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Illll[801l sePtemuer 19' 2019

olt c0ilPAlll E$ IOLD: IIOIIT EIIPTOil $AU[I AITAGK$ Itl that may stem from the attacks'
and would rise further to P6 in
are taking advantage ofthis Pre- to normal following the drone
Albay Rep.JoeY Salceda called on "Some s'ectors are saylng 2020.
disposition toward Panic." attacks on the Saudi oil fields. The excise on gasoline also
oiI companies not to exploit last "So if that is the case, then that there would bb around P3
weekend's attacks on Saudi Ara- As to proposals to susPend per liter increase on oil Prices increased to P7 in 2018, P9 this
the fuel excise tax, Salceda said there would be no impact on year, and would go uP to P1o
bian oil fields to unduly raise our oil supply and there's no because of the attacks and the
pump prices, as he noted that the Tax Reform for Acceleration resulting droP in oil suPPlY next year, he added.
and Inclusion (TRAIN) Act was further action needed. So we
some of them were already try- to monitor that the would also Push the Prices of
clear that this could onlY be iust, have Proposed amendment
ing to price uP old inventories as other goods to skyrocket," the
done if the average Price of iupply that are coming from the The TRAIN law allows the
if these were new supplies.
Middle East are indeed ade- group's chair, forrner ReP. Neri
Spe;king to reporters at Dubai crude would reach $8o Colmenares, said in a state- increase in the excise on fuel to
quate," he said.
Malacaiang on WednesdaY, per barrel for three months.
ment. "So it is imPerative that be suspended whel the global
Saudi Arabia is the top sup- price of oil averages at least $8o
Salceda said the earlier warn-
Knee-ierk reaction plier of crude oil in the Philip- the TRAIN law is now re-
ings issued bY government offi- pealed." Der barrel for three consecutlve
"So if there's one thing this pines. 'months, But critics argued that
cials about a looming Price in- Colmenares noted that un-
crease were Premature and that administration will not be
der the law, which took effect in the threshold was set too high,
known for, it's knee-jerk reflex For TRAIN law repeal
oil companies must justify any 2018 and which critics blamed resulting in Policymaker; being
At the House, the oPPosition
raise they nowPlanto impose. reactions," he said.
for the soaring inflation rate unable to susPend last Year's oil
Meanwhile, Finance Under- Bavan Mrma Party list grouP price hikes as inflation soared' i
"l think they have to Prove ."il"d fot the repeal of the that year, excise on diesel and
Bayan Muna ReP. Carlos ls-
cited reports '
the public that they bought oil secretaryKarl Chua TMIN laWln view of Price hikes frude went uP to P4.5o thisYear
"TheY '-that the oil suppty had returned
at those prices"' he said. j agani Zarate urged House col-
leagues to Pass the Makabayan
\ fo4o1a - Aa,t bloc's House Bill No. 243 to I

amend the TMIN law.

"We hope that the House I

leadership would Prioritize this

bilt," he said. "We are also call-
ing on the Supreme Court to de-
cide on our petitian to iunk the
TBAIN law so as to shield con-
s{imers from another wave of l

price shocks."
The bill would reverse what
it considered to be the TRAIN
law's "regressive and antipoPr"
sections, especially the addi
tional excise on Petroleum
products. -REPoRrs FRoM LEIIA a.

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