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Character and personality game

You won’t find him in the corner at the party. o.tg.i.g outgoing
That’s her doing the can-can on the table. ex...v.rt extrovert
She has no problems. c..ef.ee carefree
He never frowns. l...t-h.a.t.d light-hearted
She tells no lies. t.u.hf.. truthful
He has few secrets. o..n open
She’ll tell you if she doesn’t like yout after-shave. f...k frank
He knows what he wants and he usually gets it. s.r.n.-wi..ed strong-willed
She never gives up without a fight. d.t.r.i.ed determined
He knows he is good. s.l.-co..i..nt self-confident
He wants to be bigger, better, - the best am..t.o.s ambitious
And expects high standards of performance from others. d.m.n.i.g demanding
He works 18 hours a day, jogs and plays squash. e.e.ge..c energetic
He thins he’s superior to everyone. a.r.g..t arrogant
She won’t share her presents with her sister. s..f..h selfish
He spends half the day in front of the mirror v..n vein
He thinks he’s the centre of the universe. e.oc..t..c egocentric
She thinks the whole world revolves around her. s..f-c.n.r.d selfcentred
She seems to enjoy finding fault with others. c.it...l critical
He always likes the fat taken off his bacon. f.s.y fussy
He is like a donkey. s.ub..rn stubborn
He loves money, loves having things. m.t.r.a.i.t.c materialistic
She never lets her husband out of sight. p.ss.ss..e possessive
You never know what he is going to do. u.p.ed.ct..le unpredictable
He never knows what he is going to do. i.d.c.s.ve indecisive
Be careful what she is doing behind your back. d.sh.n..t dishonest
He behaves like the weather in April. cha.g.a.le changeable
He never does all the things he says he’ll do. u.r.l.a.le unreliable
He uses his common sense. s.n.i.le sensible
She’d solve all the problems on a desert island. p.ac..c.l practical
Nothing upsets her. c..m calm
He is really down-to-earth. r.al..t.c realistic
I think, therefore I am. l.g.c.l logical
His head rules his heart. r.t..n.l rational
Keep out of her way when she loses her temper. a.gr..s.v. aggressive
He is fiery and emotional. h..-bl..d.d hot-blooded
She’s not afraid to go mountain climbing. b.a.e brave
He will not desert you in a crisis. l.y.l loyal
He would always stop to help a disabled person across the road. c.ns.d....e considerate
He leaves very big tips in the restaurant. g.n.r..s generous
She always sends a card on her parents‘ anniversary. th..g.tf.l thoughtful
He’s got a very bad memory. f..g.tf.. forgetful
If she likes you, she’ll fling her arms around you and say so. i.p.l.i.ve impulsive
There she is, over there, on her own, in the corner. s.y shy
Be careful not to upset her. It is easily done. s.n.i..ve sensitive
He can turn a pile of rubbish into a work of art. c.e.t.v. creative
He doesn’t know who he is, where he is, what to do and why. u.sta.le unstable

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