one-third of
and China each contribute longer reliant on R&D activities African researchers were
20% of the world’s outsourced from the developing estimated to be working abroad
researchers, followed by countries. China, Brazil, and in 2009. According to OECD
Japan (10%) and the Russian India have thus initiated data cited in a British study in
Federation (7%). simultaneous catching-up 2008, out of 59 million migrants
processes in industry, science living in OECD countries, 20
Developed countries have also and technology. The result is the million were highly qualified.
seen their share of scientific arrival on the world scene of
publications drop from 84% in multinational firms from Even if it is hard to quantify the
2002, to 75% in 2008. During emerging countries in sectors effects of the 2008 financial
this period, China’s share such as automobile crisis, the Report points out that
more than doubled, increasing manufacturing, consumer goods the global recession could have
from 5.2% to 10.6%. The and high-tech industries like an impact on R&D budgets,
number of articles published aircraft manufacturing. which are often vulnerable to
by researchers in Latin cuts in times of crisis. American
America has also increased, West strong in Patents firms, which are among the most
mostly thanks to Brazil. active in terms of R&D, slashed
“Of all the indicators used in the
their budgets by 5 - 25% in 2009.
According to the report it is the World Science report, it is the
As a result, the USA has been
Internet, which has become a patent indicator which points
harder hit than Brazil, China and
powerful vector for most strikingly to the inequality
India, which has enabled these
disseminating knowledge. of knowledge creation at the
countries to catch up faster than
Throughout the world, the global level,” says the Report.
they would have without the
number of connections leaped The US Patents and Trademark
crisis. Finally the Report stresses
noticeably from 2002 to 2007. Office, European Patent Office
the need to intensify scientific
But this advance is even more and Japan Patent Office claim
cooperation, particularly between
significant in emerging the lion’s share, and patents filed
countries in the South.
countries. In 2002, just over 10 with these bodies mean they are
out of 100 people, globally, of a high quality.

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