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''Public ctr As Integer

''Private Sub cbobloodgroup_Click()

''cboid.ListIndex = cbobloodgroup.ListIndex
''Dim rsstock As New ADODB.Recordset
''If rsstock.State Then rsstock.Close
''Dim strsqlstock As String
''strsqlstock = "Select AvailableQty From BloodGroup Where PK_BloodGroupID=" &
''rsstock.Open strsqlstock, cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
'' lblstockdon.Caption = rsstock("AvailableQty")
''End Sub
''Private Sub cbobloodgroup_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
''Select Case KeyAscii
''Case Else
''KeyAscii = 0
''End Select
''End Sub
''Private Sub cbobloodgroup1_Click()
''cboid1.ListIndex = cbobloodgroup1.ListIndex
''Dim rsstock As New ADODB.Recordset
''If rsstock.State Then rsstock.Close
''Dim strsqlstock As String
''strsqlstock = "Select AvailableQty From BloodGroup Where PK_BloodGroupID=" &
''rsstock.Open strsqlstock, cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
'' lblstockout.Caption = rsstock("AvailableQty")
''End Sub
''Private Sub cbobloodgroup2_Click()
''cboid2.ListIndex = cbobloodgroup2.ListIndex
''Dim rsstock As New ADODB.Recordset
''If rsstock.State Then rsstock.Close
''Dim strsqlstock As String
''strsqlstock = "Select AvailableQty From BloodGroup Where PK_BloodGroupID=" &
''rsstock.Open strsqlstock, cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
'' lblstock.Caption = rsstock("AvailableQty")
''End Sub
''Public Function filldonid()
''Dim rsd As New ADODB.Recordset
''With rsd
'' If rsd.State Then rsd.Close
'' .Open "IndividualMaster", cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
'' Dim i As Integer
'' For i = 1 To .RecordCount
'' cbodonid.AddItem .Fields("PK_DonorID")
'' 'txtdonname.Text = rsd("DonorName")
'' .MoveNext
'' Next
''End With
''End Function
''Private Sub cbodonid_Click()
''Dim rsdname As New ADODB.Recordset
''If rsdname.State Then rsdname.Close
''rsdname.Open "Select DonorName From IndividualMaster Where PK_DonorID=" &
Val(cbodonid.Text), cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
'' txtdonname.Text = rsdname("DonorName")
''End Sub
''Private Sub cbodonid_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
''Select Case KeyAscii
''Case Else
''KeyAscii = 0
''End Select
''End Sub
''Private Sub cboreciepent_Click()
''If cboreciepent.ListIndex = 0 Then
'' fmoutsider.Visible = False
'' fmhospital.Visible = False
'' fmdon.Visible = True
'' Call FillBloodgroupDonor
'' Call filldonid
''End If
''If cboreciepent.ListIndex = 1 Then
'' fmdon.Visible = False
'' fmhospital.Visible = False
'' fmoutsider.Visible = True
'' Call FillBloodgroupOutsider
''End If
''If cboreciepent.ListIndex = 2 Then
'' fmoutsider.Visible = False
'' fmdon.Visible = False
'' fmhospital.Visible = True
'' Call FillBloodgroupHosp
'' ctr = 1
'' msfhosptrans.ColWidth(0) = 1
'' msfhosptrans.ColWidth(1) = 1500
'' msfhosptrans.ColWidth(2) = 1500
'' msfhosptrans.TextMatrix(0, 0) = "id"
'' msfhosptrans.TextMatrix(0, 1) = "Blood Group"
'' msfhosptrans.TextMatrix(0, 2) = "No of Bags"
''End If
''End Sub
''Private Sub cmdCheck_Click()
''If txtdonid.Text = "" Then
'' MsgBox "Enter DonorID", vbInformation
''Dim ctr As Integer
''Dim i, a As Integer
''Dim did As Integer
''did = Val(txtdonid.Text)
''Dim rsCheck As New ADODB.Recordset
''rsCheck.Open "Select * From IndividualMaster", cnn, adOpenDynamic,
''i = 0
''If rsCheck.RecordCount > 0 Then
'' For ctr = 1 To rsCheck.RecordCount
'' a = 0
'' cbodonid.ListIndex = i
'' a = Val(cbodonid.Text)
'' If did = a Then
'' lblAvailable.Caption = "Available"
'' lblAvailable.ForeColor = &H8000& 'Green
'' lblAvailable.Visible = True
'' Exit Sub
'' Else
'' lblAvailable.Caption = "Not Available"
'' lblAvailable.ForeColor = &HC0& 'Red
'' End If
'' 'a = a + 1
'' i = i + 1
'' Next
''lblAvailable.Visible = True
''If lblAvailable.Caption = "Not Available" Then
'' MsgBox "Donor is not register", vbCritical
''End If
''End If
''End If
''End Sub
''Private Sub cmdcheckhosp_Click()
''If txthospid.Text = "" Then
'' MsgBox "Enter HospitalID", vbInformation
''Dim ctr1 As Integer
''Dim i1, a1 As Integer
''Dim hid As Integer
''hid = Val(txthospid.Text)
''Dim rshosp As New ADODB.Recordset
''rshosp.Open "Select * From HospitalMaster", cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
''i1 = 0
''If rshosp.RecordCount > 0 Then
'' For ctr1 = 1 To rshosp.RecordCount
'' a1 = 0
'' cbohospid.ListIndex = i1
'' a1 = Val(cbohospid.Text)
'' If hid = a1 Then
'' lblavailablehosp.Caption = "Available"
'' lblavailablehosp.ForeColor = &H8000& 'Green
'' lblavailablehosp.Visible = True
'' Exit Sub
'' Else
'' lblavailablehosp.Caption = "Not Available"
'' lblavailablehosp.ForeColor = &HC0& 'Red
'' End If
'' 'a = a + 1
'' i1 = i1 + 1
'' Next
''lblavailablehosp.Visible = True
''If lblavailablehosp.Caption = "Not Available" Then
'' MsgBox "Hospital is not register", vbCritical
''End If
''End If
''End If
''End Sub
''Private Sub cmddonorexit_Click()
''fmdon.Visible = False
''End Sub
''Private Sub cmdexithosp_Click()
''fmhospital.Visible = False
''End Sub
''Private Sub cmdexitout_Click()
''fmoutsider.Visible = False
''End Sub
''Private Sub cmdOkData_Click()
''If txtNOB.Text = "" Then
'' MsgBox "Enter No. of Bags", vbInformation
''End If
''If Val(txtNOB.Text) > Val(lblstock.Caption) Then
'' MsgBox "" & Val(txtNOB.Text) & " No. of Bags are not available",
'' txtNOB.Text = ""
'' txtNOB.SetFocus
'' lblstock.Caption = Val(lblstock.Caption) - Val(txtNOB.Text)
''End If
'' msfhosptrans.TextMatrix(ctr, 1) = cbobloodgroup2.Text
'' msfhosptrans.TextMatrix(ctr, 2) = txtNOB.Text
'' ctr = ctr + 1
''End Sub
''Private Sub cmdsave_Click()
''Call recipent
''Dim rsTrans As New ADODB.Recordset
''If rsTrans.State Then rsTrans.Close
''rsTrans.Open "Select * From Transaction", cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
'' If recp = 0 Then
'' rsTrans("TypeOfReciepent") = recp
'' rsTrans("FK_RecepientID") = cbodonid.Text
'' rsTrans("NoOfBags") = txtNOBDON.Text
'' rsTrans("BloodGroupName") = cbobloodgroup.Text
'' rsTrans("TransactionDate") = dtdon.Value
'' ElseIf recp = 1 Then
'' Dim rsout As New ADODB.Recordset
'' If rsout.State Then rsout.Close
'' rsout.Open "Select * From OutSider", cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
'' rsout.AddNew
'' rsout("Name") = txtoutname.Text
'' rsout("Address") = txtoutadd.Text
'' rsout("HospitalName") = txthospname.Text
'' rsout.Update
'' rsout.Close
'' rsTrans("TypeOfReciepent") = recp
'' rsTrans("FK_RecepientID") = cbo.Text
'' rsTrans("NoOfBags") = txtNOBDON.Text
'' rsTrans("BloodGroupName") = cbobloodgroup.Text
'' rsTrans("TransactionDate") = dtdon.Value
''End Sub
''Public Function recipent()
''Dim recp As Integer
''If cboreciepent.ListIndex = 0 Then
'' recp = 0
''End If
''If cboreciepent.ListIndex = 1 Then
'' recp = 1
''End If
''If cboreciepent.ListIndex = 2 Then
'' recp = 2
''End If
''End Function
''Private Sub Form_Load()
'''cboreciepent.ListIndex = 0
''Call filldonid
'''Call FillBloodgroup
''End Sub
''Public Function FillBloodgroupDonor()
''Dim rsbloodgroup As New ADODB.Recordset
''With rsbloodgroup
'' If rsbloodgroup.State Then rsbloodgroup.Close
'' .Open "BloodGroup", cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
'' Dim i As Integer
'' For i = 1 To .RecordCount
'' cbobloodgroup.AddItem .Fields("BloodGroupName")
'' cboid.AddItem .Fields("PK_BloodGroupID")
'' .MoveNext
'' Next
''End With
''End Function

''Public Function FillBloodgroupHosp()

''Dim rsbloodgroup2 As New ADODB.Recordset
''With rsbloodgroup2
'' If rsbloodgroup2.State Then rsbloodgroup2.Close
'' .Open "BloodGroup", cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
'' Dim i3 As Integer
'' For i3 = 1 To .RecordCount
'' cbobloodgroup2.AddItem .Fields("BloodGroupName")
'' cboid2.AddItem .Fields("PK_BloodGroupID")
'' .MoveNext
'' Next
''End With
''End Function
''Private Sub txtdonname_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
''Select Case KeyAscii
''Case Else
''KeyAscii = 0
''End Select
''End Sub
''Private Sub txtNOBOut_LostFocus()
''If txtNOBOut.Text = "" Then
'' MsgBox "Enter No. of Bags", vbInformation
'' txtNOBOut.SetFocus
''End If
''If Val(txtNOBOut.Text) > Val(lblstockout.Caption) Then
'' MsgBox "" & Val(txtNOBOut.Text) & " No. of Bags are not available",
'' txtNOBOut.Text = ""
'' txtNOBOut.SetFocus
'' lblstockout.Caption = Val(lblstockout.Caption) - Val(txtNOBOut.Text)
''End If
''End Sub
''Function SaveTransaction(RecipientID As Integer, TOR As Integer)
''Dim rsTrans As New ADODB.Recordset
''Dim Strsql As String
''Strsql = ""
''rsTrans.Open Strsql, cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
''End Function
'Option Explicit

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